49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
" Some people grin and bear it, other people smile and change it "
"Always feed your horses, and take time for your friends "
" The best way to get a cowboy to do something , is to say he's to old for it"
"Talk low, talk slow, and don't say to much" John Wayne..
March 6, 2013, 22:53 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
"I've never met a yellow haired girl I didn't like"
To this day, it is illegal to double park a horse, in Canmore Alberta.
The Quarter Horse got it's name for being the fastest horse over a quarter mile.
There is a theory that women love horses because of their power and beauty, I say it's because a gelding can swat away flies from its belly using it's 14" dick.
March 6, 2013, 22:58 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
" Never trust a cowboy who agrees with you...he's probably wrong "
" The only thing wine is good for, is running thru a hot copper line "
The sign of a good friend is when you allow him to call you "cowpoke"
While buying your new truck, you ask the salesman how to operate the GPS system, just so you don't have to draw a map to where you buried the last run of shine.
Canadian cowboys refer to a horses entire backend as the "motor"
Running brands are a miniature set of brands, carried in the saddle bags to brand "wild" cows that missed the round up.
March 6, 2013, 23:13 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
In the late 1800's in Tombstone a saloon girl had to be able to "service" up to 80 men a day.
An ounce of whiskey could be traded for a .40 calibre bullet, which is why this day ,it's still called a shot.
A horses field of vision, because of the protrusion of it's eyes, and placement on its skull is thought to be approx. 340 degrees.
Most cowboys will wear their boots to bed for better traction.
March 7, 2013, 00:27 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
"Never hit a man in the face that chews tobacco"
"If it's got a beat, you dance to it, if its got hair ..you ride it"
March 7, 2013, 02:35 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
March 7, 2013, 02:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Don't too much about cowboys, do know that it takes a very long time for Baptist Hill folk to decide to make a pot of coffee..
Come on it! So happy to see you! Can I get you a cup of coffee?
Oh no, I don't want to be a bother
Oh it's no bother, let me get you some coffee.
Well, if you already have a pot made
No, but I'll put on a fresh pot
Oh no, don't you go through any trouble for me
But it's no trouble at all
Well, only if anyone else wants some.
(All others chime in as to whether or not they want coffee too)This is a rather condensed version of the coffee conversation.
I learned quick, the minute guest come in, make the damn coffee already, don't ask...just make the coffee.
March 9, 2013, 15:44 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Then two hours into the conversation, they let it slip that they wanted a visit, and thought they'd come over for a cup of coffee,...that sounded so familiar.
I go through the same song and dance when they know I'm heating up my still, the word just flys around town when someone sees me filling a 100 pound propane bottle, all of a sudden.. I'm real popular.
March 9, 2013, 18:12 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ March 7, 2013, 00:27)In the late 1800's in Tombstone a saloon girl had to be able to "service" up to 80 men a day.
Well, at 5 minutes a time (including a smoke afterwards!) they would have had a lot of time on their hands...
March 9, 2013, 18:30 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (wandering5tar @ March 9, 2013, 18:30) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ March 7, 2013, 00:27)In the late 1800's in Tombstone a saloon girl had to be able to "service" up to 80 men a day.
Well, at 5 minutes a time (including a smoke afterwards!) they would have had a lot of time on their hands...
I figure the ones with no teeth would keep up with that work ethic..nothing is faster than a good gum job.
March 9, 2013, 22:12 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
ya seen on deadwood 7 bucks for a ass fuck then they brought in all them chineeze chics , they work for less, not to mention how many times they cussed , the one episode , think they said was like 18 times for cocksucker in that one... that was janes fav. word tooo
July 30, 2013, 17:02 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ March 7, 2013, 02:35)"Never hit a man in the face that chews tobacco"
"If it's got a beat, you dance to it, if its got hair ..you ride it"
I like these best
July 30, 2013, 20:14 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
July 30, 2013, 21:28 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
True cowboys are measured by the leather worn from the tree, windburn around his eyes, and how he treats his horses ,and ladies.
July 30, 2013, 23:04 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Any one tells you he knows everything about horses is full of shit.
There is a big difference between a cowboy and a mule skinner.
I got the worst ass whooping ever from some ass hole that was abusing a colt, mouth bleeding from the bit. sides bleeding from shoulder to his flanks from his spurs. I pulled him dowm off that colt and got a few good licks to his ugly mug. I took a real ass beatin but it was worth it. I don't think he ever abused another horse. And I have one of his front teeth on a watch fob.
July 31, 2013, 00:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Love a good story teller!
July 31, 2013, 12:13 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 31, 2013, 12:13)Love a good story teller!
Well I'm full of them...or full of something...
I may stretch the truth,... but I never lie...Chris Ledoux.
July 31, 2013, 16:07 |
58 / female Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ July 31, 2013, 00:14) Any one tells you he knows everything about horses is full of shit.
There is a big difference between a cowboy and a mule skinner.
