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Are they doing this to torture me?
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Are they doing this to torture me?


 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Are they doing this to torture me?
Once again I am flying to Michigan so once again I must deal with the airlines. Please tell me is it a prerequisite to be a total moron to work for them or is it just the people I deal with that are like that. Maybe it's just a conspiracy to see if they can drive me totally insane. (As if that would be hard to do!

I had my reservations for a month at least. I even had my seat assignments. (Which took 4 hours on the phone for them to get right.NO I'm not kidding) So everything is all set, right? WRONG! I get an email from the airline this morning. "Your itinerary has changed please check your new itinerary for any changes that might effect your travel planes." I noticed they changed my return flight and I now have no seat. Not a major or unusual thing. They change equipment and times often so I figure all the notes are on my account so I just call say give me my seat back and it will all be good. BUT NOOOOOOO!!!! United and Continental are in the middle of a merge and this basically means you never get the same answer twice. It also means no one knows what they are doing.

Try to follow along here. Although the reservation is through United I must go to the United terminal and check in at Continental counter then board a flight that is run by United but under another name.Neither United or Continental. When I get to Detroit I land at a United Terminal but I am also dealing with Continental as the carrier so that is who I check in with when going home. Did I loses you yet?

OK, SO back to the seat.I explain that I got an email and when I go online under the Continental Confirmation number it doesn't even show a return flight. If I go online under the United confirmation number I see both my flights but the return flight has no seat.I thought the simple thing would just to be to give me a new seat. In theory anyway.I give the customer service person the confirmation number and she tells me that can't be the number because their numbers don't start with that letter. I said I have it up on my computer so she has to be wrong. After the tenth time she finally pulled it up to say "OH YOU HAVE TO CALL UNITED". I already knew that wasn't the case and that their computers were linked. Remember I fly about every 6 weeks.To keep this long story from becoming a book lets just say after speaking to another customer service person and a supervisor they claim is that the email I got is a mistake and the bottom line is I have no flight coming home but I will by Monday he "thinks". He also claimed that there was no one higher than him or a department that I know exists because I have the persons name and email as well as phone number, and plan to speak to her Monday morning to tell her all this and get my seat on the return flight.
 September 10, 2011, 17:01

 63 / male
 Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 10, 2011, 17:01)
Once again I am flying to Michigan so once again I must deal with the airlines. Please tell me is it a prerequisite to be a total moron to work for them or is it just the people I deal with that are like that. Maybe it's just a conspiracy to see if they can drive me totally insane. (As if that would be hard to do!

I had my reservations for a month at least. I even had my seat assignments. (Which took 4 hours on the phone for them to get right.NO I'm not kidding) So everything is all set, right? WRONG! I get an email from the airline this morning. "Your itinerary has changed please check your new itinerary for any changes that might effect your travel planes." I noticed they changed my return flight and I now have no seat. Not a major or unusual thing. They change equipment and times often so I figure all the notes are on my account so I just call say give me my seat back and it will all be good. BUT NOOOOOOO!!!! United and Continental are in the middle of a merge and this basically means you never get the same answer twice. It also means no one knows what they are doing.

Try to follow along here. Although the reservation is through United I must go to the United terminal and check in at Continental counter then board a flight that is run by United but under another name.Neither United or Continental. When I get to Detroit I land at a United Terminal but I am also dealing with Continental as the carrier so that is who I check in with when going home. Did I loses you yet?

OK, SO back to the seat.I explain that I got an email and when I go online under the Continental Confirmation number it doesn't even show a return flight. If I go online under the United confirmation number I see both my flights but the return flight has no seat.I thought the simple thing would just to be to give me a new seat. In theory anyway.I give the customer service person the confirmation number and she tells me that can't be the number because their numbers don't start with that letter. I said I have it up on my computer so she has to be wrong. After the tenth time she finally pulled it up to say "OH YOU HAVE TO CALL UNITED". I already knew that wasn't the case and that their computers were linked. Remember I fly about every 6 weeks.To keep this long story from becoming a book lets just say after speaking to another customer service person and a supervisor they claim is that the email I got is a mistake and the bottom line is I have no flight coming home but I will by Monday he "thinks". He also claimed that there was no one higher than him or a department that I know exists because I have the persons name and email as well as phone number, and plan to speak to her Monday morning to tell her all this and get my seat on the return flight.

maybe u have to ride in the luggage...lol, sorry, not funny i know
 September 10, 2011, 17:10

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
now i understand why they're always losing luggage! if they handle people this way...imagine how they handle your bags! lol!
 September 12, 2011, 14:02

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
They suck. I saw a baggage handler literally toss one of my guitars about 6 feet onto a baggage rack in Denver. I was still on the plane and there was nothing I could do about it.

