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Song of the Day
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Song of the Day

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 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

She's a brick----house
Mighty mighty, just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.

She's a brick----house
She's the one, the only one,
who's built like a amazon
We're together everybody knows,
and here's how the story goes.

She knows she got everything
a woman needs to get a man, yeah.
How can she use, the things she use
36-24-36, what a winning hand!

The clothes she wears, the sexy ways,
make an old man wish for younger days
She knows she's built and knows how to please
Sure enough to knock a man to his knees

Shake it down, shake it down now
 July 8, 2013, 22:22

 47 / female
 East, Texas, US
Re: Song of the Day
I Need Something to Do with My Hands

Well I smoke and I fish
But not near enough to satisfy an itch
Of a girl, understand
I need something to do with my hands

I don't work, on a car
And I'm as bad at pool as I am at throwin' darts
And golf, not a fan
But I need something to do with my hands

So maybe I could stick 'em in your pockets
Run 'em through your hair
And we can get to rockin'
There you are and baby, here I am
And I need something to do with my hands

I can play you a song
On this old guitar, if it turns you on
If you want, we could dance
But I need something to do with my hands

So maybe I could stick 'em in your pockets
Run 'em through your hair
And we can get to rockin'
There you are and baby, here I am
And I need something to do with my hands

Top off, in my jeep
And we can go for a ride and I could drive with my knees
I'll behave, best I can
But I need something to do with my hands

So maybe I could stick 'em in your pockets
Run 'em through your hair
And we can get to rockin'
There you are and baby, here I am

Yeah maybe I could stick 'em in your pockets
Run 'em through your hair
And we can get to rockin'
There you are and baby, here I am
And I need something to do with my hands
I need something to do with my hands
With my hands
Something to do with my hands
 July 9, 2013, 00:14

 58 / female
 Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Song of the Day
After love, after love
No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you
So sad that you're leaving
Takes time to believe it
But after all is said and done
You're going to be the lonely one, Ohh Oh

Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,
Do you believe in life after love
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough,

What am I supposed to do
Sit around and wait for you
And I can't do that
There's no turning back
I need time to move on
I need love to feel strong
'Cause I've had time to think it through
And maybe I'm too good for you Ohh Oh

But I know that I'll get through this
'Cause I know that I am strong
I don't need you anymore
Oh I don't need you anymore I don't need you anymore
No I don't need you anymore
 July 9, 2013, 16:29

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day
Baby you'll come knocking on my front door
Same old line you used to use before
That's the game, well... what am I supposed to do
I didn't know what I was getting into

So you've had a little trouble in town
Now you're keeping some demons down
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my heart around

It's hard to think about what you've wanted
It's hard to think about what you've lost
This doesn't have to be the big get even
This doesn't have to be anything at all

I know you really want to tell me good-bye
I know you really want to be your own girl

Baby you could never look me in the eye

Yeah you buckle with the weight of the words
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my heart around

There's people running 'round loose in the world
Ain't got nothin' better to do
Than make a meal of some bright eyed kid
You need someone looking after you

I know you really want to tell me goodbye
I know you really want to be your own girl

Baby you could never look me in the eye
Yeah you buckle with the weight of the words
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my...
Stop draggin' my heart around

Stop draggin' my heart around

 July 9, 2013, 17:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day

I was takin' a trip out to LA
toolin' along in my Chevrolet
tokin' on a number and diggin' on the radio
jes' as I cross the Mississippi line
I heard that highway start to whine
and I knew that left rear tire was about to go
well the spare was flat and I got uptight
'cause there wasn't a fillin' station in sight
so I jes' limped down the shoulder on the rim
I went as far as I could and when I stopped the car
it was right in front of this little bar
a kind of a redneck lookin' joint called the Dew Drop Inn
well I stuffed my hair up under my hat
and told the bartender that I had a flat
and would he be kind enough to give me change for a one
there was one thing I was sure proud to see
there wasn't a soul in the place 'cept for him an' me
and he jest looked disgusted an' pointed toward the telephone
I called up the station down the road a ways
and he said he wasn't very busy t'day
and he could have somebody there in jest 'bout ten minutes or so
he said now you jes' stay right where yer at and I didn't bother tellin'
the durn fool I sure as hell didn't have anyplace else to go
I jes ordered up a beer and sat down at the bar
when some guy walked in an' said who owns this car
with the peace sign the mag wheels and four on the floor
well he looked at me and I damn near died
and I decided that I'd jus wait outside
so I layed a dollar on the bar and headed for the door
jes' when I thought I'd get outta there with my skin
these five big dude come strollin' in
with this one old drunk chick and some fella with green teeth
an' I was almost to the door when the biggest one
said you tip your hat to this lady son
an' when I did all that hair fell out from underneath
now the last thing I wanted was to get into a fight
in Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night
'specially when there was three of them and only one of me
well they all started laughin' and I felt kinda sick
and I knew I'd better think of somethin' pretty quick
so I jes' reached out an' kicked ol' green-teeth right in the knee
he let out a yell that'd curl your hair
but before he could move I grabbed me a chair
and said watch him folks 'cause he's a thouroughly dangerous man.
well you may not know it but this man's a spy
he's an undercover agent for the FBI
and he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan
he was still bent over holdin' on to his knee
but everyone else was lookin' and listenin' to me
and I layed it on thicker and heavier as I went
I said would you beleive this man has gone as far
as tearin' Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars
and he voted for George McGoveren for president
well he's a friend of them long-haired hippie type pinko fags
I betcha he's even got a Commie flag
Tacked up on the wall inside of his garage
he's a snake in the grass I tell ya guys
he may look dumb but that's jus a disguise
he's a mastermind in the ways of espionage
they all started lookin' real suspicious at him
and he jumped up an' said jes' wait a minute jim
you know he's lyin' I've been livin' here all of my life
I'm a faithfull follower of Brother John Burch
and I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church
and I ain't even got a garage you can call home and ask my wife
then he started sayin' somethin' 'bout the way I was dressed
but I didn't wait around to hear the rest
I was too busy movin' and hopin' I didn't run outta luck
and when I hit the ground I was makin' tracks
and they were jes' takin' my car down off the jacks
so I threw the man a twenty an' jumped in an' fired that mother up
Mario Andretti woulda sure been proud
of the way I was movin' when I passed that crowd
comin' out the door and headin' toward me in a trot
an' I guess I shoulda gone ahead an' run
but somehow I couldn't resist the fun
of chasin' them jes' once around the parkin' lot
well they're headin' for their car but I hit the gas
and spun around and headed them off at the pass
well I was slingin' gravel and puttin' a ton of dust in the air
well I had them all out there steppin' an' a fetchin'
like their heads were on fire and their asses was catchin'
but I figured I oughta go ahead an split before the cops got there
when I hit the road I was really wheelin'
had gravel flyin' and rubber squeelin'
an' I didn't slow down 'til I was almost to Arkansas
I think I'm gonna re-route my trip
I wonder if anybody'd think I'd flipped
if I went to LA via Omaha
 July 9, 2013, 21:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Me and my buddy got us a wild hair
And figured we wanted to go somewhere
So we loaded up in my ragtop Chevrolet
We had a little bit of money and a whole lot of show
And with Hank Junior blaring on the radio
We got a tank full of gas and we was on our way

