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Is it you, or the music?
I remember quite clearly, how my father would criticize my older siblings choice of music.
All the music that is considered classic masterpieces now, to my father was strange and new. He would make comments about how it wasn't really singing, they were just screaming. What lyrics could be picked out didn't make any sense or have any meaning compared to his music, and the vocals weren't carrying a tune, how the drums were too much, too loud, and the electric guitar had no melody, just earsplitting banging and scratching. Mind you, it was music from the Beatles, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Steppenwolf, Led Zeppelin, and no, ya didn't even want to get him started on Joe Cocker or Bob Dylan.
When it comes to newer music, honestly, how much of our choices are made by the music, and how much is because, we've turned into our Dad?
Rap was strange and very unpleasant to me 15 years ago, rap has emerged and evolved into different forms and styles. I find it a bit difficult to believe that some just hate all rap. Allot of rap is absolutely beautifully done with creative meaningfull lyrics. Some of it is just awful, full of hate and violence. So is allot of metal music.
Is rap to you what hard rock and metal music was to your parents? Do people who listen exclusively to punk think all other music is just commercial sellouts? I'm kinda thinking back to Josie's insightful post awhile back about "music snobbery".
Can we really be so open, to with effort give music outside our preference a real chance, or is it just inevitable that we eventually, turn into our dad?
May 27, 2011, 12:25 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Its whatever pleases my ears. I never liked Metal. I don't like Rap, Disco, Classical, Opera or Country Western, although I do like Modern Country. That being said, just because I don't care for those styles doesn't mean I don't respect them. And regardless of the genre, I have respect for the people who sit down and write the songs. Music has many different styles, shapes and sizes and the important thing about it is that pleases the person who listens to it, and, even more importantly, wants to hear it again.
May 27, 2011, 13:33 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Ah, nice remarks!
I have similar feelings, there is music that I don't care for much, but I don't refer to it as crap or anything negative, it's just not what I prefer.
May 27, 2011, 15:19 |
62 / female Bendover, Florida, US
Re: Is it you, or the music?
My mother too did not like the music we listen to growing up, and now I understand a little better why. As you stated, some is just noise and not even a matter of not liking the music, screaming, or noise... it is giving me a headache.
As for my mom, she knew music, as in musical notes and melodies. She had a ear for music and began playing the piano at age 3. I can't do this! I don't know an A, from a C, or a D minor. And, her major in college was music, she sang, and played guitar.
May 27, 2011, 16:01 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Is it you, or the music?
In my opinin, Joe Cocker rocks. Not into C&W, but, Alabama, is amazining. And the Strolling Bones, regardless, are entertainment. Bless their little hearts. As an x-band member, I can apprecite, all the ole boy's hard work. Doing what they love. Does'nt get any better than that, huh? Mick, Joe, rock on!
May 27, 2011, 17:51 |
46 / female Dublin, Ireland
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Hi Gals!
I think music is a question of generation but good bands survive. I remember when I was 15 my mother saying that was I was listening was just "boom boom". I see now I'm not enjoying some RNB and dance music songs and I guess that's normal. Bands I liked when I was a teen like Nirvana, red hot chili peppers or wolfmother will be the next classic as hendrix, joplin or led zeppelin, and I like it...
May 27, 2011, 22:41 |
111 / male Tucson, Arizona, US
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Clapton. Nuff said.
May 28, 2011, 01:04 |
61 / male Alexandria, Louisiana, US
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Back on subject. I think its me. There was a time I liked loud music, and nearly any genre. Now when my kid turns up her pc or the car radio I smack her fingers.
May 28, 2011, 01:42 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is it you, or the music?
growing up with 7 older brothers and sisters, i grew up hearing a wide variety of music. between my dad listening to Marty Robbins El Paso, my brothers blaring KISS and Black Sabbath all night, and my sisters creaming in their panties over Donny Osmond and David Cassidy...i've learned to love all kinds of music. not much of an Opera fan, but i'll listen to just about everything else. i used to base whether or not i would listen to a band based on their looks. but now i've learned to appreciate the music for THE MUSIC, and not on the band's appearance. i've learned over the years, that almost EVERY band out there probably has at least one song that i like.
May 28, 2011, 05:30 |
62 / female The Shore, New Jersey, US
Re: Is it you, or the music?
Music can be emotional. Sometimes music sets a mood. Sometimes I am in a mood and therefore listen to certain music to either stay in the mood or get out of the mood.
I like certain genres more than others but will check out all kinds and I usually find something about it I can at least appreciate. It can be the lyrics or melody or complexity or simplicity, whatever.I can say I shut down when someone just screams into the mic at the top of their lungs and I can't even understand what they are saying. I always wonder "Doesn't that hurt their throat?".lol
I think it is both me and the music. As in any art you have to feel something from it and be open to what the artist is trying to say or you might as well stare at a wall in a silent room.Not every song or other peace of art has a message and those that do can mean different things to different people but it can still effect you and make you smile, or cry or feel many other emotions. I know everyone has at least one song that every time they hear it it just brings then back to something in their life, some memory.
May 29, 2011, 05:23 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is it you, or the music?
I grew up in the town where Stevie Ray Vaughn jammed with Clapton and some of jazz greats would come to sit in with locals. I was at a bar in New Orleans with my parents and a young man took a liking to me, my Dad didn't like his music (or the fact he thought I was cute). That was until he found out I was Catholic and broke out in an Ave Maria that chilled our souls...Aaron Neville seranaded me that night and my Dad still didn't like him...generatons have different genres they prefer...
My Dad HATED "Get Down On It" by Kool and the Gang and didn't like Paul McCartney and Wings. I love music and now my children are fans of Justin Bieber...am I sick of hearing, "Your My Favorite Girl," 800 times? YES!
May 30, 2011, 05:24 |
User no longer registered.
Re: Is it you, or the music?
A friend just had to share his favorite Lady Gaga video with me, I really had not heard much of her, except for photos of her costumes and a few short media clips of entertainment news.
I just figured she was an "entertainer" more than musician, someone who, with help of course, was able to craft a personna and market the crap out of it.
Since the fan friend shared the video with me, I have taken the time to listen/watch a few things gaga. I have to say, the songs are pretty good to listen to, her stage performances and videos can be a bit disturbing,/overdone but overall, I kinda like the music.
June 6, 2011, 12:46 |
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Is it you, or the music?