49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Why does this shit always happen to me ?
So I was on a forest fire, and I'm promoted,..actually I was voluntold....to captain...it's my job to neutralize all subquetanious fires.
This means I gotta stick my hand down holes and feel for heat...
So I'm up to my shoulder next to a stump that had it's roots burned down into the ground.....Next thing I know ,somethings tapping me on the back of my head....then a quick sharp pain around my mouth,...then my eyes ,up inside my nose, and behind my ears.
I had stuck my entire arm into a hornets nest, and they already were a bit preturbed with this forset fire destroying their entire world as they know it.
I now look like the elephant man for a few days...
August 9, 2013, 06:45 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
August 9, 2013, 12:12 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Oh geez Syb. I worry about you when I know you are out but hornets was honestly not one of the things I was thinking about! be well my friend.
On the bright side, generally 'swelling' is something that you enjoy
August 9, 2013, 12:18 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
No one told you to keep your hand out of strange holes?
August 9, 2013, 12:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
The good news is that all those stings didn't kill ya. Next time knock before entering.
August 9, 2013, 14:18 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ August 9, 2013, 12:44)No one told you to keep your hand out of strange holes?
Before I even posted this....I just knew, you were gonna say that..
..and JLee the enjoyable swelling usually doesn't include my face,...well maybe sometimes it does....but the target area is a little further south.
My smile is visible today,..at least what passes for one, and my front teeth don't feel like their going to shoot out of my gums....but Kiss, I never could curl my tongue like that even before I got stung.
August 9, 2013, 14:56 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ August 9, 2013, 14:56) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ August 9, 2013, 12:44)No one told you to keep your hand out of strange holes?
Before I even posted this....I just knew, you were gonna say that..
..and JLee the enjoyable swelling usually doesn't include my face,...well maybe sometimes it does....but the target area is a little further south.
My smile is visible today,..at least what passes for one, and my front teeth don't feel like their going to shoot out of my gums....but Kiss, I never could curl my tongue like that even before I got stung.
You could practice. Like she did.
August 9, 2013, 22:27 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
that kida happened to us when we were logging and i stepped on a moss cover log and we were attacted by hornets and chased us back to the truck, i dropped the saw and we waited till dark to go back.
August 10, 2013, 01:20 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
sorry man I know that hurts, look at the bright side.
could have been a wolverine in the hole. OCB
August 10, 2013, 12:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
one day, my dad (R.I.P.) was mowing the yard, i happened to look out the window and see him seemingly under attack of about ten barn swallow...i thought they were dive bombing him, but they were dive bombing the bumble bees that were trying to attack my dad, apparently, there was a nest in an abandoned gopher hole that dad buzzed with the mower, if it had not been for those barn swallows, dad would probably been stung to death.
August 10, 2013, 20:30 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ August 10, 2013, 20:30)one day, my dad (R.I.P.) was mowing the yard, i happened to look out the window and see him seemingly under attack of about ten barn swallow...i thought they were dive bombing him, but they were dive bombing the bumble bees that were trying to attack my dad, apparently, there was a nest in an abandoned gopher hole that dad buzzed with the mower, if it had not been for those barn swallows, dad would probably been stung to death.
That's cool
August 10, 2013, 23:40 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
I know this is an old thread but I thought it would be ok for this story......
This was my fucked up day....
So I got out of bed and it was still dark.. and stepped on my loyal dog that was sleeping at the foot of my bed.....I scared him , and he bit me.
After returning from the bathroom , he was gone....I figured he was hiding because he had taken a snap at me, and I had yelled at him.
So I went downstairs to make my coffee.....my stairs are log....and they get a little slippery when you apply dog drool to the treads...and I landed flat on my ass, sending a shockwave through the house,..and straight up my spine.
By this time I'm a little preturbed...not having my morning coffee, getting bit on the ankle, and having the wind knocked outta me and my ass flattened by a douglas fir stair tread......but Hey!! there's still my morning coffee....Right ?
Now let me describe my giant dog to you......He's not normal.....He's also an asshole.
