62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Do you really think there is a difference?
I know so many people have all kinds of piercings and tattoos these days. My kids have a few. I am not a big fan but not someone who hates them either. OK I hate some tattoos and piercings. Maybe I should say I don't get some of them.
My biggest argument about piercings and tattoos with my kids are about a few things. 1.I don't think they should make such a permanent decision at such a young age. (18 is the youngest they are allowed to get them.)2. These things do effect how people perceive them. Right or Wrong it can and many times does effect a job or other opportunities. 3. Especially if it is a religious or ethnic tattoo of some type it makes them a target. 4. When your 20 something they get might look cute. When your 60 they look ridiculous! 5. Some tattoos and piercings are dangerous.
I know some people get certain piercings claiming that they increase sexual pleasure .I have been with a guy that had a tongue piercing. I will admit that when he used the piercing in a certain way it did feel great but nothing that can't be done other ways.
I am a coward and would never get my nipples or clit pierced or tongue. But many women as well as men say its amazing.Men get their penis pierced.These just make me cringe at the thought. My nipples are so sensitive there would be no way I could let someone take a needle to them voluntarily. Do I really have to tell you my thought on my clit and sharp objects? I want to know what man invented that torture! And why would a man let anyone next to the one body part they protect over all others and allow it to be pierced. Really, your penis?
I love when people claim they do it to be original. These days your more original if you don't have a piercing or tattoo. They are not new. Both have been around for thousands of years.
So what do you think? If you have something pierced , do you really think it made sex better for you or your partner? I know that they need special cleaning and care so you avoid infection and bacteria build up. Are you good about making sure you do that for both you and your partner? Is it worth all that?
Do you have a truly unique tattoo? What made you decide to get it?Are you sorry you did it? I know many tattoos have a lot of meaning to people when they get them. Some are done because of a bet or a bit to much partying.Do you have a funny or interesting story of how or why you got yours?Maybe your story is a heartfelt one. I have come across those as well.Would you change it if you had it to do it all over again?
October 10, 2011, 07:56 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
For myself, I choose no, other's, not my business. I apologize if too far off topic. I'm paraphasing a bit, but true story. A small group of teen-age boy's having lunch at a fast food place. They are all goth, pierced, hair spiked, and tats. Another young man by himself, obviously physically impared. Soon, a young man from the group, is assisting the solo impared guy. Helping him cut his food, wiping his mouth, cleaning the table, etc., you get the picture. A man, curious, approach's the table, and ask's the goth kid, "Is this a friend of your's, or a relative?" The young goth boy replies, "No, he just looked like he needed help."
October 10, 2011, 09:51 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
I try to never judge a book by its cover and many tattoos and piercing don't bother me . I just want my kids to understand that others DO judge by what you look like and businesses do hire you based on the appearance they want their employees to have as well.
October 10, 2011, 17:16 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
Bingo! You undestand the point, and get the prize! Another example: Of course several years before his death, Fred Imus (brother of national radio host Don Imus), was at the Amtrac train depot. I was there representing the organization I coordinated. Anyway, Fred was 10 feet away from me. If I did'nt know who he was, I'd assumed he was one of Tucson's homeless. Gong! (a little Chuck Barris lingo there). Ok, one more. A few years before that, I did some labor work for a multi-millionare. He did'nt dress any better than I did, (at the time. lol). Just a regular guy.
October 10, 2011, 18:14 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
my opinion on tats is this and srry in advance for the caps, "IF YOU, YOURSELF CAN NOT DRAW THE IMAGE THEN DON'T GET THE TATOO."
I want a tattoo but i can't draw it cuz i know it's a hard image to do. if i can't draw it and only have it in my mind then i don't want some1 messing up my body. but if i was to get 1 it'd be a small one on my upper arm or back. nothing crazy. also i'd take to a bunch of friends about like the top 3 i know i wouldn't regret.
BUT i ask my self this if im wearing a shirt no1 can see it thus getting one is pointless so money saved, problem solved.
now on the subject of earrings and body piercings. I say they really aren't a thing for work cuz work we have to be professional so the most small earrings. no eyebrow nose or lip piercings or body piercings that can show thru the clothes.
Now i met alot of nice ppl with piercings and tats and all but sometimes i think they could have been smarter with them cuz sometimes they have trouble finding work even if they don't have the facial piercings.
