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Smart phones
I think I may get one. I heard they have an app so ya no longer need to look for sex.
Jusr use the app and you're suppose to be satisfied.
June 29, 2011, 02:05 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Smart phones
I love the Gieco commercial..."do people use smartphones to do dumb things?"
Seriously, one thing I do not like hear someone say "Wanna see my new app?"
In my head I'm saying "Oh gawd no, no, no, no I don't wanna see another silly new app" but I always end up saying outloud "Sure"..."Well, oh wow, isn't that just the coolest"
June 29, 2011, 11:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 29, 2011, 11:33)I love the Gieco commercial..."do people use smartphones to do dumb things?"
Seriously, one thing I do not like hear someone say "Wanna see my new app?"
In my head I'm saying "Oh gawd no, no, no, no I don't wanna see another silly new app" but I always end up saying outloud "Sure"..."Well, oh wow, isn't that just the coolest"
People don't realize. Everytime they use one of those "apps", anyone can track them and get any info off that phone. Including all your bank info.---
June 29, 2011, 22:44 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Smart phones
I thought about getting one, but the phone I have sounds as clear as a landline. I have my laptop for everything else, such as email. I can take pics and vids with the phone I have, so why would I change?
June 29, 2011, 23:04 |
35 / male elizabeth, New Jersey, US
Re: Smart phones
i juse use my phone for texting and calls nothing more but i heard theres a server in russia hacking the east coast and smart phones FML. (for my lost) and even the internet it self is infected. (i think i been affected and need to reformat my system....
June 29, 2011, 23:10 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Smart phones
I think I figured out why they call them, "Smart" phones... A buddy of mine got one. It had so many apps. He was always finding new ones and telling me about them. He told me to the point that I no longer cared for his discoveries. One day, we were driving in separate vehicles, when he found an app for finding faster routes and had to tell me about it. Now, I have a pet-peeve about talking on cellphones while driving, but he was so overjoyed about his new app discovery, that he called me to exclaim. I put mine on speaker phone. "Hey, my new app will find us an alternate route back, follow me!!!"
He took off like a bat out of hell. "My new app says to take the next right!" Without even looking up, he turned right and booted it. Trouble was, it was a one way road and he was going the wrong way down it. It wasn't until the oncoming traffic alerted him to that fact by laying on their horns. "Oh shit, this is going to hurt!" I heard booming through my speaker. He jerked left for a second, before he swung right, launching his car into the nearby wooded area...
It probably wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the stump at the edge of the forest. His car hit it on the right side and it flipped to the left, sliding forward like a hot knife through butter, under the thick pine needles that had been there for years...undisturbed. I watched as his car slid into the woods, the brake lights glowing hot enough to blow out the rear tail lights. He had both feet uselessly planted on the brake pedal and his whole body was rigor-mortise, except for his mouth that was screaming out loud. It was so loud, that I could hear him without the aid of my phone on speaker.
I drove around, taking the correct street and coming back around. He was now swearing up a storm, but it seemed faint on my phone. I pulled up to the spot, just short of the cars that had pulled over to offer their assistance. The car was now on its roof and he was out of it, kicking the door and swearing. "Stupid fucking phone, stupid fucking car!" he yelled, before pitching the phone head-long into the woods. When everything had calmed down, and we got the car uprighted and towed out of the woods, I went to take a look for the phone in the direction it was thrown. I found it not far from the scene. He threw it right straight at a tree! The screen was broke and the liquid crystal had bled to the point you couldn't read it anymore. I remember laughing out loud after finding it. "I broke it on a tree, that's just fucking great!" he bitched. "Well, that was SMART...phone!" I laughed some more.
He's since replaced the phone, but he stays a bit more on the quieter side, but every now and then he can't help but go off on a tangent about how good his new phone works. Only now, I make it a point to mention this story to his embarrassment...
