61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Friday the 13th Part 85...
I'm not a big superstitious person, but it seems that way today for me. It started getting out of bed, The covers were tangled around my legs from the night before, I landed face first trying to get out of bed. I should have heeded the warning when I fixed myself a cup of coffee. I poured hot water into the cup, but I wasn't looking very well and missed the cup. The hot water landed in my lap, running off the table. The burns are still smart. I took a shower, like I do every morning, only this time when I pulled up my underwear by the waistband, I didn't know my own strength. I ripped off the entire waistband of them.
When it came time to go to work, I put on my hat, a ball cap, and my sunglasses rest on top of the rim, like an extra pair of eyes. As I exited the room, I caught the drawstring of the hall light right on the bridge of the glasses. The strings ball ripped them from my hat, throwing them down the stairs. They had a nice little scratch on the left lens. I went to work with an annoying scratch in my sunglasses. When I got there, my first assignment was north, but for some reason I was thinking south and went 25 miles out of my way. To add insult to injury, I was delivering two heavy rotors, one of which I dropped on my foot, the other which escaped from the box and rolled down the driveway and into a wooded area. I had to chase that one down.
Later, it got hot out, too hot for what I was wearing. So stripped out of my turtleneck, placing my hat and GLASSES on the drivers seat. I forgot they were there and plopped down into the seat, "Crunch, Crunch!" I snapped off both ear pieces. Then when I left to head home, I forgot about the 100 dollar tablet I left on the roof of my pickup. It went sailing of the hood and landed face up on the road, not too bad considering, a truck seeing me stopped where I was used the opportunity to squeeze by the front of me finishing the job of having it in the first place. I shouldn't have gotten out of bed!...
April 14, 2012, 01:25 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Friday the 13th Part 85...
Welcome to my world. Just kidding. My day was great.
April 14, 2012, 02:39 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Friday the 13th Part 85...
yep bad day too , bad dreams, got up too early, then took a 200 mile ride for nothing up to ashland.went to bk ,looked at the old ore docks, only one left , then a appointment and home...
April 14, 2012, 02:57 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Friday the 13th Part 85...
At least you didn;t run into Jason.
April 14, 2012, 10:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Friday the 13th Part 85...
Oh wow GG...all I have to complain about for the Friday the 13th is the notice I got for jury duty.
It's not that big of a deal, but the courthouse is on the opposite side of the county.
April 14, 2012, 12:15 |
61 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Friday the 13th Part 85...
QUOTE (kamarel @ April 14, 2012, 10:58)At least you didn;t run into Jason.
How do you know the name of the guy who ran over my tablet?!...
April 14, 2012, 20:07 |