User no longer registered.
in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
September 14, 2012, 03:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
what's the difference between a 440z supersized at McDonald's and 3 or more free 16 oz refills? will they keep tab on how many refills a person gets and then fine them or send them to fitness boot camp?
September 14, 2012, 03:38 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
all i got to say is people need to learn self-control. and in all honestly those people that sued McDonalds should never have won. you paid YOUR money to get it learn to cook and eat right and the problem is solved. health classes should have it be mandatory to learn to cook healthy.
September 14, 2012, 04:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
i'm not trying to say it's not ok to eat fast food sometimes, but learn to control yourself. it's just the ridiculous idea of banning the larger drinks that are NOT diet, diet soda is actually worse for you in the long run, i believe. and why ban the bigger size? people will just end up getting refills, unless they are in the drive thru.
i actually support eating out more often, but then again, i do cook and have been in the business for over 20 yrs, and would be out of work if people ate at home.
September 14, 2012, 04:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
parents need to take responsibility for what they allow their kids to eat, don't just say, "oh, i have to work after school, so here's $20, go to McDonald's" and expect the kids to buy something healthy, like a SALAD...lol
September 14, 2012, 04:49 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
This is not just about child obesity it is about obesity in general according to Mayor Bloomberg.They keep saying that almost 2/3 of the people asked agree with this new law. Funny, because I can't find one.
I think this is so stupid on so many levels. The companies that produce soda and tea as well as the movie theaters and others affected by this new law are already lined up on the court room steps.This wont get people to drink less it only makes us spend more to get the same amount.It will also create more waste, more plastic bottles, cups and so on. I have been on both sides of the scale. I have been extremely skinny and quit heavy and now somewhere in between. I do not drink soda with the rare exception. I normally drink Coke with lime if I'm sick because it instantaneously cures being nauseous.
I really want to shake people like Bloomberg at times and see if their brain rattles around in their head. Don't they understand there are so many reasons people are overweight you can not just say I am doing away with salt, sugar and trans-fat and I will cure the obesity problems in this country.Yes he has tried to limit or do away with all three. The really stupid part was he said NO TRANS-FAT IN BAKED GOODS. Really? Does this man understand that you don't go into a bakery looking for healthy or low calorie food? I will even give him points for the salt and trans fat issue to some degree on our everyday foods, mostly because of deceptive or lack of labeling.But a bakery? Get real!
People are over weight for many reasons besides bad dietary habits. Hereditary reasons, health issues, medication,unable to exercise, etc. This law and those like it are leading down a very dangerous path. Insurance companies as well as employers are refusing people that are overweight or smoke. They are even taking it as far as saying you can't have a family member who is over weight or smokes. What if they decide next week that if you have a family history of heart disease you can't work for their company or get insurance.Laws like this open these doors for discrimination.
We have a lot of issues that need to be addressed. I wish our government would get out of our bedrooms and refrigerators and maybe work on corruption, economy, unemployment, FDA being a total waste, terrorism, boarder control, etc......
By the way this law still allows unlimited refills, fruit juices, milk based drinks including shakes. It's just stupid! And diet anything is OK even thou the chemicals are worse for you than the calories would be for you, and cause you to crave sugar. And all you energy drink junkies this ban applies to those as well. I think half the teenagers in high school and most college kids just fainted. But have no fear you can go to any vending machine you just can't get the large size at the ball game, deli, food vendor or anything that falls under the health department jurisdiction.
I also believe if they made milk, juice and even bottled water as cheep as soda more people would drink it rather than soda if they had the choice. I know most parents would choose it for the house but its fucking expensive. I also can state as fact that the reason we pay so much for milk is because our government does whatever they can to make it more expensive. I have several friends who were paid to dump thousands of gallons every week by our government and eventually paid to shut their farms all to keep the prices high.Also pediatricians tell parents to watch the juice intake as well as milk due to high calories so what next? Will be all be forced to ration what we eat and drink? Even water is bad for you and toxic if you drink to much.
September 14, 2012, 06:28 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Unusually for me, as I don't normally favour state intervention, I actually think this is a good idea.
Look at the portion sizes for food and drink in these places compared with 30 years ago! If there was real demand for gargantuan size burgers and drinks why didn't people always buy 2 or 3 of everything back then!!
