62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Social Events in your Area?
So, what social events are current in your areas. This is what is prevelant in my area!
Mud bogging an economic success in Okeechobee
SEBRING -- An Okeechobee County commissioner added his support to the several Highlands County citizens gathered at the board meeting on Tuesday night to support outdoor recreation.
Highlands commissioners addressed complaints from property owners as citizens not on the agenda at their Tuesday meeting, and decided to stop any mud bog events until regulation could be drafted to limit the impact of the events proposed at Swamp Hammock Mud Bog and Country Club on surrounding property owners.
Although the commission voted to have the discussion on the agenda this Tuesday, the proposed mug bog events were not on the schedule and those wishing to address the issue had to fill out "citizens not on the agenda" forms, including Okeechobee Commissioner Bryant Culpepper.
Culpepper informed Highlands County that outdoor recreation -- which included mud bogging, where participants had to race various vehicles through a man-made mud hole -- "would be a great success for you."
"I can speak with authority, we are on our fifth (mud bog) and each time we've had one, the problems become less and less," Culpepper said.
"Everyone is looking for creative ways to bring not only recreation into the county but also revenue. This event is a huge economic boom. In Okeechobee this year we had over 525 businesses that did not renew their licenses. That is not sustainable," Culpepper said.
"I volunteered to help with our three-day event. It was a good time. I laughed and laughed for four solid hours. It was good clean, well not clean, fun," Culpepper said. "There were no real complaints because the businesses and people in Okeechobee County were so glad to get this shot in the arm economically.
"After you see it work, you will want to do it again and again. We are still working out the kinks, but this is a good for our county. We are going to do it again, but the only thing I would ask is that you don't put it on the same weekend as ours," Culpepper said.
Not all of the speakers during the meeting were for an event that drew large crowds to the area, and Donald Skipper, a neighbor to the proposed outdoor recreation club, expressed concerns about the state of the county road leading past his property to the events and the compatibility of the land use for an outdoor recreational park.
"It has to be a compatible use area. They have land property rights, but so do the people around them," said Skipper.
"Eight thousand people coming down that road is a heck of a lot of noise, and cows don't like that. This area is surrounded north, south, east and west by cow pastures," Skipper said.
"It's gonna have problems, I can guarantee that. Let's have a mud bog, but let's put it out in a place where you can access it easily and patrol easily. Let's put it on U.S. 27," Skipper added.
"Having a bud bog in the middle of cow country is like having a fireworks testing facility in the middle of a chicken ranch," Skipper pointed out.
Others in the audience were in support of the efforts to put an organized and legal area for outdoor vehicle use.
"We used to go to the scrubs in Avon Park, but we are no longer able to do that," said Highlands County resident Theresa Danzig.
"It is a time for mothers and fathers to spend quality time with their family. Having something like this that is affordable is good for families and good for Highlands County," Danzig said
December 8, 2011, 02:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Social Events in your Area?
No gator rassling?
December 8, 2011, 02:55 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Social Events in your Area?
only if you run over it in the bog
December 8, 2011, 03:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Social Events in your Area?
"Having a bud bog in the middle of cow country is like having a fireworks testing facility in the middle of a chicken ranch," Skipper pointed out.
Gotta laugh at that.
Seems they just want it in a place that's easier to access. I know there's orange grove property for sale in that area.
December 8, 2011, 03:23 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Social Events in your Area?
I am from NYC. I felt like I needed a translator for that article. I wasn't sure places really did that kind of stuff. Fist thought was we need to get a collection together to get Kiss out of there before whatever these people have rub off on her. OMG !!! I'm kidding of course. It sounds like a town just looking to have some fun and of course you can never make everyone happy.
December 8, 2011, 04:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Social Events in your Area?
The mud boggin thing is an old form of entertainment and spread widley across the US. Mostly southern US but ya get the idea.
Many of the offroad events were started by locals who used a certain area for fun then some national sanctioning body decided to hold the races there. 
December 8, 2011, 13:49 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Social Events in your Area?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ December 8, 2011, 04:34)I am from NYC. I felt like I needed a translator for that article. I wasn't sure places really did that kind of stuff. Fist thought was we need to get a collection together to get Kiss out of there before whatever these people have rub off on her. OMG !!! I'm kidding of course. It sounds like a town just looking to have some fun and of course you can never make everyone happy.
I'd be more than happy to share the video with you. You can also go to Red Neck Yacht Club. And, don't worry Newbie, Kiss grew up and moved on years ago. It is kinda hard for many to think this was my upbringing.
December 8, 2011, 15:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Social Events in your Area?
They could call Discovery channel and have them make a show about this.
December 8, 2011, 15:12 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Social Events in your Area?
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 8, 2011, 15:12)They could call Discovery channel and have them make a show about this.
Like maybe "Trucks Gone Wild"
December 8, 2011, 15:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Social Events in your Area?
Its a Redneck Thang
December 8, 2011, 15:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Social Events in your Area?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ December 8, 2011, 15:14) QUOTE (OOMG @ December 8, 2011, 15:12)They could call Discovery channel and have them make a show about this.
Like maybe "Trucks Gone Wild"
They do that.
December 8, 2011, 15:20 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Social Events in your Area?
There were some comment left as well;
Look it up (by: James - 10/31/2011)
Show me where in academic literature that it says that noise, pollution, and lots of activity is good for cows or any animal. You probably won't be able to diagnose it as you fly by in your pursuit of fun, but these things are major stressors for livestock and wildlife. Is Swamp Hammock planning to reimburse the neighbors when their crop of calves brings in less in the coming years? Have they even thought about the implications beyond themselves?
and who owns the land? (by: Jim - 10/29/2011)
If the owner wans to use his land mudding, so what. As I see it one other land owners thinks it might disturb his cow's. Why doesnt the newsun just go out and ask the cows next Sebring International airport what they think about the race cars? Has anyone thought that maybe Mr Skipper wants the man to loose hos property so he can buy it from the bank with a cows song?
Mud Bogging (by: Happy Highland Resident - 10/29/2011)
Do we really want to emulate something done in Okeechoobee County? Not that there is anything wrong with Okeechoobee, but it is not Highlands. Highlands has a lot more going for it than Okeechoobee, and it has a better track record for quality of life. Have you gone shopping in Okeechoobee, or to a restaurant, or used any business there? If it weren't for their Walmart they'd be dead in the water.
December 8, 2011, 15:25 |