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Re: Re: Beyond Evil
QUOTE (kamarel @ December 16, 2012, 11:46)Good gawd. Enough. When you get right down to it, there will always be a better more efficient way to kill. And a lunatic willing to put that better way into practice. No amount of gun control or psychiatric care is going to stop it. Although horrific, 26 kids and teachers is statistically insignificant. The same can be said for the 3000+ people who died in 9/11, when compared to metropolitan NYC. And the couple 100k who died in Hiroshima and Nagaski, when compared to the population of Japan or if expanded to the world population. The numbers are to great. If they stop 1000 nut jobs who want to die and take a crowd with them, there is still the one that will be successful.
It's funny that we haven't had a "terrorist" attack on US soil in over ten years but it still is extremely prevalent in the day today lives of people, there is the open ended "war on terror". But everyone wants to just forget a shooting and say, oh well nothing we can do?
Someone tries to use shoe bombs in an airport, so everyone takes their shoes off at the airport. 20 children get murdered and people just accept it as a mentally ill person, while shootings happen daily.
Things like planes serve purposes, what exactly does a gun do?
Mental health and gun control need to be side by side. Why the fuck does a citizen need a semi automatic ASSULT rifle with an extra clip attached?
And sorry Chazzy, didn't mean to bring religion into it, was just trying to clear up some dangerous misconceptions.
December 16, 2012, 16:19 |
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Re: Re: Beyond Evil
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 16, 2012, 08:00)I do see our young people as our future. I hope my kids are smarter than the generation they follow. Unfortunately the human race has short memories and we don't learn from our mistakes as our history proves over and over.
I know I can only speak for myself here and want you to know Subgirl I never dismiss anyone just due to age. I believe I learn from people of all ages at anytime. I also believe we all learn everyday if you are open to it.
This horrific tragedy happened for many reasons and some which we will never know.Yes it needs to be talked about, debated, screamed about and even dreamt about.I believe the point of the media blowing this up and almost celebrating these killers is valid but it is also a fine line at times. I can speak as the media being my family and work background.You have to keep it interesting and new and even sensational to keep people watching, listening, hearing, reading, and hopefully talking about what happened. The reasons are where the lines get blurred. Is it to get more viewers and in the end more awards and more advertisers? Is it to keep it in the media for the purpose of getting the public to debate this? Political reasons? I can go on and on but you get the picture. EVERYONE has an agenda! In the end the media is a business and they do things to make money and keeping things sensational makes them money. A new type of reporting and in some cases even networks get born out of these types of things.There was a horrible crash many years ago I believe before you were born, on Long Island.Many of the passengers that died or got hurt were orphan children being flown in. It was very sad. Every news crew was there from every station.My brother was on one of the news crews first on the scene. He won an award from that that never gets mentioned on his resume yet he cherishes it more than any of his multitudes of awards. He and his crew were the ONLY ones that 1)Didn't stick a camera in any bloody face and ask "How are you feeling right now" as so many others did. 2)They didn't attack the families of the people killed as they were collapsing to the floor in tears as they were told about their families.and most of all 3) They put their cameras and note pads down to help pull people out.
After that event the media was blasted for the disgusting way they covered the crash. They all met and tried to discuss new standards of more respect etc. They discussed the "Going out in a blaze of glory" thing that many of these mass murderers have. There was one a few years ago that actually left a note or a blog that said he wanted his "name and face to be everywhere" . The media will never balance this completely as long as the public demands this stuff and they do.
Most people wish they could do something to help or change something especially when bad thins happen.Wanting to do something and being able to are very different things. People aren't "Bitching" they are venting, mostly out of frustration for not being able to stop these horrific events.Try to be open minded enough to know that even if you don't believe in something it doesn't necessarily mean it does not exist. It just means you just have no proof it does. And understand that if some do believe and it helps them get through something like this then that can be a great thing.It doesn't mean everyone sits back and says "It's god will therefor I will do nothing but pray." You don't think the majority of people do that.
People are certainly allowed to pray all they want and find comfort in any god religion whatever. I was simply offended by the statement that if got was allowed in public schools things like this wouldn't happen. That's all I'm going to say about that.
December 16, 2012, 16:22 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Beyond Evil
Here in Canada automatic weapons are illegal, and cannot be owned, and certainly not fired...handguns are restricted and controled by the R.C.M.P. all guns are registered , as well as gun owners. It is an expensive way to keep control of the firearms on our nation but it seems to work. Nobody can carry a concealed weapon, unless you are law enforcement . I believe that guns have a place in our society for protection of property, sustenance, or whatever line needs to be drawn in a given situation. The sheer number of guns in America, would make it almost impossible to control, and in doing so, the law abiding gun owners feel they are being attacked.Having said that, it may be a good start. Assault weapons have no place in our society, they belong in national or foreign conflicts, and are not a hunting weapon, although in the last sad events I believe it was handguns, that were used.
December 16, 2012, 16:56 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Beyond Evil
...and by the way Sub, you were involved in that conversation in the lobby , and nobody laughed , or dismissed you and moved on. As a matter of a fact if you remember, I complimented you on your arguement.
December 16, 2012, 17:02 |
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Re: Beyond Evil
December 16, 2012, 17:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Beyond Evil
This thread was allowed because it's a normal, natural very human trait to want to talk about such a traumatic event. I tried to show leniency and understanding, that did not work out well.
This thread has now continued to go down a path that has nothing to do with dealing with traumatic stress.
This was where those who felt a need could express their shock, concern, and heartfelt deep sadness for the victims and their families.
We will not disrespectfully turn this into a virtual podium for strong political and/or religious statements.
Anyone opposing this action can contact me or any moderator by private message.
My regrets and my apology for not shutting this down much sooner.
December 16, 2012, 17:35 |
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