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Distracted driving
A while ago free made a post about getting a ticket while talking on his cell phone and driving.
NTSB has some interesting info concerning this and other distractions. It's become such a problem the Feds [thru states] are talking about completely banning ANY cell phone use while driving.
Is a good read. Lots of interesting info. 
December 16, 2011, 00:44 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Distracted driving
It is all over the news! The big concern is it takes time for things to pass. I know I saw a clip of an adult talk and texting while going through an obstacle course. I told my friend who is a teacher, to suggest it to High School Driver's Ed... she said they were already in heartache mode.
I thought it was a good idea, however, how many adults do it? Wouldn't make much sense to teach your kids not to, when the parents or doing it.... or maybe it would?
OH, oh, oh ... and the other section to ban was they should only be used in case of an emegency.... Yeah right! So, everyone would say it was an emergency? I would say, if you are on the side of the road using a phone, it is an emergency.
December 16, 2011, 01:14 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Distracted driving
I can't count how times I see local law enforcement cruising down the road doing the same thing, talking on the phone. But at what point do we draw the line and say, under no circumstances, period, including law enforcement? But who gives them the ticket????
December 16, 2011, 05:16 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Distracted driving
As an x-pro driver, who took pride in my driving skills (defensive, courtious, alert, etc.), could tell that when I was attempting to drive and talk on the cell, I was definatly distracted, and put a stop to it ringt away. Now, as a pedestrian, find defevensive walking, paying attention to drivers in my "line of fire", as I've almost been hit twice, by drivers talking on thier cell. Texting while driving? Paleeez! Does'nt even make sense. Who's life is THAT busy, that they can't pull over for a minute, as I ended up doing at times, to tell my caller that I "Just say no", to trying drive and talk. Are'nt there enough dangers already related to driving a potential "lethal weapon"? Just my opinion.
December 16, 2011, 06:42 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Distracted driving
My friend, Lori, was involved in a MVA just a few weeks due to the fact the young girl was driving and texting. Lori's car flipped but both are okay. I doubt this girl learned anything!
December 16, 2011, 14:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
From what I've seen lately, people don't pay attention to thier driving even if not on cell phone.
The last 4 that pulled out in front of me off the shoulder? All semis. I made that call on the last one. He got a ticket for fail to yeild. Wasn't any reason for any of these. Just lack of attention and lack of concern.
Ya, think that even if the driver has no concern about any9one else, they'd pay attention to save thier own dumb asses.
December 16, 2011, 15:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 16, 2011, 00:44)A while ago free made a post about getting a ticket while talking on his cell phone and driving.
NTSB has some interesting info concerning this and other distractions. It's become such a problem the Feds [thru states] are talking about completely banning ANY cell phone use while driving.
Is a good read. Lots of interesting info.
The investigation report on the horrid St. James, Missouri school bus accident being finalized this past week has spawned this action in our area.
A young man , a good student, a responsible young man was texting on the highway. He was distracted enough not to see the large truck ahead of him brake, so the St. James school bus full of young ones that was behind him had no warning either. There were fatatlies and was crushing incident to all of our surrounding communities. Hours of live reports, those video images....we all here remember that day and I'm sure those images in our minds will never fade.
Any actions put forth towards decreasing anything distracting drivers will be loudly supported by a majority in this area.
Too many think they are somehow special, skilled and talented enough to be able to use a phone while driving.
No, not while you're sharing a road with school buses.
The young man texting died on the scene, one student on the bus died on the scene, dozens of other students were injured.
I'm sure the young man thought nothing wrong at all with sending/recieving a quick text while driving, maybe he probably though only dumbasses can't handle multitasking and driving.
Google "St. James school bus accident"....read the story, see the images. (Somewhere between the school bus and the semi truck, is the flattened pick up truck of the young man that was texting.
December 16, 2011, 15:56 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Distracted driving
You are right OOMG.. too many just don't look, and don't care!
When noted on the news all it tooks was an "LOL"...and a life was lost.
December 16, 2011, 16:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
No one in any way blames the young man in the pick up, there is no negativity or anger towards him or his family.
He was a good young man that made a fatal mistake.
He was raised in a era where multitasking while driving was acceptable. We (area communities),we blame ourselves for too little too late. We failed.
December 16, 2011, 19:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 16, 2011, 19:05)No one in any way blames the young man in the pick up, there is no negativity or anger towards him or his family.
