65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
cats just
beatting me up tonight, messing with my stuff on the desk and standing in front of my screen ,then she wants to play rough and she claw me all up with them fish hooks of her's just a all around mean evel kitty she is
must just miss me like a the other cat that was bugging me as i was gone all day
January 11, 2012, 04:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
Mine can go crazy at night, they made such a racket one night I had to get up out of bed and check, thought someone had broken into the house...but it was just the cats getting all rowdy.
I lock them out of the bedroom at night, so when I get up in the morning, they get pretty excited and happy to see me.
January 15, 2012, 14:32 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: cats just
Ours get wound upwhen we go to crawl into bed. Have to do the race around the house. There is no way we could lock them out of the room. they would be banging the door all night, they snuggle with Pa at night.
January 16, 2012, 03:51 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
yep it play time when it gets dark alright ours too, the male dont bug me much , he's my buddy, and then the two girls , well its rough house time , they love to get vocal and jump on the trrow rug and slid across the hardwood,we got them some catnip mouses, it kind of calms the kitten down when shes in heat, we go to bed at least two will sleep with us for the warmth, ya they keep the feet warm and the girls seem to miss us when we go out , when ya caome back they are just pests got to see what ya brought home and what they can get , and sometimes they are worse if ya been gone a hour or two over if ya were gone a couple of days.......
January 17, 2012, 00:32 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
OK All you long time cat lovers I need some advice. AS I have said before I have two cats. The oldest is 1 1/2 years old and the kitten is about 9 months now I think. They have NEVER given us any trouble. They are both very sweet and lovable and always use the litter box. They are the sweetest cats I have ever come across. They don't even scratch the furniture. If they even think about it they look at us as if to say "Sorry I lost my head for a second" then they go to the cat items that they have to scratch on.
HOWEVER, WE HAVE A PROBLEM! The oldest cat started something we have no idea why. I would like to give you a little background on him and the kitten so maybe you guys can figure out the problem.The oldest was a rescue that we got from a a shelter when he was about 8 weeks old. He from the second we got him never gave us any trouble and was litter box trained and extremely friendly.They said he was found on the street at about 5 weeks old.The Kitten was found on the street with other kittens just left behind a local supermarket. He was rescued by someone we know. They couple broke up within a week or two of rescuing him because the guy was abusive. He wouldn't let her take the kitten . A week or two later he called her to say take the kitten or he will throw it out. She had moved somewhere she couldn't have the kitten so I took him in. We immediately saw that he had ear mites, intestinal parasites and we noticed signs of probable abuse by this guy. After getting him all fixed up health wise he just became the most lovable little kitten you could imagine. The kitten was about 6 weeks if that when we got him.The two cats had a bit of a hard time getting along at first but they finally worked it out and they are best buddies now.
OK So now all these months of no problems. the older cat walks over to the kittens BRAND NEW BED and right in front of me pees in it.The kitten hadn't even slept in it yet.I through it out because it fell apart when I washed it.We just figured maybe it was something about the smell of the bed or maybe something else about it that made him do it.
A few weeks later he pees on the floor right in front of my daughter.(This is the same room as where the bed was but in a different spot.) My daughter had been sick for two days and didn't clean the litter boxes out so I figured maybe because of that he peed on the floor. He is OCD about the litter box. He will not go in if its dirty and he spends several minutes wiping his paws on first the inside of the covered litter box then the pad that you put so they don't track litter if its on their paws and then if there is a towel or anything he can get to,to wipe his paws he will do that as well.(Will normally leave something for him to wipe his paws on)OK So again we figured no big deal. Now I bought them new beds for Christmas. His is in another room. He sometimes sleeps in my sons room.They have the same exact bed and again the kitten nor him even slept in them yet and he walks over to the kittens Again in my daughters room and pees in the bad. We were totally confused now. That was about a week or two ago. Tonight he jumps on my daughters bed as he does all the time. She has bunk beds he loves to sleep on the top bed when she isn't home but when she is most times he will lay in her bed. He just jumps on her bed and pees on it with no warning right in front of her.To say she was angry is an understatement.But we are definitely more concerned than angry at this point.
Everything I read said he is most likely stressed, or needs his litter box cleaned or is marking his territory (even if he is neutered.Most suggested putting him on something like Valium for a few weeks. I am not comfortable with that.I also can't think of why he would be stressed. He is a very happy and spoiled cat. Although they did say that if the owner is stressed it is sometimes something the cats pick up on. My daughter has had a VERY stressful few weeks. Normal Junior year school stuff but these few weeks have been a bit harder than most.
Any ideas or suggestions?
January 19, 2012, 09:57 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: cats just
Well Newbs, could be as you suspect, stress. Cats are human too. Or, if you can, take him to the vet to be checked out. Could be just something simple for a light med. But save the valium for the ole perve. Thx
January 19, 2012, 13:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
Vet immediately!