I know this isnt the kind of thing that Newbs is talking about, but there's so many things to get frustrated about with the air lines
 September 12, 2011, 14:09

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
i hope you told somebody at the service counter! that's ridiculous!
 September 12, 2011, 14:54

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
I use to work at the Post Office, and in the morning worked out on the dock sorting (tossing), packages into carts. Just lets say, wrap your gifts well, I do!
 September 12, 2011, 15:35

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
Thanks for the heads up Kiss. Let me ask you this: does the word "fragile" written on packages actually mean anything at the PO?! lol
 September 12, 2011, 15:49

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (hotyrmn @ September 12, 2011, 15:49)
Thanks for the heads up Kiss. Let me ask you this: does the word "fragile" written on packages actually mean anything at the PO?! lol

Oh yes, I always shook those real hard to make sure they were okay!!

Depending on how fragile, might make the difference as to how you mail the package; priority, first class, parcel post. I still remember the morning they found a bottle of whiskey busted in a package. Seems it was severely frowned upon, some states have very funny laws about shipping alcohol.
 September 12, 2011, 16:05

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
That's exactly what I suspected happens to them!
So there is actually a difference in how they are "handled" depending on method?
 September 12, 2011, 16:55

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
----and by the time ya went thru all that, ya could have driven.
 September 12, 2011, 17:26

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
Several days later and at least 10 people and 5 hours with these morons and they still couldn't get it straight. I finally called the women that I have dealt with in the past. She is a supervisor in a different department in corporate headquarters. MUCH higher on the pay grade. She said "You don't even have to tell me. I will start by saying, I'm so sorry!" She was so frustrated with the idiots after reading the comments they put on the file that she said "From now on just call me. Don't even bother to call customer service or reservations. I will personally handle your seat assignments.As for Rex and the rest of them , we will be having a discussion regarding their jobs when I get done with this. " She actually sounded like steam was coming out of her by the time she finished reading whatever that guy put in the remarks. She said "I'm so glad he documented this now it's my turn!" I told her I can forward all the conflicting emails and confirmations as well as the log of times and names of everyone I spoke to and what they did or should I say didn't do. She said "please do. This kind of stuff can't continue. This was a simple equipment change and reassignment of a seat and they couldn't figure it out when it is an everyday situation in the airline business." In the end I got back on the right flight and got the right seat.
 September 12, 2011, 20:34

 61 / male
 Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (hotyrmn @ September 12, 2011, 15:49)
Thanks for the heads up Kiss. Let me ask you this: does the word "fragile" written on packages actually mean anything at the PO?! lol

Means nothing at UPS why should it at the post office?
 September 12, 2011, 22:05

 65 / couple
 crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
makes me glad for trains....toot toot
 September 13, 2011, 04:18

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
Just updating.Although I have an email with a confirmation from corporate that has my correct flights and seats I did go on the airline wed sites. In this case it is actually 2 because they are merging so it is United and Continental that you can go into and they both STILL HAVE IT WRONG.Amazing!
 September 13, 2011, 08:01

 61 / male
 Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
They're just telling you, you have to stay.
 September 13, 2011, 10:21

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
they're tellin ya to use a reliable airline.
 September 13, 2011, 13:34

 User no longer registered.
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
Is there one?!
 September 13, 2011, 14:01

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (hotyrmn @ September 12, 2011, 15:49)
Thanks for the heads up Kiss. Let me ask you this: does the word "fragile" written on packages actually mean anything at the PO?! lol

Not to most, I worked for a contract PO we were better there
 September 13, 2011, 14:28

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (kamarel @ September 13, 2011, 10:21)
They're just telling you, you have to stay.

