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Compliments From Strangers
 Web Naughty Forums » General Discussion » Compliments From Strangers


 User no longer registered.
Compliments From Strangers
Last night, I was fortunate enough to receive a compliment that I never saw coming from someone Ive never met and it absolutely blew me away. When my feet finally got back on the ground, it made me think about some things. Everybody wants to bitch when they have a bad experience. Could be at a restaurant, a store, buying a car etc. But do you make sure some one knows that they did a good job? On many, many occasions, after a really great customer service experience, I will ask to see or speak to that person's boss. Naturally, they begin to think that something they did was negative, but the look on their faces when they hear me saying what a great job they did is priceless. And not just from the person I dealt with, but also from their Superior because they know that theyve done a good job in building their team. A kind word is a simple thing, but it sure as hell goes a long way!
 August 6, 2011, 13:22

 59 / couple
 Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I totally agree with you. Even with a co-worker when they do something good, you tell them, "great job". It goes a long way in team building.
 August 6, 2011, 14:08

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I don't feel negative comments ever really help. If someone was shitty to you (me), or you received poor service, I guarantee you that person could care less if you complain about them. In the past I've had managers offer no apology, and even defend the behavior of their nasty employee.

When dealing with assistants at my job, I try to always be encouraging. No one wants you tell them they have been doing something wrong. And, I am not a nasty person who likes to intimidate or threaten.

I just try to explain this is how I do it and it clearly seems to be working as there are no errors. I mean really why not try to help others and make it easier for all. I know Donna seemed to want to take a little offense. The next day I brought her a little gift of various chocolates, a few she had never seen. I also like to my assistant to lunch. For some reason food seems to make everyone very happy.
 August 6, 2011, 14:47

 User no longer registered.
Re: Compliments From Strangers
Hey Free....I compliment you all the time! lol

I believe in honesty where possible, but even negative things or disciplinary matters that I have to action with my staff etc can be done in a professional and respectful manner.

I don't compliment easily as I do believe it has to be honest and real or it means nothing, like saying I love you 20 times a day. However I see no point in being horrible, nasty or rude. I always smile at people and try to make others around me feel good where I can, by just being a decent person
 August 6, 2011, 19:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Compliments From Strangers
  QUOTE (Josie34 @ August 6, 2011, 19:54)
Hey Free....I compliment you all the time! lol

Yes you do, thank you. And may I add, you have excellent taste!
 August 6, 2011, 21:31

 User no longer registered.
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I've done this often. Most people no longer recieve any positive recognition where they work. Most are way under paid.

The fuel desk clerk, the waitress, the cashier, the cleaning person for the showers. The person that picks up the trash and pee bottles that many drivers are too lazy to take to the trash can 10 feet away.

I know how it feels to be in an occupation and never recieve any positive recognition for anything I do. I know there's many in the same position.

It goes for the people above in places other than truck stops too. I decided that a while ago to treat others with the respect they deserve.

The job doesn't matter. All those that the rest of us never give a second thought to are the same ones that make our lives much better.
 August 6, 2011, 21:46

 44 / male
 Winnemucca, Nevada, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
The majority of the world's population has gotten more and more negative in recent years from what I've noticed. I have gotten worse customer service and worse overall service than I did at earlier parts of my life. I'm not sure if it's because of the economy or if service jobs are just lacking people with skills in common decency. To be honest, I do talk to a supervisor if the service is very bad to disgusting (which yes, I've gotten). However, I am also one to talk to a supervisor when I get very good service, and make sure to note that good service isn't common anymore.
 August 7, 2011, 20:18

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I feel it is important to make management aware of good and bad. If someone does something that is bad it can hurt a business. Many times it hurts a business much more than the individual displaying the bad behavior.If management isn't made aware of a situation then they can not improve it.

I also believe management should be made aware of exceptional good behavior or service as well.I won't go to management when a waiter does his or her job as they should, after all that is their job and I expect them to do it. But if I feel they did an exceptional job I will always go to management, and have on many occasions.

