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We've all seen the video of where the tsunami hit japan. TLC had an hour or so on about this. They started at the place it first hit and went down the coast to the other cities it came onshore. They have survivor accounts during the broadcast.
While still a horrendous event, it's still fascinating to see the power of water.
March 9, 2012, 02:50 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
On the subject of water, here's an interesting trivia question; How long would a major city, say Chicago, last if people no longer existed?
a, two weeks
b. twenty years
c. two hundred years
d. two thousand years
e. none of the above
March 9, 2012, 03:33 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
20 years watch the remake of omega man with will smith lol
as for te japan thing , might of been the same one i seen on pbbs tv n the weekend .... nothing like te power of moving water
March 9, 2012, 04:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Water is fascinating. Actually mother nature in general is fascinating. If it wasn't for the havoc it causes I think most people would love to watch this stuff.One of my favorite thing about SCUBA diving is that I get to observe things that seem impossible.It also teaches you to respect mother nature. During a training dive or maybe it was a testing dive I had to wait at the bottom while the instructor did an "emergency accent" run through with my son. It was crystal clear and we could all see each other it was maybe 50-60 feet deep.I'm just kind of floating down at the bottom relaxed. It also happen to be a day a nasty storm was coming in. The current under water was rocking me as if I was in a hammock. At first I thought I would fall asleep because it was very relaxing. Then the current picked up and by the time the instructor got to me it wasn't really a drill anymore because I was as green as you can get and I was trying desperately not to throw up into my regulator. It turned out that the water above and below can also be very different. I have been stuck in currents that can take you miles out in a minute and if you don't get out of that current you are not going to be able to control where you go. Yet you see fish or turtles or dolphins swim in the same conditions with no issue or effort.The force can be awe inspiring yet nothing happens to these animals or the reefs sometimes.
Tsunamis are fascinating to watch. I love watching them when they have those shows on. Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornado's are great as long as I don't think of the people getting hurt or killed. I saw the coolest thing ever a few years ago on the side of the garden state parkway of all places. A fire had started and it wasn't very big, however the winds kicked up and I saw something I never saw before or since. The fire turned into something that looked like a tornado of fire. Like in the movie The Ten Commandments when Charlton Heston was trying to keep the Egyptians from catching up to them.I called it into 911 but honestly,I just wanted to watch it for a while. It was so cool looking.I didn't know fires could do that. A friend that is a fireman explained it wasn't as rare as I thought. But it was cool!
March 9, 2012, 08:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: TLC
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 9, 2012, 08:10)Water is fascinating. Actually mother nature in general is fascinating. If it wasn't for the havoc it causes I think most people would love to watch this stuff.One of my favorite thing about SCUBA diving is that I get to observe things that seem impossible.It also teaches you to respect mother nature. During a training dive or maybe it was a testing dive I had to wait at the bottom while the instructor did an "emergency accent" run through with my son. It was crystal clear and we could all see each other it was maybe 50-60 feet deep.I'm just kind of floating down at the bottom relaxed. It also happen to be a day a nasty storm was coming in. The current under water was rocking me as if I was in a hammock. At first I thought I would fall asleep because it was very relaxing. Then the current picked up and by the time the instructor got to me it wasn't really a drill anymore because I was as green as you can get and I was trying desperately not to throw up into my regulator. It turned out that the water above and below can also be very different. I have been stuck in currents that can take you miles out in a minute and if you don't get out of that current you are not going to be able to control where you go. Yet you see fish or turtles or dolphins swim in the same conditions with no issue or effort.The force can be awe inspiring yet nothing happens to these animals or the reefs sometimes.
Tsunamis are fascinating to watch. I love watching them when they have those shows on. Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornado's are great as long as I don't think of the people getting hurt or killed. I saw the coolest thing ever a few years ago on the side of the garden state parkway of all places. A fire had started and it wasn't very big, however the winds kicked up and I saw something I never saw before or since. The fire turned into something that looked like a tornado of fire. Like in the movie The Ten Commandments when Charlton Heston was trying to keep the Egyptians from catching up to them.I called it into 911 but honestly,I just wanted to watch it for a while. It was so cool looking.I didn't know fires could do that. A friend that is a fireman explained it wasn't as rare as I thought. But it was cool!
You apparently found out what most people don't realize. The EARTH is a living thing. It constantly changes.
March 9, 2012, 13:34 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
they had a show called the living planet i remember , it was fascinating
March 9, 2012, 18:11 |
49 / male Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
QUOTE (OOMG @ March 9, 2012, 02:50)We've all seen the video of where the tsunami hit japan. TLC had an hour or so on about this. They started at the place it first hit and went down the coast to the other cities it came onshore. They have survivor accounts during the broadcast.
While still a horrendous event, it's still fascinating to see the power of water. Here on british columbia's coast line there is a debris field,from the tsunami, drifting toward our coastline 20 miles across and due to hit ,vancouver island and vancouver at the end of this month.basically a floating garbage dump and graveyard....as well as a enviromental hazard...
