62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Mother nature strikes again!
Yes mother nature is seriously pissed and apparently focusing her anger on the east coast this round.I wish who ever pissed her off would just apologize already. This is getting inconvenient. I really don't want to evacuate.They have evacuated those who are on the barrier islands already and said we might be next.The lines at the gas station were like the days of gas shortages. The grocery store was out of many of the things they tell you to keep on hand. (Fortunately I already had most of them.) People are boarding up their houses and businesses and pulling their boats out where they can. This definitely throws a wrench into the summer activities here at the Jersey Shore. The 3,000+ people that bought tickets for the music festival down at where my sons bar is are going to be pretty pissed when they find out there wont be any festival. It's a shame because it was a fundraiser and from what we were told can't be rescheduled.I guess mother nature is going to do what ever she wants and there is nothing we can do about it. Yes this will cost this country and many individuals money no one can afford but the bigger worry is how many people wont survive this. Some because they are stubborn and wont listen to the warnings and some because they have no way out or don't know what to do. Lets just hope that all the way around it's just nothing more than a bunch of weather guys standing in the rain saying "Well it changed path and we will only see some minor flooding after all."
August 26, 2011, 04:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
We're all watching and fretting, dear.
We've all had to learn something from Katrina.
Everyone out there, stay in touch with us here.
August 26, 2011, 12:10 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Surf's up!
stay off the beach.
August 26, 2011, 12:52 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Hurricanes, tornadoes, avalanches, earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves, droughts, sinkholes, dust storms, volcano eruptions, over a month of 100 degree + days.......Next time I bitch about a little bit of snow, some body slap me.
August 26, 2011, 13:24 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
You talking about a few inches or a couple of feet?
August 26, 2011, 14:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (kamarel @ August 26, 2011, 14:33)You talking about a few inches or a couple of feet?
Ok, good point. I WILL bitch when we get 6 feet in a 24 hour period!
August 26, 2011, 14:44 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Ok. I can slap you at less than six feet of snow. Good to know.
August 26, 2011, 14:53 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
August 26, 2011, 15:46 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
You guys making any special arrangements with the storm passing by? Here in Florida, Hurricane is just another word for "party." Some nice waves kicking up!
August 26, 2011, 17:10 |
58 / male anywhere, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
what a strange week its been here in wildwood nj first the earthquake now an almost direct hit from irene. we will be under water here for days
August 26, 2011, 19:43 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
We would love to get the fuck out if our government didn't make it impossible!!! We have all the provisions and will try to get out tonight if we can. The hurricane is is supposed to be 5 miles off our coast which means about 5.25 miles from my house.This is not looking good. The really fucked up part is all the miss communication.I think all this assholes need to loose there jobs at very least.
Our Governor just said he was at Island Beach state park (In our town)and he was responsible and got out last night with his family. Yeah that's great when you have police and helicopters to get you out. Fucking asshole! Besides he still is saying only the barrier islands have to leave and the roads are at a stand still.How are we supposed to go? I can't swim that far and can't fly out.Hoping tonight's alternate route will work out well.
August 26, 2011, 20:54 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ August 26, 2011, 17:10)You guys making any special arrangements with the storm passing by? Here in Florida, Hurricane is just another word for "party." Some nice waves kicking up!
I saw the nice waves with the weather guy from West Palm in up to his waist.
August 26, 2011, 21:09 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
They just announced that most local gas stations are out of at least regular gas. Nice to see everyone is prepared. Glad I filled up last night.
August 26, 2011, 21:17 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
OK Now the latest is they are saying instead of a cat 1 or 2 it might be a tropical storm when it hits.I thought that was good but the weather guy said it could be worse because that could bring us more rain and the wind would only be about 5 miles less than a cat 1. I don't know what to think at this point. I just wish it would die off already. It's starting to piss me off!
Great a new update coming as we speak. gggrrrr
August 26, 2011, 21:38 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Starting to?
August 26, 2011, 21:45 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 26, 2011, 21:38)OK Now the latest is they are saying instead of a cat 1 or 2 it might be a tropical storm when it hits.I thought that was good but the weather guy said it could be worse because that could bring us more rain and the wind would only be about 5 miles less than a cat 1. I don't know what to think at this point. I just wish it would die off already. It's starting to piss me off!
Great a new update coming as we speak. gggrrrr
That is the thing with a hurricane, Newbie. It is not uncommon for the reports to continue to change. I have one cousin in Newport News, who has evacted, and one in Norfolk who is tying everything down.
