62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Does this happen just to torture me?
Like everyone else this time of year brings a lot of extra paperwork. Or on this case computer work. You know what I mean. Federal and state taxes, FAFSA forms (if you have a kid in college)end of the year/ beginning of the year statements and other forms for various things.In my case it is overwhelming at times because many things need to be done in duplicate or triplicate depending on if its for my kids or insurance companies etc.. It's bad enough that we have to do most of this that seems to be redundant but I have a new pet peeve.Why is it that you get through the whole damn thing and as soon as you hit submit on that last glorious page , that's when the computer, or website fucks up? The worst part is many of these forms wipe completely clean if that happens and you have to start over!If it's something that you had to pay for you never know if it went through and of course customer service is closed or they tell you you have to wait 24 hours to see if it went through, or even worse you get someone overseas who doesn't speak English and they don't understand the problem at all!!! (Why do these people work in customer service if they don't understand the things that company does anyway?)Or, why does it always happen the minute customer service closes for an extended holiday? Of course now I'm all stressed out over it and can't sleep on top of everything else.
The other day I got a notice about something I had to fill out that had to be done each year. It also said "final notice".If I didn't get this done they would cancel this important benefit. Under that statement it said three other things. 1. If you already sent in this re-certification then disregard this statement (I would love to if I wouldn't lose my benefits if it got lost somewhere, but I can't!) 2.If you were already certified and this other benefit you don't need to do this ever. (Well I do and they still make me do it every year and can't seam to tell me why!) 3. If you have any questions or concerns call the number listed on this form. (I did and they gave me three other agencies to call because it was the wrong agency to handle this. Although they were at least able to tell me that they received the forms I mailed over a month ago that they just logged in the previous day,so they have no idea why I got a final notice but I might even get another one. SO MUCH FOR FINAL NOTICE).I have come to the conclusion after several hours on the phone with the different agencies they do this to see if we just get tired and give up. I wish I could but unfortunately its for my kids so I can't. I was actually told by one person after all that , the the reason I keep getting the form id because someone has it coded wrong in the computer. The problem is I can't get to the person that does the coding to fix it. It has been wrong for at least four or five years.You would think by now they could fix it being it is reviewed at least once if not more times per year.
I love when my doctors tell me I should have less stress in my life. I agree.
January 29, 2012, 07:31 |
65 / couple yooperville, Michigan, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
know how ya feel , seems to happen all to much. i have my little battle with the state dept of rev, that screwed me out of almost 800 bucks last year and don't know why and they just love that administrative code they use to screw ya with too.then ya cant even get a answer why?
now round two
January 29, 2012, 17:16 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
we were doing some research on ancestry and spent two days typing and filling in the blanks, hit enter on time , several time and it just wasted hours of work.wasn't too happy with it too
January 29, 2012, 21:25 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
You have to feel like there is someone on the other side of that screen laughing as if they did it you on purpose.It just seems to always happen at the most inconvenient and irritating times.
January 29, 2012, 21:30 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
all the wasted phone calls too and time , then it was to back stuff up tooo and ya lose everything
January 29, 2012, 21:45 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
What I love is that I have to wait all the way until the middle of February to get all the paperwork I need to file taxes, and then fineggle all my schoolwork to free up an entire day to do the taxes, then spend hours filling out tax forms both on and offline, finally paying some outrageous fee to file the taxes so that I know they were submitted and accepted (as opposed to ending up in some post office in the middle of nowhere rather than the IRS), all for nothing (no refund, no required payment).
I'm also very urked that I work my butt off at school all year and have to take out loans to cover my expenses of going to school so that the IRS can say that a portion of my financial aid is "taxable income". How can a student with no job have "taxable income"? It's not like I'm ending up with money in my account at the end of the year. With rising food costs, gas prices, and other bills, I usually have to borrow money from family.
