62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Sometimes I see a story that just makes me stand there in amazement.
I saw two stories on the news that were just so cool. One was a sad but interesting story. A women who lost her husband in the war lost his wedding band that she would wear. There is a very sweet story that goes to the reason she wore the ring.But this is what I loved. The news put the story on and told in great detail. As to where she was and went the day she lost the ring. The hope is that someone will find it and return the ring. People that heard the story have not only sent good wishes and prayers but they even offered a reward and to make a new one. (Of course a new one would just not be the same. But it was a nice offer.)I wont be surprised if someone turns in the ring.
The other was even more interesting to me because I am hoping this is something that can apply to my type of injuries and my sons as well some day.There is a woman that was living with extreme pain everyday and taking fist fulls of medication to try to help but it didn't do much.They were finally able to help her with something that just shocked me. They literally wrapped the nerve that was pressing against whatever it was NOT supposed to be and causing the extreme pain with a tiny piece of FELT.A simple little piece of felt.They showed it and how it was done. That is just amazing that they can do something like that. The great thing is that she has NO PAIN OR SIDE EFFECTS from the second she woke up.Science is fascinating.
All I could think of when I heard the solution the doctor had used was the old expression they used a lot in advertising when we were putting a marketing and advertising plan together as well as writing commercials. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)
October 7, 2011, 04:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Sometimes I see a story that just makes me stand there in amazement.
I'm suprized they used felt but if it works.---
Nerves are similar to wires. Properly insulated and they work fine. We all know what happens when they aren't.
Oh, and never let the smoke out of anything electrical. Doing that makes 'em not work.
October 7, 2011, 12:31 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Sometimes I see a story that just makes me stand there in amazement.
KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) WOW,... very fitting.
I would never want to be in that kind of pain. For years I worked thru insurance claims, authorizing procedures, and okaying payment. Injections, pills, simulators, surgeries.
Oh, how wonderful that would be to find a simple cure!
October 7, 2011, 20:31 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Sometimes I see a story that just makes me stand there in amazement.
I was also shocked that they could use felt.That's why I was so amazed by it.I know it reminded me of when my kids would get a blister when hiking sometimes we would put this Moleskin in the shoes. It's basically a felt type thing that had an adhesive backing to stick to the shoe. It keeps it from rubbing against the shoe.
Kiss if they could find something that would fix pain and not be dangerous I would be first in line.I hate taking medication and sometimes even worse than the medication is the side effects of the medications.I can't even get into the cost and the thought of what it would be like to go off these medications. Lets just say it scares the hell out of me.I'm waiting for the magic fix........
October 8, 2011, 02:31 |
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Sometimes I see a story that just makes me stand there in amazement.