This has come about as the companies realise that their profits are mainly driven by the cost of sale, not the cost of the goods. So a 200ml drink for $1 looks like this:
Cost of drink - 10c
Cost of sale - 50c
Profit - 40c
But a 400ml for $1.50 is:
Cost of drink - 20c
Cost of sale - 50c
Profit - 80c
It's all well and good saying people should learn to control themselves but we all find that difficult; some with food, some alcohol, some with drugs. Lets make it easier for people to do the sensible thing.
Nobody needs a drink so large you could swim in it - it's just greed (corporate and consumer!), driven by supply-side economics.
September 14, 2012, 08:16 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Wandering I understand your point about profit margins. But how will this get people to drink less "sugar loaded" drinks?
You can still do free refills, still buy large sizes except in the places that are controlled by the health department and you can still buy milk shakes, fruit juice, milk, chocolate milk etc. which are all high in calories and cost more to the consumer.You can also buy any "diet" drink at any size you want. Do you have any idea how bad those diet drinks are for you? And children should not have them at all! I do think they should limit the high caffeine energy drinks to a certain age because of the high health risks to younger people but that is much like alcohol its dangerous. As matter of fact I would be more comfortable with them banning chemicals in all drinks and food given to children under the age of 18 than I am with them banning certain sizes of some drinks in some places due to sugar content. This law just doesn't make sense to me.
On the rare occasion I buy a "big gulp" whether it be soda or iced tea. It has always been to split between at least 4 of us and many times more because the kids would have friends with them. It was just less expensive to buy in bulk.Then pour off into smaller cups for them.None of us drink more because of it.Non of us drink less either. I drink if I'm thirsty. Soda doesn't quench a thirst for me which is another reason I guess I don't drink it.
L and H also made a good point. When did our government decide that all parents are to irresponsible and/or stupid to make food and drink choices for our families.
But you also can't make things to expensive for the average family or even worse poor families then bitch because they don't buy it. Poor families don't buy koolaid and soda because they would rather their children drink that. They buy it because at almost $5 a gallon of milk that's what they can afford. I go through 1 to 2 gallons of milk a day in my house. When all my kids lived at home it was 3 gallons plus orange juice at almost $10 a gallon, and fruit. Add that up on a daily basis and tell me how someone on foodstamps is going to be able to do it. Or not even on foodstamps. Lets say someone who takes home $30,000 a year and has a mortgage and 2 kids.The cheapest rent around my area is almost $1,300 a month. Start doing the math and see why people make the choices they do. FYI the prices I gave are average for a brand like Tropicana OJ. If you want your family to eat and drink organic and fresh not frozen items with no pesticides or free range eggs or any of the other things that are recommended for our health and the environments health you might as well pray you hit the lottery because it can't happen unless you do.
By the way even if you are out at a restaurant, many don't even offer you water from a tap. They sell you bottled water. If you go to a concert or park or even a convenience store these days you pay about $2 for a 12 oz bottle of water.They don't even have water fountains anymore in many places. Even if they did I wouldn't drink out of most water fountains these days.Our school has water that is ORANGE. Teams bring water from home or bottled water so they don't use the schools water at athletic events.But to bring a water bottle to school you need a doctors note saying its necessary and they want it to be sealed so they know it's water and a kid didn't fill it with something else.As you can see this is getting more expensive.So how will this law help the average person or the low income families.Or even the wealthy families. Do you really think this will do anything? If so, how?
September 14, 2012, 10:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Next thing ya know, they'll be limiting the size of breast implants. Disgusting.
September 14, 2012, 12:02 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
They get paid for this shit? This how they justify their job and salary?
Clearly people can buy and consume any amount they please. I think it might be better if they look into the ingredients of what they are selling first. How has that changed and how is it contributing to obesity.
Look into the kids school lunches and activities. Do they have music, band, phys ed? Obese kids with bad habits may produce obese adults with bad habits.
September 14, 2012, 12:13 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 14, 2012, 12:02)Next thing ya know, they'll be limiting the size of breast implants. Disgusting. When pinal implants size gets regulated, gonna break my heart. Lord knows I can use one.
September 14, 2012, 12:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
I need to implant my penile someplace too
September 14, 2012, 13:17 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 14, 2012, 13:17)I need to implant my penile someplace too . And you have a right to, at least you can spell it. Pinal, is actually a county north of Tucson, pronounced 'pinnell'. Then the next county north, is Maricopa, home of Sherrif Joe Arpio, and he will be happy to put all in a penile colony, in tents, with pink underwear. So all are invited. Our saying here is, "Come to Arizona on vacation, leave on probation." And this thread was about.........?
