62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Randomness.
Syb, How many new phone lines did they have to add to keep up with all the people calling to find out more about this. I almost posted a RIP post for the GOP. I have visions of all these old men falling over gripping their chests.
March 16, 2016, 07:51 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Randomness.
nope, never gonna happen, if he gets voted in...after Mexico, he'll build a wall along the Canadian border. that way Americans can only drink American beer, therefore creating more jobs at the breweries.
March 16, 2016, 14:56 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Randomness.
Maybe American Beer will actually taste good, and be higher in Alcohol content...Anything under 5% should be made illegal anyways.
As for building a wall along the longest undefended border in the world.....I'll supply the fence posts, if he gets voted in.
We Canadians all laughed along with you when he threw his hat into the ring. We laughed when he started making even more of a fool of himself, when he quoted "It's gonna be great", and "He's a Loser!"....
Ok...You can stop now...This is getting a little to serious, the jokes over.
No really!...You can stop now..Please.
March 16, 2016, 16:57 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Randomness.
Oh....And one more thing.
Newfoundland is the place that Canadians move away from, to different parts of the country.
Nobody other than the people that already live there, or has been born and raised there...Can understand a word the locals say.
"Noobody knews wheer yoor buy is, he mite be oover in the Harebour ...sailing his boot too-dae"
WTF did that Newfie say?
March 16, 2016, 17:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Randomness.
trust me, when i heard he was throwing his hat in the ring....i knew he would stand a chance at victory. everyone laughed about it....but everyone also laughed when Jesse "the Body" Ventura announced his campaign for Governor of Minnesota, and then were flabbergasted when he actually got elected. and some of Trump's ideas do kinda make sense, but not very many. and his delivery is the only thing that's keeping him from total annihilation of his opponents.
March 16, 2016, 17:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Randomness.
BUT PLEASE REMEMBER THE RULES....NO POLITICS IN THE FORUMS...if this thread starts blowing up out of control...i will lock it, thats a promise!
March 16, 2016, 17:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Randomness.
well who ordered all this dam snow again? I had to put the bike away again.
March 18, 2016, 15:22 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Randomness.
No snow! I refuse!
And I know about the no politics rule but you have to admit its the most lively posts in a while. Besides I think everyone knows its all a joke. We will all wake up and The Apprentice will be starting it's new season staring Trump himself and all the Republicans will live happily ever after. I kid the Republicans.....Okay I might stop now. I just couldn't resist. Sorry LNH. ( Haven't you missed me annoying you?)
March 19, 2016, 10:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Randomness.
it's fine, a little humor is ok, the rule was implemented to avoid huge political debates n the forums. and that was the purpose of my reminder....
March 19, 2016, 13:13 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Randomness.
Thanks Newbs....Your right, I was just trying to get some conversation at the end of a long winter.
L+H does have a job to do....So I understand that.
I mean....We never really took Trump that serious here in Canada...Although ,we are now eating our words.
I can't help but imagine our new Prime Minister Justin, thats sooooooo politically correct, inexperienced, and young, having a meeting with him, on North American issues.
I would also like to add.....Locking the Perves thread of Randomness...Would be a shame, and I'd never risk nor want that.
Thanks for the reminder L+H....
March 20, 2016, 15:56 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Randomness.
whelp, were digging out again . with the new 14 inches of snow. that wet sticky stuff again, but at least it didn't rain before hand.anyone work with a vet? I got a cat with lumps in her breast. and I cant seem to connect with the vet the human society
March 24, 2016, 17:04 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Randomness.
I don't work with a vet but I know that is almost always bad and I would get that cat to the vet ASAP! Please keep us updated.
March 26, 2016, 07:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Randomness.
You're going to force me to call you long distance so I can trade political jabs with you Syb. Wait...I have to check my cell phone plan and see if it includes way out there in Gods Country, Canada.
It's okay Kam and I trade jabs every day with this stuff. It will be so quite when this election is over. It's like when you see a high energy comedian and he has the entire room hysterical and the next guy on stage is low key. You feel deflated.You have to admit, no mater what anyone's political views are it has made for a great comedy season! Canada must seem so peaceful and quiet about now.
March 26, 2016, 08:08 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 26, 2016, 08:08)You're going to force me to call you long distance so I can trade political jabs with you Syb. Wait...I have to check my cell phone plan and see if it includes way out there in Gods Country, Canada.
It's okay Kam and I trade jabs every day with this stuff. It will be so quite when this election is over. It's like when you see a high energy comedian and he has the entire room hysterical and the next guy on stage is low key. You feel deflated.You have to admit, no mater what anyone's political views are it has made for a great comedy season! Canada must seem so peaceful and quiet about now.
It would help if he had a phone.
March 27, 2016, 02:24 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ March 27, 2016, 02:24) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 26, 2016, 08:08)You're going to force me to call you long distance so I can trade political jabs with you Syb. Wait...I have to check my cell phone plan and see if it includes way out there in Gods Country, Canada.