January 31, 2012, 06:42 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Andy I am not a tax expert. But I do have two kids in college and I have almost always done the taxes for my self, my ex-husband and my children. I also do the FAFSA for my kids as well. I have to tell you I think you are doing it wrong. FIRST if you owe no taxes and they don't owe you and you are a full time student you can most likely do your federal taxes online for free by going to the US gov web site and follow the links from there to do it for free. I think as long as you are under $100,000 or so in income you are golden.My kids get refunds every year and I use it. Besides that it will walk you through every step if you are not sure about something. It even does the math for you.You also file it for free from there and if you get a refund and do direct deposit it will get to you in about 7 days.Trust me it is the easiest and cheapest way to do it. Can't get cheaper than free.They figure out what forms to have you do and what deductions you get bases on questions they take you through.They even had the stimulus paperwork on there when they did that. My one son even qualified for a government check for something one year that we didn't know about because he was an emancipated full time college student. He wound up getting $200 or $300 more than he had even paid. It was some special deal they had that year for students.He was a very happy camper and it paid some books that semester.
When I had much more complicated taxes I used the computer program that I use on there and I loved it so much more than the paper forms I used to use years ago. I personally use Turbo Tax through the government web site as well as when I had to pay years ago. In our state they would charge if I used that for our state taxes so I just go to the state web site (Most states have this now) and do it through the state site itself and again its very easy.MUCH FASTER as well.AND FREE
It even has a no mistake guarantee.I hope this helps you.
January 31, 2012, 07:25 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Thanks newbie. I'll look into it, but I think I looked into something like that before and they said I didn't qualify because of my situation or something. I dunno. I'll check into it, tho. I've been using TurboTax online for almost 10 years now, and I've never gotten audited or anything. I just don't see why they'd charge someone who wasn't getting a refund or having to make a payment. If I understand their process correctly, it's just a data transfer of a bunch of returns all at once. Anyway, I'll check into what you're talking about. Maybe it's something different from what I saw a few years ago. At least I can deduct payments from year to year, but it's not like I'm getting that money refunded or anything. I'll definitely be liking the years after I graduate, tho, when I get to claim all the payments I make on these student loans. As for the FAFSA, I do that immediately after filing my taxes. That takes me like 15 minutes max. And that's even taking a 14 minute phone call in the middle of it. The DOE has that set up really nice and very straightforward.
Boy I can't wait until the federal government wises up and realizes that Americans are getting screwed with taxes. Why tax people on the money they earn, and then again on what they spend? I get criticized for it, but I think that they should do away with income taxes and just impose a national sales tax. That way the people who are buying expensive vehicles, houses, and boats will pay their fair share of taxes.
January 31, 2012, 07:44 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Have'nt had to bother with filing the last 3 years, and will never need to apain. Go figure? Am finacailly "comfortable" though. What the hell is that all about? My secret. . But when I did file, was always the standard 1040, aways, as now, just wanted to keep it simple. Stress out, deduct this and that, tweek here and there, just too confusing, screw it. Hope all get through it all ok.
January 31, 2012, 10:16 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Andy you still use turbo tax but you MUST LINK THROUGH THE FEDERAL WEB SITE OR THEY WILL CHARGE YOU. You can deduct the student loans . My kids do it if they make any payments rather than defer until after graduation.
January 31, 2012, 14:46 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
I'm probably screwing myself in the long run, but since I'm concentrating on school and not working, all of my loans are deferred. Like I said, i'll check it out. And if it works, I'll pass it on to as many of my student friends as I can.
February 1, 2012, 03:52 |
65 / couple yooperville, Michigan, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
the h and r block cd , they are giving free do it 10-40 and efile for free , as of last year and this year tooo. the state though they will charge ya for ..