September 14, 2012, 13:25 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
All bullshit aside, we Americans are more regulated than we think. We ARE, as the frog in cool water, that slowly heats to a boil, and not even know whats happening. We aint seen nuttin yet. No more explanation.
September 14, 2012, 13:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (perveman @ September 14, 2012, 13:47)All bullshit aside, we Americans are more regulated than we think. We ARE, as the frog in cool water, that slowly heats to a boil, and not even know whats happening. We aint seen nuttin yet. No more explanation.
Good analogy. I think if you took a poll, you'd find that the majority of people feel that way. Unfortunately, it's only the minority that speak up. This is why I should be King of the World!
September 14, 2012, 14:02 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 14, 2012, 14:02) QUOTE (perveman @ September 14, 2012, 13:47)All bullshit aside, we Americans are more regulated than we think. We ARE, as the frog in cool water, that slowly heats to a boil, and not even know whats happening. We aint seen nuttin yet. No more explanation.
Good analogy. I think if you took a poll, you'd find that the majority of people feel that way. Unfortunately, it's only the minority that speak up. This is why I should be King of the World! Spot on Free, except for one thing, noy my analogy, unfortunately our reallity. Do we hear another vote for Free to be our new dicta.....er,.... Ob......I mean King?
September 14, 2012, 14:17 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 14, 2012, 10:50)
You can still do free refills, still buy large sizes except in the places that are controlled by the health department and you can still buy milk shakes, fruit juice, milk, chocolate milk etc. which are all high in calories and cost more to the consumer.You can also buy any "diet" drink at any size you want. Do you have any idea how bad those diet drinks are for you?
I agree. It should apply to all outlets selling for direct public consumption (but not bottles etc. to be taken home). There should be additional regulation on food and drink contents too - we've had a lot of this in Europe for years, which is why we have to import Fruit Loops etc.
L and H also made a good point. When did our government decide that all parents are to irresponsible and/or stupid to make food and drink choices for our families.
You don't make laws because of the way all people behave, but everyone has to conform to them. For example, when did our government decide that all people are too irresponsible and/or stupid to walk or take a taxi after they have been drinking alcohol? They didn't; but when they saw an increase in the number of road deaths and injuries that were alcohol related they decided they had to legislate for the good of everyone. And it's hard to argue that the enormous growth (pun intended) of obesity isn't an equivalent public health hazard.
But you also can't make things to expensive for the average family or even worse poor families then bitch because they don't buy it. Poor families don't buy koolaid and soda because they would rather their children drink that. They buy it because at almost $5 a gallon of milk that's what they can afford. I go through 1 to 2 gallons of milk a day in my house. When all my kids lived at home it was 3 gallons plus orange juice at almost $10 a gallon, and fruit. Add that up on a daily basis and tell me how someone on foodstamps is going to be able to do it. Or not even on foodstamps. Lets say someone who takes home $30,000 a year and has a mortgage and 2 kids.The cheapest rent around my area is almost $1,300 a month. Start doing the math and see why people make the choices they do. FYI the prices I gave are average for a brand like Tropicana OJ. If you want your family to eat and drink organic and fresh not frozen items with no pesticides or free range eggs or any of the other things that are recommended for our health and the environments health you might as well pray you hit the lottery because it can't happen unless you do.
I agree again. This is also driven by the profit motives of the food producers. Water is free, so bring up your kids to drink that normally and have a soda occasionally. UK tap water was recently certified as much better for you than bottled water and tasted much better too! Similarly fresh seasonal produce is much cheaper than ready made meals so people should learn to peel potatoes again instead of relying on processed food. I've noticed that around here, all the people who complain they can't afford food never have many things from the fresh fruit and veg section in their shopping trolley!
By the way even if you are out at a restaurant, many don't even offer you water from a tap. They sell you bottled water. If you go to a concert or park or even a convenience store these days you pay about $2 for a 12 oz bottle of water.They don't even have water fountains anymore in many places. Even if they did I wouldn't drink out of most water fountains these days.Our school has water that is ORANGE. Teams bring water from home or bottled water so they don't use the schools water at athletic events.But to bring a water bottle to school you need a doctors note saying its necessary and they want it to be sealed so they know it's water and a kid didn't fill it with something else.As you can see this is getting more expensive.So how will this law help the average person or the low income families.Or even the wealthy families. Do you really think this will do anything? If so, how?