We figured we'd go down to New Orleans
We were barrelling' down old 17
When a man with a blinking red light was on our tail
He said, "You were doin' 60 in a 45
But I'm gonna let you go this time
But if I catch you again, I'm gonna slap you in the county jail"

We said, "Thank you sir, you sure been nice
And you ain't gonna have to tell us twice"
And we were Southbound and down with the wind blowing in our faces
We kept on rolling and pretty soon
The radio was cooking out a haggard tune
And we were pulling into Houston and checking out all the places

I was feeling dry and I said, "I think
We ought to stop and get ourselves a drink"
Old Jim said, "Yeah 'cause we got time to kill"
We kept on rolling and I seen this spot
We pulled into the parking lot
Of this place called, 'The Cloud Nine Bar and Grill'

We walked through the door and the place was jammed
The lights were low, they had a punk rock band
And some orange haired feller singing about suicide
I said, "Jim, this ain't our kind of place
He said, "Well, let's just have one round anyway"
So against my better judgment we walked on inside

Went up to the bar and we sat down
This feller walked up and said, "I'll buy this round"
And he sat down on the barstool next to Jim
He looked like a girl but he talked like a guy
He had lipstick on and mascara in his eyes
And everybody in that place looked just about like him

I said, "Jim, this ain't our kind of bar
Let's just go on out and get back in the car
'Cause there's gonna be trouble, ain't no sense in taking a chance"
We was getting up, getting ready to leave
When somebody grabbed old Jim by the sleeve
And this good looking girl , she was asking my buddy to dance

I said, "Jim, don't do it, there's something missing
There's fellers dancing and fellers kissing
There's a feller in high heeled shoes wearing panty hose"
He said, "Partner, I just can't turn this down
You just go over there and have one more round
I'll dance with the lady and we'll get on down the road"

So he walked away and left me alone
But this funny looking feller kept coming on
And he was making me mad with some of the things he said
Then he put his hand on my knee
I said, "If you don't get your paw off me
I'm gonna locate your nose around the other side of your head"

He said, "I love it when you get that fire in your eye
I said, "Well, partner try this on for size"
And I unloaded on him and he went out like a light
Everybody in that place must have been his friend
They all headed for me, I said, "This is the end"
But where I come from, we don't give up without a fight

They were screaming and yelling and scratching and clawing
I was punching and hitting and kicking and pawing
I was holding my own, 'cause I've been in a scrap or two
Old Jim come running up out of the blue
And that gal he was with, come running up too
And proceeded to beat on me with a high heel shoe

I grabbed her by the hair it came off in my hand
And that beautiful girl was just a beautiful man
And old Jim just got sick right there on the floor
He dropped that dude like a shot from a gun
Smeared his lipstick, made his makeup run
And me and old Jim started fighting our way to the door

Man, we lit out of there in that Chevrolet
I put in on the floor and it stayed that way
We was going' down the highway doing about a hundred and ten
We were headed for home and we was getting nearer
Then a red light came on the rear view mirror
And that same blame cop was pulling us over again

Now I'm sitting' here in this county jail
I had to call my Daddy to go our bail
But I learned me a lesson that I never will forget again
I've done give up drinking', I've give up bars
And running around the country in souped up cars
I'm going back where the women are women and the men are men
 July 9, 2013, 21:52

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

"Dust On The Bottle"

Creole Williams lived down a dirt road
Made homemade wine like nobody I know
Dropped by one Friday night and said
"Can you help me, Creole
Got a little girl waitin' on me and I wanna treat her right"

"I got what you need son; it's sittin' down in the cellar"
He reached through the cobwebs
As he turned on the light and said

