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 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Unbelievable!!!


 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US

I learned to drive a stick at age 9 yrs. I got my restricted license at age 15. Why? My dad wanted me to have some experience and not afraid. This allowed me to, at the age of 15, travel not only all over the state of Florida, but through several states.

However, there is a new generation, Generation y.

Generation Y includes an increasing number of people for whom driving is less an American rite of passage than an unnecessary chore.

Generation Y, the coveted marketing demographic encompassing the 80 million U.S. residents between the ages of 16 and 34.

From 2001 to 2009, the average annual number of vehicle-miles traveled by people ages 16-34 dropped 23 percent, from 10,300 to 7,900, the survey found. Gen Y-ers, also known as Millennials, tend to ride bicycles, take public transit and rely on virtual media.

"Part of it was laziness," the 23-year-old Minneapolis resident recalled. "I didn't really want to put in the effort to learn how to drive ... I knew how to ride the buses, so it was not necessary. And the other thing was, it was just scary, the idea of being in charge of a vehicle that potentially could kill me or other people,"
She eventually got her license at 18, two years later than she could have, after her parents threatened not to pay for college if she did not learn to drive.

The Michigan researchers offered a few reasons why some younger drivers hesitate to get behind the wheel: the high cost of owning, fueling and maintaining a car and the convenience of electronic communication.

This electronic communication, and texting is too much.
 July 2, 2012, 15:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Unbelievable!!!
Man, I couldnt WAIT to be able to drive, so this really boggles my mind!
 July 2, 2012, 15:21

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
Oh my, do I ever agree with the electronics being too much. My latest cell, has aps up the wazzoo, I have absolutely no use for. This device, can do everything but sweep the floor. Thats ok, I handle that. A lot of those electronics out there, in a strange sort if way, seem to de humanize things. Such as the phone electric answering devices, and promps. I WANT TO TALK TO A PERSON, DAMMIT. Looks like my breed is quickly becoming exstinct. Btw, all my vehicles, and semi trucks I drove, 5 speed to 10 speed with a splitter, I can now be happy (with that technology), when ever I drive again, it will be an automatic.
 July 2, 2012, 15:25

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Unbelievable!!!
  QUOTE (perveman @ July 2, 2012, 15:25)
Oh my, do I ever agree with the electronics being too much. My latest cell, has aps up the wazzoo, I have absolutely no use for. This device, can do everything but sweep the floor. Thats ok, I handle that. A lot of those electronics out there, in a strange sort if way, seem to de humanize things. Such as the phone electric answering devices, and promps. I WANT TO TALK TO A PERSON, DAMMIT. Looks like my breed is quickly becoming exstinct. Btw, all my vehicles, and semi trucks I drove, 5 speed to 10 speed with a splitter, I can now be happy (with that technology), when ever I drive again, it will be an automatic.

. In other words, this young man (depending on how old I am today, lol)is done with geer jammin
 July 2, 2012, 15:35

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
Funny, I almost posted about this type of thing the other night.There is another name for this generation (there are actually several other names) they are refered to as the Peter pan generation. Reason being they are delaying many of the things that in previous generations we couldn't wait to do. Driving, moving out, getting married, starting that career etc... They have done studies and there are several reasons that why they say these things are happening. Economic reasons are part of it. It's expensive to have a car get an apartment or buy a house as well as having children. Another reasoning per the study is that they don't want to make the same mistakes that previous generations have like getting married then divorced. They want to do it more than once if at all when it comes to marriage .Same with career, they don't want just any job and be stuck in it. They want the career they will love.Besides the economic issues of all these things, the modern world of technology has not made many of these things as necessary as it used to be.

I grew up in NYC so I did not need or want a driver's license. My mother insisted I get mine. That is the only reason I did.To this day I hate to drive but it is necessary so I do. I have also taught all my kids to drive. My youngest just got her license on her birthday in May. And I did teach her to drive a stick and although she was not happy at the time she is happy I taught it to her now. She started as soon as she got her permit driving both a stick and automatic but spends much more time driving the car with a stick,its much cheaper to drive.My middle son didn't want to drive but his issue was more about fear. He had been a passenger in several bad car accidents and really didn't feel comfortable about being with anyone except me driving. I pushed him because I knew once he felt in control he would feel better. It worked out well.