I never have trouble getting tap water in a restaurant. Like I said before, in the UK tap water is better than bottled and I'm certainly not going to pay for water! Surely, if the water at the school is awful, that's what should be changed.
Changing public perception or behaviour is a slow process. If my parent's generation had been offered bucket loads of cola they'd have laughed and gone elsewhere; now it's standard and expected and it will take time, one step at a time to change again.
September 14, 2012, 14:36 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
also the priceings that were said you forgot about ny high sales tax. everyone comes to nj anyway.
September 14, 2012, 15:02 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
It's all about making our own responsible decisions. I know when I go in to eat at a resturant I'd prefer a carbonated soft drink, it's what I like. I like carbonation, bubbles and a little sweetness. However, 99% of the time I order water, and I wonder if they think I'm cheap? Truthfully, I really don't like paying $2.00 for soda, but that's not exactly why I order water. I order water because it's good for me, my body needs it!! And, while having a meal, I will drink 2-3 glasses easily. I just suck it down.
It is my choice and my freedomn. I don't need government interaction to decide for me. It is perhaps revolutionary in nature, please forgive me if I'm having an independent thought --don't know what came over me. A spirit of liberty perhaps?
Oh, by the way, even if I order beer and a frozen drink, I still order water.
September 14, 2012, 15:24 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
I knew there was something I liked about Kiss, the way you think. Btw, my new nickname will be 'Water'. Ready to order now? Just my cute little way of seeing a mind.
September 14, 2012, 15:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
there is nothing wrong with indulgence in a greasy burger, over salted fries, and a ice cold large Coca-Cola from time to time. it's when you eat that meal three times a day, every day...plus a snack of four candy bars and five donuts....that'll fatten you up big time.
but, fat ads flavor they tell me. damn, i must be pretty fucking tasty!
September 14, 2012, 22:17 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Bah to all of you. The human animal is a selfish, stupid herd animal that will eventually become extinct. Just like everything else that ever lived on this rock. It doesn't matter what you legislate if companies are allowed to sell and advertise products that are detrimental to our health and we are dumb enough to by them.
Processed food and beverages.
Natural gas
Of which I use all of them constantly. I'm addicted to all of things personally. And as we all are as a race. None them are safe. Either to use or manufacture.
September 14, 2012, 23:13 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Your right Kam, we are a selfish animal as I had said in the "Green" thread. Most people would rather point the finger at someone else rather than look in the mirror and admit we are all part of the problem. That still doesn't mean that I think our government should regulate what size soda I can buy in some establishments because some people feel that they seem to be able to make a good choice for me and mine, but I am not capable of doing the same.
I know common sense seems to be an oxymoron but sometimes we have to have to be realistic and use a bit of your brain and say this law makes NO SENSE. I will also repeat the point that I think most people agree that we have to prioritize things we need to get done in this world. How big the soda I buy at the movies should not be what we are spending money and man hours on with our elected officials or law enforcement. We have problems that are very serious that many of our elected officials seem to be ignoring and this bullshit takes focus away from the things we should be focused on.
I honestly can't think of a single person I know that drinks more than they want to because of what the size of their cup is. I do however know if I am still thirsty and want another drink I will order another or refill my cup no mater what size and no mater what I'm drinking. I have on more than one occasion drank a quart of milk at one sitting because I wanted too. Same goes for water, and juice.
If anything most people I have known can't drink that much soda because of the carbonation and sweetness, including myself.Most say it makes them too full or nauseous. That is one reason real "drinkers" in bars tend to stay away from sweet drinks and carbonated drinks as well.
September 15, 2012, 05:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ September 14, 2012, 15:24)However, 99% of the time I order water, and I wonder if they think I'm cheap? Truthfully, I really don't like paying $2.00 for soda, but that's not exactly why I order water. I order water because it's good for me, my body needs it!! And, while having a meal, I will drink 2-3 glasses easily. I just suck it down.
I drink a lot of water too, I like water, soda seems to make me thirstier and like you said, we need water.
I get those second glances when ordering out and I choose water as my beverage too. Why should it seem like an odd thing to do?
September 15, 2012, 16:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Ditto. I order water too. But bottled, not tap water. It's what I prefer.
September 15, 2012, 16:55 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
The rare times I go out to eat, water all the way. Why? Im cheap.
September 15, 2012, 17:06 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 15, 2012, 16:55)Ditto. I order water too. But bottled, not tap water. It's what I prefer.