"There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time"

She was sittin' in the porch swing as I pulled up the driveway
My ol' heart was racing as she climbed inside
She slid over real close and drove down to the lake road
Watched the Sun fade in that big red sky

I reached under the front seat and said
"Now here's something special
It's just been waiting for a night like tonight"

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

You're still with me, and we've made some memories
After all these years there's one thing I've found
Some say good love, well, it's like a fine wine
It keeps getting better as the days go by

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

There might be a little dust on the bottle
But don't let it fool ya about what's inside
There might be a little dust on the bottle
It's one of those things that gets sweeter with time

Don't let it fool ya
 July 10, 2013, 02:19

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Check your email
 July 10, 2013, 02:27

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Song of the Day
  QUOTE (freensleazy @ July 10, 2013, 02:27)
Check your email

 July 10, 2013, 14:55

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day
"She Believes In Me"

While she lays sleeping
I stay out late at night and play my songs
And sometimes all the nights can be so long
And it's good when I finally make it home, all alone
While she lays dreaming
I try to get undressed without the light
And quietly she says how was your night
And I come to her and say
It was all right, and I hold her tight

And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night
If my song is right
I can find a way

While she lays waiting
I stumble to the kitchen for a bite
And I see my old guitar in the night
Just waiting for me like a secret friend
And there's no end while she lays crying
I fumble with a melody or two
And I'm torn between the things that I should do
And she says to wake her up when I am through
God her love is true

And she believes in me
I'll never know just what she sees in me
I told her someday if she was my girl
I could change the world
With my little songs, I was wrong
But she has faith in me
And so I go on trying faithfully
And who knows maybe on some special night
If my song is right
I can find a way
While she waits
While she waits
For me

 July 10, 2013, 14:55

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

The moment I wake up
Before I put on my makeup
I say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair, now,
And wondering what dress to wear, now,
I say a little prayer for you

Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever, forever, we never will part
Oh, how I'll love you
Together, together, that's how it must be
To live without you
Would only be heartbreak for me.

I run for the bus, dear,
While riding I think of us, dear,
I say a little prayer for you.
At work I just take time
And all through my coffee break-time,
I say a little prayer for you.

Forever, forever, you'll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever, forever we never will part
Oh, how I'll love you
Together, together, that's how it must be
To live without you
Would only be heartbreak for me.

My darling believe me,
For me there is no one
But you.
 July 10, 2013, 15:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Somebody's got a whole elevator music thing goin on today!
 July 10, 2013, 15:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
She said she'd meet me in the bar
At the Plaza Hotel
"Wear a jacket and a tie"
"What's the occasion?"
She just smiled and she wouldn't say why
So here I am standing, waiting in the lobby
Sweating bullets in this stupid old suit
And when she sees me she busts out laughing
"You're a sad sight honey, but you look so cute" and

I don't want to be alone anymore
I was checking you out
I was just making sure
No, I don't want to be alone anymore
And, I want you tonight
Although you hurt me before
It didn't matter that I felt like a fool
'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door
I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool
And I don't want to be alone anymore

It's so confusing choosing sides
In the heat of the moment
Just to see if it's real
It's so erotic having you
Tell me how it should feel
But I'm avoiding all the hard cold facts
That I've got to face
So ask me just one question
When this magic night is through
Could it have been just anyone
Or did it have to be you

I don't want to be alone anymore
I was checking you out
I was just making sure
No, I don't want to be alone anymore
And, I want you tonight
Although you hurt me before
It didn't matter that I felt like a fool
'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door
I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool
And I don't want to be alone anymore

But, don't you know that it's wrong
It's wrong, it's wrong...
But like the song
Being caught by the wink of an eye
I can't be sure we'll get along
But I'm willing to try
As long as you can tell me

I don't want to be alone anymore
I was checking you out
I was just making sure

No, I don't want to be alone anymore
And, I want you tonight
Although you hurt me before
It didn't matter that I felt like a fool
'Cause I forgot when she walked through the door
I said I'm sorry, but she said it was cool
And I don't want to be alone anymore
 July 10, 2013, 15:12

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

Tonight we ride, right or wrong
Tonight we sail, on a radio song
Rescue me, should I go down
If I stay too long in trouble town

Oh, yeah, you wreck me, baby
You break me in two
But you move me, honey
Yes, you do

Now and again I get the feeling
Well if I don't win, I'm a gonna break even
Rescue me, should I go wrong
If I dig too deep, if I stay too long

Oh, yeah, you wreck me, baby
You break me in two
But you move me, honey
Yes, you do

I'll be the boy in the corduroy pants
You be the girl at the high school dance
Run with me, wherever I go
Just play dumb, whatever you know

Oh, yeah, you wreck me, baby
You break me in two
But you move me, honey
Yes, you do

 July 12, 2013, 15:16

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

You need hands, rough not soft
To come and warm you up up in that cold hayloft
Let me hold you little darling in my big strong arms
Can't get these kind of muscles anywhere but a farm

Hey I'm a country man a city boy can't do the things I can
I can grow my own groceries and salt cure a ham
Hey baby I'm a country man

I've got a jeep with camouflage seats
That way nobody sees us parked back up in these trees
Your little i-pod loaded down with Hoobastank
Don't be a tape player hater girl were cruising to Hank

Hey I'm a country man a city boy can't do the things I can
I can hot wire your tractor and plow up your land
Hey baby I'm a country man