If a cat suddenly starts urinating everywhere but the litter box, there's a very high chance the cat has a serious urinary problem.
If a cat starts experiencing pain while urinating (in a litter box) the cat then associates the pain with the litter box and will then try urinating in other areas and avoiding the litter box.
Actually there are some cat litters now that will turn colors as a test for urinary infections and problems, but if your cat is at the stage of avoiding the cat box, this will not be helpful to you now.
Urinary infections and diseases can kill a cat, don't want to be an alarmist, but it sounds like it's possible your cat is in the later stages and is in need of a vet right away.
January 19, 2012, 15:47 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: cats just
QUOTE (Chazzy @ January 19, 2012, 15:47)Vet immediately!
If a cat suddenly starts urinating everywhere but the litter box, there's a very high chance the cat has a serious urinary problem.
If a cat starts experiencing pain while urinating (in a litter box) the cat then associates the pain with the litter box and will then try urinating in other areas and avoiding the litter box.
Actually there are some cat litters now that will turn colors as a test for urinary infections and problems, but if your cat is at the stage of avoiding the cat box, this will not be helpful to you now.
Urinary infections and diseases can kill a cat, don't want to be an alarmist, but it sounds like it's possible your cat is in the later stages and is in need of a vet right away.
Thats better advise than mine. I believe I'd take it. Damn cats anyway. I have 2 right now. One I love to death, the other, I just adore. The beautiful thing about it, is I got them at the right time. They were kittens, I'm down to the last years of my life, so I have them the rest of my life. They'll still be with me when I assume room tempature. Ha ha.
January 19, 2012, 20:36 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
It's just not the peeing outside the litter box that makes me believe a Urinary tract infection is likely, it's also the cat making sure you see them pee where they shouldn't.
It's pretty common for cats with UTI to make eye contact with their owners and pee where they shouldn't, they are just trying to tell you something is wrong.
It can be difficult to know when a cat is sick because they don't cry out and will still purr. Purring can releases a chemical in their brain that acts like a sedative or painkiller, like morphine. (It's common for a cat to purr while giving birth to a litter) They still purr to show contentment and happiness too but they also purr as a form of pain management.
January 20, 2012, 13:31 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
indeed cats are funny , they don't like dirty boxes and will pee on things , something new ya brought in the house?
our kitten when shes about to go in heat again seems to mark her spot , she pees on my pillow i sit on the floor, she walks up and quivers her tail and sprays it , same with cloths ya leave on the floor , or plastic bags and stuff.i even found a wooden draw in the basement that i had junk in, one of them likes that too. our oldest cat we think still has the runs , him and the kitten got into the garbage on night when we cleaned out the frid and I'm wondering on if he's got food poising or something . as i have wormed them again, for round worms , but not tape.
have to look for a vet as our old one miles away.
January 20, 2012, 18:18 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
Thank you for the advice. The reason I don't think it is a UTI and I checked with a vet tech since posting and she agrees is the following. (Although if it happens again I will take him anyway.) It was weeks apart except for the last time it was only one week apart. He pees in the litter boxes with no issue at all. I said he is OCD .lol He also only did it in my daughters room each time. He is eating and drinking normally. As a matter of fact I think he eats to much I am going to put him on a diet soon!
I noticed that he doesn't seem to like when I go away. On top of that my daughter had been out more than normal as I stated she has had a lot going on right now with school as well as her extra curricular stuff.She had been working a lot of service projects recently. Then my middle son who would be his other go to guy was working out of town several days and nights. He normally sleeps with him if not with my daughter.Then I found out that my son older came over with his girlfriend and her dog.This was a first meeting. This was his cat and he was VERY attached to him. I understand Mac(The cat) didn't like the dog or the girlfriend(She doesn't like cats).He also chose to only pee on the kittens bed not his even though the kitten nor he had even slept in them yet he has done it twice the first time was the first time he had ever done it, right after I bought the bed. Then he did it when I got them both new beds. His bed is in my sons room the kittens bed is in my daughters.
I always had it so if he wanted a break from the kitten he can go to my sons room where he has his own bed, carrier, food and water as well as litter box.That is his escape.He never peed in anything except the litter box in there.
Today I spent most of my day just laying around and watching TV. He cuddled up to me for hours. He loves when I scratch his belly or neck and he seemed he couldn't get enough today. But he seemed better. Besides we were all home for a few hours and played with the cats. He was acting like he was the kitten. I hadn't seem him like that in a while.I swear it looked like he was smiling.