August 26, 2011, 21:51 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (kamarel @ August 26, 2011, 21:45)Starting to?
Your right I have been pissed off since this all started. This is very inconvenient. Not to mention my 16 year old daughter who is normally , well, is 16 so I really don't need to explain... is getting really nervous and wants to get out of here. I can't get it through to her that it just isn't that easy. I really don't want to be sitting in a car with 4 people and 2 cats for five days. I think if we can't get out that staying home might be the better choice!
Kiss, I lived in Tampa for a while. I do know a little about hurricanes. All my in-laws live in Norfolk or Virginia Beach.So I hope they are going to be ok during this as well.I do know hurricanes are unpredictable. I am really hoping this is one of those times where we wind up saying "Well that was all for nothing" but it's not looking that way.
When you are in a place that is used to having hurricanes they handle them much better. Our biggest problem is that all these guys have jobs they are not qualified for but got away with having them for years because they never had something like this happen.It's all coming back to bite everyone in the ass now. Keep in mind I am also about 3-4 miles from the oldest Nuclear power plant in the country and had our first significant earthquake just a few days ago.I always said they would never be able to evacuate us with the plan they have laid out. Unfortunately they are proving me right.
The other issues we have are we are the second most populated county in NJ as well as having all the tourist added to that. We also have a senior population in this town that is at about 76%.Our infrastructure is not equipped to handle this traffic and our government have closed several main roads already. They have others North bound only. And the have the garden state parkway from exit 89 down to 0 shut down completely as of 8pm. I am at Exit 80. They are saying this is going to be the worst storm in the history of NJ.
August 26, 2011, 21:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
I was just thinking about you today Newbie. I hope you can get out without too much trouble. I will be thinking about you this weekend.
August 27, 2011, 01:40 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
im rdy for this storm im hoping i can get stuck at this girls house w/o her family there
August 27, 2011, 04:53 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Thank you I am just keeping an eye out and hoping it is not as bad as they say.
August 27, 2011, 05:16 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
the radar tonight has it coming ashore in north Carolina and Virginia it looks like , they were saying their is going to be a lot of flooding
August 27, 2011, 05:17 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Yep. So I'm sitting here watching my cats, especial the kitten absolutely lose their minds as if they have been seeing ghosts.It's freaking us out!
So is anyone doing anything exciting this weekend? Looks like I just be sitting at home doing a lot of nothing.Might be a good time to catch up on my reading.
By the way... You know the old jokes about why they call the thing you drive on a parkway and the place you park a drive way? Well I can officially say people are parking on the parkway now so at least we got that all worked out in the English language.Although by tomorrow we might be calling the parkway my backyard swimming hole.It is kind of cool watching the towns trying to empty the lakes into the ocean to try to alleviate some of the flooding they are expecting.So I guess the thing about when you don't know what to do just look busy is real too.....
Has anyone seen our mayor? He seems to be among the missing for the last 24 hours?Oh maybe he is on vacation too.Well at least he stayed long enough to sign the evacuation orders unless, they just used a rubber stamp.
August 27, 2011, 05:34 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
i might be going to a wedding or getting stuck at a girls house idk wuts going on
August 27, 2011, 05:54 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
I know this does'nt help, but just a couple reasons for all these disasters. Kiss, is knowledgable, and seems to do a lot of research, so she can verify. The planet is shifting on it's axis, as stated in a previous post. Yearly, or more, aiports, are making coordinate adjustments. Thats a fact. And more commonly know, is activity on the sun. Both together, are messing with land and whether shifts. I see it in Tucson. In the last 30 plus years, summer's have cooled, at least slightly. Used to have summer monsoons. That is 1 to 2 weeks of high winds, heavy rains, flooding. Winds have died down, and I pee harder than it rains. Used to have great lightning storms. Those were just vesy dark billowing clouds, no wind or thunder, just a great lightning show, as entertaining as the 4th of July. No more. Honestly, expecting good size earthquakes here, where rarely have any. That goes back to the shifting planet. Am I right or wrong kiss? In the meantime, as kiss said, prepare, batton down the hatches. Be safe all.
August 27, 2011, 12:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
It is a living planet, we have tilted on our axis several times recently.
Tracking updates on TV, but...we all know that it's a ratings battle when all stations are reporting on one event.