He was a good young man that made a fatal mistake.
He was raised in a era where multitasking while driving was acceptable. We (area communities),we blame ourselves for too little too late. We failed.
I think this young man was distracted and ran into the back of the bobtail. That's where it should have ended. The school busses were traveling to close to the young man and tailgating each other. BOTH busses were found to have faulty brakes. The bus they sent to pick up the uninjured had it's brakes fail upon arrival.
I tell ya people. If your kids are traveling on this or a charter bus, you may want to see verified maintenance records before you decide to put your kids lives in these peoples hands. It's not uncommon for school busses or charter busses to be poorly maintained.
December 16, 2011, 19:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
It was a Six Flags trip for the students. The semi was just slowing down for a marked construction zone. The young man was texting, the area in both directions near the Six Flags park have been the site of horrific fatal accidents and St.James is like all the other small towns...school budgets difficult to work with. All things contributed to unforgettable tragedy.
They have made changes over the decades to make that area safer, but any stretch of road requires our full attention.
December 16, 2011, 20:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
December 16, 2011, 23:23 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
This wont be the popular answer but it is the truth most don't want to face. The ban on cell phone use is bullshit!
Not because I approve of texting or chatting while driving. The real facts have been released but the media barely mentioned them for more than 2 seconds. Studies have proved that talking on your cell is no more distracting than adjusting your radio,eating while driving or talking to a passenger. It is in fact less distracting than putting on makeup while driving,going through you pocketbook or briefcase,lighting and smoking a cigarette, watching a video or GPS,reading s paper or book or having a crying baby or fighting children in the car. So as I've said in the past do we ban cell phone? I think we would be better off baning stupidity. The only problem is there would be very few people able to drive if we did that.
December 17, 2011, 11:40 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Distracted driving
Regardless, I don't care why. Distracted drivers tend to drive slower than traffic flow and don't pay attention to what's going around them. I just want to run 'em over when I get stuck behind them.
December 17, 2011, 12:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
Copy and paste of another article I ran across this morning. I apologize for the length.
2008 study that used driving simulators to test the performance of drivers not engaged in conversation and drivers who could hear someone talking to them through headphones. Drivers took the simulator tests inside an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine that recorded images of changes in their brains while driving, including which areas of the brain were used for driving. The amount of the brain devoted to driving was 37 percent less in drivers who could hear someone talking to them than for drivers not using cellphones.
"The human mind can multitask, but each task is performed with less brain power and lower proficiency," Just said.
The driving simulators also showed a deterioration of skills on the part of drivers who could hear someone talking to them, including weaving between lanes and edging over the side of the road.
"When someone is speaking your native language, you can't will yourself to not hear and process it. It just goes in," Just said. Even if a driver tries to ignore the words, scientists "can see activation in the auditory cortex, in the language areas (of the brain). "
Accident investigators have seen cases of drivers talking on hands-free phones whose minds are so engrossed in their conversations that they ran into something plainly visible.
In a 2004, a bus driver taking students on a class trip drove his 12-foot-high bus into a 10-foot, 2-inch-high bridge arch in Alexandria, Va., peeling off the roof of the bus. There were signs warning drivers about the height of the bridge, and the bus driver was familiar with the route. He also saw a bus in front of him change lanes to avoid the low arch. But the bus driver, who was talking a hands-free phone at the time, drove right into it.
"There is a standard code for crash investigations called roughly 'look, but didn't see.' In other words, I was looking in the right place, but I didn't register what was there," Hedlund said.
Of course, drivers don't have to be using cellphones to have conversations - they talk with passengers all the time. But talking to an adult passenger doesn't involve the same risk as a phone conversation, researchers said. That's because passengers are engaged in the driving experience with the driver. If they see a danger, they'll usually warn the driver. Passengers also tend to instinctually adjust their conversation to the level of traffic and other difficulties confronting the driver.
There are lots of other things that go on in cars that are risky: eating and drinking, tuning the radio, studying maps and applying makeup, for example. Just like talking on the phone, most of those things involve a choice by the driver.
As for the screaming toddler in the backseat demanding attention, "some things are just part of life," McCartt said.
December 17, 2011, 12:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
Being distracted while driving is not a matter of being stupid, it's a matter of being human.
