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Out of "The Dark" into the Light
I started this thread not really to build much on it except that since I've had to be for all intents and purposes AWOL from the site here, Free and some others had mentioned it was nice seeing my posts. I had given an "off topic" post under Free's 9/11 thread that accidently was deleted. I re-posted under Kiss' new 9/11 thread my thoughts but felt since Free had seen my comments about my absence it wasn't necessary to re-post them and I didn't want to detract from the new thread by Kiss. But Free won't let up. Somehow I'm trying to envision him as a first responder rushing in with his guitar and of course his cell phone. LOL.
But as I shared last night, I've found many many friends here among the beautiful and sexy ladies. (thanks again Kiss for your frequent profile picture changes that have kept me feeling a definite part of the site still). And also the many amazing and wonderful guys that have also shared their friendship with me.
Many I've chatted and shared with have known I've been helping with the medical care of my dad these last 3 years. He currently is finishing his 3rd week of a recent hospital stay. He hasn't been doing well this time, showing much weakness. He has required blood transfusions and he also has experienced some heart failure.
So many days are spent helping he and my mom or just sitting with them as I'm doing now at his hospital bed. So my mobile phone allows me to come onto the site check out the posts in forum and I can try to keep updated that way. On a good day I even read many of the Newbie "novels", just kidding Newbie don't go ballistic on me. They make me really miss the chat sessions because Newbie and I often had lengthy late night chats. AND I miss them and her!! But if I'm still awake after reading everything Newbie has commented on I do look for my other friends' posts too. Kiss is a kindred soul because she posts unaware under Rest In Peace many of the notices I've also read or learned about. As a person in the medical community I learned a long time back I always searched the news and newspapers for deaths. (yes I maybe a touch morbid) but that's for debate in a thread by Free. Lol.
So I will one day return on a regular basis again, but until that day, I'll quietly slip in and out and softly leave evidence I've been here, just like a "Shadow" should do.
For those here that share their beliefs and faith, if when you share those moments of quiet times, reflections, and prayers if you would taken a quick second or two to remember my dad and our family, I would be most grateful.
When I was here more regularly I'd often get called out for being too quiet; many times I just said I was taking notes and you'd be surprised at what all Dark truly knows. I think it was Newbie who first said you have to watch out for the quiet ones. Lol.
In closing these thoughts, I'd like to say as I've reflected about what's been happening in mine and my families lives, about this memorial weekend of national reflection; I have had some final thoughts about the man I call my father. I mentioned he was a firefighter. Our community is a small little place where he worked as a part of 3 men shifts. Serving 24 hours on and 48 hours off. Over his service years he has fought car fires, warehouse fires, hill fires, and of course home fires. My dad carries scars on his wrists he received from burns trying to gain entrance to a burning home where ultimately a young child died from severe smoke inhalation. My dad has battled terminal lung cancer for over 3 years. Now is his cancer due to his young teenage years he was a smoker, or as results of his years fighting in smoke filled environments or just from predisposed genetics or maybe none of the above. We will probably never know. It only serves as a reminder for my family that we are each blessed with a 24 hour day and no guarantee we'll see the end of a day started or even a year or a decade. And my family is really no different than any of yours. So it's made me more thankful for every blessing I do have.
So when I sneak in and sneak out here for the time being it's truly to catch up with each if the lives of friends I've made here.
I said last night in my reply to Free that this has given me time to learn all sorts of things on each of my friends here. And to be sure, you'd be surprised what "The Shadow Knows".
But because of my friends and friendships here, once in awhile I'll show up and let some light shine out of The Dark.
September 12, 2011, 01:50 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Out of "The Dark" into the Light
You are thought about more than you know. ALWAYS IN A KIND WAY! (To bad if I did it in caps!)LOL You know I had to break the rules for you my friend.
As a little side note. I realize that when our chats stopped my Novels pretty much began because I had no one to vent to every night at 3AM. So, if you don't mind I will say. "It's all your fault!" with much affection and best wishes for you and all of your loved ones.
September 12, 2011, 03:43 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Out of "The Dark" into the Light
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 12, 2011, 03:43)You are thought about more than you know. ALWAYS IN A KIND WAY! (To bad if I did it in caps!)LOL You know I had to break the rules for you my friend.
As a little side note. I realize that when our chats stopped my Novels pretty much began because I had no one to vent to every night at 3AM. So, if you don't mind I will say. "It's all your fault!" with much affection and best wishes for you and all of your loved ones.
LOL - OMG ... It's all my fault??? Can't we at least blame Chazzy's cat? J/K Chazzy. Newbie remember what you said ... It's always the quiet ones. Haha. How I miss our insomniac sessions. And how I've missed you too. I'll be around and I'll be back eventually. Just post you're naked in your bedroom and broadcasting via a webcam and see if I don't make an appearance. Hahahaha. Or write me a novel and you can follow the snoring over to my Dark corner and find out for yourself what the Shadow knows. Love ya gal. Best wishes to you, Kam, and your families. I'll be in touch.
September 12, 2011, 05:52 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Out of "The Dark" into the Light
Licks and kisses!
September 12, 2011, 10:10 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Out of "The Dark" into the Light
Been great talking to you, looking forward to hearing from you when you can pop in for visits here. We love ya.
September 12, 2011, 12:18 |
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