64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
The Attracted or the Attractant!! is the game afoot?
August 13, 2012, 19:05 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: The Attracted or the Attractant!! is the game afoot?
My feelings are mixed about this,Because friendships evolve,and change as we grow,I don't feel this article has enough of a broad spectrum to cover the way a plutonic friendship may evolve into Love.Just because it can doesnt mean it will tho.I feel Love has a solid foundation in a plutonic friendship .
My next Love,I wish her to be a close friend before we become Lovers. .Imagine Being in Love with your Best friend,It will be a first for me.Heres my delema with this,If i cultivate a Plutonic friendship with the hopes of her becoming a potential love interest later arent I playing the game with her already?My hopes are to build from a solid base,but if I send a message of one thing and wish for something else wouldnt it seem like Im setting us up for a trainwreck,Maybe not if you plant the seed of a possibility to evolve within them early on.Heres the thing!
I would caution anyone If you plan on starting out as Plutonic friends, make sure you respect and value your friend enough and make sure your willing to accept staying plutonic if they don't wish to evolve.After all, If you think they are such a good friend why would you want to pressure them into something they dont want?The painful truth?One sided relationships are dead before they begin,so if your honest with yourself its not like your loosing the love of your life,your gaining a good friend. A friend of mine tells me I sometimes Overanylize things. She is very smart and She is right!
As An Engineer,Soldier and Mechanic i think its hard for me to Overanylize things.In regards to human behavior and relations ,I do tend to Overanylize.Understanding Human behavior has always been difficult for me.
Lets face it ,I can be 'Thick' or (Slow in understanding things) ,no matter how many years in College,or how many Degree's.
My end feelings on this is If you think your Type A,or Type B I say Get off your ass and comunicate your feelings,and take in what they are saying to you.then once you get the message take it to heart and deal with it, you will do yourself and the other involved a great service.the no bullshit approach works extremely well.
After Digesting this I think I'm more confused then when I started out. In the old days It seemed easy to just always put your lovers needs first,but living 26 years with Lovers that were takers tells me,you can get yourself in peril blindly doing that.
yikes I need to get a life,all this typing with only 2 fingers sheesh.lol
August 13, 2012, 20:51 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: The Attracted or the Attractant!! is the game afoot?
I've found that if the attraction is undeniable between the two, and they are fighting it for some reason ,or another, it is eventual......if it will be ....it will be...of course circumstances play into the equasion . For myself , for whatever reason women who are already "taken" tend to like to flirt with me, and its mostly harmless, making thier significant others jealous , which I suppose is their wanted end result.But I have had a few friends that have become girlfriends, a few have been unbelievable relationships that have never ended badly, because we knew each other beforehand. I have had numerous women touch my life, and the one common thread , in the good, or memorable ones is........it happened naturally, nothing was forced or compromised.....we wanted to share life to together, for however long it may be....and for myself it's really just as simple as that.
August 17, 2012, 21:36 |