June 30, 2011, 03:07 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ June 30, 2011, 03:07)I think I figured out why they call them, "Smart" phones... A buddy of mine got one. It had so many apps. He was always finding new ones and telling me about them. He told me to the point that I no longer cared for his discoveries. One day, we were driving in separate vehicles, when he found an app for finding faster routes and had to tell me about it. Now, I have a pet-peeve about talking on cellphones while driving, but he was so overjoyed about his new app discovery, that he called me to exclaim. I put mine on speaker phone. "Hey, my new app will find us an alternate route back, follow me!!!"
He took off like a bat out of hell. "My new app says to take the next right!" Without even looking up, he turned right and booted it. Trouble was, it was a one way road and he was going the wrong way down it. It wasn't until the oncoming traffic alerted him to that fact by laying on their horns. "Oh shit, this is going to hurt!" I heard booming through my speaker. He. Great story. With out going into, I was going to upgrade into one of those type of devices that have the screens that you use your fingers to scroll around. By the time I even figure it out, it'll be time to uprade. I want to use iti not take 2 years to learn how. Technology, to me, seems to be counter-productive.
June 30, 2011, 12:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Smart phones
I loved reading every word, GG....gawd, you do have a talent for story telling.
June 30, 2011, 17:53 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (GentleGiant388 @ June 30, 2011, 03:07)I think I figured out why they call them, "Smart" phones... A buddy of mine got one. It had so many apps. He was always finding new ones and telling me about them. He told me to the point that I no longer cared for his discoveries. One day, we were driving in separate vehicles, when he found an app for finding faster routes and had to tell me about it. Now, I have a pet-peeve about talking on cellphones while driving, but he was so overjoyed about his new app discovery, that he called me to exclaim. I put mine on speaker phone. "Hey, my new app will find us an alternate route back, follow me!!!"
He took off like a bat out of hell. "My new app says to take the next right!" Without even looking up, he turned right and booted it. Trouble was, it was a one way road and he was going the wrong way down it. It wasn't until the oncoming traffic alerted him to that fact by laying on their horns. "Oh shit, this is going to hurt!" I heard booming through my speaker. He jerked left for a second, before he swung right, launching his car into the nearby wooded area...
It probably wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the stump at the edge of the forest. His car hit it on the right side and it flipped to the left, sliding forward like a hot knife through butter, under the thick pine needles that had been there for years...undisturbed. I watched as his car slid into the woods, the brake lights glowing hot enough to blow out the rear tail lights. He had both feet uselessly planted on the brake pedal and his whole body was rigor-mortise, except for his mouth that was screaming out loud. It was so loud, that I could hear him without the aid of my phone on speaker.
I drove around, taking the correct street and coming back around. He was now swearing up a storm, but it seemed faint on my phone. I pulled up to the spot, just short of the cars that had pulled over to offer their assistance. The car was now on its roof and he was out of it, kicking the door and swearing. "Stupid fucking phone, stupid fucking car!" he yelled, before pitching the phone head-long into the woods. When everything had calmed down, and we got the car uprighted and towed out of the woods, I went to take a look for the phone in the direction it was thrown. I found it not far from the scene. He threw it right straight at a tree! The screen was broke and the liquid crystal had bled to the point you couldn't read it anymore. I remember laughing out loud after finding it. "I broke it on a tree, that's just fucking great!" he bitched. "Well, that was SMART...phone!" I laughed some more.
He's since replaced the phone, but he stays a bit more on the quieter side, but every now and then he can't help but go off on a tangent about how good his new phone works. Only now, I make it a point to mention this story to his embarrassment...
See, people don't realize how dangerous using a phone while driving is. Expecially texting, looking for apps and that. I know one guy who admitted he never texted while driving. Only sent e-mails. [free]
Be careful my friends. States are getting more and more strict about ANY phone usage while driving. States are also going after people with the larger screen GPS's. Why? Because it's gainst federal law to watch a tv while driving. They've adapted that law very well. Especially AZ. 
That is a good story though GG. Good expample of why phones shouldn't be usable while driving.
July 1, 2011, 18:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Smart phones
Great story GG! I love and depend on my Smart Phone way to much. But always love when it fucks up and I want to throw it in the nearest body of water.
