62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Tis the Season!
December 4, 2011, 16:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season!
I caught this news segment on Headlines news several days ago.
Recently in our area, thieves targeted car lots for quick cash from catalytic converters and a woman stole two Christmas trees from a boy scout fundraiser lot on church property. Yep, there's surveillance tape.
Then there's always the news stories every year of someone donating something forgetting there is a stash of cash in the item.
December 4, 2011, 17:38 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Tis the Season!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ December 4, 2011, 17:38)I caught this news segment on Headlines news several days ago.
Recently in our area, thieves targeted car lots for quick cash from catalytic converters and a woman stole two Christmas trees from a boy scout fundraiser lot on church property. Yep, there's surveillance tape.
Then there's always the news stories every year of someone donating something forgetting there is a stash of cash in the item. i have a old piano if anyone wants to steal that...lol
December 4, 2011, 17:55 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season!
The majority [if not all] trucking companies that pull refrigerated trailers have had to add more locks. Inacessable padlock hasp, glad hand lockouts, king pin locks when the trailer is dropped and even locks for the air valaves inside the cab.
There's been a very large increase in theft of not only the loads but the entire truck and trailer. Not amatures, these people know who has what and when they'll get it.
Many cases they take the entire rig, drop the trailer a few miles away and proceed with another tractor hooked to it. Often times the trailer is found within 50 miles without the load, reefer unit or tires.
December 4, 2011, 19:31 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tis the Season!
There was a story not too long ago, about an old man who had his grandson in a Walmart. The little one took off every time grandpa put him down. At one point, he put the kid down and sure as shooting, the kid took off running. The old man, the story went, put a package in his pocket and took off after the boy. As he approached the isle the kid was in, he met with security and a series of black batons. They beat the old man to a bloody pulp for shoplifting. One of the security guards thought he was trying to find his way out of the store when he was caught by them. He was resisting arrest and they had to do it to him. What happened to the family orientated store Walmart stands for? Even if he was in fact trying to steal something, tackling the guy to the ground would have been sufficient to apprehend any suspect...
December 5, 2011, 00:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season!
Yep, there is video footage of that incident and grandpa's face ended up a bloody mess. Not that it really matters, but grandpa wasn't a grey haired, cane using doddering senior exactly, I think he was about 50 some years old.
December 5, 2011, 01:27 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season!
I was talking to someone who works at a Walmart. She was telling me that the reason they had to get so strict with having receipts when returns are made have to do with another trend. It seems many people walk into the store, go get something off a shelf and then walk to customer service and try to return it for cash.I had to laugh. There must be a hundred cameras in the Walmart I shop in if not more.Many of them do get caught.
I was sitting in a court room one day waiting for something and I was listening to all the cases that were going on. It seems that they do all the shoplifting cases on a particular day to make it easier for the stores to have someone there to represent them.Some were so sad and some were so funny.I found the ones that were steeling basics like peanut butter and diapers sad. You knew they were just desperate.There were a few like this old lady in her 70's at least who was steeling hair pins and brushes.That was a bit odd.Another who was steeling over the counter medication. But then this one came out that I said had to be a bad a joke. It was a African-American women and she stole Kool aid,Fried Chicken and watermelon.I swear my son and I looked around the room waiting for someone to say this is Candid Camera or something along those lines. No way could anyone have set up a more stereo typical seen , this could not be real but it was.I don't know how the judge kept a straight face or didn't say "You're kidding?" when the prosecutor read off what she had stolen.Not to mention where did this women try to hide that stuff? A bucket of chicken and a watermelon are not easy to hide.
Reading that list of most popular things to steal I have to wonder , From a store? Most of those things are kept locked up so how can you shop lift them unless someone unlocks the cabinet and hands them to you? All electronics and higher priced fragrances and even electric toothbrushes are locked up in ever store I shop in.They also have various security tags on them.
