62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
I was watching an infomercial about music from the sixties. I started thinking about all the concerts I have seen. Then I started thinking about the ones I wish I had gotten to but just never did.
I can list quit a few that I wish I had been to but the one that really stood out for me was Simon and Garfunkle. I would love to see them. It would have been great to see them when they did the reunion concert in Central Park but I would have had a better chance of getting seats sitting next to Obama at his swearing in as president. At least they are both alive and maybe someday they might do another concert and I might get that chance. Others like the Beatles are obviously something that can never happen.
So what concert did you miss?
September 3, 2012, 06:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, the original line up of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Who with Keith Moon...oh so many to list....
on the other side, it doesn't matter who you are, i still wouldn't pay an outrageous ticket price! (sorry Free, but that $5 cover you make the Wal-Mart Deli is still too much!) 
i've always wanted to see the Rolling Stones or Eagles, but there is no way i'd ever pay $700 for a ticket (unless i was gaurenteed that one of the band members would be dead within an hour after the show, then i could say i was at he final performance with all original members)
September 3, 2012, 07:03 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
I got a call to work as a PA (Production Assistant) at a Rolling Stones concert at Madison Square Garden but I didn't get the message in time so I didn't get to do it. Yep that's just one of those things you kick yourself over for many years to come.....
Before some mentions Woodstock I'll mention it. My family had a house about 10 minutes drive from there. We were driving up there the weekend Woodstock was going on. Before we hit the town of Monticello we were sitting in traffic that was at a crawl. I was in a station wagon with my parents, two German Shepard's and 5 of us kids. I woke up from my usual sleep while we were driving past the actual site in Bethel(Yaskur's Farm) and asked my father why all those people were in the road and what was going on. I just remember seeing people everywhere. My dad turned off to go the back roads to our house. Most of our friends got to go and my older brothers still have the original tickets.I have t-shits. I was a bit young to go to the actual concerts but was up on the property by the road and years later took my kids to the real reunion they had. It was so great. You would not like what they have done to the site these days. They sold the property and it is now used for concerts and shows but it is not even close to the same feel of Woodstock.I'm glad the reunion was before they sold the property.The plaque and many of the original people involved are still there. It's a very small town and the town board still fuck with the people that own the property when they have a big show.lol
September 3, 2012, 08:37 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
Led Zeppelin. My girlfriend got to go. She said is wasn't that great or boring, but my friend has to have everything about her, so maybe someone wasn't paying attention to her.
I will say, I've been fornuate enough to see the bands and musicians I've seen in small or intimate settings. I don't want to particpate in a concert with 83,000 other people a mile from the stage. Also, like lonely.... $700, I don't think so unless it is for charity.
September 3, 2012, 11:22 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
Chet Atkins
September 3, 2012, 11:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
I hate crowds and traffic jams, so there's only seen a few that I really have cared to see. The Stones were opening their Steel Wheels Tour here in 89 and I had tickets for that, but they cancelled and opened in Philly instead. I'd still love to see McCartney, but that probably wont happen. I dont think he's ever played Buffalo.
September 4, 2012, 01:31 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
McCartney does a good concert. He used to have it so there was no meat at his concerts because he is a strict vegetarian. I don't know if it is still like that.He used to be on stage for a long time compared to many others. I guess if you have as many hits as him and been around as long, you really have a lot to play with at a concert.
I always loved concerts that had a lot of music I knew and liked. I never understood why anyone would go to a concert when there would be one or two songs you would know and had no idea about the rest. That's why the classic rock bands still sell out so easily and those concerts the kids go to have to have 10 bands to get 10,000 people to show up. And for the record I think the only time I ever paid over $75-$80 a ticket was when it was Elton John and Billy Joel together. It was $125 and the concert went on for hours....Besides like I said it was Billy Joel and Elton John that was a great concert!
I have to admit I am spoiled I didn't pay for most of the concerts I have been too.Being a woman and having connections has its benefits.lol
September 4, 2012, 02:35 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?
I would have loved to of seen Stevie Ray Vaughn just once.
September 4, 2012, 03:02 |
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Is there a concert, band, musician, or singer you always wished you had gotten to see but never did?