62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
How to entertain a kitten.
I had to post this just because I found this funny. I have a new kitten. I only had one other. He was really my sons but he lived here for his first 10 months or so. Now I have this little 3 month old kitten who is so adorable its mind blowing. I swear it saves his life!
Anyway, he seems to have this thing for being on top of whatever I am doing. If I am opening the mail he is trying to get to the envelopes. If I am writing he is on the pen. If I am on the computer he is walking or laying on the keyboard. Well he finally noticed that things move on the screen. But the funny thing is that he is fascinated with the cursor. He watches it like he does the laser pen light. He has now been watching it for about an hour. It's better than the laser light. He also seems to like the moving emoticons on web-naughty. I have to admit I almost feel weird about letting a three month old kitten even look at the screen.lol
When things stop moving he starts pawing at the the screen and keyboard to try to get it going again. At least I found a way to get him to sit still for a few minutes.I wish I could get a video of him doing it. It's just really cute.I think I can't say I am a "dog person" anymore. These two cats have definitely made me see that cats can be just as cute and loving.
August 9, 2011, 16:16 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 9, 2011, 16:16) But the funny thing is that he is fascinated with the cursor.
So what youre saying is that the cat likes to chase the mouse?
August 9, 2011, 16:19 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
OK that was pretty funny and I'm pissed I didn't think of it first. I must be off my game today.
August 9, 2011, 16:21 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
Awwwww I wuv kittens!
August 9, 2011, 16:52 |
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Re: Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 9, 2011, 16:21)OK that was pretty funny and I'm pissed I didn't think of it first. I must be off my game today.
I've had more experience at being a smart ass!
August 9, 2011, 17:00 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
Awwww....a "smart" ass should know the difference between a mouse and a cursor
August 9, 2011, 17:06 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
August 9, 2011, 17:08 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
hey ill trade our gray one.. she's about 8 or 9 months old now does all that great stuff and then some.. plays cat and mouse too and your the mouse. stalks ya around the house, up stairs and down to basement ad though all them secret nooks and dark spots.
she roams the house all day since we got her sometimes she meows so mournfully im ready to lock her im the basement ..she might even be in heat afew timmes now how long does that last.....
August 9, 2011, 21:53 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
How often they go into heat, depends on the cat, when they're younger, a year or two old they can go into heat often 5 to 12 times in a year. I have a few on the Spay list, one is extremely loud and very annoying during heat, and another is very quiet, hardly even notice she' in heat.
The loud one, she's about 3 now, so her freqency of being "in season" is slowing down.
August 9, 2011, 22:02 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
shes been ih heat a few times now, the back cat jumps her and just gets lost some were...hes fixed and pepper cant let her get out ...ill end up with kittins
August 9, 2011, 22:15 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
Found a place near me that spays them for 25 bucks, gonna go for that for sure, as soon as possible. All my boys are fixed, just got a few females left to spay.
August 9, 2011, 22:42 |
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Re: Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 9, 2011, 17:06)Awwww....a "smart" ass should know the difference between a mouse and a cursor
----and how do YOU know mice don't curse?
August 9, 2011, 22:50 |
User no longer registered.
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
I have allot of cats, any mouse that wanders into my house, probably does say "Oh shit!!"
August 10, 2011, 00:50 |
61 / female rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
My sons female jumped out of our second floor apt, kittens on the way. I much prefer her pregnant then in heat. Anyone want a kitten?
August 10, 2011, 01:34 |
61 / female rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
btw She loves watching tv and dragging socks all over the apt. My male is more sedate and just loves his mama (me ( bathroom alone never, he opens door and begs for attention.
August 10, 2011, 01:39 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
I have to say both my sons cat now about a 1 1/2 year old and the new kitten about 3 months both are so sweet. Nothing like most cats I have come across. That might be because they are spoiled rotten and always have attention from someone.They both came from the worst beginnings in life I'm amazed they are not nasty as hell. They have earned the right to hate people.