I got the worst ass whooping ever from some ass hole that was abusing a colt, mouth bleeding from the bit. sides bleeding from shoulder to his flanks from his spurs. I pulled him dowm off that colt and got a few good licks to his ugly mug. I took a real ass beatin but it was worth it. I don't think he ever abused another horse. And I have one of his front teeth on a watch fob.
you are an honorable man OCB true man with soul
July 31, 2013, 17:42 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
if your at the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on.
I just tied my knot.
August 1, 2013, 02:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
From a friends Czeck gramma...
"Take you coat off while your inside or you won't feel the good of it when ya go out"
...and if you made a bad decision she'd tell ya
"Well it was your pick and choice"
August 1, 2013, 16:09 |
75 / male bennett, Colorado, US
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (oldcowboy666 @ August 1, 2013, 02:31)if your at the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on.
I just tied my knot.
\juts toofa little of my note out `
August 1, 2013, 20:15 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Since the beginning of time , men have battled within themselves to tame the horse....to understand its spirit and mind.
Only recently, have we started to listen, and we find it was ourselves, ...our pride... that had to be conquered....and for centuries, they waited for us to understand...
August 4, 2013, 14:26 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
a ten gallon hat only holds about three quarts of water....The Spanish word .."galones" means braid,...and refered to their hat band.
To "Die with your boots on" meant to go down fighting.
The first "Cowtown" was Abilene ,Kansas
The last American Indian leader to surrender was Goyahkla [Geronimo]
"Painting your tonsils"..was to drink whiskey....unless perhaps you were a saloon girl.
September 24, 2013, 00:34 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
I just figured out why I'm a boob man...
The milk comes in an attractive container , that every woman has...they are in all shapes and sizes, they are fun to play with, and very portable...
....and they are to high up for the cat to reach.
January 16, 2014, 00:52 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
My best friend turns 50 next Saturday,...and I was told 2 months ago to run some shine for the party...So I emptied out the apricots, and apples from the stan-up freezer, added some pure creek water ,and some brewers yeast.
The mash was ready Teusday and I run some ever clear from the still , no problem,......but it seems my copper coil in my cold water condensor has sprung a leak....
It's a barn dance with 30 to 50 people, depending on the roads and weather...
The Shine is probably about 65 to 70 proof, and I have 3 gallons..
Think that may be enough, ? ...I was counting on 6 gallons.
January 17, 2014, 21:35 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
better run her a second time, getter a little better
January 17, 2014, 22:49 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
There was a time when I was married to my ex....I didn't say a word to her for almost a year...
But thats because I didn't want to interupt.
January 19, 2014, 07:02 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
Sometimes I like to use words I don't know,
so I sound a little more photosynthisis.
January 22, 2014, 04:56 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
April 22, 2014, 04:12 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
If we call people from Poland ,Poles...Why don't we call people from Holland, Holes ?
April 22, 2014, 04:14 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
If most Mothers in North America feed their babies with minature forks and spoons...What do mothers use to feed their babies in China....Toothpicks ?
April 22, 2014, 04:16 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 22, 2014, 04:12)If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
Oh come on !!!! That wasn't freaking funny?
April 23, 2014, 02:13 |
65 / male State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 23, 2014, 02:13) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 22, 2014, 04:12)If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
Oh come on !!!! That wasn't freaking funny?
I have to agree!
April 23, 2014, 14:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 23, 2014, 02:13) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 22, 2014, 04:12)If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
Oh come on !!!! That wasn't freaking funny? i don't know. i'll host a small get together to test it. Free, Syb, 5tar, WTFU, and NRG are all invited. we can test that theory when i serve you Metamucil and brownies laced with EX-Lax...(i'll make one serving for each of you, and see which one of you enjoys it the most. since it's four out of five, i of course will not be enjoying the snacks with you though...)
April 23, 2014, 14:30 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ April 23, 2014, 14:30) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 23, 2014, 02:13) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 22, 2014, 04:12)If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
Oh come on !!!! That wasn't freaking funny? i don't know. i'll host a small get together to test it. Free, Syb, 5tar, WTFU, and NRG are all invited. we can test that theory when i serve you Metamucil and brownies laced with EX-Lax...(i'll make one serving for each of you, and see which one of you enjoys it the most. since it's four out of five, i of course will not be enjoying the snacks with you though...)  So then that estimation in that theory ,would be 100% accurate.
April 23, 2014, 14:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hillbilly Logic , and Cowboyography
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 23, 2014, 14:39) QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ April 23, 2014, 14:30) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 23, 2014, 02:13) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ April 22, 2014, 04:12)If four out of five people suffer from Diarrhea,..Does that mean that one out of five enjoy it ?
Oh come on !!!! That wasn't freaking funny? i don't know. i'll host a small get together to test it. Free, Syb, 5tar, WTFU, and NRG are all invited. we can test that theory when i serve you Metamucil and brownies laced with EX-Lax...(i'll make one serving for each of you, and see which one of you enjoys it the most. since it's four out of five, i of course will not be enjoying the snacks with you though...)  So then that estimation in that theory ,would be 100% accurate. well, it's more like one out of six enjoys it..because i'd enjoys watching you all suffer...HA!
April 23, 2014, 16:02 |
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