You like the ivy league hum-v tennis sweater type
But girl I'm here to tell you don't believe the hype

Hey I'm a country I can wrestle hogs and gators with my two bare hands
Girl you better move quick I'm in high demand
Hey baby I'm a country man

Hey I'm a country man
huntin me a good ol' country girlfriend
Why don't you come and join me in my new deer stand
Hey baby I'm a country man
Hey baby I'm a country man

 July 12, 2013, 16:32

 49 / male
 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Song of the Day
  QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 12, 2013, 16:32)

You need hands, rough not soft
To come and warm you up up in that cold hayloft
Let me hold you little darling in my big strong arms
Can't get these kind of muscles anywhere but a farm

Hey I'm a country man a city boy can't do the things I can
I can grow my own groceries and salt cure a ham
Hey baby I'm a country man

I've got a jeep with camouflage seats
That way nobody sees us parked back up in these trees
Your little i-pod loaded down with Hoobastank
Don't be a tape player hater girl were cruising to Hank

Hey I'm a country man a city boy can't do the things I can
I can hot wire your tractor and plow up your land
Hey baby I'm a country man

You like the ivy league hum-v tennis sweater type
But girl I'm here to tell you don't believe the hype

Hey I'm a country I can wrestle hogs and gators with my two bare hands
Girl you better move quick I'm in high demand
Hey baby I'm a country man

Hey I'm a country man
huntin me a good ol' country girlfriend
Why don't you come and join me in my new deer stand
Hey baby I'm a country man
Hey baby I'm a country man

 July 13, 2013, 04:48

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

All the things I see in you
All the things I know that are true
And when the light in the morning
Comes shining through

I see, I see

I see the sun shining
Down on me
I feel the heat of love's flame
Down on me
I love the thought of you comin'
Down on me
And I'm so wet from love raining
Down on me

Down on me, down on me

All the things you mean to me
All the things I want us to be
And when the man in the moon
Looks straight at you

I see, oh I see

And you're a new kinda way
That's getting stranger every day
Get on the good foo and keep it on top
One thing for certain, it ain't ever gonna stop
 July 13, 2013, 10:49

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

Dirty little mind
Dirty little mind
Dirty little mind
Dirty little mind

Well I licked her clean from head to toe
I took her down for the count
She was ready for more
And you know she's got a dirty little mind

The way she walks
The way she grooves
I have to strap her down
To keep up with her moves
She got a dirty little mind

She got a dirty
A little dirty
A dirty little mind
A dirty little mind

Stretched out in the night
What do I feel?
I feel so good it just can't be real
She got a dirty little mind

She makes me smile
Makes me glad
(She's B A D)
Yeah man she's bad
And you know she's got a dirty little mind

She got a dirty
A little dirty
A dirty little mind
A dirty little mind

She's got a dirty
I said dirty
Dirty little mind
A dirty little mind
Oh yeah

And I know what she's thinking
Yes I know what's on her mind
You've got to know
My body's sinking into her mind
And I know she'll never let go
'Coz I've got her on a stick

She's got a dirty
Dirty little mind
A dirty little mind

 July 17, 2013, 12:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
rattle, me roll me, JACKYL me off...
 July 17, 2013, 17:38

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
See the bird on the barstool she's waiting on a jerk
If yes she likes the way he looks she'll put his ass to work
And you know she's been all around the block
Tried a doctor, lawyer, even tried a jock

But she loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock

Baby ain't no need to change it, that's just the way it is
She got to find a bigger jerk, she got to have his jiz
And you know she's been all around the block
She's tried a doctor, lawyer, even tried a jock

But she loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock

As many hands on her as the knob on the door

She's such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty little whore
To get to my cock she would walk through the flames of hell
'Cause I can always tell when she's coming, I can always tell

She loves my cock
She loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock

She loves my cock
Loves my cock
Loves my cock

She loves my cock
Loves my cock
She loves my cock
Hold on

I gotta hard-on for you

 July 17, 2013, 17:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
let's see if anyone other than Free has heard this one...

Oh yeah
Well she started out, just to be a dancer
Gonna make her livin' dancin'
In the Broadway shows
So she hitchhiked cross the country
From Pasaroba to the Big Red Apple
Where your dreams are made
Your debts must be paid on time

Well she wasn't used to livin' in the city
So she took a job cleanin' up as a maid
At the Grammercy Park Hotel
And all her auditions
They didn't turn out so pretty
So she took a job dancin'
At the bar down the street as well

I'll hold you close, Taxi Dancer
And I'll listen to how your outgrew your dreams
How they faded away
I'll hold you close, Taxi Dancer
We can pretend this floor is the Broadway stage

Well I don't know how long or how far
Her fortune did take her
But I heard she sits alone drunk
In a bar downtown on 42nd Street
And sometimes an old Butch
Will slip a quarter into the jukebox
And she'll stagger to the bar
And dance with that girl for free


Oh the stage, baby
 July 19, 2013, 02:02

 65 / male
 State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Song of the Day
 July 19, 2013, 16:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
She said, "I've seen you in here before."
I said, "I've been here a time or two."
She said, "Hello, my
Name is Bobby Jo
Meet my twin sister Betty Lou
And we're both feeling kinda wild tonight
And you're the only cowboy in this place
And if you're up for a rodeo
We'll put a big Texas smile on
Your face"
I said, "Girls,"

I ain't as good as I once was
I got a few years on me now
But there was a time back in my prime

When I could really lay it down
And if you need some love tonight
Then I might have just enough
I ain't as good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was

