44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
bisexuals and gays
okay, this has been bugging me for so long. I am a straight man . That means that I like women and don't have any desire for anything more than a friendship with men. Why is it that I am criticized by homosexual men and bisexuals from both genders when I'm not receptive to homosexual advances?
August 7, 2011, 21:21 |
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Re: bisexuals and gays
I'm not sure. It seems to me there prejudice between different sexual orientations. Between "straight" and bi/gays. Between bi and gay . Between 'straight' and gay /bi.
I really have no idea why this happens. Sexual preference is that-- A preference.
Perhaps another can explain better.
August 8, 2011, 01:12 |
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Re: bisexuals and gays
Think how you would feel if you made advances toward a woman and she didn't accept. Or, how a woman would feel if she made advances toward you and you didn't accept. You would probably feel rejected and a little embarrassed. I think that's probably the way they feel.. they just show it in a different way. And their friends are taking up for them.
Just a thought!
August 8, 2011, 15:21 |
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Re: bisexuals and gays
Everyone is entitled to their preferences, having specific preferences doesn't make someone biased, racists or discrimintory. There are those that might be confused on that point.
Some prefer a specific boobie size, a skin color, a hair color, a body type, a gender, etc...
I don't think that much of our set preferences can be changed, (some can of course) it's just as common and natural as having a favorite color. We start developing our preferences from birth.
I think, that some bi-sexuals and gays have a difficult time understanding that not all have a bi-curiosity, it's normal for a hetero to have bi-curiosity, but it's also very normal for a hetero to have absolutley no sexual or romantic interest in their own gender.
A bi-sexual/ gay may feel that anyone claiming to have no bi-sexual curiosity may be just denying it. Totally unfair judgement, some heteros are purely hetero.
August 8, 2011, 15:31 |
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Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (needafuck82 @ August 8, 2011, 15:21)Think how you would feel if you made advances toward a woman and she didn't accept. Or, how a woman would feel if she made advances toward you and you didn't accept. You would probably feel rejected and a little embarrassed. I think that's probably the way they feel.. they just show it in a different way. And their friends are taking up for them.
Just a thought!
The first part has happend and the second also. I think if a person is so wounded by a decline in thier advances then somethin's wrong.
I do fail to understand the prejudice between gay and bi men. Not sure if this happens with women. Many gay men complain that a bi man isn't a true gay but just experimenting. Well, it's sex, isn't that what it's about? Ialso think that those with that attitude are the ones seeking a long term relationship .
I think most straight men aer afraid of gay men because they think the gay guy wants to fck 'em. Not alwys the case. I think most of you would be surprized at teh number of "straight" men on the gay sites. Most married and looking for sex with another man.
Just what I've seen
August 12, 2011, 18:30 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: bisexuals and gays
I personally have nothing against gay or bi men or women. I have friends that fall into any of the combinations of those. They know I'm straight, though, and that there won't be any problems unless they start pushing their orientation with me. I'm just failing to see why there are gay and bi people on this site and others who get all bent out of shape when I decline their advances and explain that I'm straight.
Sorry about the delay in replying. I had a lot going on with finishing classes recently.
August 14, 2011, 02:35 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (needafuck82 @ August 8, 2011, 15:21)Think how you would feel if you made advances toward a woman and she didn't accept. Or, how a woman would feel if she made advances toward you and you didn't accept. You would probably feel rejected and a little embarrassed. I think that's probably the way they feel.. they just show it in a different way. And their friends are taking up for them.
Just a thought!
I appreciate this. I do feel rejected when women don't accept my advances, but I don't keep pushing. No means no to me. As for women making advances on me and me not accepting, that happens rarely, if at all. But yeah, I guess maybe it's a combination of all these posts. It could possibly be people who are new to it or experimenting and they just want to be accepted. Only thing is if they're experimenting, why would they be making advances to a straight man ? That's a rhetorical question. It's just frustrating to me to be hit on by more men than women.
August 14, 2011, 02:40 |
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Re: bisexuals and gays
I don't know either, dear. I get hit on by women, and once I politely give them a "No thank you, I'm straight" they just move on after replying with a "No problem, I understand"
If I say "no thank you" to a guy though, it just doesn't work as well, it's better not to reply at all, once I reply I get a string of "Why not?" "if you would just give me 10 minutes of chat, I could change you mind" or "how about later then?" and stuff like that. It never ends.
August 14, 2011, 02:43 |
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Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 14, 2011, 02:43)I don't know either, dear. I get hit on by women, and once I politely give them a "No thank you, I'm straight" they just move on after replying with a "No problem, I understand"
If I say "no thank you" to a guy though, it just doesn't work as well, it's better not to reply at all, once I reply I get a string of "Why not?" "if you would just give me 10 minutes of chat, I could change you mind" or "how about later then?" and stuff like that. It never ends.
The phrase "walk softly and carry a big stick" comes to mind about the men.
