62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
As most of you have probably noticed there are a lot of pink things in October. There are also all kinds of stories about things like the Cheerleader who got in trouble for wearing a pink t-shirt to school that said "feel for lumps" across her chest.Or you might have noticed all the people wearing rubber bracelets that say "I love boobies!"
There is a reason for all this. Especially in October.October is many things but one of them is "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and pink is to remind women to go for their exams.(Its also anti-violence, fire prevention and a bunch of other things.But for now I would like to concentrate on the Breast Cancer Awareness part.)
It has come to my attention that many people on here really do "Love Boobies". So I thought it might be a good time to remind you all if you are a woman or know a woman please remind them to go for a mammogram and do their monthly self exams.You guys aren't off the hook that easy yet. You can help and make it more fun by doing the monthly exam with or for your partner. By the way guys YES MEN CAN ALSO GET BREAST CANCER!(although not as common)So check yourself while your at it.There are kits that make the exam even easier and they are really cheep and free in some places. Its just something you lay over your breast and helps you feel any lumps somehow because of what its made of.Curves was selling them for $5 last year.
For the women that have never gotten a mammogram don't listen to the bullshit stories about it being painful. I am a total wimp when it comes to pain and I go for a mammogram twice a year.(Most people don't need to go that often)It is at most a bit uncomfortable and that is only if your flat chested. It also only takes a few seconds. Especially if you are getting the digital kind. They are faster and more accurate.I had more painful seat-belts than that machine.One last piece of info I have learned that most are never told so I figured I will pass it on.Schedule your mammogram 3 to 10 days after your menstrual cycle. That is the best time per the experts and also you are not as sensitive.
Some states require a doctors prescription so check with your doctor to see if you need one before you schedule the appointment then find out you have to reschedule because you don't have the prescription or referrals that you need. Also most if not all insurance companies offer them for free or low copay. If you have no insurance or can't afford the copay you can still get one . Check with your local hospital or board of health on free or low cost health screenings.They all have them and mammograms are just one thing they offer, they normally have PAP and HPV tests as well as Flu shots, STD testing and a bunch more.
So you all need to put your big girl panties on and stop making excuses and just go!
October 18, 2011, 09:13 |
61 / female rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
Absolutely! Next month for me.
October 18, 2011, 12:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
Excellent advice Newbs.
I had the pleasure of having an unexpected breakfast with one of my girls on Saturday. During the normal, casual chit chat, I asked what she was doing later, thinking maybe we could do dinner too. But, she told me that she and her sister were going to a benefit. Naturally, I asked what kind of benefit. Well, it's a friend of hers that is 26 years old, with 2 young daughters that had stage 4 breast cancer. She's already had a double mastectomy and is going through extensive chemotherapy because it appears that it had spread to other areas.
As if hearing that wasnt sad enough, she was sitting in front of my computer and pulled up this poor girls FB page. I saw a picture of this beautiful, young girl with her husband and 2 gorgeous kids and that made it hard to hold back the tears.
For anyone who doesnt know Martina McBride's song, "I'm Gonna Love You Through It", youtube it. And make sure you have a box of kleenex with you.
Again Newbs, Excellent advice
October 18, 2011, 13:21 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
I am very active in several events through the Susan G. Komen Foundation and it is imperative for early detection. We work tirelessly to educate men and women about breast cancer, we do runs/races, fashion shows and all sorts of events.
Boobies/tits/breasts, etc. Must be checked regularly...
October 18, 2011, 15:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
Couldn't agree more ladies and gent. Take advantage of any of the health services that are there to help you.
Mammograms saved my mums life when she was diagnosed with a fast growing cancer, went into hospital the next day in fact for treatment and lived many many happy years after that cancer free. Sadly I lost my two aunts to it and it part because they refused to be checked and it was found too late.
Ealy detection is vital!!! and you can bet your bottyom dollar that with my family history in this I go as often as they let me lol. This also goes for smear tests (Pap tests) - get in to the Doc and get it checked out, there is nothing more important than your life.
October 18, 2011, 16:36 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
If you don't listen I will get on you all about Colonoscopies, Stress tests, EKG's, Echocardigrams,Bloodwork, Diabetes testing and even Prostate and Testicular checkups(Men you should be doing those ever month as well.You're playing with it anyway, you might as well do some good and check things out, or have a friend do it for you.) Thyroid and STD testing. If you still ignore me I might start on dentist visits, dermatologists check ups, eye exams, Flu shots and I'll keep going until we have the healthiest web site on history!
Even though I might joke a bit about this stuff,I want you all to really think about all that I mentioned. With all things that can be deadly early detection really is key to saving your life or the life of a loved one.I ,like most of you can look at the list of things I just posted and say "Yeah. I know someone who would have lived longer if only they went earlier." or, "Yeah, It saved myself or someone I know because they caught it early."
My father died from skin cancer. One of the most curable forms of cancer out there. (Although not as much back in the day.)All because he refused to go get a mole on his back checked.Today I go every year to be checked as do my children. At 17 my son had a precancerous thing removed from his back, a place he couldn't check himself. My daughters friend had a cancer removed from her back at 14 or 15. It went so deep she has a permanent scare that is quit large. These things can happen at any age don't be afraid to go to the doctor. Be afraid not to go.Most tests these days are non-intrusive or at least painless or close to it.Again most insurance covers these and if not there are places that do low or no cost testing.
Now go make those appointments. I'll be checking on all of you!I can shame you into it. YOU KNOW I CAN!For those who want to share a story after or even now about how some of these testings have saved someone it would great to get the point across.
October 18, 2011, 19:03 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Just a little public service message for all who love tits!
Free, I hope all turns out well for your daughters friend and her family. Although it seems bad , sometimes they do miraculous things these days.
October 18, 2011, 19:06 |
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Just a little public service message for all who love tits!