I'm a total stickler, my cell phone sits in the console of my car and it's turned on, if it rings I will wait till I can pull over and check it. (It's always just hubs and he knows I won't answer a ringing phone while driving so he knows if I don't answer I'll call him back as soon as possible.)
I don't eat or drink while driving. I won't call anyone else's cell phone till late evening hours when I know they are home, not in the car. If I do call someone's cell phone first thing I say is "Where are you?" if they reply that they are on the road, I just tell them "Okay, call me when you get home/to work"
Anyway, I'll apologize again for lenghty copy and paste, but allot of good stuff in there like the differences between talking with a passenger and talking on a phone.
December 17, 2011, 12:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
That was a good article. I really liked the part about the screaming infant.---lol
Kamarel---Not ALL people slow when distracted. I've seem several that leave the cruise set and are weaving all over.
Newbie--I'd like that link----We all know data can be made to say what we want instead of what it really says.
The reason I started this was I needed a vent. I've gotten fed up with how stupid people drive. Then ya add in cell phone and all the other things they're doing. While they should be paying attention to thier driving.
The fact of what I see is that ANY cell phone use should be banned while driving. People are more concerned about those conversations than thier driving.
It's easy to fix. Two ways. Disable the phones while the car is in motion. This of course could be bypassed.
The other one is to shut off the vehicle if the driver tries to use it while driving.
December 17, 2011, 12:50 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 17, 2011, 12:50)
Kamarel---Not ALL people slow when distracted. I've seem several that leave the cruise set and are weaving all over.
They need to be run over too.
December 17, 2011, 13:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
I'd like the link to that article too, newb. I do love to read in the morning. I'm curious because of the "talking on your cell is no more distracting than.." part, articles for and against the cell phone bans I've read over the years say "just as distracting as" not "no more distracting than" I know, sublte difference, but a difference.
OOMG, have you traveled I-44 through Missouri much? There are stretches of I-44 that the locals absolutely dread and hate to drive.
December 17, 2011, 13:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 17, 2011, 13:12)I'd like the link to that article too, newb. I do love to read in the morning. I'm curious because of the "talking on your cell is no more distracting than.." part, articles for and against the cell phone bans I've read over the years say "just as distracting as" not "no more distracting than" I know, sublte difference, but a difference.
OOMG, have you traveled I-44 through Missouri much? There are stretches of I-44 that the locals absolutely dread and hate to drive.
I have driven that. Not very long ago either. It's gotten that I never get to relax while driving now. It's one reason I tend to drive at night.
I said it before and I stand by this. If they made cars where the people knew they could die, they'd drive more safely.
December 18, 2011, 00:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
I think I'm gonna bow out on this one....
December 19, 2011, 14:16 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
If I can find the article again I will send it to Chazzy she can share it. I'm sure if you google it you can find it. Like all the studies there are opposing arguments. Wine is good,wine is bad, chocolate is good ,chocolate is bad,seat belts will save you, seat belts will kill you.( the seat belt one I can speak from experience.) Bottom line is people need to be more responsible. Unfortunately most people wont do it unless forced.We can't outlaw ever individual thing. We already have laws about distracted driving.
December 20, 2011, 01:12 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Distracted driving
seems like every one i pass hasa phone stuck in there ear , i myself give it to the Mrs. and have her dial or answer.my brother was rear ended by a person on the phone she got away with it, we too were hit one time by a young gal racing with her boyfriend doing 40, i think she was on the phone too how you cant see a red car in daylight with the brakes lights on is beyond me
December 20, 2011, 04:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
Sorry but every example of accident that has been posted could have happened even if they were not on the phone. They can't say the phone, is the cause.Most of these studies were done by insurance companies or other companies that can profit from the study in some way. Bad drivers are just bad drivers and stupid is stupid.. You can not generalize to this extent. I believe there are some people who cant chew gum and walk because it its distracting, others can do 4 things at once. They would need to study a much larger group. Peoples minds do not all work the same. Some people cant drive with a radio on..
December 20, 2011, 12:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 20, 2011, 12:23)Sorry but every example of accident that has been posted could have happened even if they were not on the phone. They can't say the phone, is the cause. Bad drivers are just bad drivers and stupid is stupid. You can not generalize to this extent. I believe there are some people who cant chew gum and walk because it its distracting, others can do 4 things at once. Peoples minds do not all work the same. Some people cant drive with a radio on..
Now don't faint Newbs, but I couldnt agree more!
