62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
This is ridiculous!
OK, So a 13 year old hates her teacher and posts something nasty on Facebook. In this case she wished Osama Bin Laden would have killed her teacher instead of the 2,000+ people in the World Trade Center attacks.Something that many kids would do, including myself when I was at that age if there was a Facebook. The school gets a phone call about this and suspends her saying it was a threat. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!Everybody says things when they are angry. SHE NEVER THREATENED THE TEACHER. IT WASN'T DONE AT SCHOOL. The schools should at most have contacted the parents.
These days people post everything they are thinking. So should we all get arrested because we think bad things? Since when is that against the law? This is bullshit! I would be in court with that school so fast the wouldn't know what hit them.
Is there a parent that hasn't said to a kid at some point "Knock it off or I'll ring your neck" or something to that effect. Trust me if every parent did what they thought or said in anger there would be no people growing to adulthood.
Maybe we should arrest all people who have a crush on a teacher,co-worker etc. because they have a fantasy about sex with a person. Where does this end. This is so out of control!
I think the school and the parent should be more concerned about why this kid hates this teacher so much. Haven't we all had a teacher we hated for some reason or another. Some for valid reasons.This mother did discus with her daughter all the things she should about why her daughter feels that way, but she is angry at the school for the action they took. I really hope she takes the school to court for overstepping their authority and interfering with her daughters education and the mental stress this has put this girl through. She seems like a normal 13 girl (actually a bit nicer than most 13 year old girls these days) and she was a blubbering mess during the interview. I blame the school in this case.
May 31, 2011, 09:31 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
I do know, that when I was thirteen, or when I was young, my parents would have definitely corrected me and explained how wrong it is to wish any one death or harm. It was part of the upbringing of a child to teach them right, wrong, manners and what is acceptable and appropriate.
We do not develop a full functional brain until we are in our early twenties. We don't have a large part of our frontal lobe that filters our thoughts and allows us to understand consequences. So Parents kinda come in handy while that part of the brain is under development. I'm one of those that strongly believes that Parents should monitor their children's internet activity.
If I ever said as a child as children often do, "I hate whoever and wish they were dead!" there were consequences. I would so be told all about how my actions were wrong and why.
I was taught not to hate, that it's wrong it is to wish any harm to someone, and that some thoughts are just not to be shared, and rage is an ugly emotion that is to be controlled.
I'm sure the child meant no harm, it was just childish behavior, but it's stuff like this, where children learn right from wrong.
May 31, 2011, 12:34 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Ok, first the kid is a kid. A 13 year old. It was not very smart posting what she did. The school I think overreacted as they seem to do.
I have no doubt the parents will sue the school but doubt the teacher will be investigated. That's how it is.
I think the kid and school were both immature in this matter.
Why wasn't the kid telling her parents about this situation?
Oh, I never had a teacher I hated. I've had very good teachers in whatver school I was in.
May 31, 2011, 12:54 |
54 / male London, England, UK
Re: This is ridiculous!
I don't know anything about the individual case so I won't comment on whether this is an over-reaction by the authorities. I'm sure things could have been handled better but that's always the case. Having said that, given the regularity with which students in the USA walk into school and gun down students and teachers you can't really blame them for taking it seriously. Next time you're boarding a plane try joking with the security staff that you have a bomb in your luggage - next sound you hear will be the snap of latex gloves going on!
However, I disagree with the principle you seem to be espousing that it's acceptable to publish whatever you happen to think and that there will be no consequences. I think the problem lies in your statement "These days people post everything they are thinking". Maybe people should think a bit more before they expose their thoughts to billions of people as lots of Twitter users might find out soon...
Bitch to your family and friend or write your private thoughts in a diary (I'm sure there's a Hannah Montana lockable diary made just for these occasions!), but think twice before broadcasting them to the world in general.
Well, that's all for now from this Luddite, I'm off to sharpen my quill pen...
May 31, 2011, 13:04 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Geez, if I dared say outloud that I hated someone, my parents would have set me down and told me all about it, if I did it once, I sure never did it again. They also taught us by example, I cannot recall either of them ever declaring "hate" for someone else.
It's sad that when a child hates, there's a chance of them taking some action. Who would think really, that a child would walk into a school armed and shoot to kill? It has happened, and now....zero tolerance.
Much of violence in schools in hindsight, there were signs. Which to react to, which to ignore?
Parents and children can wrongly be caught up in the "zero tolerance" rules, but better a few mistakes are made to protect the rest.
it's pretty common for schools to have zero tolerance about any threats and weapons.