December 5, 2011, 05:25 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season!
my nieces ex boy freind was good at that type of stuff load up a tv on a cart at walmart and right out the front dor he gos, it took time but he got caught and the one at fleet framand walmart again just tose it over the fence to a freind grills and stuff
December 10, 2011, 20:53 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tis the Season!
One year, my father bought me a winter jacket from the Sears in the mall. When I opened it, I was surprised that it was cool and that he could actually pick something I liked. I tried it on. I doing so, I turned to my father as he spoke, "So how is it?" he said
"Pretty good. Must have been funny when the alarms went off all over the mall." I said.
He stood there, astonished by what I said.
"How did you know what happened?!"
"Did you tell him about it?!" he said to my mom.
Laughing out loud, I said, "Cause the anti-theft tag is still attached to the inside of the coat!"
"We'll need to go back tomorrow." I added, while the family laughed at the sight of that big, flesh-colored, tag attached to the pocket...
December 10, 2011, 21:16 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season!
GG, I hate when they leave those on. That makes me so mad when I get home and find them. Not all of them set off alarms. some are filled with ink so if you try to cut them they ruin the item. I know someone that has a strong magnet to take them off because she got tired of going back to have them removed all the time. I just had to go back to Marshall's with a belt I got for me son. I noticed when I went to wrap it it still had the damn tag. By the way I cant send it back with the kids because if they don't have the receipt the stores around here say "How do we know you didn't steel it?" My response is . "If you took your damn tags off then we wouldn't have this fucking problem.!" But here is the kicker! I bring the damn belt back and I'm already annoyed. As I walk through the door GOING IN the alarm goes off! I look at the girl at the customer service desk to the left of the door and said "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why didn't that happen when I left so I would not have had to come back?". She said she didn't know and removed the tag.
I am starting to think they do that so they can charge you again when you bring it back and they accuse people of steeling it if they didn't have a receipt. They do it to young people all the time around here.I try to give people gift receipts now as well as me keeping the original. They have a new game with gift receipts as well so be aware. With a gift receipt they wont give back money in many stores only store credit. So I keep the original so I can get the money back if I need to.
December 11, 2011, 19:41 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season!
that happened to me at Kmart one year was getting a tool box for work for my self and had some hand tools too , 4 0r 5 times i went out the door and set off the alarm, then every one looking at like you ripped something off the last time i went right back to the service desk and told them well if you want the stuff so bad ya can refund my money , i refrain going to Kmart now ever since.
December 12, 2011, 04:00 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season!
I know those damn tags are supposed to prevent shoplifting. The problem is the shop lifters know how to remove them,unlike the staff that are supposed to remove them when we buy the stuff.The rest of us just get pissed off by them. Have you ever tried to try something on with those damn tags on. It's impossible most of the time. My son made me laugh. He was looking for sun glasses. They always have those damn security tags right in the middle. It is impossible to see how they look with that. My son makes them take each one off to try them on then they can put them back when he is done. I sat there saying "Why didn't I ever think of that?" He just gave me a smart ass answer I wont repeat. They can and will remove the tags for purposes of trying things on in most stores, especially the higher end stores. The other thing you have to watch for is if they are are put on by an idiot (which is a pretty fair bet) they put them in a spot that will ruin the material in many cases. I refuse to pay for something that is ruined by a security tag. I bet they throw out a lot of merchandise due to security tags. I wonder if they really save anything at all.There has to be a better way. By the way many of them are dummy tags. Not all are armed to set an alarm. That would be to expensive and that is one reason so many of them wind up going home on merchandise.
How about now when you have to get a store clerk to "unlock" the door or hook on the shelves to get something like perfume or electronics. Sounds like a smart idea right? Until you have to find a clerk, good luck with that.Then the clerk has to work in that department,almost never gonna happen, AND that clerk has to have the key. Good luck getting out of that store in less than an hour.I wanted a pair of headsets. It took me ten seconds to find the headsets and 30 minutes to find someone to get the fucking things off the hook! Then they rang up wrong. I wanted to hit someone before we were done!I wanted to leave but I had no choice because no one else sells them around here and they were a birthday gift for a friend of my daughters. I can't imagine why customers would be in a cranky mood after that.