The kitten is going to be fixed next month. We got most of his shots done but had to wait to get some of them. They were expensive and didn't know about the discount place until after the vet visit. Although at least the vet visit was free(but not the tests and vaccines). The kitten still needs to get the HIV and Leukemia test and the neutering as well as his second distemper and then his Rabies vaccine. He also needs the chip implanted and the flea and tick treatment. He already had worms of some type so was treated for that and ear mites so got treated for that as well. He has been through so much. I am so shocked he is so pleasant when he just keeps getting poked and treated so badly.
I think he is so happy to be with people who are nice to him that he can't seem to get enough of us. He wants to be attached to us at the hip.I think he was badly abused.He comes up to us now and just nuzzles our face and licks our noses. Its so cute.He purrs all the time now.
The only major issue we seem to have is these two seeming great cats can't be together. Before I knew he needed to be tested for the HIV and Leukemia and shouldn't be together until he is, we tried to introduce them. The big cat who is without a doubt an alpha just hissed like crazy.It went on for over an hour. The kitten literary bowed to him but the cat just kept hissing. I never saw him act like that before. My son lives with roommates and there is a total of 4 cats in that house and 2 big dogs and although he is definitely in charge he doesn't hiss at them unless they do something bad and then its just for a second.The vet said that when we can introduce them to give it time . They will most likely work it our but it scared the hell out of us. The kitten is so tiny and we were afraid the cat would hurt him. I never even saw the cat be nasty so it was a complete shock to see the behavior from him. I hope they work it out.
August 10, 2011, 03:33 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
I've been through that, I researched online once for some tips and decided to try one.
They said when cats don't get along, to rub tuna oil on their foreheads to encourage them to do the act of acceptance (licking each others forehead) I just ended up with a bunch of stinky cats that still didn't get along.
I usually keep the kitten in a safe place and then give them supervised time with the other cats (with the standard cat tool of a spray bottle of water) They will most likely make friends soon, and be sleeping and playing together.
Several of mine were abused and abandoned resuces, they show no signs of their early trauma now.
August 10, 2011, 12:15 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
We were told about the spray bottle but, then I spoke to two experts that recommended I not do that anymore. Especially with the kitten.They said it does two bad things sometimes. One it just pisses them of and sometimes you get a nasty cat in the end. The other is it develops a fear of water and then good luck if you ever need to bath your cat.
They both suggested just doing more of a time out type thing. For instance If the kitten is getting to wild while playing and bites or scratches, just put him down. It's like taking him away from the situation.Since we started doing this he has not scratched or bitten me once. Which is great because I was starting to look like a cutter I had so many scratches on my arms.He is starting to understand that means I wont play with him if he is doing something I don't like. We also made sure he has toys to keep him busy so he doesn't get bored and into trouble. That has worked like a charm.
He is already getting over some of the behavior that was showing as obvious signs of abuse.They said it would get better as he feels safer. I am glad he is obviously happier. He is definitely on his way to being one of the most spoiled cats on the face of the earth.lol
August 10, 2011, 21:10 |
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Re: How to entertain a kitten.
The spray bottle works for us, the cat do understand that it is a tool of discipline, I don't have to actually spray them anymore, just seeing me pick up the bottle and they stop whatever they are doing, all are very loving, and we do bath them, some reommend loose change in an empty soda can, the noise startles them, but I don't care for that method much.
There may always be a bit of rivalry between some cats, but they do work things out themselves in time
August 10, 2011, 21:35 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
we have a squirt gun, just pic it up they hear it and run.like chazzys says too, a bootle of water all they need is to see it .they also have spay clinics once anda while, the human soc ometimes has low cost spay clinics too
August 11, 2011, 02:45 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
Yep I have heard of both methods the water spray and can of coins.(They are used on puppies as well) I never had too do the spray bottle but the can works well to startle them away from dangerous things when puppies get into things. I think the problem they were concerned about is that these cats came from such bad backgrounds and sometimes those things just have a negative effect. If something is already frightened.. So they gave me an alternative that works sometimes but not on all. It has worked well so far so haven't had to use the spray bottle or can. My daughter did once but I think it was more her frustration than anything else because the kitten was extremely rambunctious at the time.
