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A bit more serious than normal.
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » A bit more serious than normal.


 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
A bit more serious than normal.
How can people be cruel and sleep at night? What makes someone do things so disgusting that most of us just can't even read the story without crying? I just read a story about some fucking asshole that took a very young kitten swung it around out his car window and eventually threw it out on the bridge where it could have been run over or whatever. Someone rescued the kitten and brought it to a place that is known for helping animals in these types of situations. Eventually this kitten will be OK although it has to have his tail amputated.From what I understand this kitten just purrs all the time and wants to be held.

I read stories about abuse of animals, children, seniors, pregnant women, disabled people all the time and it just makes me sick. What has happened to the people in this world. I don't care if you dislike animals or whatever, how do you do these things to a living , breathing thing that has feelings and feels pain? I realize it is the true lowlifes of the world that do this because they aren't big and bad enough to try that with someone or something that could fight back.

It frustrates me so much that I can't go and adopt this kitten or save that child or whatever the case may be. I have to know what my limits are as well. I have two more cats than I ever planned both rescues. I just get angry and sad when I see these things. I truly wish I had an unlimited amount of funds so I could save all of these that I come across. I would build homes for those people that need a caring and loving environment . Both people and animals.

I know I can't fix the world. I just can't stand to see these things and do nothing. I actually lose sleep over them. I can't turn off my emotions or my mind. I hate to say out of sight out of mind but I find I have to at times just avoid seeing these things so I can get through the day or night. I know I would be the one on jail if I saw someone do some of these things because I would go after them physically. I could not just stand by and watch someone abuse and stand by.

I'm curious how other people deal with these things. I know most people feel like if do and the average person doesn't go through life abusing the weaker in life weather person or animal.
 September 15, 2011, 14:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
My cat population is in the double digits, all rescues.
One was dumped, hit by a car and when we found him, one leg was dead and stunk so bad. Bless her, Doris Day's foundation for rescuing animals paid for nearly all of the amputation costs, the vets who fell in love with him, waived the rest of the bill. He is the most darling creature ever, he seems to know he was saved, and been given a good home now.

Another one is partially blind. She's a bit skittish at times because she is not able to see very well. (This is the infamous thread deleting cat!)

The rest were dumped, flea ridden, frightened hungry kittens just tossed out along the road, if I did not take them in, I would just have to shovel their corpses off.

People dump off animals because they can't afford or don't want to do right. I can't afford it either, flea treatments, food, litter, vet bills, spay and neutering...all expenses we have to work hard to budget in.

I really can't elaborate on my personal beliefs of my faith and the balance of good and evil, yin and yang, I can't do anything about a missing child all the way across the country, but I can with all my neighbors, keep an eye on the children in our neighborhood. I can't save every animal abandoned and dumped, but I do take in what I can.

All I can do sometimes are those small random acts of kindness.
 September 15, 2011, 15:41

 User no longer registered.
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
They may seem small to you, but those acts are Huge to the ones you help! Although many would love to be able to do more, a little bit from everyone would go a very, very long way
 September 15, 2011, 16:38

 44 / male
 Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
The really sad part of all of this is that there are women who would rather be with those guys than guys who would do the right thing. I don't get that.
 September 15, 2011, 16:41

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
I feel the same way, for months i had a dog that wasnt really my dog, the owners didnt feed it or water it, & if they did, in the winter the only water it had was solid ice, if not for me. hate ppl that mistreat animals
 September 15, 2011, 23:41

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
The evil individuals in our society sickens me. Those that choose, yes it's a choice they made, that go after animals or anyone weaker then they are are frikken demons imo. That someone would hurt any animal in anyway (abuse of any kind, starvation, neglect) is the sign on someone who would also hurt a human being. Take the stories I saw this morning on the news, a mother lets her bf beat her 4yo child to death over several days and does nothing, another couple abuses their 7 week old twins. What the fuck is wrong with these people! Yeah I can imagine their upbringing was abusive, what I don't understand is how they could continue that abusiveness onto another generation. If anyone ever dared to abuse my children they best look the fuck out because momma would come looking for you and beat you to a bloody pulp. I am a survivor of abuse no way woulds I pass it on to anyone.
I have rescued animals, is very cool to see one thrive after abuse.
I work at a resident school for delinquent youth. The kids I see every day suffer from all forms of abuse, neglect, parents that are drug users, you name it. I don't do much but talking with these kids I try to guide them and show they can have a better life then they know. If I can reach just some...
We all have choices some of us choose to be better then our past.
 September 16, 2011, 00:23

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
You all do what I do. I have the two that we rescued but It kills me to know I can't take that next one that always seems to be there. I understand how someone becomes an animal hoarder because you really can fall into saving them all very easily.There is always another helpless animal, child, beaten women or man, or elderly person etc.

I know I will never understand the people that deliberately harm things weaker than them just because they can. But I hate the excuse "well they were abused" Or "they are not mentally stable" That might be true but they still know what they are doing and should be punished.I want to smack those lawyers that say because they are fucked up that should be a reason to turn them lose again.

There are more than 250,000 animals put down every year just because they have no home. PLEASE spay/neuter you animals.

By the way Chazzy when you said the one cat seems to know he was in a better place, I have to wonder myself if there is something to that because I know these too are the same way as if grateful. I always had dogs. I had many friends with cats and was always told cats are stand offish and not as cuddly. I have to say the two we have are the most friendly cats I have seen. The little kitten will come over to you if you laying down and rub noses with you. He loves rubbing noses and cuddling up to you. The big cat will come to me if I'm laying down and cuddle up and either use his paw to nudge me or his nose to get me to pet him. (Sometimes even if I'm sleeping)Or he will just walk on me and lay down.

Did I mention I am allergic to cats? Yes I lave a lovely rash because I have been spending more time with the kitten on me because he had surgery this week to be neutered so I have been watching him to make sure he is OK.I leaving in a few hour for Kam's I'm hoping the rash will go away quickly once away from the two cats.
 September 16, 2011, 12:00

 User no longer registered.
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
Yeah, my sister has asked me about the hoarder thing, but she's a city girl. Out here, it's just different.

Shopping the pet supply isle, I often run into a lot of people that have twice the cats I do, and a half a dozen dogs too.

It's the similiar location of where we live, just on the edge of town with a minor two lane highway nearby. People have tendancy to take the animals to the edge of town to dump them near the farmlands.

It's been two years since we've had any dumped animals. If another one shows up, I'll take it in and do right by it. Kittens are easier to find a home for than an adult cat. There's a no-kill shelter in the next county. Spay and neutering is done at a clinic about 15 miles away for 25 bucks.

My cats get combed and brushed regulary to not only cut back on shedding, but it cleans out any flea eggs and larvae, the litter boxes are scooped and cleaned through out the day and deordorized. I vacuum a lot. I have good sources for vet supplies online, and I treat them for general health issues myself.

The house is very clean and pleasant smelling. The cats are loved and healthy.

 September 16, 2011, 12:55

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: A bit more serious than normal.
Where my kids work and have the bar they have woods there and people tend to dump cats there. Its a problem. They are now doing the catch and release thing. They trapped then fix the cats then release them back and feed them and give them their vaccines etc. But the problem is just to big to keep up with. Bottom line is people need to be responsible and they aren't. It breaks my heart when I see what goes on. I have said many times that if I knew what This would would have become I don't think I would have had my children.I feel like its unfair to bring them I to a world that is on such a bad path. I worry about the future for our children. The American dream seams to be a thing of the past.
 September 16, 2011, 18:29

 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » A bit more serious than normal.

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