When was the last time you went to Walmart and tried to buy something in electronics. They are open 24 hours BUT you can't buy shit in electronics after 9 because no one is working in that department. Please explain that fucking logic! So why do some people enjoy shopping?
December 12, 2011, 07:15 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Tis the Season!
I've noticed a lot lately, that every time someone goes through the detector and sets it off, nobody seems to give it a second thought. I mean, you have your receipt and the man/lady at the door checks your packages and figures out which one might have set it off. Then they see your sales receipt and let you continue on your way. What if I manage to pocket something expensive, like say jewelry, and pick up a DVD for the clerk to scan. I go through the door, the alarm sounds, the clerk checks and sees the paid for DVD and sends me on my way. Not a very good security feature you think?! They're supposed to send you back to the register or hand scan the items individually, but most of the time they don't. They just assume your innocent of a crime and let you go.
December 13, 2011, 00:55 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season!
my latest was going to walmart and tryin g to get someeone to scoop out some fish for my ... ya right attenten walmart worksers lol were are u?
December 13, 2011, 01:50 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Tis the Season!
Now Ashkats, those fish in Walmart don't work too well for the tip-up's..I've tried.
December 13, 2011, 02:49 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Tis the Season!
do need some golden roaches and or shiners crappie just love shiners , but not, blue groammies, spell check dont work on that one, lol
December 13, 2011, 02:59 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season!
I have gone into the employee lounge and gotten people out at Walmart. I love when I see five or six people go in and all say as they go by. "I will call someone for you" Then they never come. So I go get them.I have also picked up one of those employee phones and announced "Customer really pissed and tired of waiting back in site to store or electronics"(whatever department I am in)That normally gets a managers attention. lol I do that at airports too. I answer the phones at the podium when they are supposed to have someone there and they don't.lol It's a shame I'm so shy. But its hard to walk through a store looking for someone in 4 inch heals the stores are huge!
December 13, 2011, 07:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Tis the Season!
The Walmart where I live is great, always someone near to help with anything, getting something off a high shelf, check in back for an item if the shelf is empty, the guys that gather the carts from outside always help load my stuff into the trunk.
December 13, 2011, 12:21 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Tis the Season!
Chazzy if any of that ever happened at our Walmart people would die of a heart attack from the shock! They were one of my accounts when I was working so I used to meet with the regional manager. He used to tell me stories about how frustrated he would get with the stores in this area. He said he never saw anything like it. The employees had there own set of rules. He said he would be grateful if they even showed up for work on some days. He once asked me if there is something in the water. I told him I drink bottled water so it could be. He said when he would meet with people in the business community from the area they all had the same complaints. The employees act like they didn't want the job. They would just not show up or show up late and expect that they still have a job. It's so strange. It has become a big issue. I have been there many times with corporate people trying to fix things but within a week its back to the same thing.
This is a true story. I was in Walmart and was looking for a garbage can. I went to ask the employees a simple question.There were three standing around talking. One who's badge said Assistant Manager. I asked where the garbage cans would be and was told "We don't sell garbage cans." Well after I found them myself I showed it to the assistant manager and asked if it was free or just for show? Because as he said they don't sell garbage cans. He just looked at me and said "Oh those garbage cans". It was the huge thing you put out for pick up. But for the record they sell the household kind as well. That's just one of many example. You should have been there when they tried to tel my mother they don't take American express because she was using a American Express travelers check. The girl didn't know the difference and neither did the manager. They had to call corporate. The best part was that they had a big sign up in the store saying they except American Express Travelers checks. LOL
December 14, 2011, 04:56 |
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