He's a 148 pound German Rotweiller, with a head the size of a lion, a drooling problem, he snorts, he howls, he has seperation anxiety, he's obssesive compulsive to the max......and all women love him...even though he's a crotch dog......OH !! and he'll eat anything from chocolate cake, to cowshit,...and love it.
Anyway....I prepare my morning coffee, and the big dufous is howling at the door at the top of his lungs...so like the good dog owner....I go outside to see what he's so upset about....cowboy hat , boxer shorts , work boots and a rifle.
After ten minutes of checking the homestead, I come back,....and in my wisdom had left him in the house.....with the fridge door still open.
There he was...being the asshole German Rotweiller that he is....stainless bowls, tupperware lids torn in two, strewn across my granite floor .
So naturaly I kicked him out side , and cleaned up the mess.
About four hours later...my faithful ...yet misguided companion, is laying on the floor snapping at his belly, and crying out...which he NEVER does.
I figure he has a bowel obstruction, from a piece of saran wrap or a lid of some kind....remember..he'll eat anything.
Now I'm kinda snowed in...so after a 80 kilometer drive, that beat the living shit out of my truck I arrive at the Vet office.....and because my dog thinks he's a bit of a legend....every employee was attending his ambulatory care...because of course they all love him.
No sooner had they laid him out on the stretcher under the X-ray machine, he lets out a sub sonic Rotweiller fart that just about floored everyone...followed by an encore of two more of the same standard....at which point he raised his head ,and looked at the vet assistant with love in his eyes,...who was holding her hand over her face gagging..
He then proceeded to jump off the examining table....now remember he thinks he's a legend...nobody can stop him without tranquilizers...
He then decided it was a good idea to vomit up the brocolli salad he had wolfed down in the morning.....followed by my tenderloin marinated in garlic and red wine......and a piece of tupperware lid....and a handle off something yet to be determined......
Needless to say he covered the newly tiled sterilized floor, and cleared the room....Never mix German genetics, with brocolli and garlic....Why does this shit happen to me ?........what an asshole....
January 9, 2014, 07:55 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
You get quit ranching and become a writer but then you would have nothing to write about. OCB
January 9, 2014, 16:14 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
But did you ever get your coffee?
January 9, 2014, 16:38 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
I was waiting to hear he knocked over the coffee.
January 9, 2014, 16:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
it was the garlic...
January 9, 2014, 17:13 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Oh that poor baby.
January 9, 2014, 18:15 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
He does have a face thats so droopy and ugly...he's almost handsome.
...and yes I had my coffee, just a little late.
January 9, 2014, 18:20 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Glad you got your coffee next time be a little nicer to that poor baby.
January 9, 2014, 18:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 9, 2014, 18:20)He does have a face thats so droopy and ugly...he's almost handsome.
...and yes I had my coffee, just a little late.
You had a baby with Droopy?
January 9, 2014, 23:28 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (WTFU @ January 9, 2014, 23:28) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 9, 2014, 18:20)He does have a face thats so droopy and ugly...he's almost handsome.
...and yes I had my coffee, just a little late.
You had a baby with Droopy?
Nah,.. Droopy isn't my type..I had a baby with Trampy.
January 10, 2014, 04:04 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
My giant dog is doing fine....he's drooling in his sleep beside the woodstove, snoring....he'll be o.k.
January 10, 2014, 06:29 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
So I built my place on a terraced , and naturally cleared meadow. My house is below my barn , and my bunkhouse is below that ,next to my shop....I also have several old log guest cabins that I've moved here and restored.
So like I mentioned, my barn is at the highest point of the terraced landscape. It's big, made of logs , some of them 24 inches through. I fell them ,drug them down , peeled them , sanded them, notched them, placed them, and broad axed them flat when they were in place .
It's a big freaking building, that I'm very proud of, and proud of the place I chose to build it...on the highest point on the homestead.
It's 32 foot tall to the peak, with a Monitor, or Missouri style roof...meaning it basically has a tall main roof, with a 6 foot wall that drops down onto, for lack of a better word lean-to's on both sides.
