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I respect
Of course I respect anyone who works hard for their money but there's some that do jobs that I really appreciate and respect.
Waitresse/Waiters, that's hard work and being the middleperson between the table and the kitchen.
Customer service...just about everyone they encounter in a day's work is pissed or frustrated.
Late shift workers at convenience stores/gas marts...I don't care where you live, that's a risk.
Allot more?
September 2, 2011, 00:23 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: I respect
Well, I usually like to think before I post. I got this pretty quickly.
Volunteers of all kinds; Hurricane clean up, blood donors, Meals on Wheels, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, Missions, etc.
Police, our military, teachers, and the elderly I see still working. I wonder are they doing this to stay busy, or it is because they have to continue to work well past retirement age (which will be 99 when I get there).
September 2, 2011, 01:21 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: I respect
And, doctors who really give a shit!
September 2, 2011, 01:27 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: I respect
QUOTE (Chazzy @ September 2, 2011, 00:23)Of course I respect anyone who works hard for their money but there's some that do jobs that I really appreciate and respect.
Waitresse/Waiters, that's hard work and being the middleperson between the table and the kitchen.
Customer service...just about everyone they encounter in a day's work is pissed or frustrated.
Late shift workers at convenience stores/gas marts...I don't care where you live, that's a risk.
Allot more?
I've done all those. I really hate people.
September 2, 2011, 02:38 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: I respect
I respect those who work with the public and still manage to have a good attitude.
Then there are also those who do jobs most of us couldn't or wouldn't even image. Many of them would qualify for that show Dirty Jobs.Most of them are under paid for the most disgusting jobs.
There are also those who have jobs that are so difficult due to the emotional part of it. An undertaker.They do a job that they deal with the living and the dead and I like to think that they treat both with respect at a very difficult time. I am sure there are those who don't but I bet most are very respectful. I know one guy that does it and he said you have to try to treat each person be him/her dead or alive as if they were someone you love in your own family. But you also need to have a sense of humor if you want to sleep at night.
When my daughter had open heart surgery as a baby I was standing next to her bed as the doctor and nurse had to tell a mother of the child in the next bed, that traveled more than half way around the world to try to save her baby that there was nothing they can do for her child and he would be dead within a short period of time.I am not sure who it was harder on, the people who had to say it or the mother to have to hear it.I later asked one of the medical staff how she was able to do that. She said she cried a lot and then tried to remember all the children's lives that they save.I have more respect for that medical staff than I can ever explain and, I owe them a debt I can never repay for saving my daughters life.
September 2, 2011, 03:22 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: I respect
no respect for cart pushers who bring in 20-50+ carts a line i c o well lmao just messing with u guys. but yea alot of jobs we respect ppl for doing don't pay nearly as much as they should
September 2, 2011, 15:59 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: I respect
yep customer service been there too many years glad it over
September 3, 2011, 04:05 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: I respect
A lot of jobs are the same thing or the same general idea every day a person goes into work. I respect teachers because every day is different and challenging. They also do this job for a salary which most people would say is too low for what they are expected to accomplish. Not only do teachers have unexpected challenges every day, but in a lot of cases (where a teacher's employment is based on how well their students perform on standardized tests) the teacher has to put their future in the hands and minds of children who may or may not have trouble remembering what they learned in class. Just a suggestion to you parents with children.... take it easy on your child's teacher(s). Most of them are trying to do the best job they can.
September 3, 2011, 18:47 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I respect
Everyone except those that give up and politicians.
September 4, 2011, 12:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I respect
I don't tend to respect any groups of people I have to admit as there are good and bad amongst them all. I try in life to respect everyone to start with until they demonstrate that they aren't worthy of it.
I am always grateful that there are people willing to do the the dirty or dangerous jobs and respect their choice to do so however.
I have done public sector and private sector work, customer service and back room functions and in all jobs have been myself. If you respect me in one role and not another I may end up with a split personality...
September 4, 2011, 16:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: I respect
All women...
September 6, 2011, 04:42 |
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