March 10, 2012, 01:13 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: TLC
QUOTE (ashkats @ March 9, 2012, 04:56)20 years watch the remake of omega man with will smith lol
as for te japan thing , might of been the same one i seen on pbbs tv n the weekend .... nothing like te power of moving water
Actually it's two weeks. They say that a big city's water supply is under enormous pressure and without people around to relieve that pressure older pipes will burst. With the pressure in those areas pushing water around foundations for buildings will become water logged and sky-scrappers will crumble. All this because of pressure and water...
March 10, 2012, 04:41 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Have you ever seen the mess a broken pipe in Manhattan can make? It always makes fir big news. Those are old pipes!
I remember my kids studying erosion that can happen from water and I found it fascinating how fast it can go from a small issue to a disaster.The towns have to rebuild our beaches after every storm and before every summer to keep a beach there. I never realized how fast it happens until I moved to the shore.
March 10, 2012, 05:36 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: TLC
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 10, 2012, 05:36)Have you ever seen the mess a broken pipe in Manhattan can make? It always makes fir big news. Those are old pipes!
I remember my kids studying erosion that can happen from water and I found it fascinating how fast it can go from a small issue to a disaster.The towns have to rebuild our beaches after every storm and before every summer to keep a beach there. I never realized how fast it happens until I moved to the shore.
Carlin said it best.
The earth will be fine. Eventually, it will shake us off like a bad case of fleas.
March 10, 2012, 11:10 |
74 / male Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania, US
I feel very bad for those people But I do find it had to think how it effect us like I used to buy Hard drives for work to replace bad drives. I used to pay 60 bucks for a 500 gig drive I watched them going up in price the last time I odered 10 I found are supplier could not give me any the biggest he had was 360 gig for 150 each so I called him and ask what is going on with the hard drive and the other parts I buy. Oh it is a lsrge reseller not mom and pop store. He said the problem is the
sunami that hit japan wiped out the factory so ALL computer part are very had to come by. So that effected us all one way or another way the we do not even think about.
March 10, 2012, 22:28 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: TLC
QUOTE (yepper12 @ March 10, 2012, 22:28)I feel very bad for those people But I do find it had to think how it effect us like I used to buy Hard drives for work to replace bad drives. I used to pay 60 bucks for a 500 gig drive I watched them going up in price the last time I odered 10 I found are supplier could not give me any the biggest he had was 360 gig for 150 each so I called him and ask what is going on with the hard drive and the other parts I buy. Oh it is a lsrge reseller not mom and pop store. He said the problem is the
sunami that hit japan wiped out the factory so ALL computer part are very had to come by. So that effected us all one way or another way the we do not even think about.
I'm not saying that's not possible? However, I'd be lookin elsewhere.
March 11, 2012, 12:48 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: TLC
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ March 10, 2012, 05:36)Have you ever seen the mess a broken pipe in Manhattan can make? It always makes fir big news. Those are old pipes!
I remember my kids studying erosion that can happen from water and I found it fascinating how fast it can go from a small issue to a disaster.The towns have to rebuild our beaches after every storm and before every summer to keep a beach there. I never realized how fast it happens until I moved to the shore.
The show I watched that on said that if no one was around to turn on faucets in any city would increase the pressure. Couple that with pipes in most city's are still close to 200 years old and you'll have pipes bursting in any city anywhere. The water washes out foundations which causes even the sturdiest skyscrapper to tumble down and city to level.
March 11, 2012, 20:49 |
User no longer registered.
i forget what channel it was on.
There was a program about what would happen after man wasn't on earth. It went about 100 years into the furture. Very interesting.
March 12, 2012, 00:31 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
i seem a dirty jobs show with mike Rowe, down in the sewers of San Fransisco ,if they didnt inspect and repair them they would soon have sink holes
March 12, 2012, 00:57 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
We get sink holes all the time and some are very dangerous.We have main streets just have major holes that cars fall into.In our area we had a builder that built the whole development on all the old trees and debris from the job. Well years later it all started breaking down and big shock the houses started falling into the ground. Believe it or not they went to court and won but it didn't help them all that much.Of course the guy claimed bankruptcy. Ever try to sell a house or property on a known sink hole?They only got a couple of thousand each . Didn't even cover a pool repair.
Does anyone remember when they had a steam pipe break in Manhattan a few years ago. It was all over national news because some pour guy in a pick up got stuck in that when the ground collapsed.I can't imagine the pain he endured.The steam was shooting so high that people thought it was another terror attack because they thought it was smoke. It was a bazaar sight.
March 12, 2012, 07:08 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
seen a lot of that on the news , sinkholes open and swallow done houses and cars , southern Indiana maybe Florida too i think , Kentucky. go to sleep one night and end up in the cave system the next day.
started watching walking with monsters and dinosaurs
March 12, 2012, 18:17 |
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