I want to make it clear that this is not to be confused with MANORS. I hate when someone doesn't use basic manors and say "please" or "thank you" to a service person. Just because it is their job it doesn't mean you can't say "thank you" when they bring you a drink or your food.

I also feel there is a rash of rude service people lately. I would like them to know. I DON'T OWE YOU A TIP! This polite thing goes both ways.I hate the sense of entitlement that some people have these days.
 August 8, 2011, 13:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Compliments From Strangers
Lovely post, OOMG...I feel for some of these people that work with the public. Most people I think, are good and kind, but some see ....let's say a waitress as someone "below" them, and treat them in that manner and except a big ole ass kissing time while being waited on. But...there are some people that should never work a job that requires face to face time with the public.

 August 9, 2011, 11:27

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Compliments From Strangers
  QUOTE (Chazzy @ August 9, 2011, 11:27)
Lovely post, OOMG...I feel for some of these people that work with the public. Most people I think, are good and kind, but some see ....let's say a waitress as someone "below" them, and treat them in that manner and except a big ole ass kissing time while being waited on. But...there are some people that should never work a job that requires face to face time with the public.

Thanks for that Chazzy. I get tireds ofo seeing people being so unappreciative of what others do for them.

I wonder how many would like it if the police, fire and EMTs wouldn't take care of them because of thier job.
 August 9, 2011, 22:59

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
The funny thing is that the people that are looked down on as "just" a waiter or janitor or bathroom attendant or whatever are doing jobs that the people looking down on them would die if they had to do. Most of the snobs would never do those jobs no matter what you pay them.But if we didn't have people to do them life would really suck!

On the flip side. If you do a job don't have an attitude with me because you hate your job. AND DON'T ASSUME I OWE YOU A TIP OR ANYTHING ELSE.I will tip when I am treated nicely but if you have an attitude why would I tip you? I have seen such a huge change in the service industry. I know when I worked in it years ago, If I had that attitude I wouldn't just lose a tip I would have lost my job. Yes the public sucks some times. If you don't like working with them then don't but if you do work with the public then part of your job is to deal with them.

I really get pissed when I call a companies customer service department to complain about something then they get pissy because they don't like that I'm annoyed. Well guess what. That's your job to take complaints and if I am going to spend my time complaining I am annoyed. As customer service you're who I am supposed to complain too! And I'm not talking about abusing the person either. I love when they say "I don't like your tone." What are they my mother? too fucking bad. I'm pissed and yes I'm going to have a fucking tone. Your lucky I'm not cursing at you in some cases. So suck it up. Years ago you were trained to calm the customer down by empathizing not threatening to hang up "if you don't change your tone".I think the number one thing that will get me over the edge and absolutely lose it is when a customer service person acts like they are doing you a favor and says "Well I will credit you this time, but you really need the package and receipt so I really am doing you a favor." I have said in response to that "Well if I knew you product was inferior and total crap I would have held onto to that, but I assumed you people made a product that was designed to do as it said, silly me.But rest assured you wont have to credit me again because I wont buy any product of yours again and when I send the CEO a letter as to why I want to make sure I get the spelling of your name correct so can you spell it slow and clear for me please.Make sure you don't have a tone in your voice that might offend me when you do it either."
 August 10, 2011, 04:46

 61 / female
 rostraver/belle vernon, Pennsylvania, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
So very true. I always try to compliment on good service. Me being in the service industry I know how it feels.
 August 10, 2011, 05:30

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
We are all in this world together. None better or superior than others. If someone were to put on airs, or mistreat another, not only would it be a tremendous turn off, I might have to push them into oncoming traffic.