I have NO SENSE OF DIRECTION. So among other things I depend on my phone to get me where I have to go. Especially when traveling. So when I am in Michigan there are times I have Kam's car and have to go somewhere on my own. For some reason my GPS on my phone went nuts the last two times I was there. The first time was due to an update gone bad but off course didn't have a fix until the day I went home. This last time it was just annoying as hell.
We were looking at colleges for with my daughter. I told Kam no need for maps , both me and my daughter had our phones and they will navigate us to the exact address of where we have to go. We just type in the name of the place and the phone will talk us right to the door. (By the way a word of caution. If you have a mailing address and not the physical address this will fuck you up!I have been sent to more than one post office.)
So just to make me look stupid I put in the address in my Android and it wants us to go someplace miles from our intended destination. So my daughter tries her iPhone and same problem. It turns out that because two schools named the place we wanted the same thing the phone decided to send us to the one it liked. When it gets listed in a phone book or GPS a certain way it will send you to the one it thinks you want.It will sometimes give you options but they aren't options that normally help me if I don't know a place well. So these phones aren't so smart after all. It didn't want to send me to the closest one no matter how I tried to get it to do so. Kam just keeps laughing at me when I tell him how much I love my phone and how it helps me find places.Every time I tried using it around him it hasn't worked! At this rate lake Michigan might get a Pretty Android deposited in in its water to see if it floats.
July 2, 2011, 00:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Smart phones
I would discourage anyone using the GPS or app in my area, visiting family tried that against my warnings, took them an extra hour and half to get to our house.
GPS may find the shortest route, but not always a 55 - 60 mile an hour route, they ended up on dirt lanes puttering through at 15 - 25 mph, had to make the decision to turn around and find another route or ford the creek, and even manever across a few scarey looking bridges.
July 2, 2011, 18:01 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Smart phones
My GPS and most of the newer ones do give you options to pick main roads, scenic, toll, avoid construction and a many other things but, if you put in the name of a place or an address that is the same as another area you can get totally screwed. Example 210 Main Street Ocean City. The problem is there is an Ocean City NJ or Maryland and probably 15 others so you need to be real specific. Some things here go under many names for the same road but if your not local you wouldn't know Atlantic City Blvd is Also Route 9.But Parts of Route 9 is also the Garden State Parkway and if you go straight on Atlantic City Blvd it becomes Rout 166 then turns back to Route 9. LOL Yeah the GPS would basically have you going in circles if you are not specific here in this area.Don't be surprised if it leads you to the waters edge and you just sit and stare at the Ocean, unless you have one of those cars that turns into a boat. There are a few still around.lol
July 2, 2011, 21:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 2, 2011, 18:01)I would discourage anyone using the GPS or app in my area, visiting family tried that against my warnings, took them an extra hour and half to get to our house.
GPS may find the shortest route, but not always a 55 - 60 mile an hour route, they ended up on dirt lanes puttering through at 15 - 25 mph, had to make the decision to turn around and find another route or ford the creek, and even manever across a few scarey looking bridges. when AmberZed comes to visit, she uses her phones GPS, it's good sometimes, but when you live in a state with Road Construction listed as the fifth season, and the roads are constantly being detoured, sometimes the GPS doesn't always have the current correct route, or the alternate routes given end up taking longer than if you had stuck it out in the one lane traffic jam.
July 3, 2011, 02:26 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Smart phones
Living at the Jersey shore it is all one big traffic jam in the summer no matter what road you take. These roads were not built for the amount of people living here never mind the tourists (otherwise known as Bennies). I really want to test my GPS when out on a boat. I know you can use a GPS on a plane or boat but that's using degrees not road names so I wonder how the phone GPS ones will work on a boat or plane? These are from Google maps so this should be interesting to try.I know a commercial flight would never let me test it but I will check it the next time I'm in a private plane and or boat. Now I'm just curious.Lets just see how smart this phone really is!
