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Common "Stupid Spasms"
Usually referred to as "Brain Farts"....a term I don't like much, I refer to these human moments as "Stupid Spasms"
So how about, you're in the kitchen, you're preparing something from a package and you end up at least once, retrieving the package from the trash to finish reading or to re-read the instructions printed on it? Ever done that one?
Or, you look at a clock or watch, then have to look again because you weren't really paying attention to make the mental note of the time when you first looked?
What else?
July 7, 2011, 12:16 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Talk about feeling stupid, I was introducing a song the other night that was the theme song for the 2008..........and my mind went totally blank. After stammering for a few seconds, and for lack of nothing else to say, I blurted out "Baseball Super Bowl". Somebody in the crowd yelled out "Ya mean World Series!" I just started laughing and said "Thats it!" and the whole crowd burst out laughing. I mean who the hell forgets "The World Series"? Definitely a brain fart but it made for a good laugh!
July 7, 2011, 13:46 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
BTW Chazzy, Ive done both of the things you mentioned!
July 7, 2011, 13:47 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
I once zoned out on an early morning run at the store. I got in and punched the clock, grabbed the keys, drove the delivery vehicle around to the dock, and proceeded to do the same thing all over again, only this time the car was gone. I stood there for a few minute in shock and horror thinking someone stole the car!... Never again will I ever show up for work without a cup of coffee in my mitts...
July 7, 2011, 14:36 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
The time I threw my car keys into the refrigerator
July 7, 2011, 14:38 |
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Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (Iwant2kssuallovr @ July 7, 2011, 14:38)
The time I threw my car keys into the refrigerator
July 7, 2011, 20:46 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
One of my fvorites is knowing I have to do something. Getting out of the chair, heading for another room. Then half way there I wonder why I got out of the chair.
July 7, 2011, 20:48 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
I have these moments a lot! I hate them I get frustrated. I think I have to much on my mind so I just lose things on occasion. I have learned to write things down or I forget them. I went to Walgreens yesterday. I went for one thing for me. I asked everyone in the house if they needed anything while I was going to be out. They each yelled out something they wanted me to pick up. As I got to the store I picked up all the items they had asked for then just stood there like an idiot because I knew I went there for something for me but couldn't think of what it was. I was so pissed. I started walking up and down the isles hoping something would spark my memory. Finally I remembered about 5 to 10 minutes later.
July 7, 2011, 23:31 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Ha!!! Turns out this is our topic in Week 8, Cognitive Psychology discussion.
Have you ever wondered how you can make such a simple error as to put your glasses in the refrigerator and the milk in the cupboard? These are examples of common memory problems that occur as some form of memory distortion. You might be surprised to learn how easily our memories change and how erroneous many of them are.
In this unit, we will discuss how memories can be distorted at the point of sensing, encoding, storage, and/or recall. There are different types of distortions that occur as a result of missing information, misplaced information, or distorted information. Learning to recognize these types of distortions and how they affect our lives will help you to understand and assist your future clients.
July 8, 2011, 00:44 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Atkinson-Shiffrin ?
I have thrown on the kitchen faucet full force while a dish or ladle perfectly positioned, diverts the fountain of water right in my face.
Also, put a pot of something on stove but turn on the wrong burner, and don't even get me going on those damn decorative burner covers....gawd those things stink and stink real bad when burnt.
July 8, 2011, 00:51 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Ok, whats a wood burner? Remember, Im in NY and roughing it to me is a motel 6!
July 8, 2011, 01:30 |
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Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 8, 2011, 00:51) Atkinson-Shiffrin ?
I have thrown on the kitchen faucet full force while a dish or ladle perfectly positioned, diverts the fountain of water right in my face.
Also, put a pot of something on stove but turn on the wrong burner, and don't even get me going on those damn decorative burner covers....gawd those things stink and stink real bad when burnt.
Least they weren't pot holders.