Boxed wine and bottled water, what to do with you?
September 15, 2012, 17:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
What next? Beer Pellets?
September 15, 2012, 18:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ September 15, 2012, 17:39) QUOTE (freensleazy @ September 15, 2012, 16:55)Ditto. I order water too. But bottled, not tap water. It's what I prefer.
Boxed wine and bottled water, what to do with you?
I'm sure you can figure something out
September 15, 2012, 19:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
i guess i can see where this is coming from, because the few times i have eliminated soda from my diet completely, i have lost weight in rapid fashion, once i dropped 20 pounds in six weeks. but i can't stay away from it completely, because water gets boring after a while. it just irks me to think that the feds think they have the right to regulate what we, as tax paying consumers, can drink. it's not like it makes you impaired, as does alcohol.
September 15, 2012, 22:21 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
I just finally Googled this topic.
Washington (CNN) -- Nobody seems to have a positive word for Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to ban oversized servings of sugary drinks in New York's food-service establishments.
The mayor has been decried as a nanny. He has been accused of selective enforcement. (A Starbucks 20 ounce drink can have more than 500 calories, but will be exempt from the ban because it contains more than 50% milk.) The beverage industry complains that solutions to the obesity problem ought to be more "comprehensive." One important conservative magazine called the mayor's actions a form of "fascism."
So let's defy the trend here and say: Good for Bloomberg. Obesity is America's most important public health problem, and the mayor has led the way against it. This latest idea may or may not yield results. But it is already raising awareness. Even if it fails to become law, it ought to prod the beverage industry into acting as more responsible corporate citizens.
Sugary drinks now provide 7% of the calories in the American diet, the largest single national source of calories. Teen boys average more than a quart of sugary soda per day. Even adults who say they are trying to lose weight still drink more two 12-ounces cans per day, on average.
There is little doubt about the serious health effects of sugary soda. Just one soda a day doubles a woman's risk of diabetes, according to the Harvard Journals of Public Health. Two sodas raises her risk of heart disease by 40%.
Americans drink more soda for the very simple reason: it's getting cheaper. The inflation-adjusted price of soda has declined by an estimated 48% over the past 20 years. Improvements in packaging account for much of this price decline. It costs barely anything more to manufacture a 64-ounce "double gulp" container than to produce the former standard sizes.
Maybe I'm not good with math, but 7% of the calories doesn't sound like a whole lot to me. Not to mentioned do you read labels? Read the label of any beveage and the amount of sugar it contains..... Peace out!
September 16, 2012, 01:43 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
sometimes...only sometimes...
September 16, 2012, 10:06 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
well..if you lived the life I do , you could consume as many calories as you like, and supersized soft drinks would be about 100 kilometeres away, making them a luxury, that and ice cream.I think New york should put more effort into running it's massive infrastructure, and let individuals make their own choices for now.......here's a thought, why is a soft drink cheaper than water ? Perhaps they should focus on that.
September 16, 2012, 15:39 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ September 16, 2012, 15:39)well..if you lived the life I do , you could consume as many calories as you like, and supersized soft drinks would be about 100 kilometeres away, making them a luxury, that and ice cream.I think New york should put more effort into running it's massive infrastructure, and let individuals make their own choices for now.......here's a thought, why is a soft drink cheaper than water ? Perhaps they should focus on that. . Cause this is the land of the free. (tongue in cheek). And if more Americans know how their choices are being directed by the powers to be, or are, loss of freedom of choice in the last few years (gee, wonder why that is?), they would be pissed. So move out of the way Canadians, you are fixing to get an influx of ppl running for freedom. Am I really radical? Wake up. Ok, Im done. Got that out of my system. Im really ok now. Really. Back to deleting now.
September 16, 2012, 15:53 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
well we love our American neighbors.....and i know that by 2010 there were so many of you moving here , immigration Canada had an express lane for you guys.You just have to get used to higher taxes, very strict gun laws, free health care, and a funny accent, but water here is free, it flows from our mountains on the ground, and a supersized softdrink is still available, but nobody over 17 orders them anyway.
