62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Everytime I think I have seen people be at the level where they can't possibly be any more fucked up someone does something to prove me wrong!
In the past week I have seen reports about a cop and innocent by stander getting killed by a guy that never should have been out on the streets. I can't wait to hear the excuses from the parole board on this story.
I've seen not one but two stories of two kids being killed by other kids for no reason.
I've seen a story about a nanny that killed two very young children with a knife then tried to kill herself while the mother was at swimming lessons with her other child.
I've seen another cop get shot because some idiots were robbing someone and an off duty cop tried to help the victim and got shot then even after they shot him they had a shoot out on the streets of NY because the cop refused to give up trying to get these dirt bags.
Unfortunately I believe one of these idiots is still out there.
Another cop (this one not a good one) turned out to be a wanna be Hannibal Lecture. Yeah this guy watches to many shows like Dexter and he will most likely not get into any trouble because, lets face it we can't do shit until he actually carries out his plan and kidnaps, kills and eats his victims.We don't arrest people in this country for having fucked up thoughts and plans. They have to actually carry them out first.Ok we arrest them but they don't stay behind bars for having thoughts. This has been through the courts many times.
Then I made the mistake of readying comments people were posting in reguard to the up coming storm(Sandy).Huge mistake on my part. Besides reading everything from people WAY over reacting to the people that are doing the opposite and just ignoring all warnings of preparing for this storm, my favorites were the real stable people. " This storm track is being controlled by our government from Alaska.If you don't believe me go to this web site and it explains it all." AND THAT IS JUST ONE OF THE THEORIES!
OMG! I feel like the world has gone crazy while I slept and some how I missed what ever these people were fed.
When did it become normal to kill people for things like " the baby cried and it made her angry" or " he didn't want tho be married anymore" or "it's all a conspiracy " when it comes to everything?
Life doesn't seem to mean anything to people anymore. Not to mention that society has become so " it's all about me" so, if I don't like it, no matter what "it" is,I will just get rid of "it".
To be honest if I didn't have kids I sure wouldn't choose to in this world. I worry for them.I don't like what people Have become in general. I don't mean that there aren't nice people. I am just starting to believe that the bad are really outnumbering the good the past few years. I almost want to move to a private island and build a big bubble around it. This world has become a scary place for the average well intended person.
October 26, 2012, 11:40 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Cant agree with you more.
October 26, 2012, 13:29 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
we have problems like that here too Newbs, but not to the extent you guys do. I have always had the mindset that, problems like those have a way of taking care of themselves. Although, these fucked up monsters, have a habit of taking inoccent people with them. I've seen wolves , and bears take down prey animals , for food or defence,and thats the natural order, I've also seen men kill other people, and I've come to the conclusion that.....as our society gets more civilized, the more brutal we become. I think, in my personal opinion, there needs to be more accountability ,for someones actions, perhaps I see in black and white, but whatever happened to an eye for an eye.
October 26, 2012, 18:57 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Every-time I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Yes Syb I understand the eye for an eye thing myself. I know we are not supposed to think this way in our "politically correct" world but as that guy Dr. Phill says "Hows that workin for you?". I rarely agree with things he says but that one line he uses I have applied to many things.
There was a guy who thought it was perfectly acceptable to take a very young kitten, swing it around by by its tail out of a moving car while driving over a busy bridge during heavy traffic flow then tossing this poor kitten onto the road. Fortunately someone was able to save this kitten, although it did eventually loose its tail.I would love someone to take that guy and swing him around by his dick like that, then toss him onto a busy road to be run over. Save him long enough to suffer as long as this kitten did.Have him go through the pain of the infections etc... then cut his dick off. Eventually just kill him because he is a waste of natural resources on this earth. If they knew this would be the consequences for what he did then I would think he would think before he ever did it. The problem is we let these dirt bags get off to easy so they do what they do knowing they will still be treated well.You don;t even want to know what I think we should do to rapists!
October 27, 2012, 17:04 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Don't even get me started !! Chazzy will edit my comments into next week....I stopped a rape once, and still carry the scars.
October 27, 2012, 21:13 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
we had a gal on waow i read killed her boy Friends dog dumping shit down its mouth and writing in her diary , then i guess the cops got a hold of it too . started the whole thing on animal laws now to revise them on a national level even, all she wanted was the dog dead, LMOST AS GOOD AS THE ONE were one ole lady and her sons been missing for 30 years or so and some one was cashing her checks
October 28, 2012, 04:45 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Where's the mayor?
October 28, 2012, 10:54 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Its not that people are any different than in the past. Its that there are more of us and news travels faster. 100 years ago, there were 1 billion people on the earth and news traveled by telegraph. Today there are 7 billion and news from smart phone to world wide broadcast takes seconds. If we remove the people and unplug our computers, ignorance of what we do to each other would be blissful. Then again, most of us wouldn;t have computers, cable, tv, electricity, indoor plumbing...
October 28, 2012, 11:37 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
Agree with ya Kam...I do love history and spend time reading archive articles, antique journals and such.
Sick has always been with us
October 28, 2012, 11:59 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
QUOTE (kamarel @ October 28, 2012, 10:54)Where's the mayor?
LMAO He's hanging out with the police chief.
October 28, 2012, 21:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!
I caught some about the cop that wanted to be a canible. I ignore most news as it's just nuts now.
Mayor Quimby and Chief Wiggins are in the courthouse hiding.
October 29, 2012, 02:43 |
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Everytime I think it can't happen, someone proves me wrong!