I still hang out with my best friend dave
Ive known him since we were kids at school
Last night he
Had a few shots
Got in a tight spot hustlin' a game of pool
With a couple of redneck boys
One great
Big bad biker man
I heard David yell across the room
"Hey buddy, how 'bout a helping hand."
I said, "Dave,"

I ain't as good as I once was
My how the years have flown
But there was a time back in my prime

When I could really hold my own
But if you wanna fight tonight
Guess thouse boys dont look all that
I ain't as good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was

I used to be hell on wheels
Back when I was younger man
Now my body says, "You can't do this boy"

But my pride says, "Oh, yes you can

I ain't as good as I once was
Thats just the cold hard truth
I still throw a few back, talk a little smack
When I'm feelin bullet proof
So don't double dog dare me now
'Cause I'd have to call your bluff

I ain't as good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was
Maybe not be good as I once was
But I'm as good once as I ever was
 July 21, 2013, 04:40

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
(Tell ya about Kyle's momma)

(Straight outta tailer, Joe C)

Kyle's Momma is a big fat bitch
She's the biggest bitch I know and she stinks like shit
Remember back in the day when she was skinny
Now she's fugly but still think she's pretty

I just laugh and walk on past
sayin "Shit God Damn thats a big fat ass"
fuck that slut
she's a big fat trick
but I still let her suck this 10 foot dick

Joe C
I'm a crazy hit
down with Kid Rock and his South Park clique
I don't know much, but I know this shit
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch

Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
She's a three toed, stank ass, cross-eyed bitch

My homie named Kyle lives up the block
he's got a big fat mom, that sucks my cock
non-stop she's a sight to see
a real sloppy bitch
does right by me
she might be the best suck in the mountains
10 times a week
but shit, who's countin'?
I'm astounded by the things she does
she's the suckinest, fuckinest, freak there ever was
she ain't a slut
she's a super groupie

and I past that bitch around like a doobie
I don't know much, but I know this
Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch

Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
She's a three toed, stank ass, cross-eyed biiitch

(Tell 'em Joe)

I'm Joe C
The C stands for Cool
I might be a fuck
But I ain't no fool
I just rode from South Park to Golda
Cuz Kyle's mom's trippin' on X, so I bulled her
Then I sold her, cause I'm like that
little freak ass pimp, but you know that
I just mad, caught tracks like a puppy
Colorado bitches ain't shit but yuppies
Whuddup, I'm the J-O-E
To the motha fuckin sea in the place to be
I don't know what, but I know this
Kyle's momma is a big fat biaaaaatch

Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
Kyle's momma is a big fat bitch
She's a three toed, stank ass, cross-eyed biiiiiiiiiiitch

(Heheheh... yup)

that's right...
Joey C. , Kid Rock, and the Twisted Brown Muther Fuckin' Truckers

(This goes out to all the fat bitches in the world)

time to drink some wine....

 July 22, 2013, 02:38

 58 / female
 Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Song of the Day
"Big Girls Don't Cry"

Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity

I hope you know, I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry

The path that I'm walking
I must go alone
I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay


Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be my Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
'Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go home
It's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity
 July 22, 2013, 14:01

 58 / female
 Assume the Position, New York, US
Re: Song of the Day

Every day is so wonderful
And suddenly, it's hard to breath
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the pain, I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down Ohh, nooo
So don't you bring me down today



To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom, Ohh
Tryin' hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone left the puzzle undone
Is That the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
Oh no, 'cause you are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down, Oh no
So don't you bring me down today...

(No matter what we do)
No matter what we do
(No matter what we say)
No matter what we say
(We're the song inside the tune) Ohh yeahhh (full of beautiful mistakes)

(And everywhere we go)
And everywhere we go
(The sun will always shine)
Sun will always, always, shine

'Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today



Don't you bring me down, today...

Heyy, eee, heyy, ohh

Don't you bring me down... yeeeeaaaaaa... today...
 July 22, 2013, 14:07

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
When I got home from work
I wanna wrap myself around you
I wanna take you and squeeze you
'till the passion starts to rise.
I wanna take you to heaven
that would make my day complete
but you and me ain't movie stars
what we are is what we are
we share a bed some lovin' and t.v. yeah.
That's enough for a workin' man
what I am is what I am
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.
Sometimes when you're asleep and
I'm just starin' at the ceiling
I wanna reach out and touch you
but you just go on dreamin'.
If I could take you to heaven
that would make my day complete
but you and me ain't movie stars
what we are is what we are
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.
You and me ain't no superstars
what we are is what we are
we share a bed some popcorn and t.v. yeah.
And that's enough for a workin' man
what I am is what I am
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.
When I got home from work
I wanna wrap myself around you
I like to hold you and squeeze you
'till the passion starts to rise.
I wanna take you to heaven
that would make my day complete ..
 July 23, 2013, 00:37

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

July moonlight shines
Your pretty little head on my shoulder
Pull over on the side of the road
Oh my God, you're something
Like nothing I've ever seen
If I'm asleep girl, let me dream

Baby fall into my kiss
It should just happen like this
Trust it so much that there's no one else but us and
This moment that says it's so right
'Cause that's all we have in this life
Drink up this love, baby, give it all we got tonight

Summer honeysuckle
Leaking through a rolled down window
We both know when that seat lays back
Anything can happen
So imagine it'll never end
Just close your eyes and you can see that we are where we're meant to be

