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Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we discussed this very topic. Sooo I thought I would ask all the awesome ladies on this site! How do u like ur cock?
1.short and fat
2. Long and skinny
3. Long and fat 
4. Average and a GREAT tongue 
5. Doesn't matter as long as he can eat and fuck very well!
I can't wait to hear all the responses on this one! Guys u can chime in also!!! U guys can guess which one we like best and give ur input!
July 9, 2011, 16:07 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
I always say the same thing about cock size...it's like buying new shoes, I don't want the biggest pair in the store, I want them to fit well and have an appealing style.
Women's vaginas are in a wide range of size variety too, I have a "short" vagina, so nothing too long, it's not a good fit.
July 9, 2011, 16:17 |
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Re: Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 9, 2011, 16:17)I always say the same thing about cock size...it's like buying new shoes, I don't want the biggest pair in the store, I want them to fit well and have an appealing style.
Women's vaginas are in a wide range of size variety too, I have a "short" vagina, so nothing too long, it's not a good fit.
Haha - I'm kinda attached to the one I have
July 9, 2011, 16:31 |
59 / couple Frozen Tundra, Minnesota, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Well the only one that I have is "miniature". Hope you can handle that size?
July 9, 2011, 17:58 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
All I will say on this one is I saw a man on T.V. last night stating his cock is 9 inches soft and 13 1/2 inches erect.
July 9, 2011, 18:38 |
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Re: Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 9, 2011, 18:38)All I will say on this one is I saw a man on T.V. last night stating his cock is 9 inches soft and 13 1/2 inches erect.
Holy crap! Did it come with a leash?
July 9, 2011, 18:41 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
I wanna know what channel she was watching?
July 9, 2011, 18:50 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Believe it or not, I think it was Conan. I saw a preview of him asking a guest something like that
July 9, 2011, 18:53 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
As I have said over and over size doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Most of us can and do get off with the tip of a finger. If you talking about what feels most comfortable assuming the man knows what he is doing and all else is good, then I think there still is not one size that is perfect.
I have been with men that were huge and I have to say besides the fact that they thought that is all they had to bring to the table(Or bed)Huge is just not comfortable.
Most women ,speaking strictly average can accommodate up to about 6-7 inches in length and 3 inches in width.The average man is about that size. (Amazing how mother nature worked that out, isn't it?)I have found that some men I have been with just fit better than others. Keeping in mind that inside our vagina we are flexible and expandable to some extent.Also remember that the majority of our nerve ending are within one inch of the vaginal opening.
I know for me its more about where and how the cock is rubbing.So I would say it has to do with shape, position and motion more than size.I also never know until I am actually having sex whether the guys cock will be the one that feels that good. Again there are just to many variables to just look at it and say "yes that's the right shape and/or size".I have known some women that say they love guys with a cock that curls up for example but I would think it depends on the position in which you're having sex.
To all the men out there who worry about the size of their cocks, I swear that you guys worry much more than we do.Remember what I said about the tip of a finger. Another fact is that more than (I believe the percentage is)60% of women DO NOT orgasm from intercourse. So be creative. You have ten fingers, a tongue, there are toys, she has ten fingers.Don't worry. Sex is supposed to be fun so have fun, don't be afraid to laugh (Just don't laugh at the wrong time),and relax. Sex is not rock science. Most of all communicate with your partner. Many women expect you guys to be mind readers. If you both communicate and relax you will enjoy it a lot more.
July 9, 2011, 21:46 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
I love the responses! Thx everyone! I was hoping u would comment Newbie ( i knew u would have info and stats I think ur great!) I second everything U said my answer is Average w/ a great tongue (& very creative) I agree totally with u on the men with the large cock "ego" there r a few exceptions. But as Newbie said ...... U worry about it more than we do! That's why I made this post! To tell the guys it's not so much about what's in ur pants ( alhough u need to know what to do with it) but it's about passion, desire and pleasuring and exploring with the person ur with. And most of all as Newbie stated communication! relax and enjoy gentlemen but also get creative and ladies..... As the saying goes..." It's not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean" there r some "average" sized guys that can rock ur world!!! I'd love to hear more opinions and feedback!
July 9, 2011, 22:17 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Thank you cupcake. I enjoy your posts as well.
Sex is really not as complicated as people like to make it out to be. It really is about the passion. The biggest turn on for me is knowing that I can make my partner feel great and as I have said in previous posts I see the look in his eyes when he makes me cum. It becomes like a perpetual motion thing. We also laugh a lot.
July 9, 2011, 22:28 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Yeah it's a turn on for me too! I love knowing that I am driving him crazy... It just makes me want to be even naughtier! Hahaha.
U and Kam need to write a sex book or something! A how to for those that need some help being creative and naughty.... Hehehe
U know what that means y'all will have to do some more .... Uuuhhhmmmm research and exploration... For book purposes of course 
Wish u were VIP would live to chat with u woman to woman( friends)
July 9, 2011, 23:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Going to be at Kam's for a couple of weeks we can chat then.Hmmm the three of us chatting that can get interesting.
July 9, 2011, 23:14 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ July 9, 2011, 23:14)Going to be at Kam's for a couple of weeks we can chat then.Hmmm the three of us chatting that can get interesting.
Um, excuse me, I need to go clean up now.
July 9, 2011, 23:31 |
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Re: Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
QUOTE (Cupcake69 @ July 9, 2011, 23:01)
...need to write a sex book or something! ....
You need to write a book, skip the diagrams and technical talk and just do your dirty and flirty erotica!
July 10, 2011, 00:28 |
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Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Hey, hey, hey Chazzy!!! I hear ya! Something tells me u could write a couple of volumes on Erotica!
July 10, 2011, 00:30 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
I have to say I am really really lucky. Kam is very creative but also very open mined and patient.There is nothing we can't talk about. I really feel those are the most important parts of having a great relationship.
July 10, 2011, 01:03 |
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Re: Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
QUOTE (Cupcake69 @ July 10, 2011, 00:30)Hey, hey, hey Chazzy!!! I hear ya! Something tells me u could write a couple of volumes on Erotica! 
I've done a little, I use to talk far more explicity here in the forums, those old posts are still on the back pages.
Anymore, I'm primarily here to do everything I can to make sure everyone else is getting all they can out of the site.
I truly enjoy seeing everyone else having the best time they can.
July 10, 2011, 01:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
We want u to enjoy too Chazzy! Remember "all work and no "play" makes Chazzy a .........." we all love u
July 10, 2011, 02:38 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
We want u to enjoy too Chazzy! Remember "all work and no "play" makes Chazzy a .........." we all love u .
July 10, 2011, 02:39 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Ok ladies.... Short and fat or long and skInny which do u prefer??
Short and Fat like me... lol jk.... but I got a little bit of a belly but, not fat. Penis size don't matter that much
July 10, 2011, 07:13 |