May 31, 2011, 13:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Thank you 5tar for giving me my google of the day...Luddite. That's some good reading!
May 31, 2011, 14:14 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: This is ridiculous!
my parents wuda slapped knots on my head faster than i cud rub em
May 31, 2011, 22:22 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: This is ridiculous!
OH If I gave the impression that I think people SHOULD post what they think at every moment ABSOLUTELY NOT!Let me clarify that. I think its ridiculous and I can't stand that people post everything they think or do these days.It is something that we did either in private in a diary or with a friend.
I have three kids and have talked about this stuff a lot.
They are very big on computer social networking but not this kind of stuff.We have discussed the consequences of posting things they think are funny or harmless.Example:Pictures of a party or several parties at college where my son and several friends were passed out after a long night. Although at first glance to them they thought it was funny and harmless and no big deal. I turned it around and said "Now that you are looking for a job in a serious field How do you think a potential employer would view those pictures?". That was a wake up call!
My daughter 16 years old was really just so disturbed by a post that someone in school made the other day. Some girl posted that she had missed her period and she swore she isn't presently sexually active ....My daughter just looked at me and said"What is wrong with this girl? Why would she post that? That's what you talk to your family or friends about, not put it on Facebook!" It drives her crazy that some people post these things. My kid will post things about how it sucks to have 3 hours of homework on a holiday weekend or something to that effect.Mostly she posts about something they are doing like having a great time at a concert or something. I always worry because their phones and social networks now post exactly where you are and that can be really dangerous in some cases and save your life in others so its a real catch 22.
Back to the original issue now. My general feeling is that the kid never made a threat to harm the teacher. And her comment although is inappropriate was not done at school and the school should at most spoken to the parents and ask that it be removed and the student be talked to . I also feel that the teacher should be looked at to see why the student feels so strongly. In most cases there are reasons on both sides that should be addressed.I know if the school approached me and said they were concerned about the kids and why she felt this way I would be much more receptive to them and would have immediately had my kid take down the post. Most likely after finding out her reason for feeling that way , I would have set up a meeting with the teacher and the kid with me there to see if it could be worked out.I actually have a situation where my daughter and a teacher are having a major conflict this year. A first because my daughter always gets along great with here teachers and has always been more of a favorite by her teachers. I knew it was unusual so I spoke to her about it first then the school and we took proper steps to come to a reasonable ADULT solution.Personality conflicts happen in life. It's how you handle them that makes the difference in how people view you.The school in the case of that girl in the story did it ALL WRONG.
May 31, 2011, 23:22 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Re: This is ridiculous!
QUOTE (NRG4U @ May 31, 2011, 22:22)my parents wuda slapped knots on my head faster than i cud rub em
You betcha Sweets....if I had publicly said anything like that when I was that age...I would still be grounded to this very day.
You know already, I think you're mother did a great job of raising children
June 1, 2011, 00:28 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: Re: This is ridiculous!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 1, 2011, 00:28) QUOTE (NRG4U @ May 31, 2011, 22:22)my parents wuda slapped knots on my head faster than i cud rub em
You betcha Sweets....if I had publicly said anything like that when I was that age...I would still be grounded to this very day.
You know already, I think you're mother did a great job of raising children
well if not, its not her fault, she tried, she taught me to love music, & get a education, & manners, ok, so that part cuda used more work...lol, dad instilled my duty to my country & my work ethics
June 1, 2011, 00:58 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Well I don't know how many knots got slapped on your head, but your parents did well, you turned out great.
Ah, the 13 year old needs to learn something valuable, there are so, so many adults who lose their jobs because they come home from work, go on facebook and post stupid crap about how they feel about their boss and/or job...like "My boss is a douche I wish he'd get hit by a bus" then the comment comes up on their wall, "Yeah? Okay then, don't come in tomorrow, you're fired"
So far, what has the 13 year old learned? That doing something stupid will get you TV interviews and make you a media star for a day or two, and that no matter what mistakes you make in life, mommy will hire a lawyer, file the papers and sue them for you.
I must remember to thank my parents for grounding me.
June 1, 2011, 01:31 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: This is ridiculous!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 1, 2011, 01:31)Well I don't know how many knots got slapped on your head, but your parents did well, you turned out great.