December 20, 2011, 13:54 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (freensleazy @ December 20, 2011, 13:54) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 20, 2011, 12:23)Sorry but every example of accident that has been posted could have happened even if they were not on the phone. They can't say the phone, is the cause. Bad drivers are just bad drivers and stupid is stupid. You can not generalize to this extent. I believe there are some people who cant chew gum and walk because it its distracting, others can do 4 things at once. Peoples minds do not all work the same. Some people cant drive with a radio on..
Now don't faint Newbs, but I couldnt agree more!
OMG!! Someone catch me when I faint!!!
December 20, 2011, 19:55 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Distracted driving
some folks cant mutitask?hmmmmm
December 21, 2011, 01:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (ashkats @ December 21, 2011, 01:49)some folks cant mutitask?hmmmmm i've heard rumors that there will be a law that bans the use of ANY electronic "gadgets in a vehicle" period. that means no phones, no GPS, no blue tooth, no dvd players, no radio, nothing.
December 21, 2011, 01:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 20, 2011, 12:23)Sorry but every example of accident that has been posted could have happened even if they were not on the phone. They can't say the phone, is the cause.Most of these studies were done by insurance companies or other companies that can profit from the study in some way. Bad drivers are just bad drivers and stupid is stupid.. You can not generalize to this extent. I believe there are some people who cant chew gum and walk because it its distracting, others can do 4 things at once. They would need to study a much larger group. Peoples minds do not all work the same. Some people cant drive with a radio on..
I've never specified phones in this. They are however the MAJOR cause of distracted driving.
I seem to remember you having a terrible accident. So, who wasn't paying attention? You or the person driving the other car?
Funny how the ones who are constantly on thier phones find excuses.
December 21, 2011, 13:35 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
Let's keep the tone light and impersonal.
I look at it this way, being a bit of geek it's simple math to me.
The safest drivers are 100% focused on driving. Any added variable that subtracts from that 100% is a distraction.
100 - y = 100
Driving is multitasking. Maintaining your speed according to the zones, using a variety of mirrors to monitor all other lanes and traffic, being aware of your landmarks, signs, lane changing decisions so you can properly time your use of the blinkers, adjusting your driving for weather and weather changes, keeping your vehicle between the painted lanes, etc...
Anything anyone is doing while driving that is not driving related is a distraction from being 100% focused on driving.
Simple math.
December 21, 2011, 15:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 21, 2011, 13:35) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 20, 2011, 12:23)Sorry but every example of accident that has been posted could have happened even if they were not on the phone. They can't say the phone, is the cause.Most of these studies were done by insurance companies or other companies that can profit from the study in some way. Bad drivers are just bad drivers and stupid is stupid.. You can not generalize to this extent. I believe there are some people who cant chew gum and walk because it its distracting, others can do 4 things at once. They would need to study a much larger group. Peoples minds do not all work the same. Some people cant drive with a radio on..
I've never specified phones in this. They are however the MAJOR cause of distracted driving.
I seem to remember you having a terrible accident. So, who wasn't paying attention? You or the person driving the other car?
Funny how the ones who are constantly on thier phones find excuses.
Just to be clear I do not use my cell phone unless an emergency and try to pull over if safe and I always have a blue tooth head set. My phone is equipped with a feature that reads out a text message if I get one and If I want to reply I just speak into it as I would if I was speaking on the Bluetooth normally. I however rarely use it because most things can wait til I get to stop.I don't think people should do anything that distracts them while driving but that can be different for different people is what I am saying. I have a sister in law that should never drive with the kids because she freaks out if the cry or fight, which is something they do all the time. She has had at least 4 accidents.Personally I wish I could go to a judge and have a restriction put on her license but that's not the way the law works yet that is what this law is doing in a more general way.
People get blow jobs while driving. They don't have a law that specifically bans that. It falls under a general law that should cover cell phones and in fact does IF THE DRIVER IS DRIVING ERRATICALLY OR DANGEROUSLY.