I know we used a spray bottle for a bird that screeches and it works well to stop him. The problem is I have a sister in law that isn't very fond of the birds and has over used it. Now the birds are afraid of the water bottle as if they are terrified. That bothers me.I always try for the way to not create or make a fear worse if possible. I found that just pulling the shade down on the cage when he screeches stops him or just walking away. He tends to screech because he doesn't like her because she is always nasty to the bird, so if he hears her he goes nuts. Or if my brother and hasn't seen him in a while and wants attention he will screech as well. My brother travels a lot in his job and birds get very attached to people.He loves my brother and has been with him for about 25-30 years so the bird loves when he takes him out and plays with him.
Animals are like people they all have their own personalities and emotions. We have to find what works best for each. I just hope the kitten and Cat I now have learn to get along. Right now I am not so sure the kitten's medication agreed with him because he seems to be having a bit of an upset stomach and sleeping a lot. He is done with it now so we will see how he does over the next day or so.
August 11, 2011, 05:20 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
our black lab when he was a puppy had a habit chewing on lap cords, he flew out from under the coffee table one day abarking light swith as on and so was the lamp,, and he stood there for the longest time barking under the table ...he didnt chew lamp cord anymore after that lol
August 11, 2011, 08:00 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 10, 2011, 12:15)I've been through that, I researched online once for some tips and decided to try one.
They said when cats don't get along, to rub tuna oil on their foreheads to encourage them to do the act of acceptance (licking each others forehead) I just ended up with a bunch of stinky cats that still didn't get along.
I usually keep the kitten in a safe place and then give them supervised time with the other cats (with the standard cat tool of a spray bottle of water) They will most likely make friends soon, and be sleeping and playing together.
Several of mine were abused and abandoned resuces, they show no signs of their early trauma now.
If ya give 'em all a shower at the same time, it'll unite them. Theyll all hate you but they should get along.
August 11, 2011, 22:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
The only good cat is Cat Stevens
August 11, 2011, 23:06 |
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Re: Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (freensleazy @ August 11, 2011, 23:06)The only good cat is Cat Stevens
I thought ya liked cat. All nice , furry and meows when ya pet it right.
August 11, 2011, 23:09 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: How to entertain a kitten.
QUOTE (freensleazy @ August 11, 2011, 23:06)The only good cat is Cat Stevens
You would like these cats Free.First off they are mine so you have to know that already that means they are not normal. I think the Adult cat 1 1/2 year old thinks he is a pit bull. lol He is really my sons cat so he has lived in 2 other places besides here. When he was living with a friend while they renovated his house they had a pit bull. This cat taught the Pit bull who really was in charge. It was funny as hell to see a so call nasty full grown mean pit bull cower when a cat comes in the room. lol They were fine when playing but when the cat wanted he dog to go away he let him know it.
Now my son has a roommate with 3 other cats and 2 Lab's. This cat plays great but he is definitely the ALPHA MALE. I swear someone forgot to tell him he is a cat. The funny thing is he is so freaking passive to me. He just cuddles up to me and nuzzles for hours. The kitten is very similar he is a friendly cuddlier and loves to rub noses. I should note here that I am allergic to cats.I wash my hands and face a lot more since these two have been here.I'm afraid my skin is going to dry out.Besides who needs to breath threw their nose anyway.lol The point is they don't act like most cats I have come across.
One funny thing is that the kitten will hear my kids come in if they were out for a few hours and he waits in the stalking position and wiggles his ass then launches himself at them as they walk threw the door. Then licks their nose when he get in their arms. It's so fucking cute.I really want to try to record it, I've never seen anything like it before.
August 12, 2011, 07:08 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
Wait, we're talking about the pre-adolescent cats right? Not the strip-joint in the next town?...
August 13, 2011, 00:19 |
User no longer registered.
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
I kinda think the only way to enterain those kind of kittens GG...is with dollar bills, otherwise they are suppose to entertain you.
August 13, 2011, 12:44 |
65 / couple crystal falls, Michigan, US
Re: How to entertain a kitten.
we feed cats dollar bills? ,we must not be hanging out in the right placeas as the last close cat house burned down a few years ago
August 13, 2011, 15:43 |
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