It's gotta be about a quarter mile from my house, and when you approach the barn through all the calving pens, round penning and lower hay barn, it sits up on that hill like a hillbilly castle. It's even crowned with three massive vents, or Copulas, and on top of those is a weather vane of copper, and two grounded black smithed iron lightning rods...
The driveway was cut in by a horse shovel around 1926 or 1927...to access what was then a wild meadow, so they could hay it, and I just widened it out for my equipment, so I could continue using it..
I was walking up that road today, and was admiring that building , and how tall it was from the middle of that driveway...It was warm today.
What I didn't realize was that all those massive antique cedar windows I had installed along that 6 foot wall running the entire length of the barn, were letting in the noon day sun.
Now it was heating up inside the barn more rapidly than outside.....and there was a sudden whooshing sound from above me...kinda like a whispering thunder....The snow, that was a foot thick on the upper part of the roof, slid off and struck the lower part of the roof...and all 4000 square feet of snow...a foot thick...landed right on me. It carried me about twenty five feet down hill from the place I was standing...rolling me over a few times, it buried me up to my waist....and filled every orifice and crevice of my body with an unpleasant frosty surprise.
...and all I could ask was..."Who the fuck would build a barn, loaded with 16 ton of snow, above the driveway..?"....and then I said, and I actually said it out loud..."Why does this shit always happen to me ..?"
January 14, 2014, 06:35 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
It' s not fair
January 14, 2014, 10:08 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
That hadda wreck your day
January 14, 2014, 12:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
January 14, 2014, 14:18 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
24 Hour Sybie...?...Well it is a full time job just being me.
January 15, 2014, 02:17 |
72 / female Somewhere, Maryland, US
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
Boy is that the truth! The Life of a Canadian Cowboy!
We would all be in stitches!
January 15, 2014, 12:32 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Samib @ January 15, 2014, 12:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
Boy is that the truth! The Life of a Canadian Cowboy!
We would all be in stitches!
I'm always in stitches too...but when I put them into my body, I'm clenching my teeth.. and not laughing.
January 15, 2014, 14:22 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Samib @ January 15, 2014, 12:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
Boy is that the truth! The Life of a Canadian Cowboy!
We would all be in stitches!

January 15, 2014, 21:40 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
It could have something to do with the Kardashian heart shaped sturdy asses, and DD boobs...
I'm certain it doesn't have anything to do with their personalities.
January 15, 2014, 22:10 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
why would anyone even care about them, I have no interest, not Even in the xrated movie....
January 21, 2014, 18:44 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (funlovingpair @ January 15, 2014, 21:40) QUOTE (Samib @ January 15, 2014, 12:32) QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 14, 2014, 14:18)Seriously Sybie...with people like you I have no idea why any network or channel thinks we want to keep up with the freakin' Kardashians...
You could easily maintain your own channel of 24 hour Sybie TV.
Boy is that the truth! The Life of a Canadian Cowboy!
We would all be in stitches!
Agreed. I was on a 6 hour car trip recently w/ colleagues. One of the youngins told a story about this crazy cowboy he met in Canada . . . almost thought it was Syb until it turned from x rated back to G, nope not Syb!
January 24, 2014, 23:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
January 24, 2014, 23:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 24, 2014, 23:52)Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
It's the rope thing---right?
January 25, 2014, 00:36 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 00:36) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 24, 2014, 23:52)Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
It's the rope thing---right?
Whatever works, and gets em panting hard...It's the complaining about the rug burn on the elbows, and rope burn on the wrists the next day thats tough.
January 25, 2014, 02:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 25, 2014, 02:39) QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 00:36) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 24, 2014, 23:52)Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
It's the rope thing---right?
Whatever works, and gets em panting hard...It's the complaining about the rug burn on the elbows, and rope burn on the wrists the next day thats tough.
If it's just to get 'em panting, have 'em shovel the drive.
January 25, 2014, 20:28 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 20:28) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 25, 2014, 02:39) QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 00:36) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 24, 2014, 23:52)Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
It's the rope thing---right?