To answer your question regarding my accident it had nothing to do with driver error.No one was on a phone. It was a faulty airbag system and faulty maintenance of the rental car we were in. In fact at the time of my accident there were more than 250,000 airbag deployments per year for no reason and I will guarantee they caused more accidents than cell phones. They don't publicize that because it would change the auto industry and in fact has (and it would make people panic and disconnect them).(This is fact that was subpoenaed and in my court documents.)Another fact is that airbags were so powerful when deployed they did more damage to the occupant than most accidents so they have made those less powerful as well. They also had and might still have horrible chemicals including but not limited to gun powder in the system to make them explode . Even poison control and people that are in the parts industry and the car manufacturing field as well as the lawyers were not able to get this information only that it is a "closed document not to be released." so you have no idea what you are breathing in when they go off. But it stinks! Many changes have been made since the time of my accident because of those types of issues. I can't get into it all here because this would go on for pages if I had to give you all the facts.Lets just say that air bag and seats belts don't always save lives. In fact they cause many deaths as well.I don't see a law against them.
December 21, 2011, 17:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
You really owe no one any explaination of your accident,Newb.
Debating is fine, but taking any discussion in a personal direction is crossing a line. I followed OOMG's post with a reminder to him and all of us that we need to keep the tone impersonal.
December 21, 2011, 17:29 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
No worries as I said If anyone knows about being passionate about a subject its me. I am not upset with OOMG.I don't owe anyone anything but WANTED to clarify my feeling on the subject. I have seen and been in enough accidents and close calls when I was driving a lot (100-200) miles a day to understand where he is coming from. I've never been in an accident that I caused neither have my kids but that doesn't matter when your in the ambulance.I understand how OOMG feels I just don't agree that the law should be that specific. We have a law that it falls under already.In my opinion we are allowed to have different opinions.
December 21, 2011, 17:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
Begining soon if not already in practice in your specific locations. Insurance companies and law enforcement will make confiscating cell phones from the scene of any vehicle accidents mandatory.
Even if the accident wasn't totally the fault of one, if their cell phone shows usage at the time of the accident they could be facing consequences.
December 21, 2011, 17:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
There is no reason to confiscate the phone. They can get the records. I think there will be a huge backlash if they try that here.They have tried other types of things like that and it was repealed faster that it took for the ink to dry.Law enforcement can call and get things like what tower a call bounced from and what time calls were made and exact locations because of GPS on phones. I know because my daughter and her friends were in a sticky situation and we couldn't find them and the guy that stole her phone was using it. They called in front of me.Verizon passed them through to the department that handles working with police and they were able to get more information than most would feel comfortable knowing.
December 21, 2011, 18:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
I think it's nothing less than just sad that we need new laws all the time.
The smartest people I have the most respect for are those that are smart enough to understand not only that they are a human but a failable human, just like everyone else.
Except for Free, I forget what species he is, but it's a superior species and I think we should all appreciate that he mated with our human species and his generations of hybrid offspring will someday rise above us and save the planet.
December 21, 2011, 19:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 21, 2011, 19:07)I think it's nothing less than just sad that we need new laws all the time.
The smartest people I have the most respect for are those that are smart enough to understand not only that they are a human but a failable human, just like everyone else.
Except for Free, I forget what species he is, but it's a superior species and I think we should all appreciate that he mated with our human species and his generations of hybrid offspring will someday rise above us and save the planet.
This proves Chazzy's immense intelligence. Finally, someone gets it!
(ps, the check is in the mail)
December 21, 2011, 19:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
My thing is that people quit paying attention to thier driving long before cell phones. That's why they don't look at the speedometer. Just keep up with the fastest vehicle.
It is sad that people seem to think that they can talk text, send e-mails, watch a dvd or tv while driving. Not to mention putting on makeup, changing clothes, or reading a book, newspaper or magazine.
Getting a bj while driving was mentioned. I'd imagine that if those were as rampant as the electronic distractions someone would be exploring a law to ban those as well.
I cited the NTSB because they are not a political thing. They examine accidents and make reccomendations. They have no authority to make laws nor regulations.
I see these things so many times per day, I've seriously concidered leaving this occupation. [not only people in cars] Much safer at home.
I shouldn't have mentioned your accident. The reason I did, was it seems no one understands unless you make it something they deal with or have dealt with. For example--A plane flying past it destination and you missing a connecting flight because of it.
People refuse to understand that when they drive as distracted as many are now, they're putting not only thier life but the lives of everyone around them at risk.
Driving isn't the most exciting thing. However IF you pay attention to your driving, you'll get where you notice much more than the vehicles around you. Much more relaxing too. Keep your eyes moving and you see more are more aware of what and who's around you. Keeping your eyes moving also helps prevent "highway hipnosis" and aids in keeping you awake.
