46 / male Kennesaw, Georgia, US
I want to fall asleep in my gf
thong, it's black Victoria's secret and it's tight on my asshole. Here's my dilemma, I used to wear my wife's 35 yr old panties, onc I told her she was ok with it. Well my current GF is 19, and I'm 33. I think I'm even more turned on cuz she's only 19. Why would I datmre wherever them to bed? I'm such a pussy that even tho I want her to know, I'd rather just pretend to be sleeping in em in morning. Was gonna say all my undies were dirty and I just grabbed one of hers to sleep. I guess I just accidently didn't see the regular underwear she has and only saw these thongs. Think ahe'll wig out? What do I hope happens ? She fingers my asshole to wake me, or shoves a dimdo on my ass, or sits on top of me and strap on ficks me toll I wake up. I'm concerned I'm gonna freik her out. She knows I love pa ties but have yet to wear em in her presence,. A 19 yr olds closet, pa Ty drawer, alone makes me wanna come?