From what I was told if it is a UTI he wouldn't be doing it weeks apart either. Again I'm kind of new to the cat thing so I hope the vet tech is right, It made sense to me. I was trying to really recall how long the 4 times were. Also after thinking about it,I realized each time seemed to go with something going on. First time was A new bed for the kitten . Second another new bed for both of them as well as Christmas (they seemed so confused Christmas day). Third time was me going away. Forth time was me coming home.All only in my daughters room which is where they spend most of there time and she is also who they spend most of their time with besides me. I don't sleep with them because I am actually allergic to cats so they almost never come in my room.
I'm trying to give him a lot of attention so if it is stress he will feel better. But I can't stop our lives so I want him to realize that he is always safe and loved and hope he knows we always come back so he wont be stressed.I read that the more comfortable you make them the better chance they will go back to normal if it was stress. They said to not yell at him for peeing where he wasn't supposed to because he wont understand but will get stressed from being yelled at.I've always been a huge animal lover so the thought of him feeling stressed or being sick really upsets me. It upsets me much more than the fact that I had to wash all the bed linens.I just want him to be happy and feel safe and loved.He really is a sweet cat.
January 21, 2012, 07:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
That is a high strung cat ya got there. Is he peeing (squatting) or spraying?
I've got 12 rescue cats and only 3 litter boxes and rarely ever do I have one who urinates outside the box. I spend a huge chunk of my day keeping the boxes scooped and clean.
One was badly hurt when we got him, and had to have a leg amputated. He feels more vulnerable than the other cats and if he wants to use the cat box but doesn't feel secure, I've learned to recognize that from his behavior and give him supervision and he's cool with that. (Instinctively, cats will playfully ambush another cat they hear scratching in a litter box)
All though all the males are neutered, one male will try to spray to mark territory. That usually only happens when a stray starts hanging out in our yard and at our windows.
I could just go on and on describing the quirky behavior traits of each of my cats but the main thing is to take note and understand their quirks, and know immediately when there's any changes in their behavior.
Anytime there is a change in their litter box habits, it's very important to rule out the UTI first. UTI is so very painful for a cat and if ignored can be fatal.
They do make these "calming scents" for cats that have stress disorders. They are a bit pricey and I've never used them so I cannot say how effective they are.
January 21, 2012, 13:58 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
we also us catnip toys it seems to help when pepper goes in heat ....we also have problem with other outside cats that spray on the doors as they know we have cats here ,the dirty litter has to go somewere lol and ya go out the door and ya can smell that scent
January 21, 2012, 21:57 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
He definitely peer not just sprayed. Ive always said if there is reincarnation I would want to come back as one of my families pets. We spoil them rotten. I figure they earned it. They depend on us. They give us unconditional love we owe them the same.our cats are so sweet and friendly I am shocked to find they have another side when pushed to a point or fear.Hopefully he is all good and just needed attention. If it happens again he is going to a vet no.mater what just to be safe.
January 22, 2012, 00:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
Some of mine were just dumped as kittens, some suffered horrible abuse then were dumped.
Confidence building exercises can help with timid or abused pets. With dogs and puppies, it's periodic games of tug of war with something that streches and gives a bit, like an old sock.
With cats, I've found that a partially used up roll of paper towels (for kittens, a partial roll of toilet tissue)
Engage them in a little play time, let them grab the roll with their front paws, throw it to the ground and use their back legs to shred the crap outta it. The feel of shredding does gives them confidence and makes them feel a bit more secure about themselves.
Too much of this may bring out too much aggression, but a moderate amount of this playtime can break down their timidness and help them to overcome stress.
Yes, shredded tissue and paper towels make a big mess, but if it helps, it's so worth it.
January 22, 2012, 16:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: cats just
QUOTE (ashkats @ January 21, 2012, 21:57)we also us catnip toys it seems to help when pepper goes in heat ....we also have problem with other outside cats that spray on the doors as they know we have cats here ,the dirty litter has to go somewere lol and ya go out the door and ya can smell that scent
Mothballs, sprinkle 'em freely anywhere where cats are hanging out, in your case...outside near your doors. Most all animals really hate the smell of fresh mothballs and it will deter them (Also good to use all around the perimeter of your house to prevent any mice invasions)
I also use a few mothballs under my hub's computer desk, to keep the cats from wanting to play in the wires.)
January 22, 2012, 16:53 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
Mothballs are poisonous to most animals so if you have an animal that will go test the waters even if they don't like the smell be careful. I never use them where the cats can get to them . I use it in my yard and driveway when skunks are an issue which is often around here. They hate the smell they will normally find another path. Skunks are territorial so they will keep going to the same place unless you find a way to make them stop. I was told by animal control to "trap them , put them in my car and drive ten miles and then release them." After I stopped laughing I asked "No really, how do I get ride of the?" He said he was serious..I know it's illegal to kill them and I love animals but I have to draw the line somewhere. I didn't kill the one that sprayed my dog but I have to admit I was doing a little happy dance when it got hit by a car.
