62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Many of you might have heard of the book "Fifty shades of Grey" This is a very popular book or I should say series now that there are a total of three in the series. There seems to be a debate as to if its romance or porn. I think the reason some feel it is porn is the subject matter. It is about a couple or to be more exact a man that is very into the world of BDSM.What do you think makes a story Porn vs Romance?
April 25, 2012, 00:42 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
$50.00 vs $1.99
April 25, 2012, 01:21 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Funny I bet my sister has that series,she loves romance novels always has,I picked one of hers one time started reading and was very surprised as to the content.pretty graphic,although I like porn sometimes to get us really perked up .I really never knew why the ladies had such a love for those novels till I seen it for myself,
April 25, 2012, 01:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
BDSM? price high or price low if that is part of the subject matter; that is pornography. Certainly NOT romance in my understanding of romance. So I guess Newbie there are NO shades of grey. Lol
April 25, 2012, 02:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I came across this quote a long time ago...
"Pornography is someone else's erotica that you don't like"
April 25, 2012, 09:43 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
As we all have our differences, Chazzy is spot on.
April 25, 2012, 10:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
April 25, 2012, 12:33 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I think the bigger question would be, "When did BDSM become associated with the porn industry?" Slave and Master situations, sort to speak, have been around since the dark ages. Porn's only shown its darken head since the 19th century. I love how things get lumped together by association.
April 25, 2012, 13:05 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (Chazzy @ April 25, 2012, 09:43)I came across this quote a long time ago...
"Pornography is someone else's erotica that you don't like"
Hey I think you've nailed it Chazzy!!I like smart ladies
April 25, 2012, 13:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
when the book get made into the movie...
if the story has an actual story and is not all about the sexual aspect, then it is romance, if it's all about he sex, then it's porn
April 25, 2012, 13:41 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I understand they are making this series into a movie.
Here is the thing that is confusing. Most books listed in as Porn/Erotica are no different than many of the books in Romance. I have read many of them and I have tried to figure out why some are in the genre they are in. I think it is the subject in many cases that make people say it is erotica or porn. As I stated this book is LISTED as Romance but many people seem to say it is Porn.Every show that I have seen that discusses this book seems to have the same debate and it is always divided as to if its porn or romance. I think that if BDSM makes the person feel uncomfortable they call it porn. If it doesn't they call it romance.I know how movies are rated but how are books categorized? Is there a guideline and a committee that says where the book goes? I know I have run into issues in book stores that I have read a series and when looking for the next book in the series in one store the book will be in Romance and another had it in Fantasy . An example is a book about Vampires that are not the type like Anne Rice writes about but these were turned into vampires due to a scientific experiment that went to well . Kind of hard to explain.
Anyway I have seen some Romance novels in Science Fiction as well or Adventure.I never know until I read a story what they really are. I think many have a genre cross over. But this porn vs romance is really a touchy one for many people. Some people say that they have sex all the time in this book. It's every other page they are having sex again. In reality it was several chapters in before they had sex.I have read romance novels that they are having sex the third page in the book and the language is much stronger than this book yet it is on the New York Times best sellers list and no one argues that its not a romance book.
So why has this book sparked such a fire in people. Is it because the subject is considered taboo? I personally don't think it is Porn but I also don't think most porn I have read should be considered porn.If you have every read Anne Rices "Sleeping Beauty " series you might see why most consider that porn. It's also about the BDSM subject but much more graphic and harsh than anything in this book. Although I think the thing they have in common is that they give a lot of in-site into the mind of people that are into this world and has opened my mind up.I never understood the psychology of BDSM as much as I did after reading these books. They do a great job of explaining the feelings and thought process from their prospectives.It's very interesting.
If there is anyone on here that has read either series I would love to know your opinion as well.Those who haven't What do you think makes a book porn vs romance?
April 25, 2012, 15:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
By the way LNH much of the porn these days do have a story line. I think that is why the lines are getting blurry.