I always greet others with a Hello and a smile. It is just automatic. I had a friend who use to test those working in the public, as she did. When we stood in a check out line, she would ALWAYS say "Hello", and ask them "How are you?" I can see her face, as she would then wait to see if she got a response. I do this at any store, and drive thru's. And, I take my time in doing so. So, if they are or have been in a hurry... I slooooooow them down, and make them breath for a moment. It's kinda like a little game. Maybe for some, it is a good thing?
 August 10, 2011, 06:26

 User no longer registered.
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I dont travel as much as I used to, but when I was in an airport and would see military personnel, I would make a point of saying thank you to them. Their training made them simply say "you're welcome". But the look in their eyes was always more like they wanted to thank me back for appreciating them and what they do.
 August 10, 2011, 12:03

 62 / female
 The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
Free I have many friends who's kids are in the military now and I was just speaking to one who is home on leave.

I was shocked at some of the things he has told me. Yes many thank then as you and I do. But he told me there are people who spit on him! I almost fell over. I just couldn't believe it. I don't care what you belief is in the war. I personally am not happy that we are there. But that has NOTHING to do with the way we treat our military personnel. They should be treated with the utmost respect.It made me sick to hear that people do that to him.

These men and women do so much for so little and may not even come home and if they do they may not come home in one piece. They are not making the decisions of our government. They are carrying out orders and doing the best they can with what they are given. How dare these idiots treat our military like that. It should be a serious crime to do that to a soldier.I bet if that soldier was saving the guys life he wouldn't be spiting at him.

What has this would come too? Have we learned nothing since they treated our military like that when they came home from Vietnam? It made me sick. If I ever saw anyone do that, I would go to jail because I would go crazy on them for treating these men and women like that.
 August 10, 2011, 20:54

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Compliments From Strangers
  QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 10, 2011, 20:54)
Free I have many friends who's kids are in the military now and I was just speaking to one who is home on leave.

I was shocked at some of the things he has told me. Yes many thank then as you and I do. But he told me there are people who spit on him! I almost fell over. I just couldn't believe it. I don't care what you belief is in the war. I personally am not happy that we are there. But that has NOTHING to do with the way we treat our military personnel. They should be treated with the utmost respect.It made me sick to hear that people do that to him.

These men and women do so much for so little and may not even come home and if they do they may not come home in one piece. They are not making the decisions of our government. They are carrying out orders and doing the best they can with what they are given. How dare these idiots treat our military like that. It should be a serious crime to do that to a soldier.I bet if that soldier was saving the guys life he wouldn't be spiting at him.

What has this would come too? Have we learned nothing since they treated our military like that when they came home from Vietnam? It made me sick. If I ever saw anyone do that, I would go to jail because I would go crazy on them for treating these men and women like that.

That is fucking disgusting!!!!!!!!
 August 10, 2011, 20:57

 User no longer registered.
Re: Compliments From Strangers
Spitting is assault. Charges can be filed.

I know it's not the first time I've mentioned how proud I am of the respect our military get here, on other sites, they are even afraid to mention they are in the military because of the political based hate mail other members send them.
 August 10, 2011, 21:38

 65 / male
 Northern, Michigan, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I compliment people all the time as I either worked with the band thus somewhat buzzed public, or retail, or both...all my life. I have asked for a customer support person via the phone to patch me through to their boss so I could tell them they deserve more money...somewhat jokingly, several times.. to let them know I appreciated the kindness and one time I actually got patched through to the boss! So, I simply told him the person was doing a great job, very kind and patient, solved my problem...and deserved a raise. Did they get one, who knows...I've been patched through to the managers other times to but got voicemail, still I left my opinion behind. I know what it's like to deal with kind, sweet people...and believe me I've dealt with total bastards, in clubs AND retail...about the last week before Christmas is gets damn ugly out there. So, if someone is really bad and has an attitude I'll complain, but more often than not as long as they are kind and screw up, we are human and make mistakes, I let it go...but more often I will go out of the way to tell someone on management if I can how well I was treated. At the very least I thank the kind person I dealt with more than once.
 August 14, 2011, 19:48

 65 / male
 Northern, Michigan, US
Re: Re: Re: Compliments From Strangers
  QUOTE (freensleazy @ August 10, 2011, 20:57)
  QUOTE (newbie1011 @ August 10, 2011, 20:54)
Free I have many friends who's kids are in the military now and I was just speaking to one who is home on leave.

