48 / male Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
I'm probably not supposed to put this post here, but I want to know what actual readers of erotic stories think.
Hi I love writing erotic stories. But I usually prefer to tell them with a female as the main character. Being a guy this presents a dilemma. Do I write it in first person as if I am that woman, or do I use her name and write it as if i a male am telling you all about that woman?
I guess what i am asking is, do you think writing a first person female when i am male is a do or a don't? Would it be a turn off or doesn't it matter?
I can write first persons for myself as well, but I don't enjoy it as much.
Would love to know what others think
August 23, 2011, 19:30 |
55 / male Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
That is a good question, something I have never thought of and I too write erotica. I think I will vote for....as long as it is a good well written believable story, would it matter. As first person the reader should be enveloped into the story regardless of what sex the writer is. And I may have to try it out for myself and see if I can pull that off.
Just my humble opinion, hope that helps.
September 7, 2011, 05:55 |
62 / female Evansville, Indiana, US
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
Not knowing who an author of porn stories is...male or female...I think most are first person, unless a lot of plot is involved and other characters. I write fiction/nonfiction/literary fiction...so it is all about POV, point of view, and you can switch from one character to the other. Really good question I hadn't thought about.
October 29, 2011, 17:01 |
55 / male white creek, New York, US
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
I am writing a erotic story as well, the women is the main character, there is also her son and a man in it. I am writing it as if a third person is looking in on her life.
something like sarah has been masturbating all day and her son comes home from school and walks in the room catching her.and so on. I really don't read much but do love writing erotic stories.
November 26, 2011, 14:02 |
45 / couple Las Vegas, Nevada, US
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
When i write a story it is to recap a real event that I experienced. Fiction is fine, but I think real life and events are much more satisfying.
January 10, 2012, 08:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
it does not matter. write it from first person female perspective if that feels natural for you at the time. there is no problem with that.
September 13, 2014, 03:50 |
49 / female falls church, Virginia, US
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
if you write as first person female perspective, ask females for technical support (i would eagerly help)
February 15, 2015, 05:43 |
66 / male Not Alabama, England, UK
Re: Erotic stories. Do's or Do Nots?
Personally I think it is author's decision. I did a 7 chapter story, albeit still incomplete. The first chapter was me as a male and describing the girls issues. But for the remainder I was her. I don't think it is wrong for a man to show his feminine side... and try to think like her and to be in her shoes. In fact I will leave it as such as I think it might add a twist to the reader's thoughts. I will leave it to critics to tell me if I need to change the first chapter or rewrite the remainder.
December 18, 2024, 16:12 |