Baby fall into my kiss
It should just happen like this
Trust it so much that there's no one else but us and
This moment that says it's so right
'Cause that's all we have in this life
Baby, drink up this love, give it all we got tonight
Give it all we got tonight

Baby fall into my kiss
It should just happen like this
Trust it so much that there's no one else but us and
This moment that says it's so right
That's all we have in this life
Drink up this love, c'mon, give it all we got tonight
Give it all we got tonight
 July 25, 2013, 03:21

 65 / male
 State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Song of the Day
Chazzy's Hillbilly post brought this one to mind

Oh man, you've gotta watch where you're stepping around here
Yeah I got a friend in New York City
He's never heard of Connway Twitty
Don't know nothing about grits and greens
Never been south of Queens
But he flew down here on a business trip
I took him honky tonkin' and that was it
He took to it like a pig to mud, like a cow to cud

We all got a hillbilly bone down deep inside
No matter where you from you just can't hide it
And when the band starts banging and the fiddle saws
You can't help but hollering, Yee Haw!
When you see them pretty little country queens
Man you gotta admit that's in them genes
Ain't nothing wrong, just getting on your
Hillbilly bone-ba-bone-ba-bone-bone

Nah, you ain't gotta be born out in the sticks
With an F-150 and a 30-06,
Or have a bubba in the family tree
To get on down with me
Yeah, bubba all you need is an open mind
If it fires you up you gotta let it shine
When it feels so right that it can't be wrong
Come on, come on, come on

You ain't alone...
You ain't alone

We all got a hillbilly bone down deep inside
No matter where you from you just can't hide
And when the band starts banging and the fiddle saws
You can't help but hollering, Yee Haw!
When you see them pretty little country queens
Man you gotta admit that's in them genes
Ain't nothing wrong, just getting on your
Hillbilly bone-ba-bone-ba-bone-bone


Come on y'all

We all got a hillbilly bone down deep inside
No matter where you from you just can't hide
And when the band starts banging and the fiddle saws
You can't help but hollering, Yee Haw!
When you see them pretty little country queens
Man you gotta admit that's in them genes
Ain't nothing wrong, just getting on your
Hillbilly bone-ba-bone-ba-bone-bone
Hillbilly bone ba-bone ba-bone bone
Hillbilly bone ba-bone ba-bone bone

I've always wanted to sing the bone song
 July 25, 2013, 13:30

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Awwww....liking that song, have to see if I can youtube it up
 July 25, 2013, 14:54

 65 / male
 State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Song of the Day
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 25, 2013, 14:54)
Awwww....liking that song, have to see if I can youtube it up

Oh yeah, it's a good song, but ya really need the video with it! Trace is hysterical in it!
 July 25, 2013, 15:03

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day

I've always been one of them boys
Rollin' around in jacked up toys
Making noise on small town Friday nights

Red light running, good time chasing,
Guess I've earned this reputation
Probably never shake it but that's alright

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Yea, point at you

Girl I ain't sure just what it is
That's got me all tore up like this
Your kiss done melted down this heart of stone

I still like to get a little crazy
But something about your loving baby
It breaks me down and makes me wanna haul ass home

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Point at you yeah

Oh girl I wouldn't blame ya if you tried to change me
Lord knows I'm hard to hold
But I guess you kinda like all of my sides
And I ain't letting you go
Cause my best side is holding me close
Point at you, yeah

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Oh baby, I just point at you
Girl I point at you
Oh babe my best side is you
Girl I point at you
 July 29, 2013, 18:33

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Last night I broke the seal on a Jim Beam decanter
That looks like Elvis
I soaked the label off a Flintstone Jelly Bean jar
I cleared us off a place on that
One little table that you left us
And pulled me up a big ole piece of floor

I pulled the head off Elvis
Filled Fred up to his pelvis
Yabba Dabba Doo, the King is gone
And so are you

'Round about ten we all got to talking
'Bout Graceland, Bedrock and such
The conversation finally turned to women
But they said they didn't get around too much
Elvis said, "Find 'em young"
And Fred said "Old Fashioned girls are fun"
Yabba Dabba Doo, the King is gone
And so are you

Later on it finally hit me
That you wouldn't be 'a comin' home no more
'Cause this time I know you won't forgive me
Like all of them other times before
Then I broke Elvis's nose
Pouring the last drop from his toes
Yabba Dabba Doo, the King is gone
And so are you
Yabba Dabba Doo, the King is gone
And so are you

Last night I broke the seal on a Jim Beam decanter
That looks like Elvis
I soaked the label off a Flintstone Jelly Bean jar....
 July 30, 2013, 00:55

 47 / female
 East, Texas, US
Re: Song of the Day
 July 30, 2013, 01:21

 49 / male
 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Re: Song of the Day
  QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 29, 2013, 18:33)

I've always been one of them boys
Rollin' around in jacked up toys
Making noise on small town Friday nights

Red light running, good time chasing,
Guess I've earned this reputation
Probably never shake it but that's alright

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Yea, point at you

Girl I ain't sure just what it is
That's got me all tore up like this
Your kiss done melted down this heart of stone

I still like to get a little crazy
But something about your loving baby
It breaks me down and makes me wanna haul ass home

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Point at you yeah

Oh girl I wouldn't blame ya if you tried to change me
Lord knows I'm hard to hold
But I guess you kinda like all of my sides
And I ain't letting you go
Cause my best side is holding me close
Point at you, yeah

I've got a rough side, a wild side
At least a country mile wide
A fightin' side after a few
If they wanna see my sweet side
My soft side, my best side
I just point at you
Oh baby, I just point at you
Girl I point at you
Oh babe my best side is you
Girl I point at you

 July 30, 2013, 14:46

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day

It's tomatoe season and a good year for 'em!

