47 / male Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
Do you girls like to be romanced or just ravished?
how about a dinner being cooked for you from scratch made by the object of your affections and then after wards having some conversation ensuing with a massage working from your head kissing the lips and slowly working down to your neck. While a hand is rubbing your inner thigh and slowly being undressed with a leisurly pace working into a slow frenzy. Being undressed languidly starting with your blouse as your shoulders are being kissed and camisole strap slides down one shoulder and your honey pot is being rubbed ever so delicately.
Do you prefer to have raw passionate sex where clothes are being ripped off and there seems to be nothing that can stop complete physical attraction. Sex where it leaves all members in a frenzied panting afterwards.
What are your thoughts.
February 26, 2004, 18:15 |
User no longer registered.
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
Yeah! Yeah!Yeah!..The second thing you said,,,!!!
sex ! sex !
February 26, 2004, 19:00 |
47 / male Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
so, it is all about getting off. i can appreciate that...tell us a good story about an experience you have had with hot sweaty sex that leaves your body trembling for hours afterwards. waterfall stories if you please
February 26, 2004, 19:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
I had this really good looking boss once when I worked in a manufacturing company, He pressured and pestered me for a couple of years to about sex, till I finally gave in...from that moment on, we had f**king fantastic sex all over the place, during working hours, sometimes more than once a day !! We f**ked in the conference room, I sucked him off many times in the boiler room, we did it on the cot in the first aid room, etc....we couldn't catch a glimpse of each across a room,or pass each ohter in the hall
without getting all hot and flushed in the face
It was like we just couldn't help ourselves. We went on like that for well over a year, and although some suspected,we never got caught, getting caught wouldn't have mattered, with sex that intense, I wouln't have stopped anything I was doing if someone had walked in and caught us !!
February 27, 2004, 06:19 |
47 / male Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
that is a great story chazzy. i love your pics, they are fantastic.
i use to work in a mental institution or maybe i lived there (joking) and a young kentucky girl joined our staff. nothing happened at first but after 1 month or so we began to get it on. it was funny, in the unit i was in there were no locks on the bathrooms so anyone could just walk in. that was the exciting part of it. like you we did it everywhere we could. the tryst only lasted 3 months though. to this day, i have fond memories of the time. keep on being horny all the way and tell us some more stories.
February 27, 2004, 08:46 |
User no longer registered.
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
February 21, 2006, 22:10 |
54 / couple ALTOONA, Pennsylvania, US
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
oh my.... romance always gets my man unbridled passion. most of the time we don't even get through dinner before we . but just plain old raw passion is great too.
February 21, 2006, 23:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
i dont really have much that'll be a good supply to my fantasy because our lake is discolored, our beach sucks ass, the sunset is not much to see here... well.. depends where you're at, at the time being, our display for fireworks maybe lasts a half hour. So... what's left to my fantasy?
ooh, right... forgot i'd have my date too. Well in that case, he'd be the fantasy itself, i wouldn't be in much of a pereferance where or what's going on to make it all so dreamy. I'd want to take things slowly... just so i know if there is going to be more to it or not. Usually the one night stands around here, happens starting at the bar first. So, my point... I'd like it to go nice, soft and slow.. etc.. wouldn't want any of my nipples (or his) to get ripped off while going through the process of ripping off clothes of one another.
February 22, 2006, 08:53 |
54 / female Pawling, New York, US
Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
For me it depends on the mood......I like it both ways....
I do lean little bit more towards being slammed up against the wall and having my ummmmmm, yeah, that pulled!...... :
February 22, 2006, 09:36 |
56 / female daytona, Florida, US
Re: Re: all you girls out there what is your fantasy date
QUOTE (nykitten @ February 22, 2006, 09:36)For me it depends on the mood......I like it both ways....
I do lean little bit more towards being slammed up against the wall and having my ummmmmm, yeah, that pulled!...... :
I definitely concur!
February 22, 2006, 09:39 |