DarkShadow if you were to read this book you would be surprised how romantic the BDSM world can be. You would have to read it to understand. I knew nothing about it until I started reading more and more online and books about it and I was very shocked at the fact I was so wrong about much of it.
April 25, 2012, 15:16 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
*rolls eyes*
I told you
Sexuality w/o sensuality, is porn. Among other things.
BDSM has always been associated w/porn.
From Caligula to Marquis de Sade to Ann Rice.
Its a taboo form of sex. You're not supposed to be on edge physically, emotionally and orgasmically all at the same time. Your not supposed to be turned on by acts that, if not agreed upon prior to, will get you arrested.
April 26, 2012, 11:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I do know that true BDSM relationships (not roleplaying) but true BDSM relationships have a very high level of trust and commitment than most mainstream committed relationships and marriages.
This complete trust and commitment is beautiful, and there fore...romantic. BDSM is something tha unless your truly live the livestyle, it can be difficult to see the nature of it's beautly. There is so much more to it than some being restrainted while another does "evil". BDSM as full time livestyle is about devotion that many of us will not understand. For most of us, it's a playful, kinky roleplaying occasional thing
The fact that this book is in a section of "Romance/erotica" and not in pornography may be simply in the marketing of demographics. Women are most likely to read erotic books and stories, while men are far more visual and prefer the straight out porn movies, photos videos.
April 26, 2012, 14:16 |
64 / male Ask Me, Illinois, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
April 26, 2012, 18:31 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Chazzy you should read this series as well as the Anne Rice series Sleeping Beauty. What you have said is on the money! After reading the books I do have a much better of understanding of the lifestyle. It really is a life style not a role playing thing as you stated. What I find so interesting is the peak into the mind set of both the sub and Dom. Many things I never understood.
In Fifty Shades of Grey there was a statement that the Dom makes that really made me see things in a new light. He was explaining that in a true BDSM relationship the sub has all the power. The Dom is the one that takes care of all the needs and makes all the decisions.You really have to read it to understand as he explains it. The love and deep trust they have is what makes or breaks the relationship. That is something few relationships have. Think about it. Would you trust your partner to make every decision for you?I mean from your day to day life to your sex life. I bet most would say no.
I do think it is very romantic and sexy. It really isn't about pain.(That was my misconception.)As for it being porn....I don't think it is but then again I don't see most porn as porn unless it has no story line and only has sex.
April 26, 2012, 18:39 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
There is a story line in porn?
April 26, 2012, 19:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Yes. The plumber says "Im her to snake your pipes" And the woman says "How about you let your pipe snake me" And then they fuck. Isnt that Oscar Worthy?
April 26, 2012, 22:47 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (freensleazy @ April 26, 2012, 22:47)Yes. The plumber says "Im her to snake your pipes" And the woman says "How about you let your pipe snake me" And then they fuck. Isnt that Oscar Worthy?
Oh, like the time I had my whole house repiped?? It took 3 days, and I thought we were done, but on the 4 day, someone showed up to repair my ice maker.
April 26, 2012, 23:20 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Wow thats a long plot And lots Of porn,With an Ice Kicker to boot,whew your the Jedi Master of Plumbing Porn sorry
April 27, 2012, 00:15 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (kamarel @ April 26, 2012, 11:07)*rolls eyes*
I told you
Sexuality w/o sensuality, is porn. Among other things.
BDSM has always been associated w/porn.
From Caligula to Marquis de Sade to Ann Rice.
Its a taboo form of sex. You're not supposed to be on edge physically, emotionally and orgasmically all at the same time. Your not supposed to be turned on by acts that, if not agreed upon prior to, will get you arrested.
By the way, Don't roll your eyes at me, smart ass! But you can do anything else you want. Now let's go to bed.
April 27, 2012, 02:45 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
April 27, 2012, 10:19 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Dont read much, but if I were to read something, then I required some "private" time, that would qualify as porn. Hey, good definition of porn pereve! Thank you.
