49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
What was that Shit !!
So I spent a few days at a lake rounding up ,and sorting my cattle , from another ranches, across the mountain, by this little lake.
There was this tan old Bluewing bus parked there..with a older couple camped on the shoreline.
So of course ,being the pain in the ass cowboy that I am.. I tried to skim a free coffee, meal and company from them, for my stay there.
That evening they invited me to stay, telling me they were having a bear problem, as they eyed my rifle, dogs, and my handgun hidden under my arm.
I eyed the tracks , and told them they were in fact , from a small Grizzly.
The old dude was from Alberta, and invited me along to go fresh water Perch fishing....oh...and he had beer. We proceeded to catch near our limit for the day, so we went ashore.
It got very dark, and as he cleaned them I started a fire and placed my share over the flames, and they sat down with their plates.
I said "fires hot, go ahead and start cooking them" and they replied "We eat ours raw....like sushi ".....so I tried it....and it wasn't to bad.
His wife passed me a jar and said "Try this on it "....now I didn't have a knife so I used my Bowie in my belt, and took a good amount and spread it on my fillet,....now remember it was very dark,..and the piece being small, and my mouth being rather large, I just put the whole thing in my mouth.
Well it all happened so fast , all they had time for was their eyes to go larger than normal, and their mouths to drop open.
HOLY ORAL BLUE ANGELS !!!...and SONOFABITCHIN' SWALLOW A BRANDING IRON, AND MAKE A GROWN MAN CRY !!......in the dark and faint firelight,...and being half awake,....I didn't realize she had handed me Wasabi....The devils own green paste from hell.
My pride, and stubbornness, and not wanting to be a rude guest....I managed after several seconds of not breathing due to toxic fumes...to swallow the Japanese acid they call food.
They laughed so hard at my misfortune , they said they had almost both peed themselves.....and my response afterward was that I was a little concerned about the case of .."torchass".. I'm going to have the next day.
I also told them if that Grizzly returned to bother them,....to just flick a small amount of that shit in his general direction......Bear spray can't hold a candle to that shit...
September 16, 2013, 15:04 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
I like hot food, but it has to have flavor. I dont like hot for the sake of being hot. But wasabi? Its got a bitter flavor and I just dont care for it at all
September 16, 2013, 15:09 |
72 / female Somewhere, Maryland, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
Reminds me of my older son when he was in scouts. He got dared to eat a whole hot pepper and he did all in one mouthful. He got it down but the tears were rolling!
September 16, 2013, 15:37 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
and have you learned a lesson from all of this Syb - be cautious what spread crosses your tongue
BTW thanks for the chuckle, but I am glad you are ok
September 16, 2013, 16:58 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: What was that Shit !!
Well I suppose I can no longer say ... I'll eat anything.
September 17, 2013, 00:28 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
Kam thinks I'm crazy because I eat very plain boring food. I also will not eat anything unless I know what it is and what is in something I'm given to try. However, that all saves me from things like what you went through.
My ex husband always loved spicy hot food. We were in AZ and eating at some Mexican restaurant. The waiter put hot peppers down at our table.Like they do with bread.They did warn us that they were HOT peppers. I can't remember exactly which ones but I know they were very hot.My ex started eating them like popcorn. All of a sudden he stops and he is sweating like crazy and has a strange look on his face. He puts his hand on his chest as if he was having heart burn. But his face was red and the sweat was pouring off him.He tried drinking waiter to put out the fire but it did nothing. So I ask the waiter for bread and that didn't work. They didn't have milk but I have a feeling that would not have helped either. I think his body was just forcing him to stop. My mother wanted to take him to the hospital. She thought he was having a heart attack.It took quit a while before he was able to even talk normally. I doubt he ever tried anything that stupid for a while. At least when it comes to eating peppers.
September 17, 2013, 19:53 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
It ain't hot until...You feel your tongue go numb, while your lips feel like they've been in constant contact with a vibrator, your gums start to bleed, and your stomach feels like you just swallowed a torch...Oh and your ass is hurting the next day, cause you burned in a new butthole from the night before... "Dave's Insanity Sauce Part II"
September 17, 2013, 23:13 |
47 / female East, Texas, US
Re: Re: What was that Shit !!
QUOTE (GG317 @ September 17, 2013, 23:13)It ain't hot until...You feel your tongue go numb, while your lips feel like they've been in constant contact with a vibrator, your gums start to bleed, and your stomach feels like you just swallowed a torch...Oh and your ass is hurting the next day, cause you burned in a new butthole from the night before...  "Dave's Insanity Sauce Part II"
It kind of sounds like there is a story behind that GG
September 18, 2013, 06:18 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: What was that Shit !!
Food's no fun, unless it makes you cry.
September 18, 2013, 11:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: What was that Shit !!
QUOTE (kamarel @ September 18, 2013, 11:45)Food's no fun, unless it makes you cry.
So I should kill the lobster, before I try to dip it in warm butter ?
September 21, 2013, 00:47 |