65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
I Quit
So I did the radio show last night. Had a girl on who was a domestic abuse victim for 22 years before she finally had the strength to get out. She was abused physically, mentally, sexually and financially. By her own admission, if it weren't for her teenage daughter saying that she couldn't live that way any more and threatening to run away from home, she's probably have still been and that situation and in all likelihood, he would have killed her.
Anyway, she got out and became a crusader against domestic abuse and speaks at symposiums all across the Nation. And every year, she holds a 3 day concert event, over 100 bands volunteer to play at it and it's podcasted all across the world. The proceeds go to victims that cant afford to take care of themselves. When I got done, my phone was full of texts from families and friends thanking me for doing a show on such a sad, but important issue.
So I get a call this morning from the guy that owns the site and says he's not going to post the show in the archives (that's where they get the most "listens" from) because it didnt fit in with the theme of his website and besides that, we only heard one side of the story. My jaw dropped. I stopped short of saying "So you think she asked for it?" Anyway, we agreed to disagree.
Now keep in mind, Ive been doing this on a voluntary basis to help him out. His goal is to get the ratings up high enough that he can sell advertising for it and week after week, my show blows away all of his other six shows' numbers combined.
So I stewed on it for a bit. Called a friend and talked to him about it and he agreed with me 100%. So, I sent this guy an email and told him that I strongly disagreed with his reason for not posting. I also reminded him of all of the mutual friends that this girl and I shared and how my credibility was gonna be damaged among other musicians that I might want to have in the future and suggested that he reconsider his choice. He refused. So I quit. Fuck him.
November 19, 2013, 20:19 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
Re: I Quit
Good for you
November 19, 2013, 22:07 |
65 / couple yooperville, Michigan, US
Re: I Quit
sounds like a plan
November 20, 2013, 04:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I Quit
Fair play to u.
November 20, 2013, 11:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I Quit
Huge loss for him and your audience.
I'm reading into this that it's possible with the whole "other side of the story" thing that just maybe you hit close to him for him in some way. He or someone close to him may have been an abuser, maybe his parents were physically violent...he may be letting his own personal feelings warp his decision.
Regardless, of course you did the right thing.
November 20, 2013, 13:10 |
57 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: I Quit
KUDOS to You you are a man of integrity (which I already knew) and I would tend to agree with Chazzy - perhaps you hit him a little too close to home.
November 20, 2013, 13:15 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: I Quit
Ithink you did the right think free sometimes our beliefs haqve to be respected, I think ou will be rewared in the long run. proud of you OCB
November 20, 2013, 13:24 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: I Quit
Thank you all. Even though my post was rather long, I still only gave you the Reader's Digest version of what happened. While I agree that there's 2 sides to every story, I would listen to it if it happened once. This took place for 22 years. I would also say that any man that raises a hand to a woman isn't a man, he's an animal. But I have too much respect for animals
November 20, 2013, 13:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I Quit
That's the opinion of the majority, nothing justifies abusing and the long history of abuse of another being...now abusers on the other hand often blame the one they abuse for their despicable behavior. That may be his view and I certaintly wouldn't agree with that either.
November 20, 2013, 17:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I Quit
I strongly agree with you disagreeing with him. He seems like an ass. Hope ya posted all that online somewhere.
November 20, 2013, 23:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: I Quit
I will play devils advocate for one minute....Maybe this interview was specific and named a person without giving the person a chance to answer the allegations legally or publicly?.Or he or someone he knows was falsely accused at some point? Maybe he is afraid of the doors this can open by putting something that is such a volatile subject on the site because he doesn't know how to deal with it. You would be surprised at how posting certain things that seem to be a simple no brainer to you can blow up in your face when it goes public in a big way.
An example I can give you is a very recent thing that was and still is in the news. The Make a Wish Foundation granted a 5 year old with Leukemia a wish to be "Batman" for a day.It was huge! Thousands came out in support and Make a Wish Foundation also got a huge amount of donations when people heard about it.Sounds perfect, right? Wrong! Now there is a debate and some very angry people.Some are angry because they feel that the authorities that participated were paid to do "real" crime fighting and work for the city therefore should not have been involved. Yet others are angry because they felt the boy who is now in remission, should not have gotten a "wish" based on the mission statement of the "Make a Wish Foundation" because he was no longer considered terminally ill.It has gotten very ugly.The foundation has had to make several press releases explaining their decision, but still people are very strong about why they feel the way they do. One of the guys on the show TMZ even said they should have have made the kid feel guilty so he would have given up his wish to a kid that was "really going yo die"
As much as I say I agree with you Free and support your decision to leave because of your strong convictions, I also will say we are only hearing one side of the story. Obviously I would never condone abuse in any way, You know my background and know how I feel about the subject.
November 21, 2013, 18:06 |
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