My kids my have an issue with that. lol But I can't wait to get there . See you Friday. Kisses
 September 13, 2011, 21:38

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
I always wondered...What would the TSA agents do if seconds before a pat down, I just undid my pants and pulled everything down (including my underwear) and say, "See anything you like?!"...
 September 14, 2011, 04:41

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
I know they have had women show up in just bra and panties as well as bathing suits. The best is a guy showed up in a bra and panties and they didn't want to let him through. I wish I knew the out come. There is no law against it as long as you are covered legally they really can't do to much. You must have your nipples covered in most places as well as any pubic hair or visible "parts" of the vagina or penis and testicles.I remember a reporter saying "Would you want to sit next to the guy in a bra and panties?" I thought....I would.I love people that do things like that because he was trying to prove a point. I would just laugh.

In NYC it is legal for women to walk around topless. I think it's San Francisco it's legal to walk around nude (As long as you are not aroused.)but they just passed a law that you must have something like fabric , a towel etc. if you are going to sit on anything for sanitary reasons.

By the way GG ,let me know when you plan to drop your pants at the airport. I so want to be there for that.I might even be able to have a news crew there.lol Hey you all joke about it now but if things keep going the way they are, we might all have to travel naked. Wait till they decide clothing can be used in some harmful way. (I have seen the way some people dress and I personally feel it is already being used in an offending way at very least.)
 September 14, 2011, 08:43

 60 / male
 Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
Imagine having to wear a flight suit or special hospital garb. Even worse would be having to wear one of those hospital johnnies?! You know the ones, full coverage in the front, breezy in the back?!...
 September 14, 2011, 11:13

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
The flight suit wouldn't bother me to much but if they said we had to wear a diaper because we can't use our underwear (we might hide something in there. lol) And apparently if you use the rest room on the plane it is "suspicious behavior". Sorry I'm still thinking I would rather sit next to the guy in the bra and panties than a guy in a diaper.

I always laugh wen I think of of things people used to be able to do but can't anymore. For example Bringing toys through the airport is just not as easy as it used to be. Toys with wires really freak them out. Should I really go into the "hidden", remote type? They really are taking the fun out of flying these days. Damn, you can't even go to the restroom with someone for a little mile high fun anymore.They have really lost the fly the friendly sky's attitude.

Just for fun go to the web site of any airline and search this "traveling with adult toys" see what it says. You will at least smile and think ....someone had to have discussed this and put this answer in as well as had to get it approved by all the powers at be to have it on the site.I wish I was at that conference meeting.lol

 September 14, 2011, 16:50

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
It is so messed up you can't fly with toys. Hmmm I wonder what would happen if I had toys in place going through security....
 September 14, 2011, 16:55

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
That's what I meant by the hidden toys with remotes. Now they get pissy about them. TSA really needs a sense of humor.Although last time I went through and got a pat down I once again requested a hot tall guy and the hot tall guy and another TSA guy got into a little tiff about which guy I was referring too. Each thinking I meant them. I told them the only problem is they were both too young. I had kids older than them.lol I want to put in a standing order for a 6' 5" dark hair and great eyes, nicely built and great hands.Over 30 please but sadly they keep telling me they are not allowed.
 September 14, 2011, 17:10

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (newbie1011 @ September 14, 2011, 17:10)
That's what I meant by the hidden toys with remotes. Now they get pissy about them. TSA really needs a sense of humor.Although last time I went through and got a pat down I once again requested a hot tall guy and the hot tall guy and another TSA guy got into a little tiff about which guy I was referring too. Each thinking I meant them. I told them the only problem is they were both too young. I had kids older than them.lol I want to put in a standing order for a 6' 5" dark hair and great eyes, nicely built and great hands.Over 30 please but sadly they keep telling me they are not allowed.

lmao too fucking funny
 September 14, 2011, 17:43

 61 / male
 Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Are they doing this to torture me?
  QUOTE (catlady @ September 14, 2011, 16:55)
It is so messed up you can't fly with toys. Hmmm I wonder what would happen if I had toys in place going through security....

Not true. I've gone thru with paddles and floggers. The girl pulled the flogger out of my bag and asked her supervisor if it was ok. He looked a bit embarassed. I asked if she needed a demonstration on how it worked. They both looked at me like I grew a 2nd head. The guy behind me in line was DYING. I know Newbs has gone through with a couple of things as well.
 September 14, 2011, 21:45

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