September 16, 2012, 16:01 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Good to hear about the gun laws there. Does that mean I can shoot my way in? You can just see that picture huh? A naked guy storming your boarder, with an AK47. Thats just funny right there now. I dont care who ya are. (LTCG)
September 16, 2012, 16:08 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (perveman @ September 16, 2012, 16:08)Good to hear about the gun laws there. Does that mean I can shoot my way in? You can just see that picture huh? A naked guy storming your boarder, with an AK47. Thats just funny right there now. I dont care who ya are. (LTCG) Well Perve ...we are a liberal bunch, but i for one, don't believe in warning shots.....
September 16, 2012, 20:03 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
well they say waters the best for u, and i agree ya dont need a megagulp anyway, and then its up to the guys who make the stauff as they load it up with sugar and sodiom so ya go get another megagulp.in wisconsin ya can get free refills , i order a small glass , for i know this and the wife she just wants coffee.....and what it cost to eat out nowadays i can go by tbones insteed of big mac or woppers
September 17, 2012, 02:40 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
The reason water costs more than soda is because we are stupid enough to pay for it.
Two of my clients were bottled water companies. I was laughing to myself after the first time I went to the "bottling plant" of one of them. I swear, it was a barn in the back of his property in NJ with a faucet that they filled the bottles from. Their are different types of bottled water. There is "spring water" and "bottled water" and "mineral water" and "distilled water".What type of water depends on what the law requires for them to label it as such. They have NO health benefits to them above the water from your tap.In fact some have been found to be less beneficial because the minerals are removed in the possessing of the water to make it legal to bottle and sell. The studies show most people prefer the taste of tap water to bottled water as well. I remember the first time I saw bottled water. I actually said "Who would pay for water when you can get it for free almost anywhere?"
The healthier they can "convince" us it is for us the more they can charge for it. The same water that is used to make Coke or Pepsi they bottle as water for a much higher price than they do to turn it into Coke or Pepsi.
It reminds me of a story that John Regas(Owner of Adelphia Cable and one of the first people to be in the cable industry in the world.) told us. He said he had started with two or three cable channels when he started cable. People all over told him he was crazy. Most would say things like "Who would pay for television" Or "How many channels do we need? The ones we have are more than enough." At the time it was ABC, CBS and NBC. I don't even think PBS was around yet.He laughed about it as he told the story.
September 17, 2012, 03:13 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 17, 2012, 03:13)The reason water costs more than soda is because we are stupid enough to pay for it.
Two of my clients were bottled water companies. I was laughing to myself after the first time I went to the "bottling plant" of one of them. I swear, it was a barn in the back of his property in NJ with a faucet that they filled the bottles from. Their are different types of bottled water. There is "spring water" and "bottled water" and "mineral water" and "distilled water".What type of water depends on what the law requires for them to label it as such. They have NO health benefits to them above the water from your tap.In fact some have been found to be less beneficial because the minerals are removed in the possessing of the water to make it legal to bottle and sell. The studies show most people prefer the taste of tap water to bottled water as well. I remember the first time I saw bottled water. I actually said "Who would pay for water when you can get it for free almost anywhere?"
The healthier they can "convince" us it is for us the more they can charge for it. The same water that is used to make Coke or Pepsi they bottle as water for a much higher price than they do to turn it into Coke or Pepsi.
It reminds me of a story that John Regas(Owner of Adelphia Cable and one of the first people to be in the cable industry in the world.) told us. He said he had started with two or three cable channels when he started cable. People all over told him he was crazy. Most would say things like "Who would pay for television" Or "How many channels do we need? The ones we have are more than enough." At the time it was ABC, CBS and NBC. I don't even think PBS was around yet.He laughed about it as he told the story. .............................and the biodegradable "green" plastic they come in breaks down in sunlight, and you are consuming plastics that have never been tested nor approved for human consumption, these toxins are linked to the worldwide drop in sperm count in men, and the high birth rate of females in the third world......but hey !! they say the tap water is poison.
September 17, 2012, 03:42 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ September 17, 2012, 03:42) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 17, 2012, 03:13)The reason water costs more than soda is because we are stupid enough to pay for it.
Two of my clients were bottled water companies. I was laughing to myself after the first time I went to the "bottling plant" of one of them. I swear, it was a barn in the back of his property in NJ with a faucet that they filled the bottles from. Their are different types of bottled water. There is "spring water" and "bottled water" and "mineral water" and "distilled water".What type of water depends on what the law requires for them to label it as such. They have NO health benefits to them above the water from your tap.In fact some have been found to be less beneficial because the minerals are removed in the possessing of the water to make it legal to bottle and sell. The studies show most people prefer the taste of tap water to bottled water as well. I remember the first time I saw bottled water. I actually said "Who would pay for water when you can get it for free almost anywhere?"