August 27, 2011, 12:50 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
True enough Chazzy. Tv ratings are what they are, it's about profit, true, but, and respectfully, reallity is, what it is. It's quite a time that live in: and my heart goe's out to all that are getting the brunt of it. Theres nothing we can do about except be aware, and prepare. (Can you believe theres actually a serious side to the ole perve? Who'd have thunk?)
August 27, 2011, 13:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
There's allot of us who were here when Katrina made landfall. It was an very eerie time. We watched days ahead of the impact and worried, allot of us fell asleep with the TV on, every time we stirred, we would wake up to see what was happening.
We had so many members here from the south, most did log in or appear here after the disaster, but I still think of the one we never heard from again.
All of you in the path of Irene, we are all here again and all we can do is watch and hope.
August 27, 2011, 15:02 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
August 27, 2011, 20:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Hurricanes follow the heat. So, whereever the water is warmest----------
August 28, 2011, 00:28 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
i ended up being at home lol
August 28, 2011, 01:05 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
was reading about the north pole moving over the years. the earth is or has slip ed on its crust and moved, the end of the ice-age or the start of anew one?what wiped out the dinosaurs the same thing? only the good Lord knows
August 28, 2011, 01:23 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
OK We are now under a flood warning, Hurricane warning and tornado warning. My son said they had a tornado touch down down the road from me a few minutes ago and the emergency broadcast system is blaring all over the TV and radio. I was hoping to sleep for a while but not sure that will happen now.
Someone just sent a current pic of the water at Sea Side (Where the Jersey Shore Show tapes) And the water is up to the boardwalk as if there is no beach at all! They are saying this is nothing compared to what is coming so its going to be a hell of a night.
August 28, 2011, 02:49 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
It's 12:40 AM reports of several tornado's touching down and power outages all over. So far we have been lucky. They said that most of the areas have declared a state of emergency and said no one is allowed to be on the streets unless you are essential personnel. A lot of flooding.(Chunky they just put a curfew and state of emergency for you guys in Elizabeth as well as per the news.)
So many transformers are blowing up people aren't sure what they are seeing in the sky and keep calling them in to police.We have a lull right now but they said it's coming back in a few minutes. They keep saying this will be historic flooding. One weather guy said it looks like another thunder/rain storm in forming over us as we speak. Can that happen?That can't be right. I would think the power of the hurricane would swallow it up.
All the pictures from people at the beaches are showing no beach just water to the roads or boardwalks. Wildwood has a large beach area or I should say HAD it's not there at the moment. I wonder what will happen when the water recedes.
22,000 lost power in our county(Ocean) alone so far. 39,000 in Monmouth. They doesn't include those who are shut off for safety reasons or not there because they evacuated. The power company said they might have to do massive shut offs if the water gets into places they can't control. They said salt water would create a disaster so they would have no choice.The tides will start to rise between 7 and 8AM that's when things are expected to get really bad.
August 28, 2011, 05:13 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
My gosh! How fortunate we're in Tucson. Listening tn Coast to Coast on the radio, many live east coasterr calling in with updates, sucks bad there. Hope all prepared way ahead of time. Just an aside, when the whether pattern switchs here, I'm prepared the best I can, have others to think about. Really not just the whether, other things too. Example: Been checking food prices? One word: Pantry
August 28, 2011, 12:12 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Hoping so much to hear from Newbs, Chunky, and everyone else in the path of Irene soon...just want to know ya'all are managing alright.
The live feeds, photos, videos, reports are pretty scarey.
August 28, 2011, 13:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Hope you're all safe out there. Seems the NJ governer had the sense to make people evacuate.
They think NYC may even flood.
August 28, 2011, 14:19 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Newbs is fine. Rode out the storm w/o anything major happening.
August 28, 2011, 14:27 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Thanks, we are good here. All around me is flooded and lost power but we didn't even loose power or cable.. Go figure. I have a lot of friends that I believe don't have a house to go back to at the moment unless they use SCUBA gear but at least no one is hurt or worse. Everything is closed and being assessed. They are asking people to stay home so they can make sure the power lines are turned off. Its a mess. I don't know when things will be cleaned up and back to normal. As of now they are saying it will be days until the water recedes. They are also trying to get peoples boats tied up (Those that are still in the water). Some left the water by the owners choice some left my way of Irene's wrath.
Most of the boardwalks look like they are a major if not total lose.The beaches that I have seen pictures of so far are gone...Many of the homes on the water have major or total damage.
If anyone ever questions the power of mother nature they should have their head examined.
They said they just opened the Holland tunnel and lifted the speed restrictions on the Jersey turnpike. I know the Garden state parkway is still closed at least south bound from exit 98 (Wall township area) to 0 (Cape May).Most roads are still closed and airports are still closed.
