65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
its 3 am
and i got woke up by the kitten again , i swear this cat in heat every other week for being s year old.shes been doing this howling since she was 7 weeks old. starting on getting tired of losing sleep
November 24, 2011, 09:50 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: its 3 am
Fostering a pup for awhile. A BIG PUP! Up every hour last night, but not one got hurt. I am so tired!!!!
November 24, 2011, 15:23 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: its 3 am
ya i hear ya kiss , i took a nap after we got the bird in have to cut some biscuits now. pups are as bad with wining.think im going to have to fix this one she has all the makings of a whor cat , even lyes in the ball me position lol
oh and happy turkey day
November 24, 2011, 22:06 |
User no longer registered.
Re: its 3 am
I've had a few kittens like that, good news is....as they get a bit older, they do calm down. Our one seemed to go into heat every several weeks too, and noisy as hell. She's not near as bad now but still on the spay list for sure!
November 25, 2011, 19:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: its 3 am
I have what I call the "breeding" yard. Every darn time our neighbor's cat goes into heat, which seems way too often, it likes to get under my bedroom window. You'd think one of those cats was going to die with all the hollering and scratching going on. The other night it was awful, then I swear I heard hear Meow and purrrrrr, then I swear I heard a cigarette light up. I am guessing there will be sme kittens arrive soon...
November 26, 2011, 14:12 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: its 3 am
she seems to go on aweek and off again, its winding down again and shes quit the holloring at night ,just cute and cuddly again . even slept the whole night .when ever their napping in the day we try to wake them up as cat are day sleepers . we had a few cats over the years this one is the worst we ever had . even more so then a puppy and we had some noisy puppys in our time too.
November 26, 2011, 22:21 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: its 3 am
Me moms cat, "DC" mimics her calling of me. My mom calls me down every night for supper. The cat learned that if it calls me the same way, I'll come downstairs. It's a riot! When I hit the bottom of the stairs and no one is around, I'll hear, "Go Out" coming from the darkness. If I ask the cat if it wants to go out, it will answer back, "Yes". Sometimes I'll open the door on my way back upstairs and ask the cat if it wants to go out, and I get an answer, "No". It's too funny...
November 27, 2011, 00:24 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: its 3 am
i hear that , as they get older they learn sounds, yes no other moans and growls and other cat noises, they figger it out, even to coming up and tapping on ya ... hey i want a piece of turkey too such beggars they are. life would be might dull with out them.but then even fish keep ya amused, they know who feeds them and watch ya . i have a red fin shark, who lives in a cave in the rocks i made for him, the kitten knows he's there and waits for her chance and the shark know the cat is there too so they play their game of chase and hide and seek, it goes on daily but the older one have no interest any more
November 27, 2011, 08:47 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Re: its 3 am
QUOTE (ashkats @ November 27, 2011, 08:47)i hear that , as they get older they learn sounds, yes no other moans and growls and other cat noises, they figger it out, even to coming up and tapping on ya ... hey i want a piece of turkey too such beggars they are. life would be might dull with out them.but then even fish keep ya amused, they know who feeds them and watch ya . i have a red fin shark, who lives in a cave in the rocks i made for him, the kitten knows he's there and waits for her chance and the shark know the cat is there too so they play their game of chase and hide and seek, it goes on daily but the older one have no interest any more
My mom used to have a a grey short haired cat, "Max". His full name was, "Maximum Trouble". For the longest time, we'd get up in the morning and find Max soaking wet and looking like a drowned rat, nobody could figure out where he discovered the water source. One morning I got up early in time to see, Max hovering about the fish tank. His hind paws were wedged in the corners and one front paw balanced on the edge of the front of the tank. With the one remaining paw, he used it to swat at the fish, who taunted him from inside the tank. As I stood there watching, Max lost his balance, diving head first into the tank. Paws flailing, he scrambled out of the water, that's when he saw me watching. Like a child who knows he did something wrong but pretends to cover it up anyways, he gave me this innocent look and a sheepish, "Mew". it was hysterically funny to of seen it all go down...
November 29, 2011, 04:49 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: its 3 am
My kitten really makes me laugh. When he does something he isn't supposed to do and he gets caught he will walk into his carrier and pull the door closed. He can't lock it because he cant lift the bar to snap in place but he pulls it as closed as he can get it then he lays down and looks at you as if he was pouting and wants to say "Just tell me when my sentence is up". I can't help but laugh take him out and cuddle with him when he does that. My daughter says "It's a good thing you had more back bone when you were raising us!"