October 10, 2011, 19:33 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
There are people and jobs that body art and piercings are perfectly appropriate. I do find some really nice and even fascinating. I was looking at the corset type and thinking, kind of cool but scary at the same time. I had a client that owned a tattoo place but also owned the place the makes and distributed the supplies to many of these places. I have to admit, I have seen some amazing art in that place.
October 10, 2011, 23:04 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 10, 2011, 23:04)There are people and jobs that body art and piercings are perfectly appropriate. I do find some really nice and even fascinating. I was looking at the corset type and thinking, kind of cool but scary at the same time. I had a client that owned a tattoo place but also owned the place the makes and distributed the supplies to many of these places. I have to admit, I have seen some amazing art in that place.
The corset what? Is that a tatoo?
October 11, 2011, 01:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
No tatts for me, but Ive had a pierced ear since the 80's. I was never big on tattoos on women but the more popular they became, the more that I thought a small, well placed tatt can look a bit sexy. However, people that look like comic books look ridiculous.
I was at an outdoor wedding this past summer and there were so many beautiful young girls that were so loaded with tatts and piercings that it was a joke. Plus the nose rings, tongue rings, lip rings and so on. Lets just say it did nothing for me at all. I probably could have cleaned out half of the area if I had an electro magnet
October 11, 2011, 18:42 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
There are corset piercings. They insert the hardware under the skin. You then can lace ribbon through as if you were lacing a corset. I have seen some that weren't done well. The ones that are done well are pretty amazing. I just can't imagine doing it.Did I mention I'm a huge coward? You can Google corsets or piercing then subcategory corsets and you will be amazed. I personally would stick to the kind you buy in a store made of fabric.Be prepared for some pictures that can be hard to look at.
October 11, 2011, 18:48 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
NAH!!!! But, thanks.
October 11, 2011, 20:26 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
the latest trend for tattoos is the getting the entire ribcage done.
October 11, 2011, 23:23 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
LOL I knew you would say that Kiss. I can't imagine doing those things. I cringe at the thought. The craziest piercings are the ones with the hooks that people get and then swing from them. OUCH!!!! Why do people do that? Sorry but I can't wrap my brain around those. I understand having a difference of opinion as to what is esthetically pleasing or interesting but those things are also painful and dangerous.I never understand intentional pain giving or receiving.Remember the whole coward thing. I swear my doctors have it written on my records in big red letters.I cried at the doctor recommending shots in my feet to relieve some of the pain. I couldn't get past the pain I was told would be involved with the shots. I couldn't let him do it.I had a full blown panic attack in the office.I told him only if I was out under anesthesia.He said they can't do it that way.Could you imagine someone like me siting through tattoos or piercings? Never going to happen.I cried when I brought my kitten to get the microchip implanted because the vet said it was painful.
October 12, 2011, 00:05 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
I once knew a stripper who had two gold studs protruding from the folds of her clit. Attached to them was a tiny, green, velvet, rope with a gold sign hanging from it that read, "NO ADMITTANCE". (true story)
October 12, 2011, 04:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ October 12, 2011, 04:10)I once knew a stripper who had two gold studs protruding from the folds of her clit. Attached to them was a tiny, green, velvet, rope with a gold sign hanging from it that read, "NO ADMITTANCE".  (true story)
That's funny!
I knew a guy that used to be a regular in some of the bars I worked in. He would say to guys "I bet you $100 bucks I have your name tattooed on my cock" Many times that would start a fight but when he could convince them that he could prove it they would put the money up and he would whip it out. There it was as plane as day the words "Your Name" tattooed on his cock! Ha ha. He made a fortune doing that . He also got into a lot of fights. lol I just wonder how much pain was involved in getting that tattoo. As for the guy that had to do the tattoo, can you imagine what went through his head? lol The guy that had it was pretty big and a pretty nice guy most of the time.
October 12, 2011, 21:13 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 12, 2011, 21:13) QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ October 12, 2011, 04:10)I once knew a stripper who had two gold studs protruding from the folds of her clit. Attached to them was a tiny, green, velvet, rope with a gold sign hanging from it that read, "NO ADMITTANCE".  (true story)
That's funny!
