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This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be


 User no longer registered.
This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
I was talking to a few other couples and the topic came up about mmf 3sums and it got me wondering how many of those involved would secretly want something more to go on. EXAMPLE - how many of u females have thought about what it would be like to see ur man start suckin or stroking the other and same with you males that share your ladies? Im not talking about bi guys or ppl that plan on it im talkin about guys who never tried im not refurring to bi or gay guys straight guys that might try something in the heat of the moment. Like myself i have never done anything with a cock and after sharing my wife with several other males she gave in & told me she would get off like no other seein me do somethin with another cock wether it just be a few strokes or sucking or more then she fallowed with "would u ever try or do anything with a guy" to "do u fanticisy about doing shit with a guy for or infront of me" . Truthfully after awhile it started wearin on me now im interested but never thought about it till she brought it up SO how many of u secretly think n would want that to happen
 February 3, 2012, 19:43

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
I've been in quit a few threesomes ,always MMF .I have at times had one of the guys were bi but the other was always straight so they never really did anything together. My personal view is I don't care. I like my partner to be excited and turned on so whatever they do that excites them , excites me.Keep in mind as the women in the MMF threesome I am pretty busy throughout the entire thing.The threesome is a great thing for a woman's ego.lol

I do warn people every time I talk about threesomes . You have to be a strong person with a healthy ego. Your relationship with the partner has to be strong before you add a third person to the mix. ALWAYS discuss your do's and don'ts prior to doing this and be honest about your feelings and guidelines.You can not un-ring the bell.REMEMBER this will not fix a broken relationship.

For the record a MFF is a much harder thing to do. Not because of the having sex with another female but its much harder to put two females in something that can be so emotionally charged.Men don't care if they are being used as a sex toy for the most part, women do. They want a relationships.(Generally speaking) In a MMF there is no threat but in a MFF the other woman is a threat.
 February 3, 2012, 21:11

 User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
I completly agree with u when u say u have to have the right mind set the first 2 mmf 3sums i had didnt go to well cuz me n my wife were not yet there and i had some issues with self doubt and worried my cock wouldnt be good enough big enough or she wanted n like him more stupid shit now that i look back but in my eyes for it to be a succsession all doubt worry n reason needs to be left where the first sexual advince starts i love seein my woman satisfied to her full extent in my eyes its well worth it jus to see her happy and lets face it its FUN !! I wish mff 3sums worked that way but in my expierience they just bring way to much drama but ya win sum and lose sum!
 February 4, 2012, 02:26

 55 / male
 Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Re: This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
I have had a few threesomes , MMF , some with one woman then couple years later with another woman both involved the same guy. During the MMF with the first woman while tangled together on the bed and really that's what it felt like, it was arms and legs everywhere. I was suddenly shocked and surprised to find my dick deep in his throat, actually the only person to ever deep throat me. Being straight I was shocked but it felt so good I just let him continue, which he hungrily did. Later he told me he had always wanted to try that and saw the opportunity and took it literally. During the threesome with the second woman it was unfortunate that no one had communicated their desires as it was found out after the fact, and sadly never had another opportunity to achieve any of this, but he did want to suck on my dick again, and she wanted to see some male sucking action preferably me sucking on his cock, and I felt that if he did it to me again I would make the effort to return it. Like I said sadly nothing transpired in that area. Have to remember that Communication is the key.
 February 4, 2012, 06:14

 User no longer registered.
Re: This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
SEE thats what i am talking about thank u there is at least one honest male on here so far ! And bro i agree with u if that guy had downed my cock a second time i would as well be more then willing to try and return the favor my wife wants to see the same thing and its good to hear that shit like this does happen
 February 4, 2012, 08:14

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be
we been in a few , the wife had bad experience's, she wasn't so happy with the way she smelled afterward. we weren't in a position were we could bathe. then i have heard other bfolks, have lost their ladies or guys even to other partners to the other partner. not so bad as a girlfeind but if ya loss a wife ...even at parties, its the same couple and single ladies , singles males only with a couple , unless the meet is open, then the males comin like its happyhunting
 February 4, 2012, 19:58

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » This is for the couples or partners involved in 3sums...lets see how truthful yall can be

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