Whatever works, and gets em panting hard...It's the complaining about the rug burn on the elbows, and rope burn on the wrists the next day thats tough.
If it's just to get 'em panting, have 'em shovel the drive.
Thats on the second date.
January 25, 2014, 22:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 25, 2014, 22:48) QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 20:28) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 25, 2014, 02:39) QUOTE (WTFU @ January 25, 2014, 00:36) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 24, 2014, 23:52)Thanks for the vote of confidence..... 
Most cowboys up here are a little....Ummmm....twisted.
It's the rope thing---right?
Whatever works, and gets em panting hard...It's the complaining about the rug burn on the elbows, and rope burn on the wrists the next day thats tough.
If it's just to get 'em panting, have 'em shovel the drive.
Thats on the second date.
January 26, 2014, 00:12 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Syb I sometimes think you write this stuff to promote a plan you have for renting out your guest cabins to all of us and make it seem like it will be an interesting vacation. For the record it works. I would definitely hang out there a few days to see some of your antics and few other things.Seriously, you do make living out in the wilderness sound interesting and even fun.
As for your Sybianwatcher1 designed and executed avalanche....You did build that thing, and you would think you would have seen it coming. Don't you normally get a lot of snow there? Come on, you know that you had planed it and had plans on having it on video but had the camera to close and lost the camera in the snow due to miscalculations, right?
I have to come visit you and see this stuff for myself someday. You ether have a great imagination or this stuff really happens to you. Either way it is hysterical.You should publish these stories.
I had big dogs most of my life so the stories about your dog just has tears running down my face I laugh so hard. I had my share of dogs that would eat anything not nailed down so I feel your pain. Give him a big bone and a hug. Just keep him away from from anything chocolate because that really can kill him. It almost did kill one of my dogs who decided the kids Easter basket looked good and I mean all of it not just the candy . It was the chocolate that almost killed him.After a long night of not sure if he was going to live and him throwing up a few times he started to get better. A few days of spoon feeding him baby food was interesting but he could hardly hold his head up. I was amazed that a dog that ate everything in sight was taken down by the one thing that keeps me going, chocolate. He lived and never had chocolate again.
January 27, 2014, 22:34 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
As for the avalanche ...yes, that really happened, and no..it wasn't one of my finer moments...
My giant dog is an asshole, but I love him to death...
He once devoured an entire chocolate birthday cake that was on my kitchen island...after he jumped down , he then must have realized he had really fucked up, and decided to exit through the closed patio door screen...I still haven't fixed that.
But when I come home , he is loyaly laying on top of his favorite hill, protecting what is ours, but with his bad eyesight he never knows who it is driving in....or how close he is to the side of a diesel pick up truck....My friends call the dents in their doors, Rotweiller love taps.
January 27, 2014, 22:50 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
I love big dogs. They seem to have the best personalities. lmao
I know I called my dog "shithead" more often than his name but he knew we loved him. All of our animals knew we loved them. Now I have cats and spoil them just as much. I never thought I would own a cat especially because I'm allergic. But animals have a way of working their way into our hearts. We have one cat at my house that was a rescue then my son who started out here but now lives with his fiance has his cat and now two dogs. All have been rescues and I swear they seem to somehow be so appreciative to have people who love them. They came from some horrible situations. I try to figure our who got the better deal when we got them, us or them. I have panic attics on occasion from the medication I take. I have found the best way to deal with them to to have the cat come over and let me hold him for a few minutes. Or at my sons it can be the dogs. It's amazing how they help up. I know they also make me laugh with the stupid things they do. It's a great thing o have someone that loves you so unconditionally.
January 27, 2014, 23:03 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
I know when my Ex was here, and she had plans to turn my beautiful place into a Guest Ranch...which is one of the reasons she isn't here anymore...
We had a group of young adults camp in my pasture for a long weekend.
They were kids that had taken the wrong paths in life, and this was a get away for troubled teens.
There was this one kid, or young man , and I felt right off, he was really afraid of me, and he never stopped watching me, and was very nervous. I tried to calm his fears, but my size , and personality was something he couldn't relax around.