August 14, 2011, 16:54 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: bisexuals and gays
Chazzy brought up a good point.Although this is a generalization and there are of course exceptions, I agree that most times if a women hits on me and I say I'm not interested they move on.Men seem to be a bit more of the "I'll prove you wrong" mentality. I think many men have an ego that just wants to prove that they are what we want and need even when we say no. I would guess that every women on a web site like this can tell you that some men get VERY persistent to say the least. Of course there are many nice guys too but the bad ones can be real bad.
They start with "Hey, babe want to chat? Your so hot."(Even though they have never seen or spoken to me. lol) As soon as we say no, even very nicely.We have all had guys that either get determined and do the ..."But I will rock your world!" and if that doesn't work they go to the "Fuck you bitch, you fucking fat and ugly and your pussy is dried up!" I am not exaggerating at all this has been said in the chat room on more than one occasion by many guys to several women including my self. Keeping in mind again these guys have never seen us, spoken to us or know anything about us in most cases. If it wasn't so screwed up it would be funny.You just have to laugh it off and realize jerks are everywhere in the world but so are nice people.
August 15, 2011, 05:00 |
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Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 15, 2011, 05:00)Chazzy brought up a good point.Although this is a generalization and there are of course exceptions, I agree that most times if a women hits on me and I say I'm not interested they move on.Men seem to be a bit more of the "I'll prove you wrong" mentality. I think many men have an ego that just wants to prove that they are what we want and need even when we say no. I would guess that every women on a web site like this can tell you that some men get VERY persistent to say the least. Of course there are many nice guys too but the bad ones can be real bad.
They start with "Hey, babe want to chat? Your so hot."(Even though they have never seen or spoken to me. lol) As soon as we say no, even very nicely.We have all had guys that either get determined and do the ..."But I will rock your world!" and if that doesn't work they go to the "Fuck you bitch, you fucking fat and ugly and your pussy is dried up!" I am not exaggerating at all this has been said in the chat room on more than one occasion by many guys to several women including my self. Keeping in mind again these guys have never seen us, spoken to us or know anything about us in most cases. If it wasn't so screwed up it would be funny.You just have to laugh it off and realize jerks are everywhere in the world but so are nice people.
The chase is as important, if not more so to most men. Concerning the rude guys in chat, just think what would happen if they talked that same way in real life.
August 15, 2011, 11:49 |
User no longer registered.
Re: bisexuals and gays
Oh, I can tell you for sure, exactly what happens when they talk that way in real life
August 15, 2011, 11:55 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: bisexuals and gays
There are some that do talk that way in real life. Just not as often. It also usually involves a lot of alcohol and/ or drugs.There are some women that are just as bad but not nearly as many.Peoples ego's are fragile and they hate being turned down so they have to come up with a reason in their head as to why you don't like them.
I always thought the crazy ones were the guys that would ask me to dance. I would sometimes say "No thank you" and get the occasional guy that would say "Why?".One day I just couldn't help myself. I just said "Because, you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny!". The guy was fine to be honest but I was there with friends and was dancing all night and just wanting a break. I just didn't feel like I owed him an explanation, I didn't even know him. I answered him politely when he asked me so I couldn't understand why he would go further.
August 15, 2011, 16:47 |
44 / male Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: bisexuals and gays
From what it sounds like, I suppose I have to learn how to be a jerk. I really don't want to do that, but if it'll give me a way to buy these idiots a clue, I guess maybe it might be worth it.
August 15, 2011, 16:56 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (andy92980 @ August 15, 2011, 16:56)From what it sounds like, I suppose I have to learn how to be a jerk. I really don't want to do that, but if it'll give me a way to buy these idiots a clue, I guess maybe it might be worth it.
NO NO NO! Don't be a jerk . Unfortunately the bad do stand out but the majority are still really nice. Just ignore the smucks.
August 15, 2011, 17:07 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 15, 2011, 16:47)There are some that do talk that way in real life. Just not as often. It also usually involves a lot of alcohol and/ or drugs.There are some women that are just as bad but not nearly as many.Peoples ego's are fragile and they hate being turned down so they have to come up with a reason in their head as to why you don't like them.
I always thought the crazy ones were the guys that would ask me to dance. I would sometimes say "No thank you" and get the occasional guy that would say "Why?".One day I just couldn't help myself. I just said "Because, you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny!". The guy was fine to be honest but I was there with friends and was dancing all night and just wanting a break. I just didn't feel like I owed him an explanation, I didn't even know him. I answered him politely when he asked me so I couldn't understand why he would go further.
Inquiring minds want to know. lol Sounds to me like he gets turned down often. Men tned not ot learn that quickly. The harder ya try, the more rejection ya get. if ya seem like it doesn't matter, ya get more.
August 16, 2011, 03:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: bisexuals and gays
QUOTE (andy92980 @ August 15, 2011, 16:56)From what it sounds like, I suppose I have to learn how to be a jerk. I really don't want to do that, but if it'll give me a way to buy these idiots a clue, I guess maybe it might be worth it.
Newbie's right ya know. Take a hint from what she said about dancing.
August 16, 2011, 03:46 |
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