April 27, 2012, 10:41 |
56 / male Way Downstate, Illinois, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Hey, newbie...interesting topic and thanks for inviting me to throw in a comment.
"Pornographic" is really anything that is offensive...in the case of what gets labeled as "porn" in society, it is stuff that someone (your neighbor, your preacher, Congress, the FCC) has labeled as "patently offensive" to society.
David Fincher's "SeVen" was labeled as "pornographic" when it came out due to the disturbing level of violence, imagery and, of course, Gwynnie's head in a box. Not a single hard cock or moaning starlet in the entire show, but the fact that it contained disturbingly offensive material made some reviewers reference it as "porn".
I think labeling anything "porn" is incredibly subjective...just like Erica says. A bare ankle or an uncovered female face can be titillating and even "pornographic" in some societies.
One of my other favorite comments about the definition of porn came about in connection with a Supreme Court case. I don't remember the details (and I'm just not motivated to Google right now...) but it was something like "I can't define it...but I can tell you this, I know it when I see it."
That's all I've got for now...actually, I'm hanging out in the Red Room right now hoping that some horny female might let me talk a little porn in her direction!! You do know how much I like to type dirty!!
May 7, 2012, 07:06 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Thanks for your input everyone. And Luv2Chat, you know I was waiting for your input.
I have to say the more I hear about many of the things that are being referred to as porn the more it upsets me. Maybe it's the fact that I HATE censorship with a passion.But the fact that it is so subjective is why it upsets me even more. I have noticed that some people/groups etc. like to label things as porn obviously for their own advantage. That goes to two ways, I have noticed. sometimes labeling something as porn stirs up an interest and gets more people reading, seeing and talking about what they labeled. Other times it's to censor it which obviously bothers me much more.
I was reading the last page of the last (so far) Fifty Shades of Grey books as a news report came on about the series of books. I turned it up to find that a library (I believe it was in Florida) was taking the books off the shelf because someone in the administration read it and called it porn.I can't tell you how angry I was. I thought how can this person read these books from cover to cover and not realize they are not porn at all. I will give you they are erotic but certainly not porn. I know it is the BDSM lifestyle that people are reacting to. But if they were to read these books I think they will find as I did, that it is in no way porn or offensive. In fact its more romantic and loving than almost any book or story I've read.It is really a romantic love story, one of the best if not the best I have read in a long time. Even the language is quit mild compared to many books and stories I have read. I think the people that censor books at a library should be fired on the damn spot! How dare they decide what I should read and push their closed minded views on the public. The library is supposed to be a place to learn and explore things and fantasize even.I'm really angry. This is 2012 and we are fucking going backwards.What amazes me is that you can go to the library and take books out on terrorism, torture, bomb building even and they say "Well we can't and don't want to censor things just because they make people uncomfortable." But if it has to do with a sex life that some prude gets uncomfortable about they feel that's offensive? Really? That's crazy and we should not put up with this as a society. Maybe put a rating system so kids can't rent things the parents don't want them too without permission, but as an adult there shouldn't be any limits!This is such bullshit.
I hope I live to see a time when an artist can do what they want with their art and let the people decide what they like and dislike without censorship. I know if something isn't liked they don't sell it and it goes away. There is no reason to censor books, movies, music and other forms of art that a person makes a choice to read, see, listen to etc. Only things that are not in our control as to if we see or hear etc should be censored and even that to a minimum.I know how to change a channel or shut something off if I find it personally offensive.
May 7, 2012, 16:16 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Yea, we don't do porn in Florida, Bible belt and all.....Right!
May 7, 2012, 17:23 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ May 7, 2012, 17:23)Yea, we don't do porn in Florida, Bible belt and all.....Right! . Could knock me over with a feather. (slapping my forehead). I really, believe it or not, have no use for porn. Real adventures are just too good.