It's okay Kam and I trade jabs every day with this stuff. It will be so quite when this election is over. It's like when you see a high energy comedian and he has the entire room hysterical and the next guy on stage is low key. You feel deflated.You have to admit, no mater what anyone's political views are it has made for a great comedy season! Canada must seem so peaceful and quiet about now.
It would help if he had a phone.
Oh...I have many phones...None of them connect to a cell signal.
EVERYONE ..that knows me thinks it's hilarious to give me their old cell phones, they don't use anymore, as a gift for christmas or birthdays.
The really funny part is......I have to drive 200 kilometers to have them recycled...So now I throw them in a box and just take them in every few years.
March 28, 2016, 00:40 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Randomness.
we got her in, some kind of tumor, 150 bucks to cut it out,the new male tom we rescued from the pound had a upper respiratory infection, gave it to our other 3 gals we been sitting around a week now pumping amox into them, some times I wish I had 5 hands and now there is a new dog flu going around. just nice of the human society charge me 50 bucks for a cat and send us home with one that's sick. kinda pisses ya off
April 1, 2016, 06:00 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Randomness.
What does a naked woman sound like over the phone?
April 11, 2016, 23:55 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ April 11, 2016, 23:55)
What does a naked woman sound like over the phone?
I'll take a shot at this.........
I can't be certain but, I figure, in my twisted state of reality, as I've chosen to see it....She'd have a glow on from a few belts of Crown Royal, so her words would flow together.
There would be a bark or two from some spoiled dogs in the background, that are being ignored.
Her voice would be sweet and smokey..With a definite American accent, with words that border on the dirty side ,with a hint of Southern Class behind them.
She also wouldn't laugh out loud, everytime I said "Eh"
April 13, 2016, 05:30 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Randomness.
I was told I have scary eyes.
September 9, 2016, 16:33 |
57 / male wild and wonderful, West Virginia, US
Re: Randomness.
I don't see it Kiss
September 13, 2016, 22:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (KINKYINTHEFALLS @ September 13, 2016, 22:36)I don't see it Kiss
They eyes have it
September 14, 2016, 00:09 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Randomness.
I am technologically stupid and challenged!
September 18, 2016, 18:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ September 18, 2016, 18:48)I am technologically stupid and challenged!
That is technologically challenged. NO one is stupid when it comes to tech stuff. That's why it's called artificial inteligence 
September 20, 2016, 21:59 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Randomness.
I ran in to an old friend last night and showed her a photo of a band we saw together, but I couldn't remember the name?
She told me they were ELO. And, there was a fight which broke out. I jumped in front of her to protect her, because she was pregnant.
DAMN.... I am a good friend!
November 6, 2016, 20:38 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Randomness.
that's cool.
November 14, 2016, 19:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ September 18, 2016, 18:48)I am technologically stupid and challenged!
You should try dealing with the overpriced equipment that I have to deal with and the morons that manage it.I'll drive the 80 Klms. to get to a working phone and dial a # thats 4 time zones across the country, and explain that I use mt overpriced, not working sattelite system that I purchased from them for communication....My ONLY communication.
The service person says that all I need to do is email them about the problem, and they'll start a repair ticket.
I ask them if I don't have a phone, and my internet isn't working how am I supposed to email them?
They then say that the repair guy can't seem to find my address .....Yah no shit, it's a GPS location.
So I have to mail it back too them, and not get refunded the 2 months I can't use the signal, then pay some snot nosed kid, 55 dollars an hour to repair equipment...That I RENT from them.
Only to get it back, hook it up, and find it doesn't work well enough to send them another email informing them they totally suck....
November 14, 2016, 20:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Randomness.
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ November 14, 2016, 20:20) QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ September 18, 2016, 18:48)I am technologically stupid and challenged!
You should try dealing with the overpriced equipment that I have to deal with and the morons that manage it.I'll drive the 80 Klms. to get to a working phone and dial a # thats 4 time zones across the country, and explain that I use mt overpriced, not working sattelite system that I purchased from them for communication....My ONLY communication.
The service person says that all I need to do is email them about the problem, and they'll start a repair ticket.
I ask them if I don't have a phone, and my internet isn't working how am I supposed to email them?
They then say that the repair guy can't seem to find my address .....Yah no shit, it's a GPS location.
So I have to mail it back too them, and not get refunded the 2 months I can't use the signal, then pay some snot nosed kid, 55 dollars an hour to repair equipment...That I RENT from them.
Only to get it back, hook it up, and find it doesn't work well enough to send them another email informing them they totally suck....
November 15, 2016, 15:11 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Randomness.
Upon chatting here with someone, we swapped phone numbers. Before talking on the phone, he had commented, "I hope you don't have an annoying voice?".
Well, I don't! And, we would talk for hours. But, any of you know someone like this?
I am watching a popular TV show, only the character is that of a ditz and the girl has a squeaky, babyish voice. TV is on mute. I would shoot myself!
December 2, 2016, 03:11 |