User no longer registered.
Are they legal where you're at? Do you set'em off yourself for the fourth of July, or watch a public display?
They are legal where I'm at, at any time of the year, have a few of those huge discounts warehouse places about an hour down the road,
My poor storm kitty, the cat that is frightened of thunder and storms, now she's hiding from the nightly firecrackers from the neighborhood.
I can't recall without smiling how much, as a child I loved the sparklers! That was great fun, but my brother preferred the cherry bombs, firecrackers and of course....bottle rockets. I loved how pretty the sparklers were, and brother, being such a boy, loved terrorizing with the loud stuff. Besides the sparklers, dad use to buy those "snakes" they were just black pellet looking things that morphed into a snakey thing when you lit them.
June 28, 2011, 15:40 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Fireworks
I remember our 4th of July's as a kid. We loved to wave the little sparklers. I remember as a teen, they came out with the 3 ft sparkler. We only set off a few bombs, not overdone.
I love seeing professional fireworks. I see them often at the port in Fernandina Beach. The most memorial fireworks I've seen were in Michigan, and on the capital grounds for the 4th of July.
In saying this, all things can be overdone. I have some rather uncaring, insensitive neighbors. Although, they have no money for gas or groceries, they are able to spend $200-$300, on fireworks. Just let me say, 5 hours of fireworks which light up your yard into what looks like a middle Eastern battle field is ridiculous.
My lab took it well enough. My mastiff-boxer would bark every time she heard one go off. Five hours of barking. I think it upset her too. So, each year, I leave my house, with the dogs, and I take them for a walk, or we just drive all around, and can see fireworks exploding from all different areas.
I have a new puppy this year, and I'm not sure what happened to her before I got her, but she is afraid if loud pops. She will be spending the evening hiding behind the couch.
June 28, 2011, 16:26 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Fireworks
Used to like em as a kid, but now i just like the show the city puts on. The one at Niagra Falls is way cool
June 28, 2011, 16:32 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Fireworks
On July 4, Declaration of Independence was signed and fireworks were a part of observances from the very first.
On July 4, 1777, Philadelphia celebrated the first anniversary with an official dinner for the Continental Congress. Ships in Boston, Baltimore, Savannah, Charleston, Norfolk and New York City harbors were decked with red, white, and blue bunting.
In Bristol, Rhode Island, 13 gunshots were fired, once at morning and again as evening fell. At other events, historians recorded toasts, 13-gun salutes, speeches, prayers, music, parades, troop reviews, and, yes, fireworks.
June 28, 2011, 19:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
The tiny park in my tiny town is only blocks away, so I can just look out the window really.
June 29, 2011, 12:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
I used to be "the fireworks guy" back in the 80's. We would spend every 4th of July in a cottage community near the lake. At night, every one would migrate to the beach for all the ooh's and aah's. Anyway, after years of doing this, the one night, I lit one and it misfired and flew backward toward the crowd of about 40 people which included little kids. Thank God no one got hurt, but suffice it to say, I never spent another dime on fireworks again
June 29, 2011, 13:03 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
I bet perv doesn't do fireworks.....cuz HE'S NAKED!!!!!!
June 29, 2011, 13:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
They are legally sold in SD this time of year. I don't buy any.
If I want something that goes bang, I know where i can get quarter sticks of dynamite.---[or larger]
June 29, 2011, 22:49 |
60 / male Bowl of Granola, Massachusetts, US
Re: Fireworks
When I had the boat, the biggest major city was just up the river. I had one of the best seat in the house, because they fired them over the river. The Coast Guard would put us just off to one side, but there wasn't a seat that wasn't in the thick of it. Afterwards, you just sail down in a big conga line home. One year, my dad took my nephew and my niece by car, while I took a couple of friends by boat. I managed to the dock, have it on the trailer, and back in front of the house, before he made back to town...
June 30, 2011, 01:48 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
I like how they do fireworks in St. Louis.
They're shot over the river by the arch. State patrol from IL and MO block most of the lanes on the bridge for I-70. I'm not sure who would want to be that close. I could feel the heat from thosoe fireworks just driving across the bridge.
July 1, 2011, 18:10 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Fireworks
We have fireworks all over down here all summer long at every beach, lake, river and park. It almost takes away from the enjoyment because its too much after a while. It is illegal for us to have them but no need to because like I said they are everywhere. The sad part is the people that have them that don't know who to use them safely. You hear of at least a few people getting hurt or killed every year. Or a house blowing up or fire set because of careless idiots. I have been at some professional shows that have gone bad as well, Its a pretty scary thing when a huge rocket goes into the crowd or something like that.Many times the people doing the show get hurt and the people watching don't realize that the explosion wasn't supported to be part of the show.We always have fire departments at all the shows here. They have also put a lot of safety laws into the mix to prevent some of these things. I hope this year will be a safe one.
July 2, 2011, 00:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Fireworks
there are some legal, and some illegal here in Minnesota. any that have projectiles are illegal, (bottle rockets, etc.) how ever, smoke bombs and sparklers are quite legal...it's funny how they won't allow some, yet others, that are just as dangerous, they even let little kids play with. sparklers burn at close to 1200 degrees, very painful on a child's skin. my sister learned that the hard way, when her 10 yr old son had a nasty little burn mark on his arm. 
as for public displays on the 4th? they have a display at the county fairgrounds, about 2 block from where i work, i usually sit in the parking lot after work and watch, if the 'skeeters aren't too hungry, that is.
July 2, 2011, 04:09 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Fireworks
I heard that Arizona just made it legal to have and use fireworks. Yeah, that's a smart move during one of the worst fire seasons they have ever had, or in general when you live in the desert and you are always like a giant box of tinder. I think the people that voted for that have spent a bit to much time in the sun!
July 2, 2011, 05:11 |
50 / male pleasure beach, New Zealand
Re: Fireworks
In NZ might as well be illegal can only buy the weakest fireworks a bit boring but safe i suppose. Back when youngster had plenty of fun with the massive explosions rockets etc was alot of fun
July 2, 2011, 05:14 |
55 / male white creek, New York, US
Re: Fireworks
they are not legal where I am, we have public displays.
you can still buy the snakes,sparklers,pops but that is about it
July 2, 2011, 09:13 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: Fireworks
QUOTE (OOMG @ July 1, 2011, 18:10)I like how they do fireworks in St. Louis.
They're shot over the river by the arch. State patrol from IL and MO block most of the lanes on the bridge for I-70. I'm not sure who would want to be that close. I could feel the heat from thosoe fireworks just driving across the bridge.
I've never seen the VP* fair and parade or the fireworks by the arch in person.
*VP is Veiled Prophet, the full name is rarely ever used anyone, which is fine by me.
July 2, 2011, 12:56 |