July 8, 2011, 03:25 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
If you really want to get frustrated just imagine this. I used to hear people say "I know I was there but I can't remember a damn thing or I remember a few things but not sure of the order in which they happened or even if they really did happen" I would swear people were full of shit when they would say those things to police. I swore they must be hiding something.
I was in a serious car accident years ago. I was hurt but not my head. Other than the air bag as far as we know I didn't hit my head. My head had no physical damage.But here is the part that gets strange. I don't remember the accident and many things after the accident.I remember or think I remember some things from the hospital.I say I think because I'm not sure if they are my memories or things that people told me. I find it incredibly frustrating to know I was involved in something and was a participant in things and can't remember them. For example there are all kinds of tests, x-rays etc.. done on me and I can't remember any of them.I could give many examples but I will leave it at that.
I have seen all kinds of doctors about it, They said they work with the physical damage but the amnesia is a safety switch in peoples brains. Its when someone has a horrible trauma sometimes the brain just decides its to much to deal with. Some people get the memory back in time or in pieces and some never get that memory back at all.They said time will decide what happens in my case. I have begged a friend of mine who does hypnoses to try to hypnotize me to get those memories back and he said its to dangerous and wont do it. I was diagnosed with PTSD and told to just let my mind decide whats best for me. I still get frustrated.
July 8, 2011, 03:48 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Don't worry about it Newbs. C'mere and I'll rub something to make you fell better.
Now if I can remember what something is....
July 8, 2011, 10:46 |
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Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
I think you were given good advice, Newbs...another PTSD symptom is not being able to control the memory of the event. For some, for many, maybe even most, every time they close their eyes, the images of the tragic event plays back like a recording or video, over and over, every time they just try to close their eyes.
The images and memories are played back so clearly, in every detail and nothing can be done, only time will curb the frequency of the playback, but the images are forever and clearly burned into the memory and brain. Most PTSD sufferers will always be able to retrieve that "playback" but with time they can learn to gain some control although it's common among them, that something, a sight, sound, smell...can involuntarily trigger the replay.
July 8, 2011, 12:54 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ July 8, 2011, 03:48)If you really want to get frustrated just imagine this. I used to hear people say "I know I was there but I can't remember a damn thing or I remember a few things but not sure of the order in which they happened or even if they really did happen" I would swear people were full of shit when they would say those things to police. I swore they must be hiding something.
I was in a serious car accident years ago. I was hurt but not my head. Other than the air bag as far as we know I didn't hit my head. My head had no physical damage.But here is the part that gets strange. I don't remember the accident and many things after the accident.I remember or think I remember some things from the hospital.I say I think because I'm not sure if they are my memories or things that people told me. I find it incredibly frustrating to know I was involved in something and was a participant in things and can't remember them. For example there are all kinds of tests, x-rays etc.. done on me and I can't remember any of them.I could give many examples but I will leave it at that.
I have seen all kinds of doctors about it, They said they work with the physical damage but the amnesia is a safety switch in peoples brains. Its when someone has a horrible trauma sometimes the brain just decides its to much to deal with. Some people get the memory back in time or in pieces and some never get that memory back at all.They said time will decide what happens in my case. I have begged a friend of mine who does hypnoses to try to hypnotize me to get those memories back and he said its to dangerous and wont do it. I was diagnosed with PTSD and told to just let my mind decide whats best for me. I still get frustrated.
I learned from my serious crash many years ago. Also from others from people I know. What happens is you kind of blackout just before the crash. It does this to protect your mind and probably other body parts.
Obviously, your crash was much more serious than mine. That's more than likely why you've had the reaction you did.
July 8, 2011, 12:58 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 8, 2011, 12:54)I think you were given good advice, Newbs...another PTSD symptom is not being able to control the memory of the event. For some, for many, maybe even most, every time they close their eyes, the images of the tragic event plays back like a recording or video, over and over, every time they just try to close their eyes.
