49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Communication ...Who cares ?
Since the implementation of Facebook, and Twitter, has the art of communication died a little ? I mean...everytime a fourteen year old sends a Twitter about how she's putting on her shoes,and her Lulu Lemon outfit and going to the mall, the English language drops itself a little deeper into it's grave. I mean, Who really cares what your doing in your everyday life, and why do you feel the need to post it to the world.
Justin Beiber , has to have twelve full time people managing his twitter account , for his thirteen million followers, what do I care if his voice is changing finally, or he has peach fuzz around his navel, or he just put a dent in his Ferrari ,because he isn't old enough to get a drivers liscence.
Talking was a tool of communication...now...it's a communication.. of a bunch of tools.
Twitter and Facebook have different buttons for "SMILE" and "LIKE"....maybe they should have a button for" Shut up already...Your friggin' annoying me.."
April 18, 2013, 07:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 18, 2013, 07:13)Since the implementation of Facebook, and Twitter, has the art of communication died a little ? I mean...everytime a fourteen year old sends a Twitter about how she's putting on her shoes,and her Lulu Lemon outfit and going to the mall, the English language drops itself a little deeper into it's grave. I mean, Who really cares what your doing in your everyday life, and why do you feel the need to post it to the world.
Justin Beiber , has to have twelve full time people managing his twitter account , for his thirteen million followers, what do I care if his voice is changing finally, or he has peach fuzz around his navel, or he just put a dent in his Ferrari ,because he isn't old enough to get a drivers liscence.
Talking was a tool of communication...now...it's a communication.. of a bunch of tools.
Twitter and Facebook have different buttons for "SMILE" and
"LIKE"....maybe they should have a button for" Shut up already...Your
friggin' annoying me.."
So true!!! I also feel that kids now are losing the brain power when it comes to writing. I recently spent a couple of weeks with my nieces and nephews. I was checking homework and couldn't believe the spelling errors made. It was all "texting" spelling and my niece was shocked that this was not correct . She is 8 !!!!
April 18, 2013, 08:34 |
56 / male Dublin, Ireland
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
Did you mention texting angel? lol
April 18, 2013, 08:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
QUOTE (bigone1 @ April 18, 2013, 08:55)Did you mention texting angel? lol
Really !!!!!
April 18, 2013, 09:02 |
56 / male Dublin, Ireland
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
On topic angel!
PHONING and TEXTING are on topic. Particularly today!!!
April 18, 2013, 09:26 |
56 / male Dublin, Ireland
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
Repeat angel!!!
April 18, 2013, 13:47 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
Turning into a ditch... I come up with ideas off the top of my head whenever I'm bored at work. Some of my latest ideas was a Facebook forum for people we hate called, "Punch-in-the-Facebook." I also came up with new sex site called, "Twittel." Neither of these will probably ever see the light of day, but you never know...
April 18, 2013, 15:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Communication ...Who cares ?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 18, 2013, 07:13)Since the implementation of Facebook, and Twitter, has the art of communication died a little ? I mean...everytime a fourteen year old sends a Twitter about how she's putting on her shoes,and her Lulu Lemon outfit and going to the mall, the English language drops itself a little deeper into it's grave. I mean, Who really cares what your doing in your everyday life, and why do you feel the need to post it to the world.
Justin Beiber , has to have twelve full time people managing his twitter account , for his thirteen million followers, what do I care if his voice is changing finally, or he has peach fuzz around his navel, or he just put a dent in his Ferrari ,because he isn't old enough to get a drivers liscence.
Talking was a tool of communication...now...it's a communication.. of a bunch of tools.
Twitter and Facebook have different buttons for "SMILE" and "LIKE"....maybe they should have a button for" Shut up already...Your friggin' annoying me.."
Messege is ... --- ... ---
April 19, 2013, 01:09 |