Hey maybe NRG can answer that question in regard to the plane?It will be Aug. before I am flying private. I know the plane GPS is different but have you ever used a phone or car style GPS in your plane? What happens does it just come up with a big "WTF?" on the screen?
July 3, 2011, 08:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (lonelyandhorny @ July 3, 2011, 02:26) QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 2, 2011, 18:01)I would discourage anyone using the GPS or app in my area, visiting family tried that against my warnings, took them an extra hour and half to get to our house.
GPS may find the shortest route, but not always a 55 - 60 mile an hour route, they ended up on dirt lanes puttering through at 15 - 25 mph, had to make the decision to turn around and find another route or ford the creek, and even manever across a few scarey looking bridges. when AmberZed comes to visit, she uses her phones GPS, it's good sometimes, but when you live in a state with Road Construction listed as the fifth season, and the roads are constantly being detoured, sometimes the GPS doesn't always have the current correct route, or the alternate routes given end up taking longer than if you had stuck it out in the one lane traffic jam.
I can see that! The visiting relatives had one older secondary highway that would have been the smart route, a rural but well maintained secondary highway and would have taken them 45 minutes to get here. Well, at least they got to see some beautiful scenery on their long, long trip to our house.
July 3, 2011, 14:16 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (Chazzy @ July 2, 2011, 18:01)I would discourage anyone using the GPS or app in my area, visiting family tried that against my warnings, took them an extra hour and half to get to our house.
GPS may find the shortest route, but not always a 55 - 60 mile an hour route, they ended up on dirt lanes puttering through at 15 - 25 mph, had to make the decision to turn around and find another route or ford the creek, and even manever across a few scarey looking bridges.
I've found that. It'd help though if I had a truck GPS instead of a car one. However, they're over $300. 
If you're not in a hurry, it can be nice taking those routes. Usually get to see what ya wouldn't otherwise.
July 3, 2011, 15:30 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Smart phones
Tesco in Korea is now intergrating the iphone application and online shopping service. It is a great idea. Why? Other than being a cool use of technology,the Tesco app does 3 things:
1.Understands the growing role that the phone, and in particular the smart or iphone, is playing in shoppers lives.
2.Recognises that shopping for many can take a long time so this allows it to be broken down so that you can shop as you go, run out of things or as you see stuff that you like.
3.It makes shopping easy and something that can be done in bits rather than resorting to lists and memory.
What they have done is post virtual wallpaper of stocked grocery shelves in Korean subways. Then, using their smartphones, they record the bar code and the groceries selected are delivered to their homes.
July 3, 2011, 19:34 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Re: Smart phones
QUOTE (newbie1011 @ July 2, 2011, 00:13)Great story GG! I love and depend on my Smart Phone way to much. But always love when it fucks up and I want to throw it in the nearest body of water.
We were looking at colleges for with my daughter. I told Kam no need for maps , both me and my daughter had our phones and they will navigate us to the exact address of where we have to go. We just type in the name of the place and the phone will talk us right to the door. (By the way a word of caution. If you have a mailing address and not the physical address this will fuck you up!I have been sent to more than one post office.)
So just to make me look stupid I put in the address in my Android and it wants us to go someplace miles from our intended destination. So my daughter tries her iPhone and same problem. It turns out that because two schools named the place we wanted the same thing the phone decided to send us to the one it liked. When it gets listed in a phone book or GPS a certain way it will send you to the one it thinks you want.It will sometimes give you options but they aren't options that normally help me if I don't know a place well. So these phones aren't so smart after all. It didn't want to send me to the closest one no matter how I tried to get it to do so. Kam just keeps laughing at me when I tell him how much I love my phone and how it helps me find places.Every time I tried using it around him it hasn't worked! At this rate lake Michigan might get a Pretty Android deposited in in its water to see if it floats.
Finding the po box for the college was great! Also when we are already on campus and it tells us to drive to a different university, I tend to think I'm smarter than the programmers and their creations. BTW Chazzy, I totally get doing simple math by hand is much quicker than finding the calculator program and typing in the problem.
July 4, 2011, 22:41 |
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