The images and memories are played back so clearly, in every detail and nothing can be done, only time will curb the frequency of the playback, but the images are forever and clearly burned into the memory and brain. Most PTSD sufferers will always be able to retrieve that "playback" but they become able to exercise some control.
I was told it takes about 500 times of repeating or reliving the same story before the memory begins to subside.
July 8, 2011, 12:59 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers, by award-winner Daniel Schacter, PhD, explains the ways that memory tricks us.
The first three are "sins of omission" that involve forgetting, and the second four are "sins of commission" that involve distorted or unwanted recollections. The last sin is one of intrusive recollection that are hard to forget.
Transcience- The decreasing accessibility of memory over time. While a degree of this is normal with aging, decay of or damage to the hippocampus and temporal lobe can cause extreme forms of it.
Absent Mindedness- Lapses of attention and forgetting to do things. This sin operates both when a memory is formed (encoding stage) and when memory is accessed (retrieval stage). Exp. forgetting where you put your keys.
Blocking- Temporary inaccessiblity of stored information, such as a tip of the tongue syndrome.
Suggestibility - In memory is to incorporate information provided by others, into one's own recollections.
Misattribution- attribution of memoriees to incorrect sources or believing that you have seen or hear something your haven't. Shacter identifies 3 kinds.
Cryptomnesia- an absence of any subject experience of remembering. This is a thought or idea they retrieve without awareness of doing so, from a specific prior experiece (unconscioius plagiarism).
False Recall and False Recognition- Falsely recalling or recogniing items of event that never happened.
Egocentric Bias- Individuals recall the past in a self-enhancing manner; fisherman remembers the fish he caught is this big, no it was this big (bigger).
Beneffectance- believeing in past glories, yet past disgraces were someone else's fault.
Reminiscence Bump- findin we remember more event from our adolescence & early childhood than any other time in our lives.
Hindsight Bias- thinkinig we coud have easily predicted past events.
Rose Tinted Specs- recalling how wonderful things were in the olden days? It wasn't that good, trust me, nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
July 8, 2011, 17:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
After the accident we all would wake up having nightmares. Mine were just weird mostly about my kids dieing. My oldest son mostly..My middle son kept having nightmares about smashing into a wall. We never hit a wall we did at some point hit a tree. My daughter was an infant she would just scream and that lasted about 6 months. She wouldn't want to go to sleep either. Something that was never a problem before the accident.Eventually things settled down with the nightmares. My daughter just had to be held and rocked to sleep for a little while.
The odd thing was for me to see a picture of me in the paper sitting on the side of the road holding my daughter in my arms and not remembering it.I just remember looking at the back of the car and thinking where is the trunk and all the stuff that was in it?
It's a strange feeling all the way around not remembering something like this. I also remember someone asking my what number to call for something and me not being able to remember the number. I think it was for my ex-husband.Someone also asked me if I hit my head because the glass was broken on my side of the windshield and I remember feeling my head and saying I don't think so. I have since learned the airbag broke the windshield. The whole thing is strange.That's about all I remember or at least think I remember. Some of this might be things that were told to me.
Kam...You can rub anything you want. It always makes me feel good.
July 8, 2011, 19:41 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ July 8, 2011, 19:41)After the accident we all would wake up having nightmares. Mine were just weird mostly about my kids dieing. My oldest son mostly..My middle son kept having nightmares about smashing into a wall. We never hit a wall we did at some point hit a tree. My daughter was an infant she would just scream and that lasted about 6 months. She wouldn't want to go to sleep either. Something that was never a problem before the accident.Eventually things settled down with the nightmares. My daughter just had to be held and rocked to sleep for a little while.
The odd thing was for me to see a picture of me in the paper sitting on the side of the road holding my daughter in my arms and not remembering it.I just remember looking at the back of the car and thinking where is the trunk and all the stuff that was in it?
