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What kind?
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » What kind?


 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
What kind?
Not sure how far this will go, but what kind of morning person are you?

I am a 6am, let the dogs out, go back to sleep person. My two dogs have no trouble playing together or chasing squirrels for hours. However, my new dog dug out of the fence recenlty, and this morning I found her on escape route #2. I still plan to close my eyes for some additional sleep.

I know my dad use to wake up with a smile, have a cup of coffee, and a few puffs on a cigarette. He is much more cheering than I. I logged on to WN, and after reading my new message, could only respond with a "Wow". Then reading the first Discussion thread, I managed a "hmmmm?"
 February 24, 2012, 12:27

 User no longer registered.
Re: What kind?
I'm definitely NOT one of those cheery people that pops up with a smile and craves breakfast. I flip the channel from Nick at Nite over to the news to see what kind of madness has happened over night, turn on the computer while the coffee is brewing and check emails and websites with a coffee and cigarette. Then I clean up whatever dishes I was too lazy to take care of the night before. Move along people, nothing to see here.
 February 24, 2012, 12:46

 111 / male
 Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: What kind?
Start shutting down at 5pm, bed at 6, asleep by 7, so up by 2:30 or 3. My quiet, prvate time. Drinking coffee, listening to talk radio. Wide awake. Worked great before retiring. Down at the warehouse, in my office early, check my emails, phone messages. Hour later, just kicking back, greeting my crews. How I miss that.
 February 24, 2012, 12:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: What kind?
I had a new client call me yesterday that wanted to do an 8AM breakfast meeting today. I panicked, but reluctantly agreed. Fortunately, a 3rd party had a schedule conflict and it got moved to 2:30. Dodged that bullet!
 February 24, 2012, 12:59

 User no longer registered.
Re: What kind?
It takes me a while to actually wake up after my eyes open. I just take my time and when i feel awake, then I do ostuff. 'Till then it's coffee and stare at tv.

I am occasionally cheery in the morning. Only when I think it'll annoy someone.
 February 24, 2012, 15:10

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: What kind?
Are you sure we aren't related or something Free? I don't do mornings well,unless you mean going to sleep in the morning. I never liked getting up early. I think I slept through every class I had before noon. I even had jobs that had weird hours so I didn't have to get up early.When I had an early meeting everyone knew to tread lightly around me. I had one boss that even tried bringing me food in the hope it would cheer me up a bit. I hate cheery people in the morning! They annoy me. There is only one thing that you can get me to do in the morning that I'm not cranky as all hell for,sex! However if its really early I'm going back to sleep. Kam is an early riser and he knows if he wants a few hours to himself that's a great time because there is no chance of me waking up. He told me once that we were meeting his parents for breakfast, I almost had a heart attack. Fortunately it was more like brunch. And no I don't drink coffee or smoke,so that can't help.
 February 24, 2012, 16:15

 49 / male
 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: What kind?
as you know kiss i'm most definatley a morning person..sex coffee breakfast, and not always in that order
sometimes turn on the news to find out what's happening out in civilization or weather report..then out to feed livestock and more coffee.in summer i'll feed then saddle a horse and go ride to check my fences..build a fire for more coffee around 10:00 am
 February 24, 2012, 19:27

 User no longer registered.
Re: What kind?
I LOVE mornings!! Especially when I worked, my first job was shift work. So it was nothing to be up at 5:00 am and enjoy some coffee and toast. Living alone, I definitely like quiet time. When my grandmother was still living, and she lived in front of my apartment; she would see me come home from work, and if I didn't immediately go over and say hello or check on her; she'd call me. I have this for dinner you wanna come over and eat? She'd ask me often. I knew by going over I'd have to answer a zillion questions about my day. And that's just not me. So I'd go and answer a few questions. Then I'd say, I'm done; no more questions please, I just need some peace and quiet now. And I still find that in my morning time. I live close to our Ohio River, and there is a beautiful little park that over looks the river, I now have the time to go there many mornings, drink my coffee, maybe eat a breakfast sandwich and watch the river and nature and enjoy my quiet time.

My downside to this is my current health situation. I'm on meds that mess up my sleeping cycles and i'm often awake at 2 am. and 3 am. So my quiet mornings get the short end of the stick these days. But if you need a morning guy, I still hope I stay on everyone's list!! Yay, Mornings!!!! I was about to close this long explanation, when I realized by my liking mornings, and many of you not so inclined; I can avoid some of you grumpy butts.. LOL j/k don't flood me with complaints! But whenever you start yours, "have a good day".
 February 24, 2012, 19:41

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: What kind?
I'm def a morning person, i'm up at 3:30 am, have a lil brekkie & coffee, then off to the airport, shower & dress for my flight that day, even on my day off, i'm up early, having coffee & relaxing & watch the sun come up
 February 24, 2012, 23:05

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: What kind?
I have to say there are two exceptions to my no morning rule. When I'm upstate at the lake and it so early no one else is up I like to sometimes grab a cup of tea and maybe a fishing rod, bait and some bread for the ducks at the dock.I love when no one is around and the lake is like glass. The ducks will come right up to you and eat some bread. I can put a worm on my hook and just watch the float just sit in the water for hours. It was never about catching fish in the morning, it was the quiet time that I had all to myself. Although catching fish didn't hurt.lol It has to be one of the most peaceful feelings I ever have.

SCUBA diving is the same kind of feeling. Almost like being in another world. You feel weightless and like a visitor because you feel like you are intruding on this world you shouldn't be able to be in.This beautiful place that you know is almost to beautiful to be real.It has to be that good to get me up and on a boat by 6:30am.
 February 25, 2012, 02:23

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: What kind?
i have my on and off days , depends on when i get up and if im awake , if i got sleep and how much bullshit i have to deal with when not awake ... it can just trip my switch
 February 25, 2012, 03:08

 55 / male
 Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Re: What kind?
Hmmmm A Naughty site and the most active post at the moment is about sleep???? And all poster are over 35. Go figure. LOL

Well since we are here. I was until recent events a "keep me far away from mornings and I am great", Like wake up say good bye to the wife and back to sleep till 10 or later. Now however I am up and exercised showered and administering meds by 8am. Ugh Hate it!!! But it has to be done.
 February 25, 2012, 03:29

 41 / male
 Puxico, Missouri, US
Re: What kind?
As far as mornings go mine is 1030 or 1100 but I also work till 4am but if I sleep till atleast 1030 I'm ok not cheery but not grumpy ether now if I get woke up for sex I'm cheery the rest of the day
 February 25, 2012, 04:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: What kind?
well, when you don't go to bed until after midnight, but gotta get up at 5:45 for work, it makes for a long day. never mind the 15 hrs of work i put in between two jobs. then, when i get the chance to sleep in on the weekends, something always seems to get me up by 7:00, whether it's my kids when they are here, or the call of nature....lol
 February 25, 2012, 05:35

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » What kind?

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