62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Growing up with friends. Our memories.
Many of my friends lost a lot in the recent storm that hit NJ as well as other parts of the east coast. So many of us have been going through our belongings for various reasons. One of my friends had a lot of water damage and she had just moved so many things were in boxes still unpacked.
She was very upset at all the things that were lost that could not be replaced with money. It was the letters she saved, pictures she had of friends and family.Stuff from her kids childhood. Just little things that she had forgotten about but saved and packed away,
So she found a box of random pictures that survived. They were mostly from when we were very young until early twenties.She decided to start posting them for all of us to see and remember.
Most of the ones posted were childhood through teens and maybe a few into our twenties. As I looked through them I had a few thoughts. 1)How many hair styles did I actually have? 2)Why would we ever take some of these pictures? 3)Were those clothes ever in fashion? No,really? 4)Did we own mirrors back then? 5)Were these really my friends that let me walk around like that and then took pictures of it? (The answer was yes to that one, because they looked just as silly)
The things that we all laughed about besides the hair, clothes and makeup were....Where we were and who we were with at the time. I was amazed how much we all remembered. Even what day it was and what we did that day. The old boyfriends were in there too.The "studio 54"days, The Halloween parties etc..The hair shows (Two of us modeled hair styles so that's one reason we had so many different styles. OMG THE HAIR STYLES WERE CRAZY! Not so much the everyday ones but the show ones or the club ones were insane. The makeup is another thing that screams what year it was.I wont even go into the clothes from the 70's and 80's.
The sad parts were how many friends we lost that were in those pictures.So many died so young.So many died so tragically.
But the stories and memories we had today were priceless. I really do think it helped many of us that have had a bit of a hard time recently get past much of it. We really did come to prove today that those memories were not on the papers and pictures that got thrown away but they were in our hearts and heads all along.I know we will all be posting more of them and chatting about them and all the great times. We also talked about the friends and family we miss and even a few boyfriends that were really good guys.
Sometimes I really need to remember my close friends and how much I love them. Today was a great day!
December 3, 2012, 10:45 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Growing up with friends. Our memories.
I found two friends at age 9. We were together all day at school, talked on the phone after school, and the one lived biking distance. We were always together.
We use to run, or walk every where. We'd climb trees, fences, bleachers. I have photo's of us doing Kung-Fu kicks, beating each other up. We use to punch each other in the nose just see the the reaction. We learn the Heimlich maneuver and use to practice that on one another.
Ahh, those were the days!
December 3, 2012, 13:38 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Growing up with friends. Our memories.
Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting , and choking on their food ? yup the good old days...My child hood was spent mostly alone with my dogs , running around a mountainside, trapping ,camping , hunting....I geuss I've never grown up.
December 3, 2012, 15:28 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Growing up with friends. Our memories.
I love when my kids and I go upstate to the same place we had our second home. It's so strange because when I see my friends it's like we were teenagers again but now we all have kids and some even have Grand-kids.One of my friends taught my daughter to ride a two wheeler up there. I could not get her to take the training wheels off until then. My friends also helped me teach my kids to water ski when they were younger. It was all a natural thing for us to be together doing what we always did. Down at the lake or at each others homes were just doing the same old thing. I want to take our kids horse back riding where we used to go up there. It's a great place in he mountains. I just hope we don't run into bear when they are just getting used to riding in the woods. It has happened and I think that would scare the crap out of my daughter especially.
The thing that just makes me smile about all this is that we have all remained close in the sense that we care for each other and still are there for each other when it is needed or wanted. Even when some of us haven't physically seen each other in years it is the type of thing that you just know they will always be there.I am so fortunate to have such great people in my life.I always have told my kids that most people are lucky to have one or two real friends. The rest are all acquaintances. But I am so lucky that the number of really good friends is a lot higher than two.I have forgotten that at times but in the past month I was reminded in a big way.
December 4, 2012, 20:53 |
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Growing up with friends. Our memories.