So the point is there are many reasons and in my opinion valid reasons that so many are putting these types of things off.Another trend that is becoming widespread is parents moving in with their adult children.Again economics are playing a huge part in this. Both parents benifit and many times the kids get built in and safe baby sitters. It is also better economicly for both parents and kids when there are multiple incomes. Also not having to worry if your parents are safe is comforting.Its a win win for many families . That is of course if you have a home large enough that you have privacy, or you might just kill each other.
 July 3, 2012, 03:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Unbelievable!!!
Like Free, and many others, I couldn't wait to drive. It's a much different time now though. I'm very glad to read the above. There's far too many vehicles on the roads now.
 July 4, 2012, 04:08

 User no longer registered.
Re: Unbelievable!!!
my oldest nephew is 28, and he doesn't have a drivers license. he lives within walking distance to work, and there are so many convenience stores and big chain stores around the area that he can wither ride his bicycle or get a friend with a car to take him. part of me wonders how he can live without driving, but part of me is beginning to realize that he may be the smartest person in my family. he doesn't pay outrageous prices for car insurance, he doesn't pay outrageous gas prices, he doesn't have to worry about finding a place to park his car...(he lives in an apartment). riding a bike or walking is great exercise...and if the weather is nasty, he can always take a bus. the bus fare is almost ALWAYS cheaper than gas.

you tell me, is that pretty smart? (it's no wonder he can afford the technologies of today, and the future.)
 July 4, 2012, 04:22

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
Exactly L and H. My last car, 12 years ago, was a Saab, oh, nice! Fuel injection, rack and pinion steering, front wheel drive, 90 mph total comfort cruising the hiway. Total luxury. Up till then, did all my own mechanics, then ran into electronics. SCREW THAT. The second time it broke down, 500 dollar estimate to repair. Call a wrecking yard, payed me 200 bucks for it, and towed it away. I was liberated. I live 2 minutes, from a major grocery store, my bank inside of it, and 100 yards from bus's, that take me in all directions. The bus, is pocket change compared to owning a vehicle, and NO stress. And since the beginning of time, al kids wanted ti grow up to do all things. Well kids, we all know how that worked out, huh? Will not change. I do realize we play the cards we are delt in life. I finally got a royal flush. SWEET! Good thing we are all different though, others would think I just have a pair (shut up, I am talking about cards, lol, them too though.)
 July 4, 2012, 10:56

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
From a driving stand point, I'm glad to see young folks staying off the roads. I deliver auto parts, as people know, so I see things that boggle the mind with people who drive and do other things. Sometime I wish this was a disease and could spread to the kids of the 90's. They drive around in a sort of daze, what with all the distractions. Just yesterday, a girl driving down a back street, was on the wrong side of the road. I thought she would veer back over after seeing a motorcycle coming straight at her in the other lane. She did not, only honking the horn as if she was inconvenienced by his lack of judgement in not swerving out of her way. It wasn't until a good 2 or 3 miles of this driving, that she was done with her phone call and swerved back over an cut off the guy in front of me behind her. That must have been some important call to drive like that.

Speaking of driving, we talking about it at the store the other day. I mentioned how I had to drive around this one business 5 times before I could pull into the street parking spot out front. People have no idea what to do when it comes to parallel-parking. Every time I pulled up, I pulled up just past the parking spot, I put the blinker on and began to back into it. Like clockwork, some butt-head would pull up right on my bumper and lay on the horn, pissed at me trying to back up and accusing me of trying to wreck their car in traffic. On the fifth time around, the same thing happened, so I did something rather rash. I left the blinker on, parked right there and got out, going into the store to make my delivery. A police officer was sitting right there across the street. He didn't give me a ticket, only questioned me as to how long going around the block and repeating my attempts would take before I pulled that one. He was enjoying himself watching me going around and around and not being able to get into the parking space...
 July 4, 2012, 15:31

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
GG I loved the parallel parking story.My daughter just got he license. I had taught her and my sons how to drive . Not only did I make sure they knew how to parallel park park but I also made sure that they can drive a manual transmission as well.My one son hasn't driven a stick since he got his license so he is a bit rusty but at least I know if he had to he could do it. Coming from NYC I had to know how to parallel park, but living at the Jersey Shore I don't think I have parallel parked more than 3 or 4 times down here in 25 years.