Ah, the 13 year old needs to learn something valuable, there are so, so many adults who lose their jobs because they come home from work, go on facebook and post stupid crap about how they feel about their boss and/or job...like "My boss is a douche I wish he'd get hit by a bus" then the comment comes up on their wall, "Yeah? Okay then, don't come in tomorrow, you're fired"
So far, what has the 13 year old learned? That doing something stupid will get you TV interviews and make you a media star for a day or two, and that no matter what mistakes you make in life, mommy will hire a lawyer, file the papers and sue them for you.
I must remember to thank my parents for grounding me. your parents did a damn fine job, they made u into a very giving, gem of a lady
June 1, 2011, 01:57 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
They did their best, I'd like to say I was a firecracker, high spirited, a spitfire... but really, I was such a stinker!
June 1, 2011, 02:06 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: This is ridiculous!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 1, 2011, 02:06)They did their best, I'd like to say I was a firecracker, high spirited, a spitfire... but really, I was such a stinker! I have no doubt your parents are very proud of the lady you are
June 1, 2011, 02:09 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Well, surprised is probably more like it
June 1, 2011, 02:11 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: This is ridiculous!
well , Ms. Modest, i'm sure they are proud & they love u, just like everyone else, well.... except for the potheads across the street...lol
June 1, 2011, 02:14 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Ha!Close!! It's methhead tweaks next door! It's been peaceful lately though, majority of the family is currently serving time.
I am pleased that my parents put the effort into teaching me consequences for my actions. I regret my mistakes, but thankful I learned right and wrong from them.
I dunno, 13 year olds...of course they hate their math teachers, and their curfews, and their zits, and the clothes their gramma buys for them for christmas... If my parents even tried to sue over every stupid thing I did during my awkward puberty years...wow.
June 1, 2011, 02:25 |
63 / male Beaver City, Nebraska, US
Re: Re: This is ridiculous!
QUOTE (Chazzy @ June 1, 2011, 02:25)Ha!Close!! It's methhead tweaks next door!  It's been peaceful lately though, majority of the family is currently serving time.
I am pleased that my parents put the effort into teaching me consequences for my actions. I regret my mistakes, but thankful I learned right and wrong from them.
I dunno, 13 year olds...of course they hate their math teachers, and their curfews, and their zits, and the clothes their gramma buys for them for christmas... If my parents even tried to sue over every stupid thing I did during my awkward puberty years...wow. well i admit there are some things i done in my younger years that i'm not that proud of, things i wish i could take back
June 1, 2011, 02:47 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: This is ridiculous!
This thirteen year old should have had consequences appropriate to her actions. This in no way was appropriate in my opinion. My daughter just said that she thinks I am the strictest parent she knows. She reminded me that she was grounded the entire summer one year, because she refused to clean her room. I told her the longer it took the longer she would be grounded. She found out how serious I was. The superintendent of schools once said he never has to worry about my kids doing anything to bad because he knew my punishment would be worse than anything the school could or would dish out.
I have a rule in my house. If you did something good or bad I better hear it from you first!My kids have come to me with some things that were pretty hard for them to tell me at times. They always had consequences but if I heard it from someone else first they would have been much worse! I remember my son racing home to tell me something so he could get home before a teacher called. It really wasn't anything big but in his mind he figured why take chances,lol
The thing that pisses me off is that PARENTS need to be the parents here and talk to this child and find out why she feels so strongly . She also needs have explained that posting things publicly in the least can lead to embarrassing moments but in many cases much worse. THIS CHILD IN NO WAY THREATENED THIS TEACHER.All people say things when they are upset. Should we arrest a parent for saying "I'm going to kill you if you don't knock it off" I can't tell you how many times I have heard that from parents mouths in my life time.
The world is changing. Instead of diaries kids use social networks and blogs. Sometimes people take things to literally.Everyone vents at some time . I know I do it all the time on here.Just because someone chooses to do it publicly doesn't mean they should be treated as a criminal when NO law was broken. She never even stated an intent to hurt this teacher. If anyone says that there hasn't been a time in their life they haven't felt or said something as this girl did when they were angry I would say they were lying.Even nice polite people say and feel bad things.Being rude and saying something that isn't nice is not against the law and the school needs to get over themselves.Being in a position of authority doesn't make them right.If you saw the interview you would know this kid was definitely not enjoying this at all.Many of these authorities have been over stepping their intended power. I could get into government examples but that's a whole different rant.lol Lets just say eminent domain and leave it at that for now.
June 1, 2011, 08:17 |
User no longer registered.
Re: This is ridiculous!
Perhaps the principal was trying to teach this 13 year old a lesson. It seems the parents apparently aren't teaching her consequenses of her actions.
June 1, 2011, 19:56 |
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This is ridiculous!