65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
anyone get any of them strods ones in the backs necks or other places and not the pecker shots either..
do they do ya any good or is it just a pain and some getting there jollys shoving needles in ya.
i just had my rotator cups done and lost 3 days sleep from them
October 17, 2012, 02:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: shots?
They have tried talking me into these but everyone INCLUDING my doctors tell me they are temporary at best and you can only get so many in a lifetime as well. Besides now there is a whole lot of scared people because they got shots that were made at this one place that has contaminated shots (Now they say it wasn't just the steroid shots either)The meningitis count is pretty high and climbing every day due to that place. What they were not telling the public is that compound pharmacies don't have to follow the same rules and regulations and that you are playing Russian roulette if you use things from those places. I know I had no idea and I am pissed. They said most doctors don't know where they get these shots from when hey order from their supplier. You know from now on everyone should ask where things come from when manufactured before they let a doctor touch you. This opened a whole can of worms in this country.
By the way everyone has said the shots are VERY painful to add to the reasons of why I would never get them.
October 17, 2012, 05:37 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: shots?
oh now these are smucked up too, and you are to trust your doctor???
October 17, 2012, 18:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: shots?
Hubs has gotten a lot of injections since he blew out his rotator cuff a couple years ago, two surgeries on the same shoulder.
They did a couple of rounds of the temporary relief injections, they didn't last him very long, just had test injections on his C5 to see if he is a candidate for the nerve burning/deadening and he's scheduled to go through with that this month. Also scheduling him for trigger point injections, don't know how well that will work but we have no choice but to try any and every thing.
He's sedated for all his injections at the pain clinic so no pain. He had gotten the injections with out sedation at the ortho doctors office, they hurt a little he said, but wasn't bad.
October 19, 2012, 22:36 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: shots?
I'ge had doctors try to talk me into them on several occasions. I do thinknit depends where you get the shots and exactly what kind you are getting if they are painfully. The last that tried to get me to do it was my podiatrist. Even he admitted they would be painful.My mother had it done and she has a much higher pain tolerance than I do and she said she would never do them again just because of the pain. But the foot is not the best place for injections.
Ash these doctors that gave these were not aware of these issues or that these shots came from a compound pharmacy. They order them from their suppliers and that's all . Now this will change many things. I know my doctors say they will ask where everything comes from. They know that their patients will be asking them as well.
Do you ask the pharmacists where your drugs or vaccines come from when you get them? I know I will. Did you know that they estimate more than 20% of the drugs we get from our pharmacies in this country are bootleg? And pharmacies have nit been able to fix this probkem. They cant always tell the fake from the real anymore.Did you know that compound pharmacies didn't have the same safety regulations and oversight that regular pharmacies have? I don't trust the FDA but I don't want pharmacies to have a free for all either. Something has to change to protect us.By the way did you know that generic drugs can vary 20% higher or lower than what it claims on the label and from what the brand is and this is normal and well known in the pharmaceutical world.So you never really know what you are getting. Especially if you get generic drugs. If its something that is a life threatening situation that you depend on these drugs this is all scary news.And there is nothing we can do about this either. I know I want to see lables if everything I get now. At least its a start.
October 20, 2012, 08:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: shots?
That rotator cuff surgery is a bitch, hope you're doing better. Hubs had to have his redone, there's like a 70% chance of a re-tear so take real good care of yourself. You sure don't want that to happen.
The physical therapy is a lot worse than any of the shots. Hubs can't tolerate pain so he gets sedated for his injections. Works out well, wake up and it's done and over.
Where exactly do they want to do the shots? Back/shoulder blade area, spine?
October 20, 2012, 12:46 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: shots?
they wanted to do mine like 5 year ago , both the wife and i are and have the one in my back all my l regions i had it done 4 times now, i had enough, with the pain from the face lets, the last one made it worse, no sedation it plan hurts ...the wife on the other hand is now having them too, the L's on her back and neck too still have pain and it takes weeks for them to work , as for me they want to do ones that block it, but i been living with it even though my job when i was working ... now i see on TV about them and meningitis... it just plain hurts
and therapy how cam ya exercise when it plain hurts
and medacare only pays for so many
the thing that bugs me the most is the kid that hit us got a way with it
October 21, 2012, 00:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: shots?
Physical therapy isn't done to help with the pain, because it does make the pain worse, it's done to keep you from developing frozen shoulder and losing your muscles and range of motion.
Hubs just got two rounds of the facet injections. They are only short term, for him they were tests to see if he would be a candidate for the nerver burning, which may give him noticable relief for a year or so. Disc fusing surgery only offers him a 50% chance to relieve the pain.
I do feel for ya, hubs suffers horribly
October 21, 2012, 11:54 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: shots?
yep chazzy that what they want to do on me next , burn block the nerves,and the work outs that to keep ya limber like ya said . the guy that was my best man, his neighbor worked in the jail, got in a scuffle with a resident, i will call him that as i cant call him a inmate...but he smucked up his back and had to sue,and was being spyed on by the insurance company investigators over it hiding across the channel and stuff taking photos and so on . he ended up moving away, the same with a freind again that worked for merrill parks,was flooding ice rinks and a guy hit in and went under the tanker, he lost a lot of special lic. that he had to get over time .. we are not alone
October 21, 2012, 17:43 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: shots?
Anyone that has been through this stuff I think gets it. When your in pain for a long time you get to a point where you would do just about anything for relief. I know with all the doctors ive have gone too its so hard to figure out what is best for you. I am at a dificult place right now. My pain management doctor was in a terrible accident now they are say if he comes back at all earliest will be 6 months but they don't see it happening for at least a year if not at all. I feel so bad for him. This also put me is a very bad spot as far as my care. Although there is someone covering temporary and not sure if I can continue with her even if she takes me on as her patient. She is very far from my home and that is a major issue for me because I have to go every month.As you guys probably know pain management is changing quickly and they do watch everything doctors do as well as us. Dctors are scared these
I have been followed many times. I understand why its done, however its unnerving especially to my children who have not opened their blinds in years because of it. Whats even stranger is seeing the reports with transcripts and pictures. It freaks you out knowing people are following your ever move even when you haven't done anything wrong.
October 22, 2012, 12:54 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: shots?
yepper , one even found goofy sticks on his taillights , tracking by gps , later he found out, he took it off and stuck it on a jeep like his , guess they followed it to Minnesota they were not happy.....lol
like to know what ever happen to the right to privacy
October 25, 2012, 23:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: shots?
Privacy? What's that? You don't really want to know what is being tracked about each of us. It will only upset you.
October 26, 2012, 02:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: shots?
don't we know it.... like the stupid questions they ask the wife at urgent care.. are ya safe at home and is anyone keeping ya from medical care... i mean what the smuck....a hole list of crap... and if they fixed the dam tooth right in the first place i wouldn't of had t take her in twice over the cracked filling
October 28, 2012, 04:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: shots?
Around here, that safety at home question is as standard as the ar "you allergic to anything" question...they ask everyone
October 28, 2012, 15:27 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: shots?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 26, 2012, 02:49)Privacy? What's that? You don't really want to know what is being tracked about each of us. It will only upset you.
I figger I'm constantly tracked. The puter, cell phone, gps, money. I heard a while ago they were going to try and track people by thier cars computer.
October 28, 2012, 15:34 |
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