May 7, 2012, 17:47 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I feel very strongly that this is dangerous to have this kind of censorship in this country. It goes against my grain in a huge way. I have every intention on writing to every politician I can think of. This has to stop. It's dangerous to allow this type of power and judgment from anyone even our government never mind a small minority group of closed minded judgmental morons.
May 8, 2012, 04:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
One of my other favorite comments about the definition of porn came about in connection with a Supreme Court case. I don't remember the details (and I'm just not motivated to Google right now...) but it was something like "I can't define it...but I can tell you this, I know it when I see it."
Luv2chat ... (and any others interested) your quote you included was originally spoken by Justice Potter Stewart. Interesting figure, you may want to look at his biographical material online to better understand his views. He did in later remarks say that he'd probably be remembered for that quotation.
In my earlier comments to Newbie's post of this topic. I probably had some vague recollection of Justice Stewart's quote when I shared that I believe Newbie's book she's reading and sharing about, is in my opinion pornographic. Yes we have rights and freedoms, and free speech and expression should be guarded.
But I remember someone saying,
"Your freedom ends where mine begins, and mine ends where yours begins".
"The exact quote is, "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins".
The quote is from Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
So it seems as we push for certain rights we need to be observant of the rights of others. But now don't get me started on these that believe they have rights that truly aren't rights yet they push sternly in your face their so called rights
May 8, 2012, 06:47 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Dark you bring up some good points. I know that people misunderstand rights many times as well as misquoting the actual thing they think that says they have that so called right. For example "freedom of speech".Having the freedom of speech does not mean you can walk into a crowded building and yell fire or screen foul words. Separation of church and state is confused by many as well as. I can list many examples.
I feel that we have stand up for things we think are wrong or right for that matter. We also need to change things on occasion because of various reasons. There are many many laws against things so ridiculous but, they were put on the books at a time when things were just very different in our world.I know must of us would be outraged if the police came barging into our bedrooms to enforce some antiquated law about things we "shouldn't do".Things like oral sex and anal sex are illegal in many places. How do you think you would feel if they enforced those laws.
Censorship is something in reality that has its place. I understand that. I just resent the fact that it is over used in instances it should not be used in at all. This library in Florida is a perfect example of this.We have to stand up to our government at times and let them know when they are overstepping their authority or misusing their authority.We are going backwards in many cases when it comes to censorship.
I am shocked at some words that get bleeped yet, they let other words go as if its not an issue.I see shows that the characters calls the others "a dick" on a regular basis or they use a word that when translated to English is a curse.Or the fact that things like showing women in full frontal nudity is very much acceptable in many things yet showing a man is still going to get them a rated X rating. I believe especially if the man is in a "state of arousal." Double standards need to change.We need to accept that there will be things that will sometimes make us feel uncomfortable. Why can the news show gruesome pictures of dead bodies yet a subject like BDSM in a book that someone CHOOSES to read is an offense so outrageous that we need to be protected from it somehow? Its outrageous and stupid.
May 8, 2012, 14:38 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
When no matter how or where you read it, the thought of bad porn scores (music) dance in your head...
May 9, 2012, 02:31 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
The sultry bestseller "Fifty Shades of Grey" is causing a boom in the sex toy market -- in fact, a company that specializes in vaginal exercise balls says it's sold a record number of hoo-ha doodads in the last month ... all thanks to the book.
A rep for the sex toy company -- called Fun Factory -- just sent a thank you letter to "Fifty Shades" publisher Vintage Books, writing, "In the last month, our Smart Balls sales have gone up 300%."
In case you haven't read the book -- the main character Christian Grey uses a pair of Kegel exercise doohickeys called Ben-Wa balls on his female sex slave (for those with the book, skip to page 362).
The rep writes, "Thanks to the book, we are getting emails and calls from around the world asking about our Smart Balls ... Yesterday, the Fun Factory office received an email from a 74-year-old woman in Dubai who read the book while vacationing in the USA."
Vagina balls ... uniting cultures.