I was shocked at some of the things he has told me. Yes many thank then as you and I do. But he told me there are people who spit on him! I almost fell over. I just couldn't believe it. I don't care what you belief is in the war. I personally am not happy that we are there. But that has NOTHING to do with the way we treat our military personnel. They should be treated with the utmost respect.It made me sick to hear that people do that to him.

These men and women do so much for so little and may not even come home and if they do they may not come home in one piece. They are not making the decisions of our government. They are carrying out orders and doing the best they can with what they are given. How dare these idiots treat our military like that. It should be a serious crime to do that to a soldier.I bet if that soldier was saving the guys life he wouldn't be spiting at him.

What has this would come too? Have we learned nothing since they treated our military like that when they came home from Vietnam? It made me sick. If I ever saw anyone do that, I would go to jail because I would go crazy on them for treating these men and women like that.

That is fucking disgusting!!!!!!!!

Spitting is a call for a severe ass kickin, no ifs ands or buts, no discussion WHAM!.....My oldest brother served in Vietnam and was treated like shit upon his return, and at times it still happens to this day! He has gone to ceremonies to thank vets and he wore his fatigues, or dress uniform with medals it didn't matter. He wasn't going to be let in. He heard some guy say "Hey, follow me little man"...and saw a guy about 6'5" in fatigues who was NOT going to be denied entry and they both got in. Is that amazingly sad, or what?
 August 14, 2011, 19:55

 User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Compliments From Strangers
  QUOTE (Grandelf @ August 14, 2011, 19:48)

I know what it's like to deal with kind, sweet people...and believe me I've dealt with total bastards...So, if someone is really bad and has an attitude I'll complain, but more often than not as long as they are kind and screw up, we are human and make mistakes, I let it go...

I can so believe that about you. You seem to be a good and rational man.

There are those that have a difficult time expressing their opinion and controlling their emotions and when they confuse sweet and kind with being weak, they're just loud bullies.

Because a person is sweet and kind does not mean they will curl up and cry if you yell and call them names, it does not mean they are a doormat.

Someone who can maintain their kind composer while someone is wailing and cursing at them like a mania, that takes personal strength.

 August 14, 2011, 21:51

 62 / female
 Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Compliments From Strangers
I wasn't really sure whether to start a new post or continue with this one. You can see who won. I just read this and was horrified!!!! It may not seem like a big deal to some, but for me it is a big fucking deal. Not only are these people not being taxed at a high enough bracket, we are "allegedly" depending on their millions to be trickling down to help with the economy!

"The names keep coming up again and again, as the worse celebrity tippers"

1. Tiger Woods, despite a net worth of $500 million, is the worst celebrity tipper in America. Eldrick's excuse: He never carries cash. Woods is said to have made a woman in Las Vegas tip for him when they went out. While playing $10,000-a-hand blackjack, Tiger re-pocketed a $5 tip after realizing he tipped her early in the night.

"If he doesn't carry cash, add it onto his credit card."

2. Madonna left a $18. tip on a $400. bill.

3. Barbra Streisand left a $10 tip for a $457. tab.

4. LeBron James left $10 on an $800. bill.

5. Jeremy Piven left a signed Entourage DVD as a tip.

6. Usher left his autograph.

7. Famous diva Mariah Carey leave no tips!

8. Sean Penn left $0 on a $450 tab in New Orleans.

9. Bill Cosby once left $3.00 on a $350. check.

10. Rachael Ray recommends a less than 20% gratuity on her T.V. show.

And, right before I posted this piece, I thought about when I waitressed and bartended. In many places you share a portion of your tip with the bus boy, bartender, and possibly a server. How the FUCK do you split $3.50 four ways?!?!!!!!

And.. here we go again. The valet??

 August 18, 2011, 04:22

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