62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Why and how do you give gifts?
Does everyone shop because they feel they have too or because they enjoy buying things for people they care about?
I was thinking about this. I hate the mall craziness and wont do the black Friday stuff. I don't get wrapped up in all the "better get it now" crap. (Mostly because I know its bullshit and know I can always save that amount or more.)BUT, I love buying the perfect gift!
I love when I just happen to be browsing and see something and think "That is so perfect for ____" It never has to do with the cost. I hate having to worry about the cost.I have mentioned on here about the gift of time before. Its like that. Its just that great feeling that you get when you know that whatever you got that person or made that person will put a smile on their face.My mother had a hard time this past year as many others have. We had said many years ago that no one over 18 or 21 (we never remember the number lol) is supposed to get gifts from the entire family anymore. It was just getting to be to much.We never stick to it.But this year I really insisted my mother stick to it. She was pretty upset. I told her if she really wanted to make the kids happy don't stretch her budget at all, just bake them their favorite cookies.She was still feeling like she was cheating them some how. I wish she could have seen their faces when I told them that I suggested that. The kids went from being adults to 5 year olds in a second. They started listing their favorite cookies faster than I could write.lol I know I worry when my kids or mother spend money that I know they need for other things. I always rather give than get. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy the gifts I get but I don't feel the same as I do about giving something I just know that person would light up over.I even like wrapping it up and doing the ribbons and bows. I sometimes go a bit nuts and do more elaborate wrapping but that's hard to do around this time of year because it would take weeks to wrap everything. I don't like the gifts that I "have to buy". That's different, but I have stopped that for the most part.So how do you feel about the whole gift buying, giving and getting?
December 3, 2011, 07:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
You can save 50% if you buy now!!!!!
Who cares? I can save 100% if I don't buy it.
I haven't bought a "Christmas" present for anyone in the last 30 years. If I see something a friend might like or need I might buy it for them. Doesn't matter the time of year. Usually not now though.
I really enjoy finding a useful gag gift. Ya know, something that is useful to the reciever yet has humor about it.
December 3, 2011, 14:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
Oh!!!! While you may save money on "black friday" and other sales? Think about it.
If all these stores can cut prices 75% or more and still make money? Ya should be really mad at them for screwin ya the rest of the year.
December 3, 2011, 14:20 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
I used to be the uncle that bought gifts for Christmas according to the annoyance factor. The louder and more perpetual the sound of the thing the better the gift.
December 4, 2011, 02:24 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ December 4, 2011, 02:24)
I thought my brothers had that corner marketed!I was the only one with kids in the family for quite a while. They got my kids full size professional drum sets, electric guitars with amps, and electric keyboards. Toys big enough that I need a bigger house or storage unit to put them in(I went for the storage unit.) Then there were the "toy" cars. You know normal battery operated cars for kids? NOT THOSE! My brother bought my kids each a bat-mobile remote control car that did about 30 miles an hour and was made for adults. Like those remote planes (I wont even get into those.)My kids dented the siding on the house with those damn cars not to mention almost winding up in the hospital with a broken ankle. They weren't exactly made for a 3 and 6 year old to steer.
I thought I would get even some day...NOPE one married someone with kids that were older so I couldn't do it to them. The other put every restriction you can think of on gifts and he would send them back if you didn't follow "the rules". No noisy stuff or stuff to big, no Barney or other annoying characters etc... They took all the fun out of revenge.I couldn't even teach their kids to belch at the table like they did with mine because I don't know how. That's and the fact that I hate it is why they taught it to my kids.I will find something to get even with someday.
OOMG I am with you about Black Friday. They always try to give me those coupons that say you save more if you shop on Black Friday. I always tell them to keep it. They couldn't pay me enough to shop that day.The thing about cutting things to a deep discount is part right sometimes it's a product that they can afford to do that because they got it a great price. However there are things that they will sell below cost at times. There are two main reasons. One is to draw people in.They limit those to like 10 per store and a stampede starts or people camp out to get in on the deal. Two is that they have to much product.The shelves are valuable space that needs to be cleared.
December 4, 2011, 09:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
I start making my list early and take my time buying for each person on my list. I buy mostly for children in my life and love sending the kiddos craft projects and books about the holidays so they can get in on the spirit of the season.
Gift giving is from the heart and while I do enjoying showing my appreciation to hairdressers, etc. I am likely to give them food and homemade items. I enjoy the spirit of giving to others and the true meaning of the holiday is never forgotten which is why I like to shop early. I want to enjoy baking, cooking and holiday parties without the pressure of the hustle and bustle buying gifts can bring...
December 4, 2011, 15:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
Newbie--- I fail to understand people who camp out or wait in lines for hours to buy something. So, ya save a few bucks. Doesn't anyone concider how much that time they waste in those lines is costing them?
I bet none of them drive that patiently.
December 4, 2011, 15:24 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 4, 2011, 15:24)Newbie--- I fail to understand people who camp out or wait in lines for hours to buy something. So, ya save a few bucks. Doesn't anyone concider how much that time they waste in those lines is costing them?
I bet none of them drive that patiently.
Yes, I can't do that... coffee sounds so much more enjoyable.
December 4, 2011, 15:40 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
If I'm not feeling well, down and depressed, shopping online for others is a real pick me up.
I like Overstock dot for books. I picked up some bilgingual, spanish/english, books for my girl friend's reneck son, as his wife is Hispanic.