May 18, 2012, 21:01 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ May 18, 2012, 21:01)The sultry bestseller "Fifty Shades of Grey" is causing a boom in the sex toy market -- in fact, a company that specializes in vaginal exercise balls says it's sold a record number of hoo-ha doodads in the last month ... all thanks to the book.
A rep for the sex toy company -- called Fun Factory -- just sent a thank you letter to "Fifty Shades" publisher Vintage Books, writing, "In the last month, our Smart Balls sales have gone up 300%."
In case you haven't read the book -- the main character Christian Grey uses a pair of Kegel exercise doohickeys called Ben-Wa balls on his female sex slave (for those with the book, skip to page 362).
The rep writes, "Thanks to the book, we are getting emails and calls from around the world asking about our Smart Balls ... Yesterday, the Fun Factory office received an email from a 74-year-old woman in Dubai who read the book while vacationing in the USA."
Vagina balls ... uniting cultures.
Yes those are unique I have a set of them stainless wonders
May 18, 2012, 21:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
I think it was the second book when he introduced his fiance / girlfriend to the virginal or kegel balls. In the book they go yo great leanghths to make a point she is not his sex slave or submissive even though at first the goal was to make her his submissive.
Anyway, the description of how they felt did make me want to use them as well. For years i have heard many people talk about them. I understand why people would try them first. First they are hidden. Second, the thought of being naughty with people around is a huge turn on to many people.Third, they claim that not only do they feel amazing but they make sex better by strengthening the kegel muscles. So why wouldn't you want to try them. Funny thing is, I was told they are great for pregnant women to help with child birth. (Not during child birth.lol)
May 18, 2012, 22:34 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ May 18, 2012, 21:01)The sultry bestseller "Fifty Shades of Grey" is causing a boom in the sex toy market -- in fact, a company that specializes in vaginal exercise balls says it's sold a record number of hoo-ha doodads in the last month ... all thanks to the book.
A rep for the sex toy company -- called Fun Factory -- just sent a thank you letter to "Fifty Shades" publisher Vintage Books, writing, "In the last month, our Smart Balls sales have gone up 300%."
In case you haven't read the book -- the main character Christian Grey uses a pair of Kegel exercise doohickeys called Ben-Wa balls on his female sex slave (for those with the book, skip to page 362).
The rep writes, "Thanks to the book, we are getting emails and calls from around the world asking about our Smart Balls ... Yesterday, the Fun Factory office received an email from a 74-year-old woman in Dubai who read the book while vacationing in the USA."
Vagina balls ... uniting cultures.
I know our two nations are currently looking for products to increase trade. Perhaps I can place a call to our Prime Minister about this product,he then can call the Queen in the U.K. to endorse this product as we are still a monarchy,they then can be manufactured in China ,like everything else is, and go up for sale in the North American market....oh and Onehornee, you have a set ? You do realize that you said that out loud?
May 18, 2012, 23:02 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Lol it sounded smarter when I typed.it lol
May 18, 2012, 23:07 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (onehornee @ May 18, 2012, 23:07)Lol it sounded smarter when I typed.it lol I had to run you thru that door ,when you left it open...just say what I said when my buddy found mine" those are just prosthetic balls for my bull so he doesn't get performance anxiety, after his castration"
May 18, 2012, 23:14 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
See, I know you are just playing but now I have to look this up. Do you guys use these too? Do they have a similar effect? I know they say they can and are used as kegel or anal balls. What did I do before goggle? This stuff was just not in the Worldbook encyclopedias. FOR THOSE OF YOU UNDER 40 THEY ARE REFERENCE BOOKS FOR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE.
I wonder how much time I spend researching ridiculous stuff? Maybe we will have to start a new thread with that. Maybe even ask what type of stuff do you goggle about the most? History? Sex? Things that make you go hhmmmmmm.....
May 19, 2012, 04:04 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 19, 2012, 04:04)See, I know you are just playing but now I have to look this up. Do you guys use these too? Do they have a similar effect? I know they say they can and are used as kegel or anal balls. What did I do before goggle? This stuff was just not in the Worldbook encyclopedias. FOR THOSE OF YOU UNDER 40 THEY ARE REFERENCE BOOKS FOR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE.