We have strict laws against talking and texting while driving in our state but most ignore it until they get a ticket. You are only allowed to use a phone when its hands free.If you are on a Cinderella license (That's the probationary or graduated license that you get as a young driver)you can't use your phone or any other device even if its hands free until you are on a regular license.I like that law. But I see how stressed the kids get when they hear the phone and know they can't answer it. Its odd to see. My daughter tends to keep hers in her bag in the back seat to avoid temptation. She sometimes puts it on silent as well I have noticed lately.

OK I am curious if other people see this issue where they live....People constantly park facing the wrong way on the street. It is illegal to do this and rarely enforced but drives me crazy!It's really bad on the streets that are considered side streets.I have told my kids not to do it and that it is illegal and they argued the point with me until I showed them the law. I see people do it and my thought always is the same..."Really? Can you really be that lazy?" The other parking issues that drive me crazy are the idiots that park in handicapped parking and say "I'm just going to be a couple of minutes" or "I'm waiting for someone" Or when the snow plow piles the snow in the handicapped spots.Or how about when people park and block my driveway. OH I just want to use my car as a battering ram at that point.lol

I feel better now....
 July 4, 2012, 18:13

 35 / male
 elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
i don't really like driving that much gas prices piss me off and then there ass holes that can't drive that piss me off, people in the turning lane (fast lane) that can't drive fast but stay there and sometimes you are stuck behind them until your stop. people can't brake which pisses me off..... incase your wondering it's nj im driving in. sad thing is i drive better than some of the people that have been driving for YEARS and i haven't even been driving that much. (for the past like 2 months i started driving again, for reason dealing with money and an other i rather not talk about.) i think is depends on the area because some places the stress is higher. if i was told to drive in ny for example i'd say screw it.
 July 4, 2012, 18:21

 64 / male
 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: Unbelievable!!!
  QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 2, 2012, 15:08)

I learned to drive a stick at age 9 yrs. I got my restricted license at age 15. Why? My dad wanted me to have some experience and not afraid. This allowed me to, at the age of 15, travel not only all over the state of Florida, but through several states.

However, there is a new generation, Generation y.

Generation Y includes an increasing number of people for whom driving is less an American rite of passage than an unnecessary chore.

Generation Y, the coveted marketing demographic encompassing the 80 million U.S. residents between the ages of 16 and 34.

From 2001 to 2009, the average annual number of vehicle-miles traveled by people ages 16-34 dropped 23 percent, from 10,300 to 7,900, the survey found. Gen Y-ers, also known as Millennials, tend to ride bicycles, take public transit and rely on virtual media.

"Part of it was laziness," the 23-year-old Minneapolis resident recalled. "I didn't really want to put in the effort to learn how to drive ... I knew how to ride the buses, so it was not necessary. And the other thing was, it was just scary, the idea of being in charge of a vehicle that potentially could kill me or other people,"
She eventually got her license at 18, two years later than she could have, after her parents threatened not to pay for college if she did not learn to drive.

The Michigan researchers offered a few reasons why some younger drivers hesitate to get behind the wheel: the high cost of owning, fueling and maintaining a car and the convenience of electronic communication.

This electronic communication, and texting is too much.

damn drive a stick at 9, I shoulda found you years ago.if you come to michigan ill teach you how to drive an 18 wheeler,13 speed overdrive..dont forget to toot the air horn tho.. lol
 July 7, 2012, 01:14

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Unbelievable!!!

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