I found unusual gifts from the Discovery Channel. A couple of $10. computers for the kids. If you want to smile, give a six year old his own "puter". Ervie took to it right off since I had been playing games with him on my laptop.
I gave gave my niece a puzzle game they created to be similiar to the rubic cube. My nephew a flying helicopter, and a 36' robot. It moveson 3 wheels, has facial expressions, and tells jokes.
I didn't get to see his reaction, but I was told he loved it. He just watched it walked around and he'd laugh and laugh.
December 4, 2011, 15:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
Don't really buy gifts. We do shop online and send everyone a nice gift basket of edibles. For me, Christmas is not at all about buying stuff. It's the celebration of the most important holiday of my faith. It's all about the holiday, not the stuff.
December 4, 2011, 16:30 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 4, 2011, 15:24)Newbie--- I fail to understand people who camp out or wait in lines for hours to buy something. So, ya save a few bucks. Doesn't anyone concider how much that time they waste in those lines is costing them?
I bet none of them drive that patiently.
In my area, there was a long line at a computer store up here, that was giving away iPads to the first ten customers. Turns out with the special, it was a, "Backdoor" special. The flyer said to come to the backdoor to receive the special at 10 o'clock. About a dozen people were camped out at the front of the store till midnight, before they realized their mistake. There were only 3 left at the store as everyone rushed the backdoor all at once.
I even heard something about a store somewhere, where folks camped out for hours awaiting a midnight opening, only to find out that the store didn't open until 9am the next day. Around 2:30am, police were called, when the store's alarm went off. The campers got mad at their mistake and smashed their way in an took the the stuff they wanted...
December 5, 2011, 00:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ December 5, 2011, 00:42) QUOTE (OOMG @ December 4, 2011, 15:24)Newbie--- I fail to understand people who camp out or wait in lines for hours to buy something. So, ya save a few bucks. Doesn't anyone concider how much that time they waste in those lines is costing them?
I bet none of them drive that patiently.
In my area, there was a long line at a computer store up here, that was giving away iPads to the first ten customers. Turns out with the special, it was a, "Backdoor" special. The flyer said to come to the backdoor to receive the special at 10 o'clock. About a dozen people were camped out at the front of the store till midnight, before they realized their mistake. There were only 3 left at the store as everyone rushed the backdoor all at once.
I even heard something about a store somewhere, where folks camped out for hours awaiting a midnight opening, only to find out that the store didn't open until 9am the next day. Around 2:30am, police were called, when the store's alarm went off. The campers got mad at their mistake and smashed their way in an took the the stuff they wanted...
----and that's why the camping out and standing in lines for hours should be stopped.
December 5, 2011, 00:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
I agree it has gotten to the point of past stupid! It's dangerous. I've always told my kids there is NOTHING worth that. People have been getting hurt and even killed over stupid things. Not even big ticket items. One year when my kids were little the power rangers were the hot toy to have. I never waited on line, I refused. I also wont pay over retain.(I don't like even paying full retail.)But I happened to get lucky through circumstance and get a bunch of power rangers at a Toys r us.I was told by the manager to wrap them up and hide them under my coat so I don't get attacked in the parking lot.Seriously.What has this world come too? As I've said before, my families favorite Christmas was the the one we spent with family and friends in Mexico and it had nothing to do with the gifts.As a matter of fact there were fewer gifts that year than most and I can't recall a single one of them and I bet neither can they.I get really confused by the idiots that pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for things like the Tickle me Elmo. I think my daughter was less than a year maybe two. Everyone said "aren't you getting her one?" I said "yep but not until after Christmas" She was a baby and had no concept of time or dates. Do you really think she would remember when she got it or care? Again do to circumstances she wound up getting one Christmas day. I didn't pay anything extra and didn't wait in any line.I think the type of sales and limits they put on things for the holidays has become dangerous and should be outlawed.It gets worse every year.To be honest you get better deals if you shop after the holidays so we do a little of that now.For the record I rarely pay full retail price on anything.It also wouldn't be fun going into debt or having my family and friends do it either, it kind of kills the holiday spirit.
December 5, 2011, 04:52 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
December 5, 2011, 15:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
December 5, 2011, 17:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
December 5, 2011, 17:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
I saved $4 on cat food yesterday and really got a great deal. Too bad I dont have a cat.
December 5, 2011, 17:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (freensleazy @ December 5, 2011, 17:42)I saved $4 on cat food yesterday and really got a great deal. Too bad I dont have a cat.
December 5, 2011, 17:56 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
QUOTE (OOMG @ December 5, 2011, 17:29)
Men are just as bad. Pay for 200 sports channels and try to watch 10 football games at once. So, they don't get to REALLY watch any.
Men don't care what is on TV. They just care what ELSE is on TV! (Courtesy of Jerry S.)
December 5, 2011, 18:25 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
well don't know much on giving , but as I'm sitting here there a knock on my door behind me , so i open it to see some out there and theirs a Lady who says shes from the baptist Church and she hands my a small white bag with a card and a evegreen spring stapled to it saying it a loaf of warm Cinnamon bread ... i say thank you and i give it to the wife Cinnamon bread with jelly rolled up in it and sugared too .... very tasty too
December 10, 2011, 20:45 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Why and how do you give gifts?
Ash, you are so more trusting than me. I would think that it could be from some sick bastard that thinks it's funny to poison people like that and I would call the police to tell them about it and if they didn't want to check it I would throw it out.
December 11, 2011, 19:26 |
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Why and how do you give gifts?