60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
With the upcoming holiday seasons, please please please...drive safely this year?! It's not worth your life and mine to swerve in and out of lanes just to get that 49$ Kuerig for Uncle Phil this year...
The other day, I was driving early in the morning on a two-lane road. A double, yellow, line was all that separated myself from the oncoming traffic. When I looked in my rear-view mirror, a dark-blue Jeep was twelve car lengths back, at least. Without rhyme or reason, that Jeep passed over the double-yellow, straight into oncoming traffic and passed back in front of me, like it was no big deal. I never saw the driver ever tap the brake-lights, not once. I locked them up, the guy in the other lane skidded right up to, but didn't hit my bumper. The lady behind him drove into the ditch to the right. The third car, managed to swerve just in time to avoid our touch-less pile up. The lady driving the Jeep, well she managed to get to the mall entrance that was less than a hundred yards up without incidence...
Later that same day... I was going south on another delivery, when I got stuck in a traffic jam. Nobody was moving, barely and inch, when the driver in the northbound lane thought he could maneuver his f150 around the Civic. Little did he know, that ditch on his side of the road was d-e-e-p. In slow motion, I watched the truck roll over until it came to rest on its roof. All that, because he couldn't wait 10 minutes for the Civic to move forward enough for the guy to get by the entrance to a Walmart parking lot...
I've had cars swerving and cutting me off all week, just to get to one sale or the next. Somebody's going to buy the farm this holiday season, and that's not going to be fun for their family...
December 10, 2011, 21:53 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
I feel for other's who have to drive regardless. Gave up owning a vehicle 11 year's ago, one of the best move's I made. (makes one less idiot on the road). Bus system in Tucson is great (bus stops in all directions, 100 yards away), and a couple year's ago, moved across the street from my grocery store, my bank is inside it too. Walmart and variety stores, 1/4 mile away, walking distance. I need a vehicle? Why? No car, and no stress of all that goe's with it. And, everyone else is driving thier money, mines in the bank. lol Ya'll drive extra careful out there, be safe. (Don't run us pedestrians over now.)
December 11, 2011, 13:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ December 10, 2011, 21:53)With the upcoming holiday seasons, please please please...drive safely this year?! It's not worth your life and mine to swerve in and out of lanes just to get that 49$ Kuerig for Uncle Phil this year...
The other day, I was driving early in the morning on a two-lane road. A double, yellow, line was all that separated myself from the oncoming traffic. When I looked in my rear-view mirror, a dark-blue Jeep was twelve car lengths back, at least. Without rhyme or reason, that Jeep passed over the double-yellow, straight into oncoming traffic and passed back in front of me, like it was no big deal. I never saw the driver ever tap the brake-lights, not once. I locked them up, the guy in the other lane skidded right up to, but didn't hit my bumper. The lady behind him drove into the ditch to the right. The third car, managed to swerve just in time to avoid our touch-less pile up. The lady driving the Jeep, well she managed to get to the mall entrance that was less than a hundred yards up without incidence...
Later that same day... I was going south on another delivery, when I got stuck in a traffic jam. Nobody was moving, barely and inch, when the driver in the northbound lane thought he could maneuver his f150 around the Civic. Little did he know, that ditch on his side of the road was d-e-e-p. In slow motion, I watched the truck roll over until it came to rest on its roof. All that, because he couldn't wait 10 minutes for the Civic to move forward enough for the guy to get by the entrance to a Walmart parking lot...
I've had cars swerving and cutting me off all week, just to get to one sale or the next. Somebody's going to buy the farm this holiday season, and that's not going to be fun for their family...
It happens all year. Just more prevelant now. 
Kind of funny really. People tailgate [within 10 feet of a semi [usually on thier phone], but if I get closer than 50 they think I'm tailgating. For some reason they don't like it when I drive like they do.