I knew a guy that used to be a regular in some of the bars I worked in. He would say to guys "I bet you $100 bucks I have your name tattooed on my cock" Many times that would start a fight but when he could convince them that he could prove it they would put the money up and he would whip it out. There it was as plane as day the words "Your Name" tattooed on his cock! Ha ha. He made a fortune doing that . He also got into a lot of fights. lol I just wonder how much pain was involved in getting that tattoo. As for the guy that had to do the tattoo, can you imagine what went through his head? lol The guy that had it was pretty big and a pretty nice guy most of the time.
Okay, I really need to know. How do you get a cock tatooed? .. Is he, was he soft at the bar and during the tatooing?..... How could he stay hard during the entire time of being tatooed?
"Your Name".. soft then hard would look very different.
October 12, 2011, 21:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ October 12, 2011, 21:59) QUOTE (newbie1011 @ October 12, 2011, 21:13) QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ October 12, 2011, 04:10)I once knew a stripper who had two gold studs protruding from the folds of her clit. Attached to them was a tiny, green, velvet, rope with a gold sign hanging from it that read, "NO ADMITTANCE".  (true story)
That's funny!
I knew a guy that used to be a regular in some of the bars I worked in. He would say to guys "I bet you $100 bucks I have your name tattooed on my cock" Many times that would start a fight but when he could convince them that he could prove it they would put the money up and he would whip it out. There it was as plane as day the words "Your Name" tattooed on his cock! Ha ha. He made a fortune doing that . He also got into a lot of fights. lol I just wonder how much pain was involved in getting that tattoo. As for the guy that had to do the tattoo, can you imagine what went through his head? lol The guy that had it was pretty big and a pretty nice guy most of the time.
Okay, I really need to know. How do you get a cock tatooed? .. Is he, was he soft at the bar and during the tatooing?..... How could he stay hard during the entire time of being tatooed?
"Your Name".. soft then hard would look very different.
Hard - Full name. Soft - Initials
October 12, 2011, 22:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
I wondered how it was done but never really got into it with him. I just saw it once when he was semi hard and he kind of stretched it to make it clear.I don't know what tattoo place would agree to even do that. Maybe he did it himself. For all I know he could have been a tattoo artist. He had several tattoos. He really wasn't a bad guy. He was always nice to me. I know men and women get all kinds of tattoos and piercing of areas I couldn't imagine so I guess this was no different.
I love that Soft initials. lol But no it wasn't like that. It had to be stretched out to see the words.
October 12, 2011, 22:19 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
At one time there was a tattoo artist in my building. He told me stories about things like that. To do a tat on a guys dick you need a chick doing it. Most guys, including male artists, cringe around things of that nature (the whole metal fork thing) and women tend to have a steadier hand when it come to male genitalia. To keep it harder longer, the procedure was to use a thick rubber band or cock ring at the base, keeping the blood from flowing back and retreating back into the body when the needle starts jabbing a very sensitive area. Now a days I imagine Viagra makes that easier too.
October 13, 2011, 03:53 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
Thanks, I really needed to know.
October 13, 2011, 12:18 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
I did some reading on this because you got me curious. I think it's the same way that some people feel about hair stylists. Some women will never go to a women because they believe one women will never make another women look good or especially not better than them. Others believe that only a women know how important a good hair cut is to a women and will only let women cut their hair.By the way they say something similar about their gynecologist. Some would never let a man be their doctor because they don't know how it feels to have those parts and others feel women are to fucked up and basically hate their own and would never have a woman as their doctor.
I saw an amazing tattoo of a guy with a snake on his cock and balls. Its online so you can all find it if you want to see it. it also looks like a piercing of some type for the eye.It really was pretty cool I have to admit. The article showed a picture of man tattooing him.I would imagine the most important thing is you have a tattoo artist that is good at what they do so they don't do permanent damage.
There was an interview of another man who was talking about his penis tattoos. He had a star-burst or something like that on the head and various other ones along the shaft. He said it was not painful as people might think. He was uncircumcised. He had rings done around and under the foreskin. He claimed that different parts were more painful than others but none were more painful than any other tattoo he received on his body.
They were also saying that there are different techniques to tattoo a penis. It can be done hard or soft. It can be stretched so hard is not a necessity.
For the record they also had women that had their entire pussy tattooed. It was very "interesting". I still have my legs crossed just from the thought. If you think that is bad you don't even want to look at some of the piercings that men and women do to their genitalia.
October 13, 2011, 13:08 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Do you really think there is a difference?
"Interesting" seems too mild a word.
October 13, 2011, 14:35 |
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