"Homegrown Tomatoes"

Well, there ain't nothin' in the world that I like better
Than bacon and lettuce and homegrown tomatoes
Up in the mornin', out in the garden
Get you a ripe one, hey, don't get a hard one

Plant 'em in the spring, eat 'em in the summer
All winter with out 'em's a culinary bummer
I forget all about the sweatin' and diggin'
Everytime I go out and pick me a big one

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

Now you can go out to eat and that's for sure
But it's nothin' a homegrown tomato won't cure
Put 'em in a salad, put 'em in a stew
You make your very own tomato juice

You can eat 'em with eggs, eat 'em with gravy
Eat 'em with beans, pinto or navy
Put 'em on the side, put 'em in the middle
Put a homegrown tomato on a hotcake griddle

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

If I's to change this life I lead
I'd be Johnny Tomato Seed
'Cause I know what this country needs
Homegrown tomatoes in every yard you see, yeah

When I die, don't bury me
In a box in a cemetary
Out in the garden would be much better
And I could be pushin' up homegrown tomatoes

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes, alright

 July 30, 2013, 14:53

 65 / male
 State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Song of the Day
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 30, 2013, 14:53)

It's tomatoe season and a good year for 'em!

"Homegrown Tomatoes"

Well, there ain't nothin' in the world that I like better
Than bacon and lettuce and homegrown tomatoes
Up in the mornin', out in the garden
Get you a ripe one, hey, don't get a hard one

Plant 'em in the spring, eat 'em in the summer
All winter with out 'em's a culinary bummer
I forget all about the sweatin' and diggin'
Everytime I go out and pick me a big one

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

Now you can go out to eat and that's for sure
But it's nothin' a homegrown tomato won't cure
Put 'em in a salad, put 'em in a stew
You make your very own tomato juice

You can eat 'em with eggs, eat 'em with gravy
Eat 'em with beans, pinto or navy
Put 'em on the side, put 'em in the middle
Put a homegrown tomato on a hotcake griddle

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

If I's to change this life I lead
I'd be Johnny Tomato Seed
'Cause I know what this country needs
Homegrown tomatoes in every yard you see, yeah

When I die, don't bury me
In a box in a cemetary
Out in the garden would be much better
And I could be pushin' up homegrown tomatoes

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes

Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What'd life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can't buy
And that's true love and homegrown tomatoes, alright

Damn, aside from bikinis, homegrown tomatoes are one of my favorite things about summer!
 July 30, 2013, 15:03

 65 / male
 State of Confusion, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Song of the Day
 July 30, 2013, 15:34

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Song of the Day
think the songs called living on the edge, its one of the episode song from soprano's, tho0ught i had a copy or it was one on youtube maybe...
 July 30, 2013, 16:32

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Song of the Day
guess i got that one wrong
now the mrs dont like me singing , i use to lover her , but had to kill her, i had to put her 6 feet under , and i still can still hear her complain .... she just dont like that song.....
 August 5, 2013, 03:09

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day
 August 14, 2013, 04:32

 49 / male
 Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Song of the Day
Waiter...The lady would like another double Crown on the rocks ..
 August 14, 2013, 05:28

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Song of the Day
 August 14, 2013, 15:43

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day

See them walking hand in hand across the bridge at midnight
Heads turning as the lights flashing out it's so bright
Then walk right out to the fourline track
There's a camera rolling on her back, on her back
And I sense the rhythm humming in a frenzy all the way down her spine

Girls on film, girls on film, girls on film, girls on film

Lipstick cherry all over the lens as she's falling
In miles of sharp blue water coming in where she lies
The diving man's coming up for air cause the crowd all love pulling dolly by the hair, by the hair
And she wonders how she ever got here as she goes under again

Girls on film (two minutes later), girls on film
Girls on film (got your picture), girls on film

Wider baby smiling you just made a million
Fuses pumping live heat twisting out on a wire
Take one last glimpse into the night I'm touching close I'm holding bright, holding tight
Give me shudders in a whisper take me up till I'm shooting a star

Girls on film (she's more than a lady), girls on film
Girls on film (two minutes later), girls on film
Girls on film (see you together), girls on film
Girls on film (see you later), girls on film
Girls on film (what ya doing), girls on film
 August 17, 2013, 13:50

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
The wild boys are calling
On their way back from the fire
In august moon's surrender to
A dust cloud on the rise
Wild boys fallen far from glory
Reckless and so hungered
On the razors edge you trail
Because there's murder by the roadside
In a sore afraid new world

They tried to break us,
Looks like they'll try again

Wild boys never lose it
Wild boys never chose this way
Wild boys never close your eyes
Wild boys always shine

You got sirens for a welcome
There's bloodstain for your pain
And your telephone been ringing while
You're dancing in the rain
Wild boys wonder where is glory
Where is all you angels
Now the figureheads have fell
And lovers war with arrows over
Secrets they could tell

They tried to tame you
Looks like they'll try again

Wild boys never lose it
Wild boys never chose this way
Wild boys never close your eyes
Wild boys always shine
 August 17, 2013, 13:52