The other cat is about 1 1/2 and he really doesn't get in any trouble. The only thing he does is if you leave a bag of treats or food around he will chew through the bag to get to it even if he has a full bowl of food. If the bag is light enough like the treats he carries it around. The one good thing is if we ever need to find him fast all we have to do is shake the treat bag. I think he could be in another state and he would still come running. We are changing food because we are afraid that he will get to fat if he keeps eating the way he has been.Once we open the bag of food it goes in a big sealed plastic tub that is really heavy. I have seen him do everything from paw at it to throw his body against it to knock it down to try to get it open. You would think he never gets fed. I really worry his obsession with food.I am starting to wonder if they put something in pet food and treats to get them like that. I had a dog that would do similar things with his food or snacks.
November 29, 2011, 05:31 |
61 / female rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: its 3 am
gent & new
I have have cats just like what you describe, bowl full of food yet have to chew into the bag of food, really. Wouldn't trade their weird craziness for anything, pets rock.
November 29, 2011, 09:22 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: its 3 am
your babe cat is like that 3 bowls full of food and she has to chew a hole in the new bag and make a mess , why its fun for a kitty to do , then i get to sweep it and put it in a pail with a lid to keep them all out of it.and that goes for the cat snacks too and dont leave the hairball oone were they can get to them and eat them alll
December 9, 2011, 23:28 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: its 3 am
I have a question for all you cat people. I always had dogs so this is all pretty knew to me.
My kitten (Otherwise known as the most spoiled kitten on earth as opposed to the most spoiled cat on earth which is me cat.)Does some things that I have never heard and it seems that no one I have asked ,even people that have bread and run a cat rescue have heard of. He does the normal meow and purring thing. But he does a few other things that are strange.He growls when he has a toy in his mouth and anyone looks at him. I think its just funny that this little thing thinks he is so tough. He also rubs noses with you a lot. He loves playing fetch as well. (He thinks he is a dog sometimes).He also loves being held and rocked like a baby especially if you rub his back while you do it and snuggle his neck or rub noses. He makes a grunting sound when he lands from jumping, kind of what we would do if landing hard and having the wind knocked out of us a little bit. But this is the one thing no one has ever heard before. He makes a cooing sound.Always when he is happy and mostly when he is basically playing by himself kind of keeping himself entertained. It's like a baby or the sound a pigeon makes.Everyone that hears it says that's a new one they never heard before. It is totally different from his purr.It is really cute but so strange.Has anyone heard of this?
He also like to play with plastic bags from the grocery store.(Not allowed unless we are watching, for obvious safety reasons.) He guards them and if the other cat tries to play with one or even touch it he attacks him and then lays on that one as if to say "Don't touch my bag!" So the big cat will go to another and the kitten will do the same thing. Eventually the big cat has enough and reminds the kitten who is the real boss and basically tells him not to push his luck or he will be limping to the next bag if he doesn't stop.They can be really entertaining. I just don't want them to get into a real fight.I wouldn't want them to get hurt.The kitten is much more possessive of his things in general. The older cat shares everything. Sometimes we have to remind the kitten that all the toys are not "his." I think my kitten has a Napoleon complex.My cat is OCD so why shouldn't I have two neurotic cats?
December 10, 2011, 00:55 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: its 3 am
Have had countless cat's in my life. Thier personallities, likes/dislikes, are as unique as humans. The 2 I curruntly have, are total opposites. I will repeat this: "People own dog's, cat's have servants." Cat's will mold us, into what they want us to be, and how they want to treat them individually. My cat's have always said the funniest things to me. They are fun as hell.
December 10, 2011, 13:00 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: its 3 am
well thasts true , you dont own the cat they own you...and well dogs are dogs
thet tend to lean to wemon more as they are the ones that would prepare food and give them the left overs i read some were
December 10, 2011, 20:31 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: its 3 am
My dogs were like my family and I miss them so much. I just can't have one anymore. They require more manual labor than a cat. especially because I always had big dogs. I never intended on having cats. I am allergic to them. I got these because I have sucker written across my heart. But I love them and my kids take care of them.My daughter says when she goes to college she wants to take her kitten and my son might someday take his cat back . It would be like having my grandchildren taken from me in some ways. But I figure they are both a way off so not worried to much at this point.For now I watch them be goofy and run through my house like its a Tom and Jerry or in this case Tom and Tom cartoon.
December 11, 2011, 19:17 |
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