December 11, 2011, 19:14 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
It is scary . I live in an area where there is little to no public transportation depending on exactly where you are. Even the best is extremely limited. Coming from NYC that was a bit of a shock when I moved here. We also have a huge senior population. I can't count all the times I have seen people driving on the wrong side of the medium. and I always wonder how they actually got there not to mention got as far as they did without getting killed.I have three kids and the older two have driven for a while now but I still worry about them being out there. Not because they don't drive well. I am lucky that they both drive very well. I worry that they are going to run into one of these crazy situations and get killed. Now I am teaching my youngest to drive. She is currently upset with me because I haven't been taking her out much and told her I wont until after the holidays.She thinks its because of her. I tried to explain to her that it has nothing to do with her driving. It is all the holiday parties , and people that only drive on holiday's and weekends or for that special sale are just to stupid to have on the road with a new driver.I have little patience and I hate waiting on lines but when it comes to driving I would rather leave earlier or be late than get killed or kill someone else.
I agree with GG, they are crazy. You should see the way they drive threw the mall parking lot just to get that parking spot. They almost killed us twice last week.I avoid the mall this time of year in particular. I only went because my daughter begged me.lol
December 11, 2011, 20:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
This why my favorite bumper sticker is----
"What's the rush? Wal-Marts open 24/7"
December 12, 2011, 00:15 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
my peeve is the ones that have to pull right out in front of you while doing hiwy speed and drive slow as shit in front of ya . happens too many times up here , they cant yield to ya , they just have to jump right out in front of ya , and the tail gaters behind trucks too they can feel ya there . and it seems ev eryone has a phone in your ear
December 12, 2011, 03:43 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
One of the main things I have drilled into my kids heads when I was teaching them to drive was give truckers and bikers lots of room!
Another is nothing is so important that it is worth someones life slow down and stay off your phone. I have to admit I have battled with them about the phone a bit now that they are older but the laws have helped a little. Its a hefty fine if you get caught on the phone or texting. I had Voice operated everything on all our phones so they would never have to touch the phone. When they got the Iphones it didn't have that feature. Shame on apple. I know there are apps for it now but kids think because they can text without looking at the keys they can handle it.
I had a friend who almost died by decapitation because he looked down for a second to change his radio station, when he looked up he hadn't realized he had swerved to another lane and went right under a truck. Well almost anyway.....It happens so fast sometimes they don't realize it.
December 12, 2011, 07:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 12, 2011, 00:15)This why my favorite bumper sticker is----
"What's the rush? Wal-Marts open 24/7"
Ha! I just love that!!
December 17, 2011, 14:18 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
they are! fist ya have to have a walmart....
December 17, 2011, 23:05 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
I think I have a career being a stunt driver for a remake of the, "Dukes of Hazzard." I was cruising up a dual lane road when the woman in front of me pulled over. It was dark and she was about twelve car-lengths ahead of me when she pulled to the right in the breakdown lane. When I reached her, about four car-lengths, she put the left blinker on. It blinked one-and-one-half-times before she pulled out and turned sharply, stopping directly in front of me. She was waiting for the on coming traffic to pass before reversing direction. Without flinching, I veered into the breakdown lane, driving into a ditch. Sharply turning left, I launched the company car into the air. Crashing forward, I ripped off the front air scoop. For some reason, I looked back in time to see her cutting into traffic in the opposite direction. One went into the woods, while the other was forced out into the other lane. She sped off like she was annoyed and detained. When I got back to the store, I wasn't shaking or feeling any adrenalin rush...
December 27, 2011, 03:36 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
some folks just dont know how to drive , i show the next one that trys to kill me with my 10 pound boots when im kicking dents in their van when im getting cut off on the harley...
December 28, 2011, 17:13 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season to become RoadKill...
not too mant dead deer on the road sides any more , but have 2 or 3 does coming in my yard at night raiding my bird feeders, i see there tracks in the snow , though they were dogs and their deer tracks , going to get some corn for them . must be almost tame for right in town here
January 9, 2012, 04:49 |