User no longer registered.
Hi has anyone slept with someone due to being soooo horny and regretted it after or slept with someone u really knew u shouldn't have be it a relative or close family friend.
This is the place to confess come shock me ;-)
October 7, 2011, 20:21 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: regrets
I've never slept with a relative. I have slept with best friends and brothers. I was okay with it, they got pissed off.
October 7, 2011, 20:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: regrets
I should have stated its mr haribo here and i slept with a second cousin god it was like all my christmas's had came at once i will put it in to a story when i can get on here for more than 5mins due to my wife being addicted lol
October 7, 2011, 20:37 |
55 / male Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Re: regrets
When I was 18 I had sex with my 26 year old cousin, her idea. After, she said we shouldn't do that again......till a couple weeks later, but then that was the last time. but it was great! I don't regret it, I enjoyed it and learned from it. Also fooled around with a half sister numerous times when we were younger, there is some regrets there.
October 7, 2011, 21:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: regrets
Ah so she was more experianced to makes for more fun i think.
Well i was 29 she was 18 and belive it or not she had more experiance than me lol oh how things have changed she has a strong irish accent and talked filthy the whole time to and she wanted it in every hole to i had never given anal till then gets me going just thinking about it lol x
October 7, 2011, 21:39 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: regrets
All righty then! In my early 20's, at a wedding reception party, at a house out in the boonies, was a lot of alcohol flowing. Outside, the new mother-in-law, short and heavy, was leaning back on the trunk of a car, my pants were to my knee's, and my dick was buried in her mouth. My friends, came out of the house, upon seeing this, thew were cracking up. Needless to say, the ride back to town with them, was "interesting", as in "Oh shit, how did that happen?" (much laughter and ribbing). But kept in the family, I'd boinked the bride some months before, yuk, yuk, yuk. Now, would'nt bother me at all, "Let the fun go!" Ask why I'm the perve? There's a clue Sherlock. Suppose I just don't give a fu.....er.....darn.
October 7, 2011, 21:40 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: regrets
Got your note, same here. Thx
October 7, 2011, 22:02 |
User no longer registered.
Re: regrets
Lol big mr p i been looking forward to ur comment and it was worth the wait sometimes u have to take one for the team the wife was just explaining how we got were we r today to cut a long story short i took one for the team during a game of spin the bottle and was double dared by my wife to help her large friend loose her vaginity after hesitating for about 20 mins i was doing her doggie on my living room floor my wife was turned on by this and started playing with her self my mate saw this and decided to offer her his cock on seeing this i exploded i never knew i would be so turned on by someone else giving her plesure lol
October 7, 2011, 22:12 |
47 / female north, England, UK
Re: Re: regrets
QUOTE (Kinkitupanotch @ October 7, 2011, 21:14)When I was 18 I had sex with my 26 year old cousin, her idea. After, she said we shouldn't do that again......till a couple weeks later, but then that was the last time. but it was great! I don't regret it, I enjoyed it and learned from it. Also fooled around with a half sister numerous times when we were younger, there is some regrets there.
October 7, 2011, 22:44 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: regrets
QUOTE (haribo80 @ October 7, 2011, 22:12)Lol big mr p i been looking forward to ur comment and it was worth the wait sometimes u have to take one for the team the wife was just explaining how we got were we r today to cut a long story short i took one for the team during a game of spin the bottle and was double dared by my wife to help her large friend loose her vaginity after hesitating for about 20 mins i was doing her doggie on my living room floor my wife was turned on by this and started playing with her self my mate saw this and decided to offer her his cock on seeing this i exploded i never knew i would be so turned on by someone else giving her plesure lol I believe sex is a spectator sport, so to me, that's not only cool, and normal. Thx for waiting on my reply, I'm pleased. Hey, stick around in the forums, it can be fun. Goodness knows, I try to do my part. Have fun now. I am the perve, and I approve this message. (I'm still waiting for that "Dumb-ass" critter, just for me. Kinda like this
October 7, 2011, 23:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: regrets
Lol we can only post in here and can't chat because our tablet dont support java or we could have had so much fun soooo unfair xxx
October 8, 2011, 00:46 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: regrets
QUOTE (haribo80 @ October 8, 2011, 00:46)Lol we can only post in here and can't chat because our tablet dont support java or we could have had so much fun soooo unfair xxx I can't for the same reason, no chat. It's just me, and my cell. So, that right there is a regret. But I try to make up for it in the forums. Hey, it's past midnight there. You'd otta be in bed there. (to sleep) lol
October 8, 2011, 01:07 |
61 / female rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: regrets
Cyber with one of my cousins, no regrets.
Some dates, yes regrets, but oh well.
October 8, 2011, 01:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: regrets
I can't think of anyone that I ever had sex with that I regret. That doesn't mean they were all good,but I wouldn't know that until we had sex.lol
There are a few I am sorry I didn't have sex with.
October 8, 2011, 02:21 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: regrets
There once was a woman who used to hang out at the bar I frequented. One night we both got snookered and we made out on the beach, the cars back seat, her front lawn, the kitchen floor, and the bed in that order. She was a real psycho, telling me to call her and never answering the phone to see how many times I would redial her number. She used to wait on my doorstep for hours before I got out of work, just to complain about it. She started playing a game where she kept score of how many times she didn't orgasm and how many I owed her. Purposely she would throw me off the bed whenever I would get close, even throwing me out of her house when I even tried to talk to her about it. I ended up getting a restraining order out on her. It wasn't a pretty sight the first time I had to enforce it at that same bar on a later date.
October 12, 2011, 03:34 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: regrets
GG Stalkers can be scary.I had two in my life that were bad. One was my ex-husband and one was a guy that I broke my rule about never dating a customer from the bar.I went out with him once. We didn't even sleep together. But he stalked me for a long time. He would come to the bar I worked at and tell guys not to talk or even look at me because I was "HIS GIRLFRIEND". He called me once when at my grandmothers house and threatened me if I wouldn't talk to him or meet with him. I put and end to that real quick.It pays to know people that break legs for a living.lol They had a little talk with him and he finally backed off. I guess he liked being able to walk on two legs.As for my ex-husband I have a permanent restraining order. He has recently gotten remarried and that seems to have made things a bit better.
I can't understand why someone wants to be with anyone that doesn't want to be with them.These stalker types are really scary. I couldn't begin to tell you all the stuff that has happened through the years. Unfortunately the law enforcement people don't always take them very seriously and many people wind up hurt or dead. Fortunately my township takes my restraining order against my ex-husband seriously.It is very difficult when you have to get one. It effects your family and friends. Keeping in mind we have children together so there are even more complications.I don't wish it on anyone.I wish people could just be adult enough to act like adults and go their separate ways when things don't workout.
October 12, 2011, 21:01 |