August 28, 2011, 14:50 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Wow, I'm enjoying sunny and dry conditions here in NV. I've been through some tropical systems, tho. I lived in CT for almost two decades of my life. The only one to hit head on was Bob back in 93 (I think.). Newbie, if I remember right, our cat was going nuts during that one also. Anyway, moved out here, and it almost never rains, but the wind blows and the sand gets in everything. Hope you all back east are finding ways to occupy yourself through all the blowing and wet conditions.
August 28, 2011, 16:29 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 28, 2011, 14:50)Thanks, we are good here. All around me is flooded and lost power but we didn't even loose power or cable.. Go figure. I have a lot of friends that I believe don't have a house to go back to at the moment unless they use SCUBA gear but at least no one is hurt or worse. Everything is closed and being assessed. They are asking people to stay home so they can make sure the power lines are turned off. Its a mess. I don't know when things will be cleaned up and back to normal. As of now they are saying it will be days until the water recedes. They are also trying to get peoples boats tied up (Those that are still in the water). Some left the water by the owners choice some left my way of Irene's wrath.
Most of the boardwalks look like they are a major if not total lose.The beaches that I have seen pictures of so far are gone...Many of the homes on the water have major or total damage.
If anyone ever questions the power of mother nature they should have their head examined.
They said they just opened the Holland tunnel and lifted the speed restrictions on the Jersey turnpike. I know the Garden state parkway is still closed at least south bound from exit 98 (Wall township area) to 0 (Cape May).Most roads are still closed and airports are still closed.
Glad to hear ya'll are ok out there. Good thing I took off a week.---
August 28, 2011, 19:18 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
The winds are still really strong but it is nice other than that. The kitten is acting really strange again but we figure he just needs to feel safe . He seems to be better if he is in my daughters room and in her bed if not in her arms.The Cat is better he just wants to have someone near him he slept with me last night.He just had to be touching me or have my hand on him and then he seemed better. Although every time
there seemed to be some kind of change like wind picking up or tornado warnings they would both wake up and act almost nervous.
Well now the clean up starts. I am looking at the pictures as they are coming in. Its hard to see how bad some of these areas are. I am amazed that we got off so lucky. It is like someone put a bubble over my street. We have a chair that is damaged and branches down but that's it.Someone online said another hurricane is forming just like this one I hope they were just kidding.
August 28, 2011, 22:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Hipe Gentlegiant is and everyone out there is ok.
the flooding is insane!!
August 29, 2011, 01:37 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Amazing that there were very few injuries or deaths throughout the entire path of this storm. Obviously one is too many but it could have been a lot worse.
August 29, 2011, 04:15 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Just to let everyone know, I am fine. The power went out here yesterday afternoon, but it came back on late last night. It seemed to be a bunch of malarkey, this storm, as far as the news-casters in my area go. At last glance, they said one town was hit with major devastation. The town is under water. Turns out, the town is in a giant bowl valley. Of course it's going to fill with water if you live in a valley shaped like a bowl?!...
I went out Sunday in the thick of it. My mother woke me up, because her upside-down-pineapple-cake was missing something, "Whipped Cream". I had to find the nearest 24hr store to by whipping cream and a little old storm was not going to stop me from getting her after-thought supply. "Better me than her", she said. Well I saw nobody out there except for two runners. It got me thinking...When does it click in a person's head, that maybe running in a tropical storm, with 75 mph wind, isn't such a good idea? Could it be when it picked up the big guy, off the ground, and placed him six-feet to the left of where he was running? Maybe it was when the girl with him went flying across a yard as though some invisible man had ran past and pushed her over, hard, trying to get by? I don't know, they seemed a little shook up, but they kept running anyways...
August 30, 2011, 03:34 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
Funny you should say that about the runner GG. I saw two guys running on the boardwalk of all places while the reporter was talking about the sustained winds of at least 75 miles an hour and gusts at about 100. They were in shorts and tanks no less. DUMB ASSES!
I heard a surfer died in Long Beach Island, NJ About 1/2 hour from here. He was surfing during the peak of the storm. The whole island was supposed to be evacuated. I would normally feel bad but obviously he was either a total idiot or had a death wish. Either way no body should have even tried to save him. It's not fair to put emergency workers at risk when someone does something that crazy.
That is only part of the problem. They have now started tracking surfers who go in the water during or close to storms.There were several. You can see the pictures online if you want. DURING the storm!