My ex has a dog that got into playing with a skunk and he was walking around with it in his mouth YUK!!! Yeah that dog must have something wrong with his nose because I understand he just had lots of fun with that skunk.My son took him over here a few days and several baths later and you still couldn't get to close to him. I told them how to get the smell off the dog and I know they were pretty thankful because I actually got a small child support check soon after.lol
January 22, 2012, 23:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
ya don't kill 'em. Ya wound 'em so they go off somewhere else and die. I heard tomato juice gets rid of the smell.
January 23, 2012, 00:12 |
65 / couple yooperville, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
yepper to tomato juice, i was watching about skunks on day on PBS , they had a mix for washing the dog and what ever else got it, it might of been tomato juice and arm and hammer and water.moth ball i use to use to keep them out of my house plant , if ya can stand the smell
January 23, 2012, 02:48 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
You would need to let the tomato juice dry first for it to really work well. Believe it or not the animal shelters use Women's douche for de-skunking the animals that get sprayed. Vinegar also works well if you leave it in bowls around the house to absorb the smell after your dog walks through the house after having a skunk run in. Just leave bowls of vinegar in each room for a few days and then the smell goes away.
We must be animal lovers to put up with this stuff in our lives.lol
January 23, 2012, 04:01 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
maybe that the mix tomato juice and vinegar and baby shampoo .....
January 23, 2012, 04:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
Baby shampoo is very harsh. (You shouldn't really use it on babies if you can avoid it and you're able to wash a babies hair without getting it in their eyes.) But if you make a rinse of rosemary tea it will smell nice and also deter flees. Just take rosemary and make a tea then let it cool before poring it on the dog.My dogs always loved it. Even my groomer started using it when I was pregnant and couldn't bath the dog myself. I had given some to her and she loved it.Works better than many chemical crap and is safe.In the summer I would make it ahead of time and have it a bit cool and my dog loved when I would poor it over him. He smelled great, had a nice shinny coat and the flees hate it. It also doesn't make the dog sick if they lick it.
January 23, 2012, 04:23 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
thats cool , i was thinking on johnson an johnson's no more tears. most baby shampoo dont work on my hair and when we had the dog , we took him to the river and he go for it and then a bath of sargents flea soap, and dog needs a bath he stinks...lol
January 23, 2012, 06:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: cats just
Cats don't mess with the mothballs, they hate the smell and just avoid the area. Same for the outdoor critters. Using them around the perimeter of the house deters mice,squirrels, chipmunks from getting too close which helps a lot sduring flea season. Keeps the outdoor creatures carrying fleas away from the house. It even deters snakes.
Mothballs are indeed poison, so are any household products, and so are things like one spot flea treatments and most all houseplants. You can pour Pine-sol or Mr. Clean into a bowl and place it on the floor, your pets are not going to dive in and drink it up. If it offensive to their olfactory sense, they just avoid it.
Extreme caution is always advised when using any pesticides or poisonous substance in the house. I only use several mothballs under hub's computer dest to keep the cats from playing dangerously with all the wires and power supply. If I have any concerns about the cats messing with them, I wrap them in loosely woven cloth bundle or a disposable margarine tub with air holes punched into the lid.
If Ash wants to deter the strays from spraying on his front door, you can make a mothball rope from pantyhose leg and adding a couple of mothballs, then tying a few spaced nots, adding a few mothballs, then a few more knots untill you get a rope to lay across the front door. I've heard, but cannot verify, that campers often use mothballs around their campsite to repel bears.
Any strong citris scent will also deter cats and small critters, not as well but a safer alternative.
January 23, 2012, 13:36 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: cats just
Yes some campers do try that but i've never asked a bear if they stayed away because of the mothballs or maybe someone at the next campsite had better food. I worry because I have had animals try to eat things that they are supposed to hate. But then again I always said all the animals we had were a bit neurotic. I had Dag that eat anything even things that were supposed to be dog repellent type things. Or the time we put mouse bait poison and the mice ate it like food and left us other presents. Once the mice just took it from the pouches and put the poison tablets in my sons shoes! I fucking hate mice!!!! The point being better safe than sorry. The pantyhose idea was a great idea.Another tip is if you are able plant mint around your foundation and garden perimater. Many things including ants don't like mint. SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING ERRORS IM NOT ON MY COMPUTEE AND ITS HARD TO SPELL CHECK ON THIS.
January 24, 2012, 01:26 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: cats just
their not strays ,there the neighbors cats across the alley and next door, i see them coming in and out of the house when they let out the dogs,they even pop the lid off the trash can and steal the turkey carcase from thanksgivin
January 24, 2012, 04:06 |
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cats just