February 1, 2012, 03:56 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
for the last three years, i've gotten my taxes done for free. my mother (may she rest in piece) got me involved in a free service provided by AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) they prepare taxes for retired people, but they also do it for low income people as well. they file both state, and federal (along with rent credit) for absolutely free. (and they do a great job too, they take the time to go over the last years return if you had them done elsewhere) last year they helped one woman discover that her previous tax preparer made a $1,500 mistake (not in her favor though )
February 1, 2012, 04:31 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
I am amazed they don't advertise this all over the place. It is all over the TV and radio here as well as mailings and colleges. They have had free tax prep for most people for years! However if you go through the same site for the state many will charge but if you go directly through the state you live in most if not all are offering free e-filing. It really is VERY EASY! It makes me mad that people aren't told about this. Its a federal program for the federal taxes and almost if not every state does their own version for state taxes. It took me less than 10 minutes to do the state ones for my kids. The federal depends on how complex but you don't need to be low income. If your AGI (Adjusted gross income) is $57,000 or less (Individual not a couple) you get the software for FREE. However EVERYONE CAN FILE FOR FREE NO MATER WHAT YOU MAKE. It's just if you make more money you pay for the software or you can buy it on your own and still file for free. I know the NO SITE posting but I hope in this case you can make an exception Go to US.gov it will explain it all. Your state has it's own site to do your state taxes.
February 1, 2012, 05:28 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
That's one thing I like about Nevada. No state income taxes (yet. the idea has been brought up in state legislature.). I don't know why it's not advertised either. If it's advertised here, it's under some other name or website than the gov site.
February 1, 2012, 05:44 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ February 1, 2012, 04:31)for the last three years, i've gotten my taxes done for free. my mother (may she rest in piece) got me involved in a free service provided by AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) they prepare taxes for retired people, but they also do it for low income people as well. they file both state, and federal (along with rent credit) for absolutely free. (and they do a great job too, they take the time to go over the last years return if you had them done elsewhere) last year they helped one woman discover that her previous tax preparer made a $1,500 mistake (not in her favor though  )
my grandmother is an AARP member, but she has an investor friend (also a CPA) who has done her taxes in the past. She is many years behind, but I keep reminding her to get them taken care of so we don't get stuck with trying to figure things out after she passes. I'm not sure if my dad's an AARP member, but I will definitely pass the info along. Thank you, l&h.
February 1, 2012, 05:47 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Your school is required to give out the information from what I was told. Either way go and read the info its crazy that you pay for something that is so easy to do and FREE. It will give you a choice as to which service you want to use.YOU MUST LINK FROM THAT US GOVERNMENT SITE!!! I always use Turbo tax as my choice because its always been easy and has been accurate. I know that there is a long list of companies they let you choose from though if you like another one.
February 1, 2012, 05:50 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
right now, I'm very jammed up with reading for classes. I'll check it out when I can get some time, that's the point that I'm trying to get across. The school might make it available to students to access some announcement about it, but I have NOT seen advertisements for it. The school I go to doesn't just volunteer information. Anyone wanting information about anything has to either request it or look stuff up for themselves. I'll agree that it's not right, but in Nevada, there's not much of a variety of schools to choose from.
February 1, 2012, 05:57 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
There is a black cloud over me. Well maybe its over my house. So my furnace broke down.We get the gas company out her and the guy " fixes it" He leaves. IT STOPS WORKING. So the next day he comes back (that was this morning.) He fixes it again,different part. He leaves ,and it stops again.So I call again and tell them to send a different guy. He comes out tonight and red tags my furnace. Did I mention that my hot water heater broke or i should say died as well. Oh and the wind storm a few nights ago ripped off the gutter from the house and a part of the roof with it. Oh and last wind storm ripped of the storm door on my side door. Oh and my skylight is leaking. AND I NEED A NEW FUCKING ROOF. Yes the joys of home ownership. Yeah right! I almost forgot the two windows that have a cracked pain! I want to sell my house now but who would buy it.
February 2, 2012, 04:39 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods' ex-wife. She'll tear it down and build a new house.
February 2, 2012, 04:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Does this happen just to torture me?
I can't even afford to do that. But I know the feeling of wanting to more than you can imagine.
February 2, 2012, 05:44 |
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Does this happen just to torture me?