It has been explained OVER AND OVER! It is dangerous to go into water like lakes, rivers and oceans during or after or even right before a storm when the currents have been stirring big time. It stirs up all kinds of bacteria as well as in many cases storm drains and sewer lines that have been bypassed and run directly into the oceans, lakes, etc... Many surfers and swimmers have gotten things from minor infections and deceases to even dieing from it. Most people think it is just the rip currents they have to worry about and ignore the other warnings. In reality if you know how to deal with rip currents they are the least of your worries. If you don't know how to deal with a rip current then you shouldn't swim in the ocean at all!
People have to take responsibility for their stupidity I hate the fact the emergency workers, lifeguards and alike get hurt or killed everyday because of stupid people like these. The only thing that saved many many injuries and deaths from this hurricane was the fact that in most cases around here more than 90% of the people that were told to evacuate did. It made it much easier to let the police, fire, coast guard etc. do what needed to be done besides rescuing idiots.
By the way I love that you got the whipping cream for your mom. You're such a good boy! Although I was wondering if it was because you didn't want her to go out or because you just wanted some of that cake? Either way it was sweet.Your mom raised you right.It couldn't have been too bad out or the roads and store would have been closed so I wont yell at you for going out in the storm. lol
August 30, 2011, 05:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Mother nature strikes again!
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 30, 2011, 05:00)Funny you should say that about the runner GG. I saw two guys running on the boardwalk of all places while the reporter was talking about the sustained winds of at least 75 miles an hour and gusts at about 100. They were in shorts and tanks no less. DUMB ASSES!
I heard a surfer died in Long Beach Island, NJ About 1/2 hour from here. He was surfing during the peak of the storm. The whole island was supposed to be evacuated. I would normally feel bad but obviously he was either a total idiot or had a death wish. Either way no body should have even tried to save him. It's not fair to put emergency workers at risk when someone does something that crazy.
That is only part of the problem. They have now started tracking surfers who go in the water during or close to storms.There were several. You can see the pictures online if you want. DURING the storm!
It has been explained OVER AND OVER! It is dangerous to go into water like lakes, rivers and oceans during or after or even right before a storm when the currents have been stirring big time. It stirs up all kinds of bacteria as well as in many cases storm drains and sewer lines that have been bypassed and run directly into the oceans, lakes, etc... Many surfers and swimmers have gotten things from minor infections and deceases to even dieing from it. Most people think it is just the rip currents they have to worry about and ignore the other warnings. In reality if you know how to deal with rip currents they are the least of your worries. If you don't know how to deal with a rip current then you shouldn't swim in the ocean at all!
People have to take responsibility for their stupidity I hate the fact the emergency workers, lifeguards and alike get hurt or killed everyday because of stupid people like these. The only thing that saved many many injuries and deaths from this hurricane was the fact that in most cases around here more than 90% of the people that were told to evacuate did. It made it much easier to let the police, fire, coast guard etc. do what needed to be done besides rescuing idiots.
By the way I love that you got the whipping cream for your mom. You're such a good boy! Although I was wondering if it was because you didn't want her to go out or because you just wanted some of that cake? Either way it was sweet.Your mom raised you right.It couldn't have been too bad out or the roads and store would have been closed so I wont yell at you for going out in the storm. lol
I had to laugh after this storm mostly went thru, Even without seeing the pics, you could tell it was in NJ and NYC. The people weren't complaining about no help, but that they were overwarned amd evacuated.
Also, on Leno last night, he said there were 6 million people evacuated from NJ. He said so far, 3 returned.
August 30, 2011, 12:15 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Mother nature strikes again!
The people complaining that they were over evacuated or warned are stupid. They should be grateful it wasn't worse. It was bad.People forget that weather prediction is an educated guess not a perfect science. This was said time and time again prior to the storm. Bloomberg even said he would rather be safe than sorry because there is no way to tell exactly what would happen when the storm hit prior to it happening. It would have been worse if many of the people that were evacuated didn't leave. I had a conversation prior to the storm and I said if this isn't as bad as they say people will complain that the media and government over reacted. If The media and government didn't do what they did and more people died then people would complain the media and government didn't do enough. There is no winning in this type of thing.
The sad part is next time something like this happens people will ignore the warnings and evacuation orders because they will assume the outcome will be the same. The problem is the next time could have a whole different outcome when a major storm or other even comes through.
August 30, 2011, 21:42 |
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Mother nature strikes again!