December 21, 2011, 21:31 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (freensleazy @ December 21, 2011, 19:20) QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 21, 2011, 19:07)I think it's nothing less than just sad that we need new laws all the time.
The smartest people I have the most respect for are those that are smart enough to understand not only that they are a human but a failable human, just like everyone else.
Except for Free, I forget what species he is, but it's a superior species and I think we should all appreciate that he mated with our human species and his generations of hybrid offspring will someday rise above us and save the planet.
This proves Chazzy's immense intelligence. Finally, someone gets it!
(ps, the check is in the mail) Lmao!
December 21, 2011, 21:56 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Distracted driving
I've only driven topless before and had my eyes on the rode the whole time.
December 21, 2011, 22:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 21, 2011, 19:07)I think it's nothing less than just sad that we need new laws all the time.
The smartest people I have the most respect for are those that are smart enough to understand not only that they are a human but a failable human, just like everyone else.
Except for Free, I forget what species he is, but it's a superior species and I think we should all appreciate that he mated with our human species and his generations of hybrid offspring will someday rise above us and save the planet.
His kids will be gas and electric powered?
December 21, 2011, 22:05 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Distracted driving
A lady was jay-walking here the other night, was hit and killed by a car. The driver did not run, stayed there, and cooperated with the police. Others here, did hit and runs. The driver that stayed, just may get a ticket (probably not), the one who flee's, can get jail to prison time. A fine line huh?
December 21, 2011, 22:11 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 21, 2011, 22:05) QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 21, 2011, 19:07)I think it's nothing less than just sad that we need new laws all the time.
The smartest people I have the most respect for are those that are smart enough to understand not only that they are a human but a failable human, just like everyone else.
Except for Free, I forget what species he is, but it's a superior species and I think we should all appreciate that he mated with our human species and his generations of hybrid offspring will someday rise above us and save the planet.
His kids will be gas and electric powered?
They'll be going green. Wind, Solar, or maybe a Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor.
December 21, 2011, 22:50 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
OOMG I totally understand and that is my point. It is already a law that you not be distracted. You can get a ticket for careless or reckless driving and it carries points as well as a fine. I think it important that people start taking responsibility for bad behavior in general.
They need to stop putting gadgets in cars like TV's and other things that take your attention away from driving.We drove all over with our family as kids and we survived without TV for the trips.Even on the side of the roads it is getting ridiculous. I don't know if they have them everywhere but here they have billboards that change and are animated and we have so many billboards in some places its like your in Times Square all the time. For someone not used to them it can be very disorienting and distracting.It reminds me of whats happening on TV. First they had the channel logo, then they put the crawl, then they added a little animated bug (advertisement that we refer to as bugs on the screen in the corner)Then they added sound to the bug to get your attention. It's almost to the point where you can't see what is on the screen that you are trying to watch. That's how driving is getting.
As a responsible person you need to recognize your limits.I don't have a GPS with a big screen on my windshield. I find it is very distracting.However I happen to be seriously location and directionaly challenged so I have my GPS on my phone that sits in a stand or on the seat out of my line of site and it speaks directions to me. If I get lost or miss a turn I go to the next safe place I can pull over and either turn around or if I need to reset the GPS or call someone I do it then. However if my kid is out somewhere and I am driving and my phone says its my kid (Yes it talks) then I do answer to make sure they are ok. Its all hands free and wireless and I don't have a twenty minute conversation. I just get the "I'm home mom." and I say goodbye. Sometimes they will text me and I can speak a reply text or tell my phone to call them and again it is all hands free and wireless and just a quick ok thanks and that's it. If its at a moment I can pull over I do try to do that if its safe.I would not try to text if I were driving and I had to pick up my phone. I have seen people do it and it makes me nervous.I know that I could not text and drive if I had to pick up my phone.I know my limit a law wont change that. I have seen guys run into the car in-front of them because they were to busy watching the girls walking around in bathing suits down by the beach. There is no law that says don't look at girl's. I think they got a ticket for careless driving.I've said it before and I'll say it again we need a stupid people law! You do something stupid you get a ticket very simple. Basically that's what careless and reckless driving is but they just don't want to call it stupid.Arizona has a "stupid people law", I think it should be everywhere.
December 21, 2011, 23:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
The simplest way to solve this is to make the phones not owrk while driving. since they all have GPS, it would be that difficult.