I wonder how much time I spend researching ridiculous stuff? Maybe we will have to start a new thread with that. Maybe even ask what type of stuff do you goggle about the most? History? Sex? Things that make you go hhmmmmmm.....
I like when things make you go hmmmm
May 19, 2012, 09:16 |
64 / male 69'sDevine, Michigan, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
Lol newbie its oour pleasure to make you go hmmmmmm,lol syb,I bought them years ago while dating a hottie from Ohio,was from a little Asia stand where we found those,and been I haven't used them on me,just to strengthen he control.they are interesting ill post a profile pic of. Mine.they even come in a nice decorative box.lol
Hats off to sy you don't miss a thing lmao
May 19, 2012, 10:25 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
mmmmmm....I mean HMMMMMMMM ...encyclo-what? Newbs?..those Kegel Balls where left here by a female "partner" of mine a while ago,and I had forgotten all about them till reading about them here.She was a little older than I am and was very into her "toys" and knew what she liked and disliked..having said that when we had decided to call it quits and she went back to the states she took her "toys" with her,but forgot the balls.I also recall they were alot of fun. As far as your question "if I would use them?" I have a set of balls although not as shiny,but I can honestly say,I am very happy with the ones I was supplied with,although in the words of Jerry Sienfeld..."not that there's anything wrong with that!"
May 19, 2012, 20:08 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
According to what I have read they are like anal beads and can be as pleasurable for men as they are for women. They can be purchased with a "pull string" for those afraid to try without.I bet if you guys could get past your fear about them you might find them fun. It's like us when we have never tried anal. It's a scary thought . Once you learn to relax it much more enjoyable than ever thought. I have never tried ben wa balls but plan to. I guess I am willing to try almost anything as long as there is no pain involved. Ok no tying me down either, that just freaks me out, but almost anything else.lol
May 19, 2012, 20:45 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 19, 2012, 20:45)According to what I have read they are like anal beads and can be as pleasurable for men as they are for women. They can be purchased with a "pull string" for those afraid to try without.I bet if you guys could get past your fear about them you might find them fun. It's like us when we have never tried anal. It's a scary thought . Once you learn to relax it much more enjoyable than ever thought. I have never tried ben wa balls but plan to. I guess I am willing to try almost anything as long as there is no pain involved. Ok no tying me down either, that just freaks me out, but almost anything else.lol NAH!!! i'm good....plus I already have a "pull" start
May 19, 2012, 20:58 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 19, 2012, 20:45)According to what I have read they are like anal beads and can be as pleasurable for men as they are for women. They can be purchased with a "pull string" for those afraid to try without.I bet if you guys could get past your fear about them you might find them fun. It's like us when we have never tried anal. It's a scary thought . Once you learn to relax it much more enjoyable than ever thought. I have never tried ben wa balls but plan to. I guess I am willing to try almost anything as long as there is no pain involved. Ok no tying me down either, that just freaks me out, but almost anything else.lol
it doesn't HAVE to hurt. just a little sting
May 19, 2012, 21:17 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Re: When does a book cross the line from romance to porn?
QUOTE (sybianwatcher1 @ May 19, 2012, 20:58) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ May 19, 2012, 20:45)According to what I have read they are like anal beads and can be as pleasurable for men as they are for women. They can be purchased with a "pull string" for those afraid to try without.I bet if you guys could get past your fear about them you might find them fun. It's like us when we have never tried anal. It's a scary thought . Once you learn to relax it much more enjoyable than ever thought. I have never tried ben wa balls but plan to. I guess I am willing to try almost anything as long as there is no pain involved. Ok no tying me down either, that just freaks me out, but almost anything else.lol NAH!!! i'm good....plus I already have a "pull" start
you know, you can get parts to push/pull start women too.
May 19, 2012, 21:21 |