The healthier they can "convince" us it is for us the more they can charge for it. The same water that is used to make Coke or Pepsi they bottle as water for a much higher price than they do to turn it into Coke or Pepsi.
It reminds me of a story that John Regas(Owner of Adelphia Cable and one of the first people to be in the cable industry in the world.) told us. He said he had started with two or three cable channels when he started cable. People all over told him he was crazy. Most would say things like "Who would pay for television" Or "How many channels do we need? The ones we have are more than enough." At the time it was ABC, CBS and NBC. I don't even think PBS was around yet.He laughed about it as he told the story. .............................and the biodegradable "green" plastic they come in breaks down in sunlight, and you are consuming plastics that have never been tested nor approved for human consumption, these toxins are linked to the worldwide drop in sperm count in men, and the high birth rate of females in the third world......but hey !! they say the tap water is poison.
I'm glad I have my own well.I have had more arguments with people who put all kinds of chemicals on their lawns around here. I try to explain to them that they will have a beautiful green lawn but have cancer and die in a year. So what's the point? I think I will stick to weeds on my lawn and better water.I also use only certain types of plastic bottles with my kids and used glass mostly when they were little. The Nalgene bottles are supposed to be safe but they cost more.My favorite reusable bottles are Platypus, again a bit expensive with the pouch, but they are the best I have found and you can even boil them to clean them.I have a new type with filters for when I have to use a water fountain now.
September 17, 2012, 03:53 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
There is a saying around here when people spray around their wells ...it's called "natural selection".
September 17, 2012, 03:55 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
lots of them plastic bottle are tap water they say anyway, they even screwed up the water plant they were going to build down by westfield, lots of artisan well down there but nit fell thought. then i see enough of them water bottle on the side of the roads anyway , still half full at over a buck each . rthen ya cant water the grass anyway with the lack of rain
September 17, 2012, 04:01 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Ya, like years ago, we got our water chlorinated. Like we took a vote? I dont think so. Just an early example of our choices, but the government knowing whats best for us. I was under the mistaken belief we pretty well had an idea what may be best for us. Next, the govrnment will require signs on gas pumps, "Warning: Not to be taken internally." Hell, damn glad they warned me, I was just about to drink a glass of premium.
September 17, 2012, 13:36 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
Warning: My last post was meant as sarcasticlly as hell.
September 17, 2012, 13:40 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (perveman @ September 17, 2012, 13:36)Ya, like years ago, we got our water chlorinated. Like we took a vote? I dont think so. Just an early example of our choices, but the government knowing whats best for us. I was under the mistaken belief we pretty well had an idea what may be best for us. Next, the govrnment will require signs on gas pumps, "Warning: Not to be taken internally." Hell, damn glad they warned me, I was just about to drink a glass of premium.
Even if Gasoline was palpable , who they hell could afford it?
September 19, 2012, 00:39 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
What happens if you don't drink water? I spent a week at the beach, and drank wine, nothing but wine the whole week.
I was fine but it took a month for the swelling in my feet to go down.
September 22, 2012, 04:48 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ September 16, 2012, 15:39)well..if you lived the life I do , you could consume as many calories as you like, and supersized soft drinks would be about 100 kilometeres away, making them a luxury, that and ice cream.I think New york should put more effort into running it's massive infrastructure, and let individuals make their own choices for now.......here's a thought, why is a soft drink cheaper than water ? Perhaps they should focus on that. Yea the pop cheaper then water really bugs me...
September 22, 2012, 17:21 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
QUOTE (onehornee @ September 22, 2012, 17:21) QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ September 16, 2012, 15:39)well..if you lived the life I do , you could consume as many calories as you like, and supersized soft drinks would be about 100 kilometeres away, making them a luxury, that and ice cream.I think New york should put more effort into running it's massive infrastructure, and let individuals make their own choices for now.......here's a thought, why is a soft drink cheaper than water ? Perhaps they should focus on that. Yea the pop cheaper then water really bugs me...
This will really fry your noodles...Why is bottled-water more expensive than gasoline?...
September 28, 2012, 00:11 |
64 / male las vegas, Nevada, US
Re: in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...
doesnt our goverment have real issues to deal with like uh i dont know maybe unemployment or poverty ?
October 21, 2012, 14:45 |
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in my opinion, it's over the top of craziness...