The most I'll do with that phone while driving is to check the number of the incomming call. Nothing else. If it's that important, they'll keep leaving messeges.
I do agree that there's too many laws on the books now that aren't enforced. However. IF cell phone use while driving was banned and/or made a primary offense, then that would change things. Same as it has for seatbelts.
I forsee a complete cell phone ban for commercial drivers, with no provision for "handsfree". Fines close to $3,000 for first offense as it is for texting in a commercial vehicle.
I also see more states charging and convicting more people of vehicular manslaughter and vehicular murder for "accidents" caused by people on cell phones.
It's sad that we have to have some of the laws we do. Most states had to post "move over or slow for emergency vehicles on shoulder". The wording is different for each state, but the meanings the same.
Most of this stuff should be common sense, but since it's "me, me, me" this is what happens.
The confiscating of cell phones isn't much different than a breathalizer test. Refuse one and you're in jail. If ya don't use it while driving then you have no concerns about this.
December 22, 2011, 21:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
I have to pee
December 22, 2011, 23:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Distracted driving
QUOTE (freensleazy @ December 22, 2011, 23:58)I have to pee
Go ahead and do that while ya drive.
December 23, 2011, 00:15 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Distracted driving
My concern about being able to confiscate a cell phone if you're in an accident is that A:There is no reason as I said before you can check records. B:The abuse of power and the fact that taking the phone when a person hasn't been proven to be using it is wrong and can lead to other issues. Is the phone the drivers or the parents or someone else's? Is the phone insured if something happens in the hands of the police?What if the phone taken has no insurance and something happens will the police replace it? What if it gets lost or stolen? How long until you get it back if found you were not using it? There is also very personal and important stuff on peoples phones these days. They are more than just phones. (Calendars, alarm clocks, appointment schedules, password vaults, banking information etc..)
Bottom line is you can't keep making laws to micro manage ever stupid thing that people do. We have laws that cover it. Let the police enforce them.People have to be held responsible in general for bad behavior. Making another law that is already encompassed in an existing one doesn't make sense and is a waist of time and money. We have other things or lawmakers need to concentrate on.
Again I don't see that as being something that will happen. There will be to much of an outcry from the public.
December 23, 2011, 01:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Distracted driving
Thing is, no one will take this seriouly until there's a large deterent. I mentioned this in Frees post about his ticket. There are laws today that cover this. My prefered one is DWI. It's more suited to this type of thing. The Inattentive driving is too braod in scope and the penalties are no where near sufficient.
It seems the Fed. has made none hands free cell phone use a no no for commercial drivers. Oh well, I don't like talkin to people anyway.
Perhaps the general public should have this too.
"The final rule prohibits commercial drivers from using a hand-held mobile telephone while operating a commercial truck or bus. Drivers who violate the restriction will face federal civil penalties of up to $2,750 for each offense and disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle for multiple offenses. Additionally, states will suspend a driver's commercial driver's license (CDL) after two or more serious traffic violations. Commercial truck and bus companies that allow their drivers to use hand-held cell phones while driving will face a maximum penalty of $11,000. Approximately four million commercial drivers would be affected by this final rule.
"This final rule represents a giant leap for safety," said FMCSA Administrator Anne S. Ferro. "It's just too dangerous for drivers to use a hand-held cell phone while operating a commercial vehicle. Drivers must keep their eyes on the road, hands on the wheel and head in the game when operating on our roads. Lives are at stake."
While driver distraction studies have produced mixed results, FMCSA research shows that using a hand-held cell phone while driving requires a commercial driver to take several risky steps beyond what is required for using a hands-free mobile phone, including searching and reaching for the phone. Commercial drivers reaching for an object, such as a cell phone, are three times more likely to be involved in a crash or other safety-critical event. Dialing a hand-held cell phone makes it six times more likely that commercial drivers will be involved in a crash or other safety-critical event"
The entire thing can be found on the FMCSA site.
December 24, 2011, 04:35 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Distracted driving
In Massachusetts, there's a law in the works that says, "If one or both offending vehicles are in possession of a cell phone, then said vehicles must submit a copy of cell phone billing for the time and day of the incident." If it's found out that one of the vehicles was on his or hers phone at the time, then they are found to be 100 percent at fault. It probably won't go through though. Just off the top of my head, what do you do if your phone is under the pay as you go?...
December 24, 2011, 05:57 |
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