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Dark in the city, night is a wire
Steam in the subway, earth is a afire
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
Woman, you want me, give me a sign
And catch my breathing even closer behind
Do do, do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound, I'm lost in a crowd
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Stalked in the forest, too close to hide
I'll be upon you by the moonlight side
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo
High blood drumming on your skin, it's so tight
You feel my heat, I'm just a moment behind
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
A scent and a sound, I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme
I howl and I whine, I'm after you
Mouth is alive, all running inside
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf
Hungry like the wolf

Burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt, I'm after you
I smell like I sound, I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt, I'm after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf
 August 17, 2013, 13:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Bringing me back there L&H
 August 17, 2013, 14:05

 47 / female
 East, Texas, US
Re: Song of the Day
I sit here surrounded by people and lights
Alone with my drink at the bar
You've been here forever, so clear in my mind
I just don't know where you are
I know I'll find you but girl 'til I do
This is my love song for you

Let's hold hands on the porch swing, under the moon
While the wind through the willows plays us a tune
We can lie on a blanket, out back in the yard
And wish for our future on a faraway star
You'll feel the passion as time after time
I press your sweet lips to mine
Then we'll dance to the radio, right up 'til dawn
'Til you drift off to dream in my arms

You might be hundreds or more miles away
Or you might be just down the street
But there'll be a hunger deep in your eyes
That I'll recognize when we meet
It might take hours or it might take years
But this is the song you will hear

Let's hold hands on the porch swing, under the moon
While the wind through the willows plays us a tune
We can lie on a blanket, out back in the yard
And wish for our future on a faraway star
You'll feel the passion as time after time
I press your sweet lips to mine
Then we'll dance to the radio, right up 'til dawn
'Til you drift off to dream in my arms
 August 18, 2013, 18:48

 47 / female
 East, Texas, US
Re: Song of the Day
I hate the world today, you're so good to me
I know but I can't change tried to tell you but you look at me
Like maybe I'm an angel underneath, innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried, you must have been relieved to see the softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused

I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
All rolled into one

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

So take me as I am
This may mean you'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that when I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change and today won't mean a thing

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

Just when you think you've got me figured out
The season's already changing
I think it's cool you do what you do
And don't try to save me

I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way

I'm a bitch, I'm a tease, I'm a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer, I'm your angel undercover
I've been numbed, I'm revived, can't say I'm not alive
You know, I wouldn't want it any other way
 August 18, 2013, 21:56

 User no longer registered.
Re: Song of the Day
Wanna tell you a story,
About the house-man blues
I come home one Friday,
Had to tell the landlady I done lost my job
She said that don't confront me,
Long as I get my money next Friday
Now next Friday come I didn't get the rent,
And out the door I went

So I goes to the landlady,
I said, "You let me slide?"
I'll have the rent for you tomorrow
Or the next day I don't know
So said let me slide it on you know people,
I notice when I come home in the evening
She ain't got nothing nice to say to me,
But for five year she was so nice
Lord she was lovey-dovey,
I come home one particular evening
The landlady said, "You got the rent money yet?",
I said, "No, can't find no job,
Therefore I ain't got no money to pay the rent"
She said "I don't believe you're tryin' to find no job"
Said "I seen you today you was standin' on a corner,
Leaning up against a post"
I said "But I'm tired, I've been walkin' all day"
She said "That don't confront me,
Long as I get my money next Friday"
Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent,
And out the door I went

So I go down the streets,
Down to my good friend's house
I said "Look man I'm outdoors you know,
Can I stay with you maybe a couple days?"
He said "Uh, let me go and ask my wife"
He come out of the house,
I could see it in his face
I know that was no
He said "I don't know man, ah she kinda funny, you know"
I said "I know, everybody funny, now you funny too"
So I go back home
I tell the landlady I got a job, I'm gonna pay the rent
She said "Yeah?" I said "Oh yeah"
And then she was so nice,
Lord, she was lovey-dovey
So I go in my room, pack up my things and I go,
I slip on out the back door and down the streets I go
She a-howlin' about the front rent, she'll be lucky to get any back rent,
She ain't gonna get none of it
So I stop in the local bar you know people,
I go to the bar, I ring my coat, I call the bartender
Said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want?

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Well I ain't seen my baby since I don't know when,
I've been drinking bourbon, whiskey, scotch and gin
Gonna get high man, I'm gonna get loose,
Need me a triple shot of that juice
Gonna get drunk, don't you have no fear
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer

But I'm sitting now at the bar,
I'm getting drunk, I'm feelin' mellow
I'm drinkin' bourbon, I'm drinkin' scotch, I'm drinkin' beer
Looked down the bar, here come the bartender
I said "Look man, come down here"
So what you want?

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No, I ain't seen my baby since the night before last,
Gotta get a drink man, I'm gonna get gassed
Gonna get high man, I ain't had enough,
Need me a triple shot of that stuff
Gonna get drunk, won't you listen right here,
I want one bourbon, one shot and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer

Now by this time I'm plenty high,
You know when your mouth a-getting dry you're plenty high
Looked down the bar I say to my bartender
I said "Look man, come down here", he got down there
So what you want this time?
I said "Look man, a-what time is it?"
He said "The clock on the wall say three o'clock.
Last call for alcohol, so what you need?"

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
No, I ain't seen my baby since a nigh' on a week,
Gotta get drunk man, so I can't even speak
Gonna get high man, listen to me,
One drink ain't enough Jack, you better make it three
I wanna get drunk, I'm gonna make it real clear,
I want one bourbon, one scotch and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
 August 19, 2013, 03:58
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