It's a strange feeling all the way around not remembering something like this. I also remember someone asking my what number to call for something and me not being able to remember the number. I think it was for my ex-husband.Someone also asked me if I hit my head because the glass was broken on my side of the windshield and I remember feeling my head and saying I don't think so. I have since learned the airbag broke the windshield. The whole thing is strange.That's about all I remember or at least think I remember. Some of this might be things that were told to me.
Kam...You can rub anything you want. It always makes me feel good.
All of that is normal behavior from my experience. It's the minds way of dealing with it all.
July 8, 2011, 21:59 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Although I'm sure this particular experience may not be common, I recall a time way back when I use to cook and bake quite allot.
I picked the beautiful ripe cherries from my own tree, mixed up the best ever from scatch pie crust dough, and while the pie was reaching a perfection point of golden brown, with the filling bubbling, the aroma was fantastic...then it suddenly hit me...."Awwww fuck! I forgot to pit the cherries! "
July 9, 2011, 19:01 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
At least that pie would be one of the most memorable
July 9, 2011, 19:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 9, 2011, 19:01)Although I'm sure this particular experience may not be common, I recall a time way back when I use to cook and bake quite allot.
I picked the beautiful ripe cherries from my own tree, mixed up the best ever from scatch pie crust dough, and while the pie was reaching a perfection point of golden brown, with the filling bubbling, the aroma was fantastic...then it suddenly hit me...."Awwww fuck! I forgot to pit the cherries! "
That'd be cherry surprise pie
July 9, 2011, 19:40 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Just this morning, plugged the charger into the computer but didn't plug the other end into the outlet.
July 10, 2011, 22:17 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 8, 2011, 12:54)I think you were given good advice, Newbs...another PTSD symptom is not being able to control the memory of the event. For some, for many, maybe even most, every time they close their eyes, the images of the tragic event plays back like a recording or video, over and over, every time they just try to close their eyes.
The images and memories are played back so clearly, in every detail and nothing can be done, only time will curb the frequency of the playback, but the images are forever and clearly burned into the memory and brain. Most PTSD sufferers will always be able to retrieve that "playback" but with time they can learn to gain some control although it's common among them, that something, a sight, sound, smell...can involuntarily trigger the replay.
I'm glad u brought that up, when i replay that plane crash where my friend lost his foot, i can actually smell the burning fuel & oil in my dreams, how weird is that?? I know, I know  sorry, back to our regular scheduled programming
July 10, 2011, 23:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
NRG that's interesting because the one thing that absolutely does stand out in my mind and I can never forget is the smell. When Air bags deploy they have several things inside. One of those things is gun powder (Or was, not sure it is still that way.)I remember thinking we were in some kind of fire because of the smell.It is a disgusting smell and I had to wash our clothes twice to get the smell out completely. I remember washing our noses with saline because we all kept blowing our noses and it was black and we couldn't get rid of the smell. The doctor told me it was from the gun powder and other chemicals. But the worst was the smell. It is very vivid in my mind. YUK! I wonder why smells stay with us yet the other things I can't recall at all?
July 11, 2011, 04:39 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Synesthesia is the experience of crossed sensory messages and it means "joining of the senses."
July 11, 2011, 06:05 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Common "Stupid Spasms"
Kiss, stop using words I have to look up! I'm just kidding.
I understand some of these things are "normal" but they don't seem logical to me. That's the part that frustrates me. Logic says,if you experience something then you should remember all of it. It is also fascinating as well as frustrating. (Although, it would be more fascinating it it were someone else it was happening too.)The mind is an amazing thing. I have gone to seminars on how the mind works and I do know that we are just starting to understand bits of why it does certain things. I am sure years from now science will understand much more. I also think they will come up with ways to help people with PTSD to get past things. I can't even imagine what people that go through a war experience and how difficult it must be for them. My brother in law deals with that.
July 11, 2011, 09:42 |
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Common "Stupid Spasms"