62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Ever wonder why?
I was thinking about how strange life is sometimes.I know all of us have known people that you know are just really nice and funny and intelligent and attractive, yet still very much alone.I have never believed that you NEED a person in your life to be whole. I don't get the "You complete me" crap at all.I always looked at it as more of a bonus when you have someone in your life. It's nice to be wanted and want someone with you.
But I do wonder why when I meet some people that seem to have all the great qualities most would be looking for but yet they are very much alone and some for long periods of time if not forever. I get that some decide to be that way but others seem to want to be in a relationship but it just doesn't happen.
I am curious.Why do you think so many people fall into this. If you are one of them do you feel you are doing everything right but still not meeting people? Or are you someone who chooses to be alone? I know I chose to be alone for a few years. I had several reasons. I would imagine many have their reasons as well.
August 24, 2011, 21:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ever wonder why?
I'm happy either way, attached or single and you gain and give things up...either way.
It can be diffcult to always have the other person to consider, to "factor in" but sometimes it's great being half of a team, someone always there.
I've given up some things, there's no room/time for it or it's not a shared interest. He has given up some things too.
It takes effort and compromise to share a home and a life with another person. I don't really miss being single but I do miss a few bits of me that fell to the side but there they lay and I'm sure they will be there if and when I choose to pick them up again.
Better to be single than in a bsd marriage, better to be in a marriage than to be crashing through relationship after relationship?
Who can say that making a bad decision now won't lead you to something wonderful later, or trying so hard to overthink and only make good decisions will be a path forking off from where you think you want to go?
We don't know,
August 24, 2011, 22:15 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Ever wonder why?
seems we are alone most of the time , moving farther north didt help the fact from were all our freinds are.even though we have each other ya still need to get out and about . even if its to the store and or walmart . was telling the wife today about shopping in the store we been going to for 20 years and i worked in the town for 12 and we were gone a year and there is no one we know around lol
August 25, 2011, 02:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ever wonder why?
If you're with someone or married, and there's one leftover piece of cheesecake in the fridge, just one piece.
It will sit there until it' dry, old and moldy because neither will eat it, each will save it for the other.
Which is really nice.
If your single, you can have the last piece of cheesecake anytime you want. That's really nice too
Call this whole thing an analogy, or think of cheesecake as a metaphor, whatever...it's kinda like that.
August 25, 2011, 12:06 |
77 / male Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Re: Ever wonder why?
I have learned that sensuality is a gift to share and doesn't have to be exclusive and no Body ever really needs to be alone ....
August 25, 2011, 14:07 |
47 / female East, Texas, US
Re: Ever wonder why?
This is my current theory. So far it only applies to hetro couples. People pick partners that reinforce their idea of what the opposite sex is. If a woman thinks men are cheating horn dogs subcouisly she will search out the ones that are and date/marry them. If men think women are shallow vain creatures then by golly what kind of women are they going to date? By the same token if a person has a healthy view of the opposite sex they will find what they are looking for too. Most people that Ive met that are happy being single have healthy relationships other than a partner. They are not alone they simply live alone. The ones who want relationships and dont have them may be afraid of making the wrong choices or afraid of the pain of loss. Ive been people watching and daytime tv watching a lot lately.
August 25, 2011, 20:14 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Ever wonder why?
hey that's on there 3 times lol , chazy that piece of cake for us would be split down the middle and we share it , the last apple or banana or orange, the last pop,guess that's what we learned sharing
August 25, 2011, 22:20 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ever wonder why?
I took care of the repeat posts!
Yep, ya gotta learn to share more than just cheesecake, for me and hubs, trying to find a netflix movie to stream and watch is a challenge, we are so opposite and have practically nothing in common.
August 25, 2011, 23:30 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: Ever wonder why?
we watched invasion los angles the other night it was good
August 26, 2011, 00:19 |
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