We loaded him up on a horse, and I got worried he may hurt the old Appaloosa he was on, so I told him "That old boy is fair, your good to him, He'll be good to you...you hurt him and he'll drop his shoulder and dump you, and you'll be walking home...and then you'll have to deal with me."
You know he reached down and hugged that horses neck, and said" We won't hurt each other ".....That kid helped unsaddle them horses after that ride, he never left the horse barn for the rest of the stay...The counselors said they had never seen that side of him....and damn if that kid didn't give me a hug when he left.....He was in the barn when they were warming up the bus, and I walk quiet like an Indian, so he didn't hear me coming.
He was weeping in my barn, so I backed out quiet ..and let him say his good byes alone..Never did hear what happened to that young man ..when I had to put that old horse down due to age, he was about 28...I thought of that kid.
January 28, 2014, 05:05 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
It's funny how a place or an animal can affect someone. I have my feelings about the city. I like aspects about it. But to be honest I think I was the luckiest kid in the world. I grew up living in NYC but had a house to go away to on weekends, vacations or summers or whenever we found the time upstate NY. It is still my favorite place when I really think about it.Riding horses through the woods and mountains was one of those things that just relaxed me and let me clear my head. I always felt like I had a connection to animals. I have had more than one stable owner say that they never saw a horse act so well with anyone. They usually ask me if I owned horses or had training with them and are surprised to find out it was just years of riding when ever I had the chance (And money). I also loved being on the lake when no one else was there. Just sitting in a boat or on the dock watching the fish jump or the birds land on the lake. I still love it up there and miss it. I try to go when I can but its been a few years. I also feel like my real friends that are life long are the ones from there. We still chat on Facebook and we try to get together when we can.Yes living in the city has some benefits but when you want a real moment to admire the world you have to be in a place like you describe or a place like I remember. I totally understand why you live where you do. Honestly if it wasn't for my health and children I wouldn't mind it at all.My daughter wonders how I can sit in absolute silence at times. I tell her there is nothing like it. I have taken my kids to the place I talked about and I think they kind of get it now that they are adults.
If you have never had pets or you are the type of person that sees them as just pets and not part of your family I don't think you can possibly understand what they can do for a person.I'll bet that boy you described remembers that time on your ranch till the day he dies.I still remember my favorite horse that I rode almost every weekend. I also remember ever dog, bird, gerbil and every other pet I have ever had.Studies show people with pets are happier and live longer lives. They use all kinds of animals for therapy and even rehabilitation. I know when I had my dog, if he didn't like someone I was very cautious about that person. When I met my husband I had a different dog and he HATED him, I should have paid attention. I have seen horses that just wouldn't let some riders on their backs. Most repeatable places would try a different horse and not force the issue. They just know that it wont go well if they force that horse to let a rider on that they don't like.Although it might be entertaining to the rest of us.
January 28, 2014, 08:14 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Some horses will test you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.
Sounds like most people.
January 31, 2014, 01:10 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ January 31, 2014, 01:10)
Some horses will test you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.
Sounds like most people.
I've had a few horses, that I've called stubborn, and I've had a few horses that I've called friends.....and there have been a few ,that I've called both, the very same day....
Very well said cowgirl...
January 31, 2014, 06:59 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 31, 2014, 06:59) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ January 31, 2014, 01:10)
Some horses will test you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.
Sounds like most people.
I've had a few horses, that I've called stubborn, and I've had a few horses that I've called friends.....and there have been a few ,that I've called both, the very same day....
Very well said cowgirl...
Following the food scandals we've had here recently, it turns out I've had a few horses that I called dinner...
January 31, 2014, 07:17 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
I heard about that in the news here. That might even make me eat vegetables. Yuk!
January 31, 2014, 09:51 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
Horse meat is pretty damn good.....Don't be a hater.
January 31, 2014, 15:49 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Re: Why does this shit always happen to me ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ January 31, 2014, 15:49)
If you have ever travel outside USA to any extent, you have likely eaten things that you might not REALLY want to know what it is, so don't be a hater.
February 1, 2014, 00:39 |